Multi-valued Neutrosophic Sets and Power Aggregation Operators with Their Applications

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International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2015) 345-363

Multi-valued Neutrosophic Sets and Power Aggregation Operators with Their Applications in Multi-criteria Group Decision-making Problems Juan-juan Peng

School of Economics and Management, Hubei University of Automotive Technology,Shiyan 442002, China School of Business, Central South University,Changsha, 410083, China E-mail: Jian-qiang Wang *

School of Business, Central South University,Changsha, 410083, China E-mail: Xiao-hui Wu

School of Economics and Management, Hubei University of Automotive Technology,Shiyan 442002, China School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China E-mail: Jing Wang

School of Business, Central South University,Changsha, 410083, China E-mail: Xiao-hong Chen

School of Business, Central South University,Changsha 410083, China E-mail: Received 26 March 2014 Accepted 24 November 2014

Abstract In recent years, hesitant fuzzy sets (HFSs) and neutrosophic sets (NSs) have become a subject of great interest for researchers and have been widely applied to multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) problems. In this paper, multi-valued neutrosophic sets (MVNSs) are introduced, which allow the truth-membership, indeterminacymembership and falsity-membership degree have a set of crisp values between zero and one, respectively. Then the operations of multi-valued neutrosophic numbers (MVNNs) based on Einstein operations are defined, and a comparison method for MVNNs is developed depending on the related research of HFSs and Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). Furthermore, the multi-valued neutrosophic power weighted average (MVNPWA) operator and the multi-valued neutrosophic power weighted geometric (MVNPWG) operator are proposed and the desirable properties of two operators are also discussed. Finally, an approach for solving MCGDM problems is explored by applying the power aggregation operators, and an example is provided to illustrate the application of the proposed method, together with a comparison analysis. Keywords: Multi-criteria group decision-making, multi-valued neutrosophic sets, power aggregation operators.


Corresponding author. Tel.:+8673188830594. E-mail: (Jian-qiang WANG).

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Peng et al.

1. Introduction In many cases, it is difficult for decision-makers to precisely express a preference when solving multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) and multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) problems with inaccurate, uncertain or incomplete information. Under these circumstances, Zadeh’s fuzzy sets (FSs)1, where the membership degree is represented by a real number between zero and one, are regarded as an important tool for solving MCDM and MCGDM problems2–3, fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning4, and pattern recognition5. However, FSs can not handle certain cases where it is hard to define the membership degree using one specific value. In order to overcome the lack of knowledge of non-membership degrees, Atanassov introduced intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) 6, an extension of Zadeh’s FSs. Furthermore, Gau and Buehrer defined vague sets7 and subsequently Bustince pointed out that the vague sets and IFSs are mathematically equivalent objects8. IFSs simultaneously take into account the membership degree, non-membership degree and degree of hesitation. Therefore, they are more flexible and practical when addressing fuzziness and uncertainty than FSs. Moreover, in some actual cases, the membership degree, non-membership degree and hesitation degree of an element in IFSs may not be a specific number; hence, they were extended to the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs)9. To date, IFSs and IVIFSs have been widely applied in solving MCDM and MCGDM problems10–21. In order to handle situations where people are hesitant in expressing their preference regarding objects in a decision-making process, hesitant fuzzy sets (HFSs) were introduced by Torra and Narukawa22–23. Then some work on HFSs and their extensions have been undertaken, including the aggregation operators, the correlation coefficient, distance, correlation measures and outranking relations for HFSs24–30. Although the theory of FSs has been developed and generalized, it can not deal with all types of uncertainties in different real-world problems. Types of uncertainties, such as the indeterminate information and inconsistent information, cannot be managed. For example, when an expert is asked for their opinion about a certain statement, he or she may say the possibility that the statement is true is 0.5, the

possibility that the statement is false is 0.6 and the degree that he or she is not sure is 0.231. This issue is beyond the scope of the FSs and IFSs. Then Smarandache proposed neutrosophic logic and neutrosophic sets (NSs)32–33 and subsequently Rivieccio pointed out that an NS is a set where each element of the universe has a degree of truth, indeterminacy and falsity respectively and it lies in ]0− , 1+ [ , the nonstandard unit interval34. Clearly, this is the extension of the standard interval [0, 1] . Furthermore, the uncertainty presented here, i.e. indeterminacy factor, is dependent on of truth and falsity values, whereas the incorporated uncertainty is dependent on the degrees of belongingness and degree of non-belongingness of IFSs35. Additionally, the aforementioned example of NSs can be expressed as x(0.5, 0.2, 0.6). However, without specific description, NSs are difficult to apply to real-life situations. Therefore, single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNSs) were proposed, which are an extension of NSs31,35. Majumdar et al introduced a measure of entropy of SVNSs35. Furthermore, the correlation coefficients of SVNSs as well as a decisionmaking method using SVNSs were introduced36. In addition, Ye also introduced the concept of simplified neutrosophic sets (SNSs), which can be described by three real numbers in the real unit interval [0,1], and proposed an MCDM method using the aggregation operators of SNSs37. Wang et al and Lupiáñez proposed the concept of interval neutrosophic sets (INSs) and provided the set-theoretic operators of INSs38,39. Broumi and Smarandache discussed the correlation coefficient of INSs40. Furthermore, Ye proposed the cross-entropy of SVNSs and similarity of INSs respectively41–42. However, in certain cases, the operations of SNSs provided by Ye may be unreasonable37. For example, the sum of any element and the maximum value should be equal to the maximum value, but this is not always the case during operations. The similarity measures and distances of SVNSs that are based on those operations may also be unrealistic. Peng et al developed novel operations, outranking relations and aggregation operators of SNSs43–44, which were based on the operations in Ye37 and applied them to MCGDM problems. Zhang et al introduced a MCDM method with INSs45. Liu and Wang investigated single-valued neutrosophic normalized weighted Bonferroni mean and applied it to MCDM problems46. Liu et al developed some Hamacher aggregation operators with NSs47. Tian

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MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

et al developed simplified neutrosophic linguistic TA ( x ) : X →]0− , 1+ [ , I A ( x ) : X →]0− , 1+ [ , and normalized weighted Bonferroni mean operator and FA ( x ) : X →]0− , 1+ [ . There is no restriction on the sum 48 applied it to MCDM problems . of TA ( x ) , I A ( x ) and FA ( x) , therefore However, decision-makers can also be hesitant when 0− ≤ sup TA ( x ) + sup I A ( x ) + sup FA ( x ) ≤ 3+ . expressing their evaluation values for each parameter in SNSs. For example, if the possibility of a statement Considering the applicability of NSs, Ye reduced NSs being true is 0.6 or 0.7, the possibility of it being false is of nonstandard intervals into SNSs of standard 0.2 or 0.3 and the degree that he or she is not sure is 0.1 intervals37, which can preserve the operations of NSs or 0.2, this will be beyond the capability of SNSs. If the properly. operations and comparison method of SNSs were extended to multiple values, the shortcomings discussed Definition 2. Let X be a space of points (objects), with earlier would still exist. Therefore, Wang and Li a generic element in X denoted by x . An NS A in X developed the definition of multi-valued neutrosophic is characterized by TA ( x ) , I A ( x ) and FA ( x ) , which sets (MVNSs)49, based on which, the Einstein are singleton subintervals/subsets in the real standard [0, operations and comparison method, and power 1], that is TA ( x ) : X → [0,1] , I A ( x ) : X → [0,1] , and aggregation operators for multi-valued neutrosophic FA ( x ) : X → [0,1] . Then, a simplification of A is numbers (MVNNs) are defined in this paper. denoted by37: Consequently, a MCGDM method is established based on the proposed operators. An illustrative example is = A x, TA ( x ) , I A ( x ) , FA ( x ) | x ∈ X , (2) also given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method. which is called an SNS and is a subclass of NSs. For The rest of paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 convenience, the SNSs is denoted by the simplified some basic concepts and operations of SNSs are briefly symbol A = { TA ( x), I A ( x), FA ( x) } . The set of all SNSs reviewed. Then the definition of MVNSs is introduced, is represented as SNSS. and the operations, a comparison method and distance The operations of SNSs are also defined by Ye37. of MVNNs are defined in Section 3. Section 4 contains two MVNN power aggregation operators and a Definition 3. Let A , A1 and A2 be three SNSs. For MCGDM approach with MVNNs. In Section 5, an any x ∈ X , the following operations can be true37. illustrative example and a comparison analysis are presented to verify the proposed approach. Finally, the (1) A1 + = A2 TA1 ( x ) + TA2 ( x ) − TA1 ( x ) ⋅ TA2 ( x ) , conclusions are drawn in Section 6. I A1 ( x ) + I A2 ( x ) − I A1 ( x ) ⋅ I A2 ( x ) ,


FA1 ( x ) + FA2 ( x ) − FA1 ( x ) ⋅ FA2 ( x ) ;

2. Preliminaries In this section, the definitions and operations of NSs and SNSs are introduced, which will be utilized in the latter analysis.

