A Class of Double Sampling Log Type Estimators for Population Variance Using Two Auxiliary Variable

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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 13 (2018) pp. 11151-11155 © Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

A Class of Double Sampling Log Type Estimators for Population Variance Using Two Auxiliary Variable Shashi Bhushana and Chandni Kumarib a

Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Dr. Shakuntala MishraNational Rehabilitaion University, Lucknow, 226017, India. b

Department of Applied Statistics, Bahasaheb BhimraoAmbedkar University, Lucknow, 226025, India.


two auxiliary variables respectively of size n ' .

In this paper, a class of log-type estimator using two auxiliary information is proposed. Double sampling technique has been considered as it is assumed that the auxiliary information about the auxiliary variable is unknown. Bias and mean squared error has been found up to the first order of approximation. The proposed classes are compared to some commonly used estimators both theoretically as well as empirically and they perform better than commonly known estimators available in the literature.

y , x1 and x2 be the sample means of study variable and two auxiliary variables from the sample of size n . Also, Here,

s N 2 y



 y  y 

s n



 x  x  i 1


s n 2 x1



i 1

2 x2

2 1


 x  x  i 1






be the sample variance of the study


and two auxiliary variables respectively. INTRODUCTION The use of auxiliary information enhance the precision of an estimator. Here, two auxiliary information is used for estimating the population variance under double sampling. We select the sample in two phases for estimating the population variance. Various authors used multiple auxiliary information (Olkin (1958), Raj (1965), Singh (1967), Shukla(1966), etc.). Recently, Bhushan and Kumari (2018) had made the use of logarithmic relationship between the study variable and auxiliary variable for estimating the population variance. Consider a finite population U  U1 ,U 2 ,..., U N of size

N from which a large sample of size n ' is drawn according to simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) for estimating unknown auxiliary variables only. Then, we select a sample of size n from the remaining observation for estimating the sample mean of study and auxiliary variables.

i  1, 2,..., N of the

S y2  N 1   yi  Y 




i 1


S x22  n1   xi  X 2 

S x21  n1   xi  X 1 

  sx2'1   2 T1  s y 1  log  2    sx     1 

  sx2'2 1  log  2  sx   2

    



  sx2'     sx2' T2  s y2 1  b1 log  21   1  b2 log  22  sx     sx   1    2

     (2.2)

  sx2*'1   T3  s 1  log  2*    sx     1 


  sx2*'2   1  log  2*    sx     2 


  sx2*'     sx2*'   T4  s y2 1  d1 log  2*1   1  d 2 log  2*2    sx     sx     1    2 



i 1




be the population variance of the

i 1

study and two auxiliary variables respectively.

sx2'1 , sx2'2

sx2*'i  ai sx2'i  bi and sx2*i  ai sx2i  bi for i = 1, 2

ai , bi , ci and d i are optimizing scalars or functions of the known parameters of the auxiliary variable xi ' s such such that

Further, x1 ' and x2 ' be the larger sample means of two auxiliary variables and



population. Let Y , X 1 and X 2 be the population means of study variable and two auxiliary variables. Also, N

We propose the following new classes of log type estimators 2 for the population variance S y as

2 y

Let yi , xi 1 and xi2 denotes the value of the study and two auxiliary variable for the ith unit


be the sample variance of

as the standard deviations S x , coefficient of variation C x , i i


International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 13 (2018) pp. 11151-11155 © Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com * E  2 2'   I ' b2*x2 , E  01   I I 22 y x1 ,

coefficient of kurtosis b2 x , coefficient of skewness b1x and i i correlation coefficient rx x of the population  i  j  0  . i j

* * E  01 '  I ' I 22 y x1 , E   0 2   I I 22 y x2 ,

* * E  0 2 '  I ' I 22 y x2 , E  1 2   I ' I 22 x1 x2 and

* * * E 1 '  2 '  I ' I 22 x1 x2 where b2 y  b2 y  1 , b2 x1  b2 x1  1


, b2 x  b2 x  1 and I 22 y x  I 22 y x  1 , 2 2 1 1 *

In order to obtain the bias and mean square error (MSE), let us consider


s 

2 


 Sy2 

2 y

Sy2 2 x2

 S x2

S x2





, 

s  2


2 x1

 S x1 2

S x1 2


2' x2

 ,   s ' 1

 S x2

S x2


2' x1

 S x1 2

S x1 2


* * I 22 y x2  I 22 y x2  1 , I 22 x1 x2  I 22 x1 x2  1 ;


q /2 , I pq  mpq m20p /2 m02


m pq   Yi  Y  i 1






N , I 1 N ,

2 2 I '  1 n ' , b2 y  m40 m20 , b2 x  m04 m02 are the


coefficient of kurtosis of y and x respectively.

