Ioana Andrei Personal Portfolio

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This portfolio aims to illustrate the three major directions that the artist pursues in her professional activity. The first chapter follows the artist’s journey in the world of clothing design, where she seeks to combine textile techniques with contemporary problems of society, thus creating the LoV3 project. The second chapter is a brainstorming of the artist’s professional past. She initially wanted to become a doctor, being fascinated by the composition of the human body and the way it works on a physical, mental and analytical level. However, he came to direct his knowledge and talent to the artistic side, while maintaining his interest in everything that means the human and humanity. This way you can view the #CelTex project and its results. The last chapter focuses on the surface design area, where there are two large collections: Garden Memory (with 4 sub-collections) and Ethnic Heritaje. The two collections will be highlighted by 3d renderings of some examples of interior spaces, where you can see the models used in different contexts: wallpaper, furniture upholstery and decorative accessories.

LoV3 The projects’ main purpose is to analyse and follow the development and state of different human relationships in the context of love and affection. Therefore, LoV3 is a combination of three articles of clothing, two accessories (a brace and a collar) and a textile piece. The six elements have been constructed with textile techniques that supplement the defining of the hypothesis related to the body-sensuality-object connection. Elements such as enlarged volumes, redefined body proportions, lacing and binding methods by means of ribbons manufactured from different types of materials point to the broad world of body exploration and discovering its pleasures. The project mainly refers to the first stages of this intimate process. Those moments of shyness that span from either uncertainty, or tabu nature of the actions. By means of traditional techniques, the longevity of the interior and exterior conflict is revealed, a conflict that arises by the conditioning set and inscribed by the society, with different takes on the idea of love, affection, gender and the manifestation of sexuality and sensuality. The name of the project is as such that it paints a vivid picture of the diversity of human relations and connections, that even today, are often perceived as awkward or meaningless or disturbing.

LoV3 latch-hook samples

LoV3 dyed cotton samples

LoV3 0.1 - Solitude The work presented has as a starting point the representative chromatic of the artist Andreea Gabriela Tudor and at the same time is inspired by the work “The snail covered its eyes well with wax”. An outfit was made consisting of a top and 2 skirts, all made of black satin and veil, where the main technique used is the manual quilting of the material. Also on the surface of the quilted pieces are sewn small pieces of threads left to flow. These elements were chosen because some of the main themes chosen by the artist to whom the work is addressed are death, loneliness, the different instances of loneliness viewed on the thread of introspection-dreaming-sleep-death. Thus, taking into account the artist’s themes and the outfit presented, we want to express a new perspective on degradation during human loneliness. This outfit was presented at the exhibition of contemporary visual art - “TINERE TALENTE - SUSȚINEREA ARTIȘTILOR ȘI PROFESIONIȘTILOR” organized within the program “Tinere Talente – Susținerea artiștilor și profesioniștilor din sectoarele creative și culturale” (“Young Talents - Supporting artists and professionals in creative and cultural sectors”) by the Royal Foundation Margareta. The outfit was exquisite at Elite Art Gallery, along with one of the dresses from the first LoV3 series, 2 illustrations of the two outfits and two textile samples.

LoV3 2.0 This series of the project comes as a continuation of the concept initially presented, thus crowning the research in the two years of how the textile arts can be integrated into practical products, which facilitate everyday life. LoV3 2.0 is the second edition of the project that continues to focus on the relationship between body-feeling-object. In this edition, the emphasis was on the dramatic part of the end of a relationship, on the feelings that are manifested at the moment of separation and on the way in which one can react. The cold chromatics and materials used help to prove this hypothesis. The white veil was chosen to symbolize the fragility of a relationship, as a sign of mourning for all the feelings experienced and the loss suffered. The hand-quilted cotton, having the appearance of armor, will mean the shield that people form after the loss suffered, being afraid to love again. The natural material was used precisely to illustrate the veracity of the feelings experienced and to prove the normality of the process. In the end, woolen objects can be interpreted as another way to create a shield around hurt feelings, but at the same time they can also suggest the weight of the process of death and rebirth, overcoming another love and finding hope to love again. LoV3 2.0 is a story about suffering and its acceptance as a key element in life and about treating it as a fact to reach true love.

LoV3 latch hook samples

LoV3 dyed cotton samples

LoV3 hand-quilted cotton samples

LoV3 torn cotton and veil samples

#CelTex CelTex is a project aimed to attract the viewer in the organic world universe, where the biological cell component is the main focus. Taking into account the global pandemic events that have locked down the world population for the last two years, both physically and emotionally, this work is an attempt to lift the spirits of the public exposing it to the fascinating and interesting domain of microbiology. In essence, the projects wants to offer a different view to clear some of the thoughts and misconceptions of the viewer regarding this field, attempting to draw closer and enhance the desire to explore this part of science. The chromatic choices, the array of materials being used and the composition of the piece are created so that the viewer becomes transposed into a cellular world, safe and ready for exploration and discovery.

#CelTex at Expo Maraton #CelTex had the honor to be selected to be exhibited at the Expo Marathon festival held by the University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca. Due to the aesthetics and direction of the project, it was chosen to be exhibited during the Museum Night event in Casa Matei Gallery. At the same time, at the end of the event, the project won a personal exhibition from the Transylvania Trust Foundation at Banffy Castle in Bonțida.

Surface Design Garden Memory The aim of this collection was to reproduce four different plants with the help of watercolors, thus capturing as many of their component parts as possible. Four different modules have been created that try to capture the memory of the beauty of these plants through different overlaps and transparencies. The variants have been composed so as to create the state of “garden corner” and the chromatic options offer a variety that helps to integrate in as many spaces as possible.

Ethnic Heritage Ethnic Heritage is a collection that wants to refer to the process of unifying society through traditions. Although each people has different traditions, they still have a common basis that helps to integrate society, whatever it may be. Thus, natural, painted matures were taken as a basis, and by multiplication modules were created that can send to an ethnic, traditional universal style. The chromatic variants accentuate the sustained point of view, so through the diversity of color they can be used in various interior spaces.

Magnolia Dream

Astilbe Moments Astilbe Moments

Tropical Fantasy

Snowberry Mirage

Ethnic Heritage

Ioana Andrei

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