(2) A1 ⋅ = A2

falsity-membership function FA ( x ) as follows32:

{ x, T


( x), I A ( x), FA ( x) x ∈ X } ,


TA ( x ) , I A ( x ) and FA ( x ) are real standard or nonstandard



]0− , 1+ [




TA1 ( x ) ⋅ TA2 ( x ) , I A1 ( x ) ⋅ I A2 ( x ) ,

FA1 ( x ) ⋅ FA2 ( x ) ; (3) λ ⋅ A = 1 − (1 − TA ( x ) ) ,1 − (1 − I A ( x ) ) , λ

Definition 1. Let X be a space of points (objects), with a generic element in X denoted by x . An NS A in X is characterized by a truth-membership function TA ( x ) , (4) Aλ = a indeterminacy-membership function I A ( x ) and a

= A



1 − (1 − FA ( x ) )


,λ > 0 ;

TAλ ( x ) , I Aλ ( x ) , FAλ ( x ) , λ > 0 .

There are some limitations related to Definition 3 and these are now outlined. (i) In some situations, operations such as A1 + A2 and A1 ⋅ A2 might be impractical. This is demonstrated in Example 1.

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Peng et al.



A2 = {〈 x,1, 0, 0〉}

Let be

A1 = {〈 x, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5〉} two




A2 = {〈 x,1, 0, 0〉} can be the larger of these SNSs.

3.1. MVNSs and theirs Einstein operations Definition 4. Let X be a space of points (objects), with a generic element in X denoted by x . An MVNSs A in X is characterized by48:

Theoretically, the sum of any number and the maximum number should be equal to the maximum one. However, (3) = A x, TA ( x ) , IA ( x ) , FA ( x ) x ∈ X , according to Definition 3, A1 + A2 =〈 { x,1, 0.5, 0.5〉} ≠ A2 , therefore the operation “+” cannot be accepted. where TA ( x ) , IA ( x ) , and FA ( x ) are three sets of Similar contradictions exist in other operations of precise values in [0,1], denoting the truth-membership Definition 3, and thus those defined above are incorrect. degree, indeterminacy-membership function and falsitymembership degree respectively, satisfying + + + (ii) The correlation coefficient of SNSs36, which is , where 0 ≤ γ , η , ξ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ γ + η + ξ ≤ 3 based on the operations of Definition 3, cannot be +     γ ∈ TA ( x ) , η ∈ I A ( x ) , x ∈ FA ( x ) , γ = sup TA ( x ) , accepted in some specific cases. η + = sup IA ( x ) and x + = sup FA ( x ) . and Example 2. Let A1 = {〈 x, 0.8, 0, 0〉} If X has only one element, then A is called a multiA2 = {〈 x, 0.7, 0, 0〉} be two SNSs, and A = {〈 x,1, 0, 0〉} valued neutrosophic number (MVNN), denoted by A = TA ( x ) , IA ( x ) , FA ( x ) . For convenience, an be the largest one of the SNSs. According to the 36 correlation coefficient of SNSs , MVNN can be denoted by A = TA , IA , FA . The set of can be obtained, but this W = A , A W = A , A 1 all MVNNs is represented as MVNNS. ( 1 ) 2( 2 ) Obviously, MVNSs are generally considered as an does not indicate which one is the best. However, it is extension of NSs. If each of TA ( x ) , IA ( x ) and FA ( x ) clear that A1 is superior to A2 . for any x has only one value, i.e. γ , η and ξ , and 41 0 ≤ γ + η + ξ ≤ 3 , then MVNSs are reduced to SNSs; if (iii) In addition, the cross-entropy measure for SNSs , IA ( x ) = ∅ for any x , then MVNSs are reduced to which is based on the operations of Definition 3, cannot be accepted in special cases. DHFSs; if IA ( x ) = FA ( x ) = ∅ for any x , then MVNSs are reduced to HFSs. In a word, MVNSs are the and Example 3. Let A1 = {〈 x, 0.1, 0, 0〉} extensions of SNSs, DHFSs and HFSs. In the following, the operations of MVNNs can be A2 = {〈 x, 0.9, 0, 0〉} be two SNSs, and A = {〈 x,1, 0, 0〉} defined based on the operations of IFSs and HFSs. be the largest one of the SNSs. According to the cross-


entropy measure for SNSs41, S= S= 1 1 ( A1 , A ) 2 ( A2 , A )

can be obtained, which indicates that A1 is equal to A2 . Yet it is not possible to discern which one is the best. Since TA2 ( x ) > TA1 ( x ) , I A2 ( x ) > I A1 ( x ) and

Definition 5. Let A ∈ MVNNS , then the complement of a MVNN can be denoted by AC , which can be defined as follows:

FA2 ( x ) > FA1 ( x ) for any x in X , it is clear that A2= is AC superior to A1 .

I= 0 for any x in X , then A1 (iv) If I= A1 ( x ) A2 ( x ) and A2 are both reduced to IFSs. However, the operations presented in Definition 3 are not in accordance with the operations of two IFSs6, 8, 10-21. 3. Multi-valued Neutrosophic Sets In this section, MVNSs are introduced, and the corresponding operations and comparison method are developed in terms of those of IFSs6, 8, 10-21 and HFSs22, 23 .


 ξ ∈FA {ξ } , η∈IA {1 − η} ,  γ ∈TA {γ } .


It is noted that different aggregation operators are all based on different t-conorms and t-norms and are used to deal with different relationships of the aggregated arguments, which satisfy the requirements of the conjunction and disjunction operators, respectively. Einstein operations include the Einstein sum and Einstein product a ⊕ b = ( a + b ) (1 + a ⋅ b ) 50 a ⊗ b = ( a ⋅ b ) (1 + (1 − a ) ⋅ (1 − b ) ) ( a, b ∈ [0,1]) , which are examples of t-norms and t-conorms, respectively. In the following, the operations of MVNNs can be defined based on Einstein operations.

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MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

Definition 6. Let A = TA , IA , FA , B = TB , IB , FB be two MVNNs and λ > 0 . The operations of MVNNs can be defined as follows:

 (1 + γ A ) − (1 − γ A )  (1) λ A =  γ A ∈TA  , λ λ   (1 + γ A ) + (1 − γ A )  λ

  2 ⋅ (γ A ) ,  λ λ   ( 2 − γ A ) + ( γ A ) 

  η A ⋅η B , 1 + (1 − η A ) ⋅ (1 − η B ) 

 η A + ηB  , B 1 + η A ⋅η B 

η ∈I ,η ∈I  B


2 ⋅ (η A ) (1 + γ A ) − (1 − γ A ) , , λ λ λ λ (1 + γ A ) + (1 − γ A ) ( 2 − η A ) + (η A )

(5) λ A =


2 ⋅ (ξ A )

(2 − ξA )



{0.5} , {0.3} , {0.2, 0.3}

{0.6} , {0.1, 0.2} , {0.2}

(2) A2 = {1} , {0.1980, 0.3846} , {0.3846} ; (3) A ⊕ B ={0.8462} , {0.0184,0.0385} , {0.0244,0.0385} ; (4) A ⊗ B ={0.2500} , {0.3884, 0.4717} , {0.3884, 0.4717} . Theorem 1. Let A = TA , IA , FA , B = TB , IB , FB , and

C = TC , IC , FC

be three MVNNs, then the following

equations can be true.


(4) ( A ⊗ B ) =Aλ ⊗ B λ , λ > 0 ; λ

(5) λ1 A ⊕ λ2 A =( λ1 + λ2 ) A, λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0 ; (6) Aλ1 ⊗ = Aλ2 Aλ1 + λ2 , λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0 ; (7) ( A ⊕ B ) ⊕ C =A ⊕ ( B ⊕ C ) ; (8) ( A ⊗ B ) ⊗ C = A ⊗ ( B ⊗ C ) .


+ (ξ A )




be two MVNNs, and

(3) λ ( A ⊕ B ) = λ A ⊕ λ B, λ > 0 ;

If there is only one specific number in TA , IA and  FA , then the operations in Definition 6 are reduced to the operations of SNNs as follows: λ


(2) A1 ⊗ A2 = A2 ⊗ A1 ;

 ξ A + ξB   . B 1 + ξ A ⋅ ξ B 



(1) A1 ⊕ A2 = A2 ⊕ A1 ;

ξ ∈F ,ξ ∈F  A


(1) 2 ⋅ A ={0.8824} , {0.1105, 0.2439} , {0.2439} ;

γ A ⋅γ B   (4) A ⊗ B = γ A ∈TA ,γ B ∈TB  , 1 + (1 − γ A ) ⋅ (1 − γ B )  A


λ = 2 , then the following results can be achieved.

ξ A ⋅ξB   ξ A ∈FA ,ξB ∈FB   ; 1 + (1 − ξ A ) ⋅ (1 − ξ B ) 




η ∈I ,η ∈I  B

(1 + ξ A ) − (1 − ξ A ) λ λ (1 + ξ A ) + (1 − ξ A )


 γ +γB  (3) A ⊕ B = γ A ∈TA ,γ B ∈TB  A , 1 + γ A ⋅ γ B  B


Note that the operations of MVNNs coincide with the operations of IFSs6, 8, 10-21.

