Ioana Vetreneanu Portfolio
Ioana Vetreneanu
+45 81 90 40 93
Godthåbsvej 205, 1, 21 2720, Copenhagen, Denmark
Creative landscape architect with the ability to adapt quickly to international environments and to deliver high quality design projects both on small or large scale.
My design thinking is focused on finding solutions for today’s environmental, societal and climate challenges through an acquired comprehensive understanding of today’s resilient cities. Community consultation, native species and material reuse are essential to my approach for successful projects. My artistic side confronts the fascination for the seen and unseen stories of the landscape and for the emotional immaterial layers that form it.
A professional aware of the urgency of stormwater management, CO2 reduction and empowered communities. I am ambitious, self-taught and ready to be challenged.
Landscape Architect
St. Jørgen Holding Copenhagen, Denmark
Jun 2024 - Present
Landscape Architecture Intern
Frederiksberg Municipality
Copenhagen, Denmark
Apr 2024 - May 2024
Landscape Architecture Intern
Mette Romme Landskab Århus, Denmark
Dec 2023 - Jan 2024
Graduate Landscape Architect
Murray & Associates Landscape Architecture
Dublin, Ireland
May 2022 - Apr 2023
Landscape designer
Gutuiul de Aur
Iasi, Romania
Mar - May 2018
Landscape Architecture Intern
Tuba Dural Landscape Architecture
Manavgat, Turkey
Jul - Aug 2015
Master of Science in Landscape Architecture
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sep 2018 - Jan 2021
Erasmus+ Exchange
Akdeniz University
Antalya, Turkey
Feb - Jun 2015
Bachelors of Landscape Design
University of Life Sciences
Iasi, Romania
Oct 2013 - Jun 2017
Danish course - Prøve i Dansk 3 (written and oral level B2)
Driving license - B Category since Oct 2014
AI X Biomimicry Architecture
Competition & Course
Never Enough Architecture & Antonio Gaudi Foundation
“Summer school at the castle”, ARCHE Association
Proposals for reviving a historical garden
Leader of local scout centerPedagogical degree Rover level
National Organization of Romanian Scouts
Sensorial antithesis
Architecture competition: ARKxSITE Teammate: Marina Lamprinoudaki July - September 2021
Forte da Luz in Peniche, Portugal, represents a series of contrasts in its elements of nature and its history. While the cliff can be open, windy, dynamic, sunny and dry, the water level can be enclosed, still, wet and shaded. Similarly, the historic fort was sometimes characterized by ferocious fights, but most of the time it represented a tense guarding to the horizon.
We wish to invite the user to meditate over eternity through a symbolic path, through heaven - the tower - and hell - the tunnel - or through the recurrence of veiled arches into another dimension. The arches resemble the Greek letter Pi (Π), the infinite number, and they are also a form of wayfinding to the larger context: Peniche, Baleal or Ilheu de Papoa.
The user acknowledges the character of the landscape through a series of experience rooms. Each room brings focus through contrasts to one predominant sense existing in the surroundings (smell, light, taste, sound and touch). In order to be aware of the presence of an element, one may be put in the absence of it to understand its role in the landscape.
The tower’s orientation is designed to not block the view to the ocean. The space under it hosts the temporary exhibition which wishes to encourage local artists, grassroot initiatives or other activities.
The tunnel is an expression of dark, silent, cold experience, similar to historical forts. A hidden balcony opens to the temper of the ocean and offers an important contact with the landscape’s identity. Periodical flooding may occur, for which stepping stones are provided for users to cross back to the beach.
Ruins orientation
Contradictions of senses
Recreating the atmosphere of the fort
Veiled arches
Experience rooms
Enclosed circle and wayfinding
Smell - Anosmia
Local smells in small hanging jars which can be perceived by the user.
Vision - Darkness
Enclosed room that emphasizes strips of sunlight from inequal crevices in the walls.