E  0   E 1   E  2   0 , E  0 2   Ib2* y ,

* 2' * 2 * , E  1   I ' b2 x , E   2   Ib2x , E 12   Ib2x 2 1 1

Theorem 1 The bias and the mean squared error of the proposed estimator considered up to the terms of order n−1 are given by

 a12 *  a22 * Bias T1   S  I  I '  b2 x1  b2 x2  a1 ry x1 b2* y b2*x1  a2 ry x2 b2* y b2*x2  a1 a2 rx1x2 b2*x1 b2*x2  2 2  4  * 2 * 2 * * * * * MSE T1   S y Ib2 y   I  I ' a1 b2 x1  a2 b2 x2  2a1ryx1 b2 yb2 x1  2a2 ryx2 b2 yb2 x2  2a1a2rx1x2 b2*x1b2*x2    2 y

  a2 a2 2w1 S y4 1   I  I '  1 b2*x1  2 b2*x2  a1 ry x1 b2* y b2*x1  a2 ry x2 b2* y b2*x2  a1 a2 r x1x2 b2*x1 b2*x2 2   2 where ry x  1

* I 22 y x1

b2* y b2*x1

, ry x  2

* I 22 y x2

b2* y b2*x2

and rx x  1 2

    

* I 22 x1 x2

b2*x1 b2*x2

Proof. Consider the estimator a1

  sx2'1     sx2'2 T1  s 1  log  2   1  log  2  sx     sx  1    2  2 y


 1 a1 1 a2    S y2 1   0  1  log 1  1'  1  1   1  log 1   2'  1   2    

2 2  a12 ' ' ' 2  S 1   0  1  a1 1  1  11  1   1  1   a1 1'  1   2   2 y

2 2  a22 ' ' ' 2 ' 1  a2  2   2   2 2   2    2   2   a2  2   2   2  

On solving and then taking expectation on both the sides, we get

 a2  a2 Bias T1   S y2  I  I '  1 b2*x1  2 b2*x2  a1 ry x1 b2* y b2*x1  a2 ry x2 b2* y b2*x2  a1 a2 rx1x2 b2*x1 b2*x2  2 2 



International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 13 (2018) pp. 11151-11155 © Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com Squaring and then taking expectation on both the sides of equation (3.1), we get required expression for MSE.

Corollary 1.The optimum values of constant are obtained as


 ryx  ryx2 rx1x2  1 2  1  rx1x2

 b2* y  *  b2 x1

MULTIVARIATE EXTENSION OF PROPOSED CLASS OF ESTIMATORS Let there are k auxiliary variables then we can use the variables by taking a linear combination of these k estimators of the form given in section 2, calculated for every auxiliary variable separately, for estimating the population variance. Then the estimators for population variance will be defined as

  sx2'i   * 2 T1  s y  i 1 1  log  2    sx     i 



a2 opt

 ryx2  ryx1 rx1x2  b2* y   * 2  b2 x2  1  rx1x2

  sx2'i   T  s  i 1 1  bi log  2    sx     i  * 2

The optimum mean squared error is given by

M T1 opt  S y4  I   I  I ' Ry2*. x1x2  (3.2) where

Ry2*.x1x2 is the transformed multiple correlation

coefficient between

y and x1 , x2

2 y


  sx2*'   k T3*  s y2  i 1 1  log  2*i    sx     i 


  sx2*'i   T  s  i 1 1  di log  2*    sx     i  * 4


2 y


ai , bi , ci and d i are the optimizing scalars i = 1, 2,

..., k. Theorem 2 The bias and the mean squared error of the proposed estimator considered upto the terms of order n −1 are given by k k  k ai2 *  Bias T   S  I  I '  b2 xi   ai ry xi b2* y b2*xi   ai a j rxi x j b2*xi b2*xj  i 1 i  j 1  i 1 2  k k k    MSE T1*   S y4  Ib2* y   I  I '  ai2b2*xi  2 ai ryxi b2* yb2*xi  2  ai a j rxi x j b2*xi b2*x j  i 1 i  j 1  i 1   k k  k a2    2w1 S y4 1   I  I '   i b2*xi   ai ry xi b2* y b2*xi   ai a j rxi x j b2*xi b2*x j   i 1 i  j 1   i 1 2   * 1