λ λ  (1 + ξ A ) − (1 − ξ A )  ; ξ A ∈FA  λ λ   (1 + ξ A ) + (1 − ξ A ) 



ξ A + ξB . 1 + ξ A ⋅ξB

 (1 + η A )λ − (1 − η A )λ  , λ λ  A  (1 + η A ) + (1 − η A ) 


+ (γ A )

η A + ηB γ A ⋅γ B (8) A ⊗ B = , , 1 + (1 − γ A ) ⋅ (1 − γ B ) 1 + η A ⋅η B

η ∈I  A



ξ A ⋅ξB ; 1 + (1 − ξ A ) ⋅ (1 − ξ B )


 A ∈TA

(2 − γ A )

(1 + η A ) − (1 − η A ) , λ λ (1 + η A ) + (1 − η A ) λ


γ +γB η A ⋅η B (7) A ⊕ B = A , , 1 + γ A ⋅ γ B 1 + (1 − η A ) ⋅ (1 − η B )

λ   2 ⋅ (ξ A ) ; ξ A ∈FA  λ λ   ( 2 − ξ A ) + (ξ A ) 


(6) A =


λ   2 ⋅ (η A ) , η A ∈IA  λ λ   ( 2 − η A ) + (η A ) 

(2) Aλ =

2 ⋅ (γ A )


Proof. (1), (2), (7) and (8) can be easily obtained. (3) Since λ > 0 ,

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3.2. Comparison method

λ ( A ⊕ B)


 γ +γB  1 + A + γ A ⋅γ B 1   γ A ∈TA ,γ B ∈TB  γA +γB   1 + 1 + γ ⋅ γ A B 


  γA +γB  − 1 − + γ A ⋅γ B 1   λ   γA +γB  + 1 − + γ A ⋅γ B 1  

λ      , λ       

Based on the score function and accuracy function of IFSs10-21, the score function and accuracy function of a MVNN can be provided below. Definition 7. Let A = TA , IA , FA be an MVNN, and then score function s ( A ) and accuracy function a ( A ) of an MVNN can be defined as follows:

λ     η A ⋅η B   2      1 + (1 − η A ) ⋅ (1 − η B )  1 , ηA ∈IA ,ηB ∈IB  λ λ (1) s ( A ) =      η A ⋅η B η A ⋅η B lTA ⋅ lIA ⋅ lFA   2 − 1 + 1 − η ⋅ 1 − η  +  1 + 1 − η ⋅ 1 − η   ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A B A B      


A ∈TA ,η A ∈I A ,ξ A ∈FA

(γ A − η A − ξ A )



λ (2) a ( A ) =   ∑    (γ A + η A + ξ A ) 3 .   ξ A ⋅ξB lTA ⋅ lIA ⋅ lFA γ A ∈TA ,η A ∈I A ,ξ A ∈FA   2      1 + (1 − ξ A ) ⋅ (1 − ξ B )  . ξ A ∈FA ,ξB ∈FB  λ λ Here γ A ∈ TA , η A ∈ IA and ξ A ∈ FA ; lTA , lIA and      ξ A ⋅ξB ξ A ⋅ξB   2 − 1 + 1 − ξ ⋅ 1 − ξ  +  1 + 1 − ξ ⋅ 1 − ξ   ( A) ( B)  ( A) ( B)  lF denote the number of element in TA , IA and FA ,  A

 (1 + γ A )λ (1 + γ B )λ − (1 − γ A )λ (1 − γ B )λ  =  γ A ∈TA ,γ B ∈TB  , λ λ λ λ   (1 + γ A ) (1 + γ B ) + (1 − γ A ) (1 − γ B )  λ λ   2 (η A ) (η B ) , η A ∈IA ,ηB ∈IB  λ λ λ λ   ( 2 − η A ) ( 2 − η B ) + (η A ) (η B ) 

2 (ξ A ) (ξ B ) λ


ξ ∈F ,ξ ∈F  A




 ( 2 − ξ A )


( 2 − ξB )



+ (ξ A ) (ξ B ) λ



greater the MVNN will be; similarly, the smaller the false-membership FA is, the greater the MVNN will be. For the score function, if the greater the result of γ A − η A − ξ A is, the more affirmative the statement will be. For the accuracy function, the bigger the sum of the truth, indeterminacy and falsity, the more affirmative the statement will be. On the basis of Definition 7, the method for comparing MVNNs can be defined as follows.

  

and λ A⊕ λB


 (1 + γ A )λ − (1 − γ A )λ (1 + γ B )λ − (1 − γ B )λ +  λ λ λ λ  (1 + γ A ) + (1 − γ A ) (1 + γ B ) + (1 − γ B ) γ A ∈TA ,γ B ∈TB  λ λ λ λ  (1 + γ A ) − (1 − γ A ) (1 + γ B ) − (1 − γ B ) ⋅ λ λ λ λ 1 +  (1 + γ A ) + (1 − γ A ) (1 + γ B ) + (1 − γ B )

   ,   

Definition 8. Let A and B be two MVNNs. The comparision method can be defined as follows:

 2 ⋅η A λ 2 ⋅η B λ  ⋅ λ λ λ λ  ( 2 − η A ) + (η A ) ( 2 − η B ) + (η B ) η A ∈IA ,ηB ∈IB    2 ⋅η A λ 2 ⋅η B λ    ⋅ 1 − λ λ λ λ 1 + 1 −     ( 2 − η A ) + (η A )   ( 2 − η B ) + (η B )

   ,     

 2 ⋅ ξ Aλ 2 ⋅ ξBλ  ⋅ λ λ λ λ ( 2 − ξ A ) + (ξ A ) ( 2 − ξ B ) + (ξ B )  ξ A ∈FA ,ξB ∈FB  λ   2 ⋅ξA 2 ⋅ ξBλ    ⋅ 1 − λ λ λ λ 1 +  1 −     ( 2 − ξ A ) + (ξ A )   ( 2 − ξ B ) + (ξ B )

    .     

Thus, λ ( A ⊕ B ) = λ A ⊕ λ B can be obtained. Similarly, (4), (5) and (6) can be true.

respectively. The score function is an important index in ranking MVNNs. For an MVNN A, the bigger the truthmembership TA is, the greater the MVNN will be; the smaller the indeterminacy-membership I is, the

(1)If or and s ( A) > s ( B ) s ( A) = s ( B ) a ( A ) > a ( B ) , then A is superior to B , denoted by A B; (2)If s ( A ) = s ( B ) and a ( A ) = a ( B ) , then A is indifferent to B , denoted by A ~ B . (3)If and or s ( A) = s ( B ) a ( A) < a ( B ) s ( A ) < s ( B ) , then A is inferior to B , denoted by AB B; Example 5. Let A and B be two MVNNs, and according to Definition 8, the following can be obtained:

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MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

{0.6, 0.5} , {0.3} , {0.2} and B = {0.5} , are two MVNNs, then {0.1, 0.2} , {0.4} s ( A ) = 0.017 and s ( B ) = −0.017 . s ( A ) > s ( B ) , so (1) If A =

A B. (2) If A =

{0.6, 0.5} , {0.4} , {0.2} and B = {0.5} , {0.1, 0.2} , {0.4} are two MVNNs, then s ( A) = s ( B ) a ( A ) = 0.383 and a ( B ) = 0.35 , = −0.017 , a ( A ) > a ( B ) , so A  B . (3) If and A = {0.6, 0.7} , {0.3} , {0.2} B = {0.6, 0.7} , {0.2} , {0.3} are two MVNNs, then s ( A ) = s ( B ) = 0.05 and a= ( A) a= ( B ) 0.3833 . So A~ B. (4) If A =

{0.5} , {0.1, 0.2} , {0.1}

and B =

{0.6} ,

{0.2} , {0.1} are two MVNNs, then s ( A) = 0.0833 and s ( B ) = 0.1 . s ( A ) < s ( B ) , so A B B .

{0.5} , {0.1, 0.2} , {0.1} {0.2, 0.3} , {0.2} are two MVNNs, = 0.0833 , a ( A ) = 0.25 and a ( A ) < a ( B ) , so A B B . (5) If A =

{0.7} , then s ( A ) = s ( B ) a ( B ) = 0.3833 . and B =

be two MVNNs, then the Hamming–Hausdorff distance between A and B can be defined as follows:


1 = d ( A, B ) max min γ A − γ B + max min γ B − γ A γ B ∈TB γ A ∈TA 6 γ A ∈TA γ B ∈TB + max min η A − η B + max min η B − η A   η B ∈I B η A ∈I A


xx B ∈FB A ∈FA xx B ∈FB A ∈FA





{0.8} , {0.8} , {0.5}


{0.4, 0.5} , {0.2} , {0.3}






according to Eq. (5), d ( A, B ) = 0.25 can be determined. 4.

Definition 10. The PA operator is the mapping PA: R n → R , which is defined as follows51:

PA (α1 , α 2 ,2 , α n ) = Here S (α i ) = ∑=i

∑ i =1 (1 + S (α i ) ) α i . n ∑ i =1 (1 + S (α i ) )

n 1, j ≠ i



Supp (α i , α j ) , and Supp (α i , α j )

is the support for α i from α j . Then the following properties are true. (1) Supp (α i , α j ) ∈ [0,1] ;

(2) Supp (α i , α j ) = Supp (α j , α i ) ;

(3) Supp (α i , α j ) ≥ Supp (α p , α q ) iff α i − α j < α p − α q . Apparently, the closer two values get, the more they support each other. 4.2. Power weighted average operator

( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) be a collection of MVNNs, and w = ( w1 , w2 ,2 , wn ) be the weight vector of Aj ( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) , with wj ≥ 0

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )



∑ w j = 1 . The multi-valued j =1

neutrosophic power weighted average (MVNPWA) operator of dimension n is the mapping MVNPWA : MVNN n → MVNN , and



+ max min xxxx min B − A . A − B + max 


The power average (PA) operator was developed by Yager in the form of nonlinear weighted average aggregation operator51.