Taste - Loss of taste
Contrast between alive, eatable local herbs and the past footprint of the dead vegetation.
Sound - Silence
The quiet room draws attention to sounds from the fort’s present or past, like dropping water from the ceiling.
Soft touch - Hard touch
The user touches the soft veils in contrast with the hardness of the ruin material.
Newcastle South Extension
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Company: Murray & Associates Landscape Architecture Phase: Planning
October 2022 - April 2023
Newcastle South Extension Phase 3
Newcastle is situated outside of the city of Dublin and it consists of a historical settlement which underwent significant change through a new extensive development, the Newcastle South Extension.
The project was fragmented into three phases. Phase 1 has been in construction at the time of my employment, while phase 2 and 3 were in planning stage. My responsibility was to design and carry out the planning application for phase 3.
The area of Newcastle has an unique identity because of its historical burgage plots and hedges. There was a requirement to keep this hedge intact as much as possible, so it became the basis of the design.
Also, a large sector of the project area was previously included into phase 1, so an existing path and tree line had to be taken into consideration in the design language.
Existing burgage hedge
Existing trees & path
Proposed paths
Proposed meadow & final design
Ornamental shrub and perennial planting 450mm centers. C/g 1.5lt/2lt. Spiraea arguta, Fatsia japonica, Luzula nivea ‘Lucius’, Mahonia aquifolium, Choisya ternata, Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’, Alchemilla mollis, Hypericum ‘Hidcote’, Potentilla fruticose ‘Elizabeth’, Lonicera pileata.
Low Growing Native Hedge Corridor Prunus spinosa, Salix spp, Viburnum opulus, Euonymus europaeus, Cytisus scoparius, Polystichum spp, Dryopteris spp, Blechnum spicant, Scilla spp, Anemonae nemorosa.
Public Realm Planting Mix - Ornamental shrub and perennial planting. 450mm centers. C/g 1.5lt/2lt. Dryopteris filix-max, Gallium odoratum, Liriope muscari, Vinca major, Cistus corbariensis, Echinops ritro, Libertia formosa.
The proposed development provides for 39no. residential units over a total open space area of 1.5 hectares.
The total area of the application site is 1.5 hectares and it is divided from north to south by an existing retained hedgerow from the former burgage system.
There is a main open space park to the west of the existing hedgerow, 2 common open space
areas assigned to the proposed duplexes and also rear gardens and buffer vegetation adjacent to the proposed dwellings.
The open area consists of a succession of mostly native meadows and plant compositions. It seeks to create a permeable network of green infrastructure within easy walking distance of future residents.
Harrestrup Ecological Corridor
Master thesis
University of Copenhagen
Professors: Gertrud Jørgensen
Peter Stubkjær Andersen
March 2020 - January 2021
Skovlund Nature Park
A channelized stream in the west of Copenhagen, Denmark, holds the potential of becoming a local attraction through ecological rehabilitation and riparian design.
The area is dominated by summerhouses and it is prone to flooding in all of the future climate scenarios. A stormwater strategy called ‘Kapacitetsplanen‘ is already bound to take place and to influence the aspect of the landscape, but how can the nature and the community benefit from the periodical flooding?
Grazed landscape
Individual trees
Ecological analysis
New dikes block the view and access
Lack of interest for the stream
Invasion of Solidago species
Volummetry studies
Harrestrup stream Proposed dikes
Multistage river system
Creating four depth levels of the stream brings more stability in case of 100 year storm events, the stream has a stronger identity in the community and improves biodiversity.
Design principles
Process Spaces
Multistage river systen
Process Spaces
Based on the available surrounding green space, the stream’s width is increased or maintained. The project area is divided into four types of areas called ‘Process Spaces‘ which are designed to best suit the stream’s water behaviour and community’s requirements.