2 y


General variance estimator

In this section, we compare the proposed classes of estimators with some important estimators. The comparison will be in terms of their MSE up to the order of n−1. The optimum mean squared error of proposed estimator is given by

Sˆ y2  s y2

M T1 opt  S y4  I   I  I ' Ry2*. x1x2 

It’s mean squared error is given by

MSE ( Sˆ y2 )  S y4 I b2* y The usual ratio type variance estimator

 sx2'  sx2' Sˆr2'  s y2  21  22  sx  sx  1  2


  

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 13 (2018) pp. 11151-11155 © Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com It’s mean squared error is given by


 Ib2* y   I  I ' b2*x1  b2*x 2  MSE ( Sˆr2' )  S y4    MSE (T1 )opt * * *   2 I 22 yx1  2 I 22 yx2  2 I 22 x1x2 

The data on which we performed the numerical calculation is taken from some natural populations. The source of the data is given as follows.

The product type variance estimator

Population 1. (Chochran, Pg. no. 155). The data concerns about weekly expenditure on food per family.

 sx21  sx22 2' 2 ˆ S p  s y  2'  2'  sx  sx  1  2

  

y : weekly expenditure on food x1 : number of persons

Its mean squared error is given by

 Ib   I  I ' b  b  2I MSE ( Sˆ p2' )  S y4   2 I 22* yx2  2 I 22* x1x2  * 2y

* 2 x1

* 2 x2

x2 : the weekly family income * 22 yx1

   MSE (T1 )opt 

Population 2. (Choudhary F. S., Pg. no. 117).

y : area under wheat (in acres) in 1974

Singh, Chauhan, Sawan and Smarandache (2011) type variance estimator

x1 : area under wheat (in acres) in 1971

 sx2'1  sx21 ˆ S  s exp  2' 2  sx  sx  1 1

x2 : area under wheat (in acres) in 1973

2' s

2 y

 sx2'2  sx22    sx2'  sx2   2 2 

The summary and the percent relative efficiency of the following estimators are as follows:

It’s mean squared error is given by

MSE ( Sˆs2' )  S y4

  b2*x1 b2*x 2  *   I 22   yx1     4  Ib*   I  I '  4   MSE (T1 )opt 2y *  I 22 x1x2   *    I 22 yx2  4  

Table 2: Parameters of the data Parameter

Population 1

Population 2










b2* y









* I 22 yx1



* I 22 yx2



* I 22 x1 x2



Olufadi and Kadilar (2014) variance estimator

 sx2'  Sˆ  s  21   sx   1 2' K

2 y


 sx2'2  2  sx2

  


It’s mean squared error is given by

MSE (SˆK2' )  MSE (T1 )opt Das and Tripathi (1978) type variance estimator

 sx2'1 2' 2 ˆ  S D  s y 2'  sx  a1 sx2  sx2' 1 1  1

 sx2'2   sx2'  a2 sx2  sx2' 2 2  2

   

It’s mean squared error is given by

MSE (SˆD2' )  MSE (T1 )opt


International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 13 (2018) pp. 11151-11155 © Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com REFERENCES

Table 3: PRE of the estimators Estimator

Pop. 1

Pop. 2

Sˆ y2






Sˆ p2'
















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CONCLUSION This work utilizes the two auxiliary information for estimating the study variable under double sampling. It is clear from the comparative study and numerical study that the proposed estimator perform better than conventional estimators viz. variance estimator, ratio type estimator, product type estimator and found equally efficient to Das & Tripathi type (1978) estimator, Olufadi and Kadilar type (2014) estimator etc. Hence, the proposed estimators have much more practical utility than the conventional estimators.


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