Definition 11. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

Definition 9. Let A = TA , IA , FA and B = TB , IB , FB

η A ∈I A η B ∈I B

4.1. Power aggregation operator

Power Operators and MCGDM Approach

In this section, the power aggregation operators of MVNNs are presented and an approach for MCGDM problems that utilizes these aggregation operators is proposed.

MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) = Here S ( Aj ) =


⊕ w j 1 + S ( Aj ) Aj j =1

∑ w j (1 + S ( Aj ) ) n j =1

. (7)


∑ w j Supp ( Aj , Ai ) and Supp ( Aj , Ai )

=i 1, j ≠ i

is the support for Aj from Ai , which satisfies the following conditions: (1) Supp ( Ai , Aj ) ∈ [0,1] ;

(2) Supp ( Ai , Aj ) = Supp ( Aj , Ai ) ;


Supp ( Ai , Aj ) ≥ Supp ( Ap , Aq )


d ( Ai , Aj ) <

d ( Ap , Aq ) , where d is the distance measure as was defined in Definition 9.

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Peng et al.

Based on the operations in Definition 6 and Eq. (7), Theorem 2 can be derived.

( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) be a and w = ( w1 , w2 ,2 , wn ) be the ( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) , with w j ≥ 0

Theorem 2. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j collection of MVNNs, weight vector of Aj

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )


ς1 A1 ⊕ ς 2 A2  (1 + γ 1 )ς1 − (1 − γ 1 )ς1 (1 + γ 2 )ς 2 − (1 − γ 2 )ς 2 +  ς1 ς1 ς2 ς2  (1 + γ 1 ) + (1 − γ 1 ) (1 + γ 2 ) + (1 − γ 2 ) =  γ1∈TA ,γ 2 ∈TA  ς1 ς1 ς2 ς2 1 2  (1 + γ 1 ) − (1 − γ 1 ) (1 + γ 2 ) − (1 − γ 2 ) + ⋅ 1 ς ς ς ς2  1 1 2  (1 + γ 1 ) + (1 − γ 1 ) (1 + γ 2 ) + (1 − γ 2 )


∑ w j = 1 . Then their aggregated j =1

result using the MVNPWA operator is also an MVNN, and MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  n  n n n  + w 1 S A ( j )) − ∏ (1 − γ j ) ∑ j 1 w j (1+ S ( Aj ))  j( ∏ (1 + γ j ) ∑ j 1 = =  j 1 =j 1  = =  γ j ∈TA  , w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) j n  n  n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ (1 − γ ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  ∏ (1 + γ j ) ∑ j 1 =  j = j 1 = = j 1 j 1   w j (1+ S ( A j ) )   n   2∏ (η j ) ∑ nj=1 w j (1+ S ( Aj ))   j =1 η j ∈IA j  , w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) n n   n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ (η ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  ∏ ( 2 −η j )∑ j 1=  j j 1 = =  j 1 =j 1  (8) 1 w S A + ( ) j( j )   n   2∏ (ξ j ) ∑ nj=1 w j (1+ S ( Aj ))   j =1 ξ j ∈FA j   . w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) n n  n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ ( ξ ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  ∏ ( 2 − ξ j ) ∑ j 1=  j j 1 = i =1  j =1 

Here S ( Aj ) =


   ,   

 2 ⋅η1ς1 2 ⋅η 2ς 2  ⋅ λ ς1 ς ς ( 2 − η1 ) + (η1 ) ( 2 − η2 ) 2 + (η2 ) 2  η1∈IA1 ,η2 ∈IA2   2 ⋅η 2ς 2 2 ⋅η1ς1    ⋅ 1 − ς1 ς1 ς2 ς2 1 + 1 −    ( 2 − η1 ) + (η1 )   ( 2 − η2 ) + (η2 )

   ,     

 2 ⋅ ξ1ς1 2 ⋅ ξ 2ς 2  ⋅ ς1 ς1 ς ς ( 2 − ξ1 ) + (ξ1 ) ( 2 − ξ2 ) 2 + (ξ2 ) 2  ξ1∈FA ,ξ2 ∈FA2    2 ⋅ ξ1ς1 2 ⋅ ξ 2ς 2    ⋅ 1 − ς1 ς1 ς2 ς2 1 + 1 −     ( 2 − ξ1 ) + (ξ1 )   ( 2 − ξ 2 ) + (ξ 2 )

        

 (1 + γ 1 )ς1 (1 + γ 2 )ς 2 − (1 − γ 1 )ς1 (1 − γ 2 )ς 2  γ1∈TA1 ,γ 2 ∈TA2  ς1 ς2 ς1 ς2  (1 + γ 1 ) (1 + γ 2 ) + (1 − γ 1 ) (1 − γ 2 ) ς ς  2 (η1 ) 1 (η 2 ) 2  η1∈IA1 ,η2 ∈IA2  ς2 ς ς ς  ( 2 − η1 ) 1 2 − η A2 + (η1 ) 1 (η 2 ) 2


ξ ∈F

 A1 ,ξ 2 ∈FA2



 , 

  , 

ς ς  2 (ξ1 ) 1 (ξ 2 ) 2  .  ς1 ς2 ς1 ς2   ( 2 − ξ1 ) ( 2 − ξ 2 ) + (ξ1 ) (ξ 2 ) 



∑ w j Supp ( Aj , Ai ) and satisfies the

=i 1, j ≠ i

conditions in Definition 11.

MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ) =

Proof. For simplicity, let

1  (1 + γ 1 )VVVV (1 + γ 2 ) 2 − (1 − γ 1 ) 1 (1 − γ 2 ) 2 γ1∈TA1 ,γ 2 ∈TA2  VVVV 1 2 1 2  (1 + γ 1 ) (1 + γ 2 ) + (1 − γ 1 ) (1 − γ 2 )

VV  2 (η1 ) 1 (η 2 ) 2  η1∈IA1 ,η2 ∈IA2  V2 VVV  ( 2 − η1 ) 1 2 − η A2 + (η1 ) 1 (η 2 ) 2

  w 1 + S  A   j  j  ς = j    ∑ nj = 1 w 1 + S  A   j  j 


in the process of proof. By using the mathematical induction on n . (1) If n = 2 , based on the operations (1) and (3) in Definition 6,

ξ ∈F 1

 A1 ,ξ 2 ∈FA2


  , 

VV  2 (ξ1 ) 1 (ξ 2 ) 2    . VVVV 1 2 1 2  ( 2 − ξ1 ) ( 2 − ξ 2 ) + (ξ1 ) (ξ 2 ) 

(2) If Eq. (8) holds for n = k , then

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 , 

MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , Ak ) k j j  k 1 + γ VV − ∏ (1 − γ j ) ∏( j)   j 1 =j 1 = =  γ j ∈TA  k k VV j  ∏ (1 + γ j ) j + ∏ (1 − γ j ) j  j 1 =j 1 =

k ςj  2∏ (η j )  j =1 η j ∈IA j  k k ς ς  ∏ ( 2 − η j ) j + ∏ (η j ) j  =  j 1 =j 1

 k 1 + γ ς j ⋅ 1 + γ ς k +1 − k 1 − γ ς j ⋅ 1 − γ ς k +1  ∏ ( j ) ( k +1 ) ∏ ( j ) ( k +1 )   j 1 =j 1  = =  γ j ∈TA  k , k ςj ςj j ς k +1 ς k +1  ∏ (1 + γ j ) ⋅ (1 + γ k +1 ) + ∏ (1 − γ j ) ⋅ (1 − γ k +1 )  =  j 1 =j 1 

  ,  

k ςj ς   4∏ (η j ) ⋅ (ηk +1 ) k +1   j =1 η j ∈IA j  k , k ςj ς  2∏ ( 2 − η j ) ⋅ ( 2 − ηk +1 )ς k +1 + 2∏ (η j ) j ⋅ (ηk +1 )ς k +1  =  j 1 =i 1 

  ,  

k ςj  2∏ (ξ j )  j =1 ξ j ∈FA j  k k ς ς  ∏ ( 2 − ξ j ) j + ∏ (ξ j ) j i =1  j =1

k ςj ς   4∏ (ξ j ) ⋅ (ξ k +1 ) k +1   j =1 ξ j ∈FA j  k  k ςj ςj ς k +1 ς k +1  2∏ ( 2 − ξ j ) ⋅ ( 2 − ξ k +1 ) + 2∏ (ξ j ) ⋅ (ξ k +1 )   j =1  i =1

   .  