A stormwater strategy already taking place in the project area which functions as the foundation for the master thesis project
Process Space C
Process Space E
Existing area
Urbanism Studio
Professor: Ellen Braee November 2019 - January 2020
Group project in association with Steven Singh
Tibor Borbely
Anne-Sofie Lyngby
Camilla Rask
Mykolas Sekcus
The former DSB headquarters will be transformed from 2021 into a multifunctional district.
The aprox. 500 000 m2 will be in need of new residential housing, stormwater management strategies, better access to Vesterbro, recreational green spaces while
preserving and integrating a historical heritage.
After extensive analyses a solution is developed and the implementation runs over a timespan of 25 years. It involved DSB’s consultations, local residents and Copenhagen’s new municipal plan 2019.
The project area will reflect Vesterbro’s characteristic lowrise high-density building typology, consisting of the existing preserved buildings and clusters of buildings between two and twelve stories, with five stories as the dominating height.
Due to multiple green parks and green infrastructure routes with over 3.5 km spreading around the perimeter of the development site, there will always be an opportunity to walk or jog in the area. Bridge and tunnel systems will create a strong connection to Vesterbo, while a main artery is connecting the seven districts as well as the neighbouring area
The green strategy, furthermore, provides the function of stormwater management, giving the project the quality to manage cloudburst events by slowing down the water flow and retaining it in detention basins.
The aim is to simulate Vesterbro courtyard-based district typology as well as its pleasant atmosphere. Then tailoring it to the site regarding building typology and optimal mixed landuse
The idea is to copy Vestebro courtyard based distric typology with its scale and pleasant character. Then to adjust it by diversifying the hight and building typology while ensuring optimal mixed land use
Retaining reasonable maximum of existing green areas. Plus introducing differnt scale green areas with integrated SUD’s systems. Futhermore, everything would be tided up with a green belt and green artery which would allow the system to work comprehensively
Retaining and developing new green areas with integrated SUD system for stormwater management.
Seven districts with distinctive character though still highly mixed use, would be established in order to emphasise one or couple particular activies. Thus creating sense of place and community bonds. Each of the district would work in interconnectivity with entire development
Seven districts with identities based on common interests and activities, creating a sense of place and community bonding.
Biodiversity strategy
Nightlife collage
Unused train tracks can host mobile street food and social activities, promoting unused space
Immaterial traces of the districts
Building heights
The Urban Village is a socially orientated community with the purpose of fighting suburban sprawl and urban towers. Instead of tall builings with space for traffic, the solution considers that the most pleasant cityscapes are old towns with cramped and twisted medieval streets that were originally created for pedestrians.
Different layer of model studies containing:
- Potential build-up
- Green and blue islands
- Connections within and outside project area
- Bleeding atmosphere of the buildings
- Immaterial traces
Combining all this essential strategies in one model serves as a stepping stone to the Masterplan.
25th year Masterplan
1st year 7th year
Strategic vegetation plan in order to clean contaminants in the soil is inviting people to visit the construction site along the walking paths and make use of the green spaces
While northern part requires longer time for construction, southern part can be open to the public in 7th year
Urban farming and student housing
Bussiness district
Historic residential village
Courtyards and passive green areas Residential
The culture hub is the site with the largest amount of preserved buildings, which maintains the industrial architectural style of the site and will be characterized by various events, streetfood, cultural activities, cafées and resting areas. Railway tracks are enhanced on the ground by upcycled corten steel from previous construction sites, and the building’s facades are preserved to maintain the vintage atmosphere.
Landscape Studio
Professor: Peter Lundsgaard Hansen April - June 2019
Group project in association with Niels Dyring
Marina Podharski
Emilia Sandven
In the central harbour of Copenhagen a mixture between old and new buildings demands more coherence and fluidity. The design process started from a better connection after reviewing the main access points. In order to give more focus to the harbour and to visually connect Blox and Black Diamond buildings a striking difference of landscape is created by a raised meadow in the inner part of the ‘half moon‘ shape.
