pencil test pages
vigilance created by tom mcknight and luis inzunza
writen by tom mcknight art by luis inzunza inzunzartist.wix.com/portfolio inzunzartist@gmail.com
Page 1 3 panel page. 1st panel being large on top. 2 underneath being a little larger than 3 next to it. Panel 1 Stock footage overhead of a city. Just going to use LA. Caption Los Angeles, California. Panel 2 Side view of people just walking along the sidewalk like you would see in any city. Centered should be a guy looking at his smart phone. The “AHHH” should be across the bottom of 2 and 3. Caption What seems like an ordinary day is about to become... Caption Sound FX: AHHHHHHHH! Panel 3 The same guy about waist high. Still has his phone up but he is now looking up and toward the reader. Caption a lot more hectic. CELLPHONE MAN Huh? Page 2 2 panels. Panel 1 A car was just thrown into the building where the guy was at. I guess you could show the car being the main focus along the sidewalk and the guy really startled and shaken falling backward a little further back on the right side of the panel. Caption Sound FX: CRASHHHHHHH CELLPHONE MAN Aughhh! Panel 2 The villain waist high looking sinister. I’m assuming we’ll just talk about what he looks like. People running away around him maybe? RASURAH HA HA HA! Run puny humans lest your fragile bodies be broken under the might of Rasurah!
Page 3 4 panel page. 1st 2 up top like normal. 3rd on top of 4 which is taking the rest of the page. Panel 1 The man on the ground whimpering with Rasurah’s shadow over him. RASURAH Pathetic! Nothing but a race of cowards! I shall squash you like the bugs you are! Panel 2 Chest high with his hands over his head. He’s doing like a double axe handle.(just ask ill send a pic) RASURAH RAHHHHHHH! Panel 3 Rasurah’s arms being held by the Vigilance’s right hand. (the metal one) HERO NO! Panel 4 View from behind the man on the ground. He’s looking at Vigilance, whose back is to us still, and Rasurah struggling. Rasurah I’m thinking is a lot bigger than Vigilance. VIGILANCE I only see one coward here...
Page 4 4 panel page. 1st one big up top. 2nd overlapping 1 and 3. 3 pretty big bottom left and 4 skinnier to the right of 3. Panel 1 However you think this should look is on you but Vigilance is kicking Rasurah in the face with her left leg (the metal one). I’m thinking maybe the reader is behind Rasurah making Vigilance’s foot the closest thing. Ra’s head flying back and Vigilance looking stern. Caption CRACK! Panel 2 Someone pointing looking happy. PERSON Hey look! It’s Vigilance! Panel 3 Vigilance standing all heroically. Caption Vigilance Caption With her powerful telepathic abilities and the strength of her synthetic arm and leg, she vowed to protect the people of earth against those who would do them harm. Villains beware! Vigilance is coming for you! VIGILANCE You talk a lot about cowardice but beating up on defenseless innocents doesn’t seem very brave to me. Now if a fight is what you were looking for, then I am more than happy to oblige! Panel 4 Almost a part of panel 3. Rasurah is picking himself up from the ground looking back at Vigilance and looks pissed off. RASURAH I will make you eat those words!
Page 5 4 panel page. 1 and 2 on top. 1 a little smaller and 3 and 4 on the bottom. Panel 1 Rasurah pulling a telephone pole out of the ground. Caption Sound FX: CRSHHHHH RASURAH Rughhh! Panel 2 From a lower perspective you see Ra swinging the pole. He should be a little more to the right swinging toward the left and much further back. Vigilance is punching through the pole with her metal arm shattering it. She should be closer to the reader looking badass. Caption Sound FX: WOOOSH! RASURAH YYARRHHHH!!!! Panel 3 Vigilance looking toward the reader using her telekinesis. She has the pieces of the wood around her floating with her real arm in the air. VIGILANCE You’re going to have to try a lot harder than that! Panel 4 Rasurah being pummeled by the pieces of wood. VIGILANCE Now it’s time... RASURAH Rughh!!!
Page 6 Full spread. Rasurah and Vigilance about to clash. Both with their fist clenched but Ra is more like recovering and taken off guard. Vigilance on the left and sort of above him because she is jumping with his fist clenched ready to punch him. It should look really intense and they’re both staring each other in the face. VIGILANCE to put you DOWN!!!