If n= k + 1 , by the operations (1) and (3) in Definition 6, MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , Ak , Ak +1 ) k j j  k 1 + γ VV  1− γ j ) − VV ( ) ( ∏ ∏ k +1 k +1 j   1 1 γ γ + − − ( ) ( ) =j 1 =j 1 k +1 k +1 +  k  k VV k +1 k +1 VV j j  ∏ (1 + γ j ) + ∏ (1 − γ j ) (1 + γ k +1 ) + (1 − γ k +1 )   j 1 =j 1  = = γ j ∈TA  k , k VV j j j  ∏ (1 + γ j ) − ∏ (1 − γ j )  VV 1 + γ k +1 ) k +1 − (1 − γ k +1 ) k +1  (  j 1 =j 1 = ⋅ k VV 1 + k k +1 k +1  VV j j  ∏ (1 + γ j ) + ∏ (1 − γ j ) (1 + γ k +1 ) + (1 − γ k +1 )  j =1  j =1 

 k +1 1 + γ ς j − k +1 1 − γ ς j ( j ) ∏( j )  ∏ = j 1 =j 1 =  γ j ∈TA  k +1 k +1 ς ς j  ∏ (1 + γ j ) j + ∏ (1 − γ j ) j =  j 1 =j 1 k +1 ςj  2∏ (η j )  j =1 η j ∈IA j  k +1 k +1 ς ς  ∏ ( 2 − η j ) j + ∏ (η j ) j =  j 1 =j 1 k +1 ςj  2∏ (ξ j )  j =1 ξ j ∈FA j  k +1 k +1 ς ς  ∏ ( 2 − ξ j ) j + ∏ (ξ j ) j =  j 1 =i 1

  ,  

  ,  

   .  

i.e., Eq. (8) holds for n= k + 1 . Thus, Eq. (8) holds for all n , then

k ςj   2∏ (η j ) ς k +1   2 η ( k +1 ) j =1   ⋅ MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) ς k +1 k k ς k +1 ςj ςj   2 − η j ) + ∏ (η j ) ( 2 − ηk +1 ) + (η j ) ( ∏ w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) )    n  j 1 =j 1 = n , n n η j ∈IAj    k + w S A w 1+ S ( A j ) )  1 + − − γ γ 1 1 ) ( ςj j( j ) ∏ ∏ j ∑ j 1= j ∑j 1 j( =    2∏ (η j ) ς  j 1 =j 1   =  2 (ηk +1 ) k +1 =  γ j ∈TA    j =1 ,  1 − w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) j + − ⋅ 1 1   n n k k ς k +1   ς k +1 ςj ςj     n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ 1 − γ w 1+ S ( A j ) )   ∏ ( 2 − η j ) + ∏ (η j )   ( 2 − ηk +1 ) + (η j )     ∏ 1 + γ j ∑ j 1= j ∑j 1 j( = = = 1 1 j j = = j j 1 1      

k ςj   2∏ (ξ j ) ς k +1   2 ξ ( ) j =1 k +1   ⋅ ς k +1 k k ς k +1 ςj ςj   2 − ξ j ) + ∏ (ξ j ) ( 2 − ξ k +1 ) + (ξ j ) ( ∏   j 1 =j 1 = ξ j ∈FAj   k ς j    ξ 2 ς ( ) ∏ j   2 (ξ k +1 ) k +1   j =1  1 − + − ⋅ 1 1   k k ς k +1   ς k +1 ςj ςj     ∏ ( 2 − ξ j ) + ∏ (ξ j )   ( 2 − ξ k +1 ) + (ξ j )   = = 1 1 j j    









w j (1+ S ( A j ) )   n   2∏ (η j ) ∑ nj =1 w j (1+ S ( A j ))   j =1 η j ∈IA j  , w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) n  n  n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ (η ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) .  ∏ ( 2 −η j )∑ j 1=  j j 1 = =  j 1 =j 1  w j (1+ S ( A j ) )   n   2∏ (ξ j ) ∑ nj=1 w j (1+ S ( Aj ))   j =1 ξ j ∈FA j   . w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) n n   n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ ( ξ ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  ∏ ( 2 − ξ j )∑ j 1=  j = j 1 =  j 1 =i 1 

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Peng et al.

The MVNPWA operator has the following properties. Theorem 3. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

be a

collection of MVNNs. If Aj′ ( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) is any permutation of Aj ( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) , then



MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) = MVNPWA w A1′ , A2′ ,2 , An′ .

Proof. The process of proof is omitted here. Theorem 4. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

collection of MVNNs and A = TA , IA , FA

j =1

Here S ( Aj ) =


∑ w j Supp ( Aj , Ai ) and Supp ( Aj , Ai )

=i 1, j ≠ i

is the support for Aj from Ai , which satisfies the following conditions: (1) Supp ( Ai , Aj ) ∈ [0,1] ; (3) Supp( Ai , Aj ) ≥ Supp ( Ap , Aq ) iff d ( Ai , Aj ) < d ( Ap , Aq ) ,

be a

be an

, γ j γ= MVNN. If for all j = , η j η and ξ j = ξ , then

where d is the distance measure defined in Definition 9. Based on the operations in Definition 6 and Eq. (9), Theorem 3 can be derived.

MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) = A . Where γ j , η j and ξ j are elements of TA j , IA j and FA j

Theorem 6. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

respectively, γ , η and ξ are elements of TA , IA and F respectively.



Proof. The process of proof is omitted here. Theorem 5. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )


(2) Supp ( Ai , Aj ) = Supp ( Aj , Ai ) ;

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

( ( ))

w j 1+ S A j


MVNPWG w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) = ⊗ ( Aj ) ∑ nj =1 w j (1+ S ( A j )) .


collection of MVNNs, and

wj ≥ 0



( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

Aj and

( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) be a w = ( w1 , w2 ,2 , wn ) be the ( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) , with n

∑ w j = 1 . Then their j =1

aggregated result using the MVNPWG operator is also an MVNN, and MVNPWG w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An )

w j (1+ S ( A j ) )   n   2∏ ( γ j ) ∑ nj=1 w j (1+ S ( Aj ))   j =1 MVNNs. If for all j , γ j ≤ γ *j , η j ≥ η *j and ξ j ≥ ξ *j , then =  γ ∈TA  , w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) j j n n * * *   n n MVNPWA w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) ≤ MVNPWA w A1 , A2 ,2 , An w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ ( γ ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  ∏ ( 2 − γ j )∑ j 1=  j = j 1 =  j 1 =j 1  . 1 1 w + S A w + S    ( ) ( Aj ))  ( ) ( j j j  n Where γ j , η j and ξ j are elements of TA j , I A j and FA j n n n  1 1 w + S A w + S ( Aj ))  1 1 + η − − η ( ) ( ) ( j j ∏( ∏( j )∑ j 1= j )∑ j 1 j =  j 1 =j 1  = respectively, γ *j , η *j and ξ *j are elements of TA* , IA* and η j ∈IA j  , j j w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) n  n  n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ (1 − η ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) FA* respectively.  ∏ (1 + η j ) ∑ j 1 =  j = j 1 j =  j 1 =j 1 

A*j = TA* , IA* , FA* j



be two collections of



w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) n  n n n  w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) − ∏ (1 − ξ ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  ∏ (1 + ξ j ) ∑ j 1 = j = j 1  j 1 =j 1  = ξ j ∈FAj   . (10) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) 4.3. Power weighted geometric operator n n   n n w j (1+ S ( A j ) ) + ∏ (1 − ξ ) ∑ w j (1+ S ( A j ) )  ∏ (1 + ξ j ) ∑ j 1 =  j = j 1  j 1 =j 1  Definition 12. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j ( j = 1, 2,2 , n= )

Proof. The process of proof is omitted here.

be a collection of MVNNs, and w = ( w1 , w2 ,2 , wn ) be the

weight vector

wj ≥ 0

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )




∑ w j = 1 . The multi-valued



Here S ( Aj ) =


∑ w j Supp ( Aj , Ai ) and satisfies the

=i 1, j ≠ i

conditions in Definition 11.


j =1

neutrosophic power weighted geometric (MVNPWG) operator of dimension n is the mapping MVNPWG: MVNN n → MVNN , and

Proof. Theorem 2 can be proved by the mathematical induction and the process is omitted here. � Similarly, the MVNPWG operator has the following properties.

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis Copyright: the authors 354

MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

Theorem 7. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

be a

collection of MVNNs. If Aj′ ( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) is any permutation of Aj ( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) , then



∑ ωk = 1 . Let R k = (α ijk )n×m be the multi-valued

k =1

neutrosophic decision matrix, and α ijk = 〈Tα k , Iα k , Fα k 〉 ij



MVNPWG w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) = MVNPWG w A1′ , A2′ ,2 , An′ .

be the evaluation value of α i for criterion c j being in the form of MVNNs provided by the decision-maker d k ∈ D , where Tα k indicates the truth-membership

Proof. The process of proof is omitted here.

function, Iα k indicates the indeterminacy-membership





( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

Theorem 8. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

collection of MVNNs and A = TA , IA , FA

be a

be an

, γ j γ= MVNN. If for all j = , η j η and ξ j = ξ , then

MVNPWG w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) = A . Where γ j , η j and ξ j are elements of TA j , IA j and FA j respectively, γ , η and ξ are elements of TA , IA and F respectively. A

Proof. The process of proof is omitted here.

function and Fα k

indicates the falsity-membership


function. This approach is an integration of MVNNs and the aggregation operators, and can be used to solve MCDM problems mentioned above. In general, there are maximizing criteria and minimizing criteria in MCDM problems. According to the IFSs method proposed by Xu12, the minimizing criteria can be transformed into maximizing criteria as follows: a ijk , for maximizing criteria c j  , ( i 1,2, = = 2 , n; j 1,2,2, m ) . (11) βijk =  k c (a ij ) , for minimizing criteria c j

Here (α ijk ) is the complement of α ijk as defined in c

Theorem 9. Let Aj = TA j , IA j , FA j

( j = 1, 2,2 , n ) and

( j = 1, 2,2 , n )

be two collections of

A*j = TA* , IA* , FA* j



MVNNs. If for all j , γ j ≤ γ *j , η j ≥ η *j and ξ j ≥ ξ *j , then

MVNPWG w ( A1 , A2 ,2 , An ) ≤ MVNPWG w ( A1* , A2* ,2 , An* ) .