On the outside of the shape an urban forest stretches from Kalvebodbrygge to Knippelsbro. A low wall of corten steel defines the change between the two and guides users through the area. The urban forest offers a variety of activities and places to sit under the canopy, while the sloping meadows opens up towards the water and offers places to enjoy the scenery.
The green canopy creates a volume that offers intimacy from the city’s activity. The curve functions as a walking path and a bike path, although bikes are free to cross at any point into the urban forest.
The corten steel wall has a height varying from 0.25 meters to 1.5 meters, allowing the user to view towards the harbour. At certain distances niches are created to allow acces into the meadow and to interrupt the monotony of the wall.
The purpose of the urban forest is to develop a diverse tree composition where a balance is maintained between light demanding and shade tolerant species, adapted to future climate and urban requirements. In that sense the planting strategy has a timespan of 50 years. In the first year a matrix of trees is planted at 3 meters distance. After 10 years thinnings are made and new trees are planted to create a new age group in the composition. The meadow is inspired from Insel Hombroich, so that the plants are cut once a year for biodiversity and aesthetic reasons.
Selection of Construction Details
Company: Murray & Associates Landscape Architecture October 2022 - April 2023
Public Path / Parking; Scale 1:20
1. Permeable Precast Concrete Block Paving, Kilsaran, ClimaPave Newgrange &/or similar approved; dim: 120x160x80 mm and 160x160x80 and 240x160x80 mm; color: Black Granite, Edging to be Silver; grouted and pointed 10 mm joints
2. Compacted naturally occurring sharp sand or 2-6mm crushed stone grit laying course; 50mm depth. Details and specifications to be reviewed by appointed Engineer
3. Compacted single size angular stone, with 30% void ratio; 200mm depth. Details and specifications to be reviewed by appointed Engineer
4. Concrete raised kerb
5. In-situ concrete, brushed finish; to appointed Engineer’s details and specifications
6. Buildup compacted; 200 mm depth
7. Compacted ground
Planting Detail - Hedge, shrubs and perennials
Scale 1:20
1. Subsoil/Build-up
2. Gravel drainage layer
3. Good quality multi-purpose topsoil to depths as shown (perennials min.300mm, shrubs min.450mm); top of soil level to be 75mm below top of kerb to contain bark mulch (e.g. Sierrablen Flora or similiar and approved)
4. Bark mulch to 75mm
5. Root Ball Yew Hedge - Taxus baccata, r/b 80-100cm, at 450mm centres
6. Shrub planting
7. Perennial planting
Tree Planting Detail - Rootball; Scale 1:25
1. Tree size variation; Tree planted at nursery line depth
2. Good quality topsoil
3. Tree rootball
4. Subsoil - sides of pit to be roughened
5. Bark mulch
6. Gravel drainage layer
7. Round stake 1.8m long, 75m diameter
8. Crossbar - securely fixed to stakes
9. Adjustable tree tie - securely fixed to crossbar
Decorative Inserts, Unit Block Paving - Pedestrian; Scale 1:20
1. Unit block paving - Kilsaran Newgrange or equal, colour Black Granite, supplied in 3 sizes: 240x160/160x160/120x160x60mm, with 2 - 5mm joints filled with sharp sand
2. Compacted naturally occuring sharp sand or 2-6mm crushed stone grit laying course
3. Well compacted Clause 804 stone to falls/crossfalls required, 2/4mm gravel
4. Geotextile layer (Terram or similar & approved)
5. Well compacted sub grade to appropriate level & profile to engineers approval
Compacted gravel - Pedestrian; Scale 1:10
1. Good quality top soil to depths as shown (450mm depth for shrubs; 200mm depth for grass
2. Subsoil
3. Timber stake
4. Timber board
5. Path with permeable surfacecompacted gravel (e.g. Arigna/Ballylusk)
6mm diam. to dust as approved
6. Compacted coarse sand
7. Terram Fleece Geotextile
8. Well consolidated hardcore
Selection of 3D Renderings and Artwork Company: St. Jørgen Holding
June 2024 - Present