Given, Even - Box of 2021

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GIVEN, EVEN Box of 2021

021 17 Key Artefacts, Render

Given, Even Panel Key 006


031 025 032



057 060



005 006 025 026 031 032 033 060 067 071 075 076 078 079 081 082 087 090 091 112 114 121

Kew House Plan, S. Godsell Kew House Axo Model, S. Godsell Foot(note) Fetishist W/C (after LeQueu) Foot(note) Fetishist W/C (plan) Manual of Instructions The Witness, Model The Witness, Axonometric Convento di San Marco Frescoes, F. Angelico Door, 11. Rue Larrey, M. Duchamp Flowchart of Withdrawing Characters Du Tignet, M. Duchamp Petronomadic Ahab, View Gilded Tortoise, Model (refer 072) Gilded Tortoise, Isometric (refer 072) The Gap Dance Courtyard, View Duchamp’s Rookery, View (refer 088, 097) The Escape Act, Isometric with H. Zhu The Bride’s Hut, Model by Hannah Zhu A Bridge for the Sacred Object, Axonometric (Re)construction Site, Isometric The Green Box (after Godsell), View The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even, R. Hamilton, G. H. Hamilton, (from the Collection of the Author)


126 144 149



081 079 082 091




112 126




God’s Cell Trace Window, View Memorial Gallery Green Box, View ‘Given, Even’, Box Title

langue - language

25% of young German people want to be artists

parole - speech - Ferdinand de Sassure

future of precarity

art as

future of sadness


gap between the written and the seen "the reader"

against finance

anecdote as game

deterritorialised class (as opposed

designating its own fictive nature

to bourgeoisie) self awareness of a narrator? writing is the invisible description of thought painting its visible.

delay in glass semiotization of time?

019 Notebook - Typographic Translation 15

gaps between seeable and sayable?

a philosophy of values based on a philosophy of the subject!

"imprudence" is a method"

GASTON BACHELARD inadmissable humanism "the last of the symbolists" MICHEL Serres

G. BACHELARD imagination as methodological dynamism.

poetic "method"

productivity of language rather than a pre-existing subjective meaning

residual questions "leftover" by scientific knowledge POETRY

"intellectual metaphors" reconciliation of the individual psyche with the universe poetry as an unconscious dimension of language poetry as excess of language



017 Notebook - Typographic Translation 13

LIAM geological/climactic architecture physicalisation of

The wife of the "architect" sean godsell's wife

airlock" air

individual is the sublime. flee the home

monastery distributed monastery

ashphalt bridge romanticism first person characters

Howth Castle

hannah's moved in next door

003 Notebook - Typographic Translation 3

what is major about this project plane

zone of the major

duchamps rook

in arcadia ego Video axis?

7 bachelors

reactionary what am I reacting to

manic anxieatic opera

white to play & win

what's the axis?

28 bachelors

is it the major project?

manic anxieties? omnicidal mania


precarity served 5 ways

what is the architecture of a major project?

011 Notebook - Typographic Translation 8

straight line ROOK = SEAN ROCHE

chess board topography

If art could be based on aesthetic merits it could also be based on cerebral equivocation

"I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste" - M. Duchamp.

actors in search of a play

Tatsuhiko Kuramoto Sedlak Addition, Morphosis Reconstruction of a Late Romantic Villa Gaetano Pesce Stanley Saitowitz, Catherine House

008 Notebook - Typographic Translation 6


cut off in Cols Alites.

Milky Way


draft = draught draughtsmans

nine shots handler of gravity


to be looked at from the other side of

magnifying glass lamp pole in Cols Alite



= realm of bride

gas = bachelors

the glass

connects to the scissors butterfly pump

lamp of given

occultist witnesses chocolate grinder

louis XVI leg

the illuminating gas

155 Notebook - Typographic Translation 16


016 Notebook - Typographic Translation 12

frame of the draught pistons taken from interaction

draught piston duchamp.

figural/ non-figural spaces.

between architectural element (window) "frame" and aleatory object (fabric)

lateness as embodying "contingency" decontextualising of recognisable architectural forms

symbolist poetry

modernism = obsession with the present digital = novelty in form

ohne Leitbild without a formal model, Adorno

014 Notebook - Typographic Translation 11

criticality decoupled from historicism & the zeitgeist

wall house

draught piston

Agamben disjunction?


connection + invention

draught piston (original window)

what is the contemporary,

018 Notebook - Typographic Translation 5

alea iacta est the die is cast

withdrawal into thought

a mode of thought

pro - ject to cast ahead anxious thought



anxious architecture

futurist worlding "not enough"

withdrawal architectural thought

method of thinking

anxious withdrawn,

conceptual friends proliferation of manic omnicidal refrains

"leave me alone"

machine for discourse

010 Notebook - Typographic Translation 7


fiat currency


= this is money

dis(semination) seminary

if I say it is

dis(seminary) enunciation as value - laura szyman - emma li - laura bailey - phillip chang - emily davies

fiat architecture = this is architecturally worthwhile

if I

say it is

- bradley mitchell agreement + discourse as value

013 Notebook - Typographic Translation 10

blueish oilcloth covered walls

chocolate grinder?

grey rubber flooring no seeing 47th st

that exhibition

is not


carnal or



door w/ hung art?

artist as curator art of the choice

002 Notebook - Typographic Translation 2

Collection as as work of architecture

the hidden enigma in Philadelphia

the Green Ray rayon vert

Collection of architectural projects in itself a project

Tacita Dean Kiesler DC



"ideal" space of the gallery

hood space of vision check

ideality disrupted galoshes

004 Notebook - Typographic Translation 4

upside? L. H. O. O. Q window


She has a hot ass She's so horny desire is hers not the viewers

M. Broodthaers? The Box - preservation rexhibiting in design hub gallery

The Dig Site - construction

site for possible worlds

The Form - a new seminary and cultural center

007 Notebook - Typographic Translation 5

Box A

Green Box 94 notes.

the bride she is horny?

Box 1

White Box


Box I


PLEASE TOUCH (priere de toucher)

001 Notebook - Typographic Translation 1






012 Notebook - Typographic Translation 9

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