Where γ j , η j and ξ j are elements of TA j , IA j and FA j

Definition 5. In the following, a procedure to rank and select the most desirable alternative(s) is given. Step 1. Transform the decision matrix. According to Eq. (11), the MVNN decision matrix k can be transformed into a normalized R = (α ijk ) n× m

respectively, γ *j , η *j and ξ *j are elements of TA* , IA* and

MVNN decision matrix R k = ( β ijk )

FA* respectively.

In order to unify all criteria, we need to transform the minimizing criteria into maximizing criteria (Remark: if all the criteria belong to the maximizing criteria and have the same measurement unit, then there is no need to normalize them). Suppose that the matrix R k = (α ijk ) , where α ijk are MVNNs, is normalized




Proof. The process of proof is omitted here.


n× m

4.4. MCGDM approach Assume there are n A = {α1 , α 2 ,2 , α n } and

n× m

alternatives m criteria

denoted denoted

by by

C = {c1 , c2 ,2 , cm } , and the weight vector of criteria is w = ( w1 , w2 ,2 , wm ) , where w j ≥ 0

( j = 1, 2,2 , m )



∑ w j = 1 . Suppose that there are l decision-makers j =1

D = {d1 , d 2 ,2 , dl } whose corresponding weight vector is ω = (ω1 , ω2 ,2 , ωm ) , where ω j ≥ 0 ( j = 1, 2,2 , m )

into the corresponding matrix R k = ( β ijk )

n× m


For the minimizing criteria, the normalization formula is

= βijk

α ) (= k c ij

 ξ ∈F k {ξ } , η∈I k {1 − η} ,  γ ∈T k {γ } ;(12) αij



for the maximizing criteria, k k β= α= ij ij

 γ ∈T k {γ } , η∈I k {η} ,  ξ ∈F k {ξ } .

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Peng et al.

Step 2. Calculate the supports Supp ( β ijk , β ijt ) .


The supports can be obtained by the following formula: Supp ( β ijk , β ijt ) = 1 − d ( β ijk , β ijt ) ,

β ij = MVNPWG ω ( β ij1 , β ij2 ,2 , βijl )

= i 1,= 2,2 , n; j 1, 2,2 = , m; k , t 1, 2,2 , l , k ≠ t . Here Supp ( β , β k ij

t ij

) is the support for β


from β , and

k ij

t ij

satisfies the three conditions given in Definition 11. d ( β ijk , β ijt ) is the Hamming-Hausdorff distance between

β and β as defined in Definition 9. k ij

t ij

Step 3. Calculate the weights τ ijk associated with the MVNN β ijk .

The weighted support S ( β ijk ) of the MVNN β ijk by

the other MVNNs = β ijt ( t 1, 2,2 , l and t ≠ k ) can be calculated using the weights ωk ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) of the decision-makers d k ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) . l

S ( β ijk ) = ∑ ωt Supp ( β ijk , β ijt ) ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) . (15) =t 1, t ≠ k

Then, the weights τ ijk ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) associated with the MVNN β ijk ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) can be obtained:

= τ ijk

( ) ,k = ∑ ω (1 + S ( β ) ) ωk 1 + S ( β ijk )


k =1

k ij


1, 2,2 , l .

Here τ ijk ≥ 0 ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) and

β ij = MVNPWAω ( β , β ,2 , β 2 ij


k =1


 l 1 + ξ k τ ijk − l 1 − ξ k τ ijk ∏ ( ij ) ∏ ( ij )  k 1 = ξijk ∈Fβ k  k l 1 = k l τk k τ ij ij  ∏ (1 + ξij ) + ∏ (1 − ξijk ) ij  k 1 =k 1 =

   .  


Step 5. Calculate the supports Supp ( β ij , β ip ) . The supports can be obtained by the following formula: (19) Supp ( β ij , β ip ) = 1 − d ( β ij , β ip ) .

is the support for β ij from β ip , and satisfies the three

conditions given in Definition 11. d ( β ij , β ip ) is the defined in Definition 9. Step 6. Calculate the weights ρij associated with the MVNN β ij .

The weighted support S ( β ij ) of the MVNN β ij by

the other MVNNs = β ip ( p 1, 2,2 , m and p ≠ j ) can be criteria c j ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) .

  ,  

k l  k τ ij η 2 ( ) ∏ ij  k =1 ηijk ∈Iβ k  l k l τ τk ij  ∏ ( 2 − ηijk ) ij + ∏ (ηijk ) ij =  k 1 =k 1

  ,  

 2∏ (ξijk )  k =1 ξijk ∈Fβ k  l l τk τk ij  ∏ ( 2 − ξijk ) ij + ∏ (ξijk ) ij  k 1 =k 1 =

   .  

τ ijk

  ,  

calculated using the weights w j ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) of the

 l 1 + γ k τ ijk − l 1 − γ k τ ijk ∏ ( ij ) ∏ ( ij )  k 1 ==  γ ijk ∈Tβ k  k l 1 = l τ ijk τk k ij  ∏ (1 + γ ij ) + ∏ (1 − γ ijk ) ij  k 1 =k 1 =


 l 1 + η k τ ijk − l 1 − η k τ ijk ∏ ( ij ) ij )  ∏ ( k 1 = ηijk ∈Iβ k  k l 1 = k l τk k τ ij ij  ∏ (1 + ηij ) + ∏ (1 − ηijk ) ij  k 1 =k 1 =

Hamming-Hausdorff distance between β ij and β ip as


∑ τ ijk = 1 .

l ij

  ,  

Here i 1, 2,= = 2 , n; j , p 1, 2,2 , m; j ≠ p , Supp ( βij , βip )

Step 4. Aggregate the evaluation information of each expert. Utilize the MVNPWA operator or MVNPWG operators, Eq. (8) or Eq. (10), to aggregate the MVNNs β ijk for all decision-makers: 1 ij

k l  k τ ij 2 γ ( ) ∏ ij  k =1 =  γ ijk ∈T k  l l τk τk βij  ∏ ( 2 − γ ijk ) ij + ∏ ( γ ijk ) ij =  k 1 =k 1

S ( β ij ) =


∑ wp Supp ( βij , βip ) ( p = 1, 2,2 , m ) . (20)

= p 1, p ≠ j

Then, the weights ρij ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) associated with the MVNN β ij ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) can be obtained as follows:

= ρij (17)



w j 1 + S ( β ij ) , j 1, 2,2 , m . = m ∑ w j 1 + S ( βij ) j =1



Here ρij ≥ 0 ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) and

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis Copyright: the authors 356


∑ ρij = 1 . j =1


MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

Step 7. Calculate the comprehensive evaluation value of each alternative. Utilize the MVNPWA operator or MVNPWG operators, Eq. (8) or Eq. (10), to aggregate all the preference values β ij ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) of each alternative,

Step 9. Rank the alternatives. According to Definition 8, all alternatives α i ( i = 1, 2,2 , n ) can be ranked with respect to superiority and finally the best one(s) can be chosen.

then the comprehensive evaluation value β i ( i = 1, 2,2 , n ) of alternative α i ( i = 1, 2,2 , n ) can be

5. Illustrative Example


β i = MVNPWA w ( β i1 , βi 2 ,2 , β im )  m 1 + γ ρij − m 1 − γ ρij ∏ ( ij ) ∏ ( ij )  j 1 =j 1 = =  γ ij ∈Tβ  m m ρ ρ ij  ∏ (1 + γ ij ) ij + ∏ (1 − γ ij ) ij =  j 1 =j 1

  ,  

m ρij  ηij ) 2 ( ∏  j =1 ηij ∈Iβij  m m ρ ρ  ∏ ( 2 − ηij ) ij + ∏ (ηij ) ij =  j 1 =j 1

  ,  

m ρij  ξij ) 2 ( ∏  j =1 ξij ∈Fβij  m m ρ ρ  ∏ ( 2 − ξij ) ij + ∏ (ξij ) ij =  j 1 =j 1

   .  

company; (3) α 3 is a computer company; (4) α 4 is an arms company. Each company is evaluated based on three criteria, which are denoted by c j ( j = 1, 2,3) : c1 is the risk analysis, c2 is the growth analysis and c3 is the environmental impact analysis, where c1 and c2 are of (22)

the maximizing type, and c3 is of the minimizing type. The weight vector of criteria is represented by w = ( 0.35, 0.25, 0.4 ) . There are three decision-makers to make decisions on this investment and the weight vector of them is ω = ( 0.3, 0.5, 0.2 ) . They could evaluate these


criteria based on their knowledge and experience. Moreover, the k -th decision-maker can provide their evaluations about the project α i under the criterion c j

β i = MVNPWG w ( βi1 , βi 2 ,2 , βim ) m ρij  2∏ ( γ ij )  j =1 =  γ ij ∈Tβ  m m ρ ρ ij  ∏ ( 2 − γ ij ) ij + ∏ ( γ ij ) ij =  j 1 =j 1

In this section, an example of MCDM problems is used to demonstrate the application and effectiveness of the proposed decision-making approach. There is an investment company, which wants to invest a sum of money in the best option (adapted from Ref. 37). The company has set up a panel which has to choose between four possible alternatives for investing the money: (1) α1 is a car company; (2) α 2 is a food

  ,  


the form of MVNNs and denoted by α = Tα k , Iα k ,= Fα k ( i 1,= 2,3, 4; j 1,= 2,3, 4; k 1, 2,3) . k ij

 m 1 + η ρij − m 1 − η ρij ( ij ) ∏ ( ij )  ∏ = j 1 =j 1 ηij ∈Iβij  m m ρ ρ  ∏ (1 + ηij ) ij + ∏ (1 − ηij ) ij j =1  j =1

  ,  

 m 1 + ξ ρij − m 1 − ξ ρij ( ij ) ∏ ( ij )  ∏ = j 1 =j 1 ξij ∈Fβij  m m ρ ρ  ∏ (1 + ξij ) ij + ∏ (1 − ξij ) ij  j 1 =j 1 =

   .  


Step 8. Calculate the score function value and the accuracy function value. Based on Definition 7, the score function value s ( β i ) and the accuracy function value a ( β i ) of α i ( i = 1, 2,2 , n ) can be obtained.




Tα k , Iα k and Fα k are in the form of HFNs, which ij



represents their degrees of satisfaction, uncertainty and dissatisfaction regarding an alternative by using the concept of “excellent” against each criterion. It is noted that one decision-maker could give several evaluation values for the degree of satisfaction, uncertainty and dissatisfaction regarding an alternative respectively. All of the possible values for an alternative under a criterion are collected, and each value provided only means that it is a possible value. So in the case where the decisionmaker gives two same value for one degree, it is counted only once, and α ijk is the set of evaluation values for the decision-maker. Then the multi-valued neutrosophic decision matrix R k = (α ijk ) can be found 4× 3

as follows:

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Peng et al.

 〈{0.4} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.3} , {0.1,0.2} , {0.4}〉    〈 0.7 , 0.1,0.2 , 0.2 〉 〈 0.6 , 0.2 , 0.2,0.3 〉 〈{0.4} , {0.2} , {0.3}〉  ; { } { } { } { } { } { } R =  〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.1} , {0.3}〉  〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.2} , {0.2}〉   〈 0.6 , 0.3 , 0.1 〉 〈 0.5,0.6 { } { } { } { } , {0.3} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉   1

 〈{0.6} , {0.1} , {0.1,0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.1} , {0.3}〉    〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.6} , {0.2} , {0.1,0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.3} , {0.2}〉  ; R2 =   〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.1} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.1} , {0.2,0.3}〉     〈{0.5} , {0.3} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.8} , {0.2,0.3} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.2}〉 

〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.2} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.4} , {0.2,0.3} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.2} , {0.2} , {0.5}〉    〈{0.6} , {0.1,0.2} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.6} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.1,0.2}〉  . R3 =   〈{0.3,0.4} , {0.2} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2,0.3} , {0.2}〉    〈{0.4} , {0.3} , {0.2}〉   〈{0.7} , {0.1,0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.6} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉

5.1. Decision-making procedure based on MVNNs Step 1. Transform the decision matrix. Since criteria c1 and c2 are of the maximizing type, and criterion c3 is of the minimizing type, so according to Eqs. (12) and (13), the normalized MVNN decision matrix R k = ( β ijk ) can be obtained as follows: 4× 3

 0.9167  12 21  0.9167 Supp = Supp =  0.9000   0.9333

0.9667 0.9000   0.9667 0.9000  , 0.9000 0.9333   0.9000 0.9667   0.9167 0.8833 0.9167    13 31  0.9667 0.9667 0.9167  , Supp = Supp =  0.9333 0.9333 0.9667     0.9167 0.9167 0.9000   0.8667 0.9167 0.8167    23 32  0.9500 0.9500 0.9667  . = = Supp Supp  0.9000 0.9667 0.9333     0.8500 0.8833 0.9333  Step 3. Calculate the weights τ ijk associated with the MVNN β ijk .

According to Eq. (15), the weighted supports S ( β ijk )

can be obtained. As an example, S ( β111 ) can be calculated as follows:

 〈{0.4} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.4} , {0.8,0.9} , {0.3}〉  3 1   = = S β ωt Supp β111 , β11t 0.6417. ∑ 〈 0.7 , 0.1,0.2 , 0.2 〉 〈 0.6 , 0.2 , 0.2,0.3 〉 〈 0.3 , 0.8 , 0.4 〉 11 { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } ;  =t 1, t ≠1 R 1 =   〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.1} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.2} , {0.8} , {0.4,0.5}〉    Then the S β ijk can be calculated and denoted  〈{0.6} , {0.3} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.5,0.6} , {0.3} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.2} , {0.9} , {0.5}〉  4× 3


( )


( ( ))

 〈{0.6} , {0.1} , {0.1,0.2}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.3} , {0.9} , {0.4,0.5}〉    〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.6} , {0.2} , {0.1,0.2}〉 〈{0.2} , {0.7} , {0.5}〉  ; R 2 =   〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.1} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.2,0.3} , {0.9} , {0.5}〉     〈{0.5} , {0.3} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.8} , {0.2,0.3} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.2} , {0.8} , {0.5}〉 

〈{0.4,0.5} , {0.2} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.4} , {0.2,0.3} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.8} , {0.2}〉    〈{0.6} , {0.1,0.2} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.6} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉 〈{0.1,0.2} , {0.8} , {0.5}〉  . R 3 =  〈{0.3,0.4} , {0.2} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.5} , {0.2} , {0.3}〉 〈{0.2} , {0.7,0.8} , {0.5}〉    〈{0.2} , {0.7} , {0.4}〉   〈{0.7} , {0.1,0.2} , {0.1}〉 〈{0.6} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉

Step 2. Calculate the supports Supp ( β ijk , β ijt ) . For simplicity, we denote

( Supp ( β

k ij

, β ijt )


4× 3



Supp . According to Eq. (14) and Definition 9, the kt supports Supp= ( k , t 1, 2,3; k ≠ t ) can be obtained. As 12 can be calculated as follows: an example, Supp11

12 11


with S


( k = 1, 2,3)

in the following:

 0.6417  0.6517 S1 =   0.6367   0.6500

0.6600 0.6333   0.6734 0.6333  , 0.6367 0.6600   0.6333 0.6634   0.4484 0.4734 0.6784    0.7500 0.4800 0.4633  , S2 =   0.4500 0.4633 0.4667     0.4500 0.4467 0.4767   0.7084 0.7233 0.6834    0.7650 0.7600 0.7584  3  . S =  0.7300 0.7633 0.7567     0.7000 0.7167 0.7367  Based on Eq. (16), the = τ ijk ( i, j 1,= 2,3, 4; k 1, 2,2 , l ) associated

weights with the

MVNN β ijk ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) can be obtained using the

= 1 − d ( β111 , β112 ) = 1 − d ( 〈{0.4} , {0.1} , {0.2}〉 , 〈{0.6} , {0.1} , {0.1, 0.2}〉 ) = 0.9167. kt Then the Supp= ( k , t 1, 2,3; k ≠ t ) can be achieved:


ωk ( k = 1, 2,2 , l )

d k ( k = 1, 2,2 , l ) . (τ as follows:

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis Copyright: the authors 358

k ij


4× 3




is denoted by τ k ( k = 1, 2,3)

MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

 0.3160  0.2875 τ1 =   0.3143   0.3173  0.4647  0.5077 τ2 =  0.4641   0.4647  0.2193  0.2048 τ3 =   0.2215   0.2179

Step 4. Aggregate the evaluation information of each expert. According to MVNPWA operator, i.e., Eq. (17), the collective multi-valued neutrosophic decision matrix can be obtained. For example, β11 can be R = ( β ij )

0.3153 0.2941   0.3149 0.3114  , 0.3117 0.3147   0.3148 0.3149  0.4665 0.5038   0.4642 0.4650  , 0.4644 0.4634   0.4647 0.4659  0.2182 0.2021   0.2208 0.2235  . 0.2239 0.2220   0.2206 0.2192 

n× m

calculated as follows:

β11 = MVNPWAω ( β111 , β112 , β113 )

{0.4996, 0.5201} , {0.1168} , {0.1599, 0.2190}



Then the other collective values can be obtained:

 {0.4996,0.5201},{0.1168} ,  {0.1599 , 0.2190}   {0.5851}, {0.1428, 0.1645 ,  0.1741, 0.2000} , {0.2000}    R = {0.3785,0.4000, 0.4273, 0.4669,   0.4118, 0.4326, 0.4591,0.4788} ,  {0.1616} , {0.1829}   {0.5811} , {0.2388, 0.2752} ,  {0.1387} 

{0.4792}, {0.2000, 0.2189}, {0.1770} {0.6000} ,{0.1722} , {0.1457, 0.2000, 0.1666, 0.2278} {0.5000}, {0.1456} , {0.2159} {0.6839, 0.7072}, {0.1965,0.2381} , {0.2000}

Step 5. Calculate the supports Supp ( β ij , β ip ) . According to Eq. (19),

Supp ( β= 2 , n; j , p 1, 2,2 , m; j ≠ p ) 1, 2,= ij , β ip ) ( i

= = Supp ( β11 , β12 ) Supp ( β12 , β11 ) 0.9491;

MVNN β ij . According to Eq. (20), the weighted support

( S ( β ))

4× 3

Supp = = ( β 21 , β 22 ) Supp ( β 22 , β 21 ) 0.9808;

= = Supp ( β 21 , β 23 ) Supp ( β 23 , β 21 ) 0.5957;

Supp = = ( β 22 , β 23 ) Supp ( β 23 , β 22 ) 0.5866;

Supp = = ( β31 , β32 ) Supp ( β32 , β31 ) 0.9599; Supp = = ( β31 , β33 ) Supp ( β33 , β31 ) 0.6072;

Supp = = ( β32 , β33 ) Supp ( β33 , β32 ) 0.5891;

( S ( β )) ij

Supp = = ( β 42 , β 43 ) Supp ( β 43 , β 42 ) 0.5455.

4× 3

 0.4989  0.4835 =  0.4829   0.4627

0.6086 0.5816 0.5788 0.5431

0.4017   0.3551  . 0.3598   0.3382 

So the weights ρij ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) associated with the MVNN β ij ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) can be obtained using the weights

w j ( j = 1, 2,2 , m )


c j ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) and Eq. (21).

= = Supp ( β 41 , β 42 ) Supp ( β 42 , β 41 ) 0.9282; = = Supp ( β 41 , β 43 ) Supp ( β 43 , β 41 ) 0.5765;

of the MVNN β ij by the other MVNNs

= β ip ( p 1, 2,2 , m and p ≠ j ) can be calculated.

Supp = = ( β13 , β11 ) 0.6541; ( β11 , β13 ) Supp

Supp = = ( β13 , β12 ) 0.6910; ( β12 , β13 ) Supp

       {0.2000, 0.2470} , {0.8229, 0.8459} ,  {0.4668, 0.5000}    {0.2000} , {0.8085},{0.4767}  

Step 6. Calculate the weights ρij associated with the


can be calculated as follows:

{0.3727} , {0.8500, 0.8796}, {0.3215, 0.3626} {0.2099, 0.2317 } , {0.7529} ,{0.4672}

(ρ )

ij 4×3

 0.3527  0.3564 =  0.3561   0.3573

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis Copyright: the authors 359

0.2704 0.3769   0.2714 0.3721  . 0.2708 0.3732   0.2692 0.3735 



Peng et al.

Step 7. Calculate the comprehensive evaluation value of each alternative. Utilize the MVNPWA operator i.e., Eq. (22), to aggregate all the preference values β ij ( j = 1, 2,2 , m ) of each alternative, then the comprehensive value β i ( i = 1, 2,2 , n ) of the alternative α i ( i = 1, 2,2 , n ) can be calculated:

β1 = {0.4481,0.4558} , {0.3119,0.3179,0.3192,0.3253} ,

{0.2153,0.2260} ; β 2 = {0.4670, 0.4737} , {0.2978, 0.3119, 0.3178, 0.3326} ,

{0.2567, 0.2785, 0.2657, 0.2881}


β3 = {0.3507, 0.3668, 0.3746, 0.3586, 0.3688, 0.3846, 0.3995, 0.3839, 0.3630, 0.3789, 0.3866, 0.3708, 0.3809, 0.3966, 0.4041, 0.3886} , {0.3119, 0.3166} , {0.2757, 0.2838} ;

β 4 = {0.4916, 0.5008} , {0.3783, 0.3964, 0.3965, 0.4152} ,



Step 8. Calculate the score function value and the accuracy function value. Based on Definition 7, s ( β i ) can be obtained:

s ( β1 ) = −0.0291; s ( β 2 ) = −0.0390; s ( β3 ) = −0.0718; s ( β 4 ) = −0.0496 The score values are different. Therefore there is no need to compute the values of the accuracy function value. Step 9: Rank the alternatives. According to Definition 8 and the results in Step 8, s ( β1 ) > s ( β 2 ) > s ( β 4 ) > s ( β 3 ) can be obtained. So for MVNPWA operator, the final ranking is . Clearly, the best alternative is α α  α  α α 1 2 4 3 1 while the worst alternative is α 3 . If the MVNPWG operator is utilized in Step 4 and Step 7, then the score function value s ( β i ) can be obtained:

s ( β1 ) = −0.0301; s ( β 2 ) = −0.0259; s ( β3 ) = −0.0860; s ( β 4 ) = −0.0572 Since s ( β 2 ) > s ( β1 ) > s ( β 4 ) > s ( β 3 ) and the score values are different. Therefore, for MVNPWG operator, the final ranking is α α α α 3 , and the best 2 1 4 alternative is α 2 while the worst alternative is α 3 .

From the results given above, the best one is α1 or α 2 , and the worst one is α 3 . In most cases, in order to

calculate the actual aggregation values of the alternatives, different aggregation operators can be used. Moreover, we can find that two aggregation operators mentioned in the manuscript, the MVNPWA operator or the MVNPWG operator, are all used to deal with different relationships of the aggregated arguments, which can provide more choices for decision-makers. They can choose different aggregation operator according to their preference. 5.2. Comparison analysis In order to verify the feasibility of the proposed decision-making approach based on the MVNNs power aggregation operators, a comparison analysis based on the same illustrative example is conducted here. The comparison analysis includes two cases. One is the other methods that were outlined in Ye36, 37, 41, which are compared to the proposed method using singlevalued neutrosophic information. In the other, the method that was introduced in Wang and Li48 are compared with the proposed approach using multivalued neutrosophic information. The proposed approach is compared with some methods using single-valued neutrosophic information. • The proposed approach is compared with some methods using single-valued neutrosophic information. With regard to the three methods in Ye36–37, 41, all multi-valued neutrosophic evaluation values are translated into single-valued neutrosophic values by using the mean values of truth-membership, indeterminacy-membership and falsity-membership respectively. Then two aggregation operators were used to aggregate the single-valued neutrosophic information first; and the correlation coefficient and weighted crossentropy between each alternative and the ideal alternative were calculated and used to determine the final ranking order of all the alternatives. If the methods in Ye36–37, 41 and the proposed method are utilized to solve the same MCDM problem, then the results can be obtained and are shown in Table 1.

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MVNSs and Power Aggregation Operators

Table 1. The compared results utilizing the different methods with SNSs Methods

The final ranking

The best alternative(s)

The worst alternative(s)

Ye [36]

α α α α3 1 4 2



Ye [37]

α α α α 3 or 4 1 2 α α α α3 1 4 2

α 4 or α1


Ye [41]

α α α α3 4 2 1



The proposed method

α α α α 3 or 1 2 4   α α α α3 2 1 4

α1 or α 2


If the aggregation operators proposed by Ye37 are used, for the weighted average operator, the final ranking is α α α α 3 . Clearly, the best 4 1 2 alternative is α 4 while the worst alternative is α 3 . For the weighted geometric operator, the final ranking is α α α α 3 , and the best alternative is α1 while 1 4 2 the worst alternative is α 3 . However, if the methods of Ye36,41 are used, then the final ranking is α α α α 3 or α α α α 3 and the best 1 4 2 4 2 1 alternative is α1 or a4 . It can be seen that the results of the proposed approach are different from those that use the earlier methods of Ye36–37, 41. There are three reasons why differences exist in the final rankings of all the compared methods and the proposed approach. Firstly, the aggregation operators that are involved in the method of Ye37 are related to some impractical operations as was discussed in Examples 1-3. Secondly, if the correlation coefficient and cross-entropy proposed36, 41, proposed on the basis of the operations37, are extend to MVNNs, the shortcomings discussed in Section 2 would still exist. Finally, the aggregation values, correlation coefficients and cross-entropy measures of SNSs were obtained firstly in Ye36–37, 41 and the differences were amplified in the final results due to the use of criteria weights. • The proposed approach is compared with the method using multi-valued neutrosophic information. If the method in Wang and Li48 is utilized to solve the same MCDM problem, then the MVNPWA and MVNPWG operators were used to aggregate the evaluation information of each expert respectively; and the final ranking can be determined by using the TODIM method in Ref. 48. If the MVNPWA operator is used first, then the final ranking is α α α α 3 , and 1 2 4

the best alternative is α1 while the worst alternative is always α 3 ; if the MVNPWG operator is used, then the final ranking is α α α α 3 , and the best 2 1 4 alternative is α 2 . Apparently, the result of the proposed approach is the same as that using Wang and Li’s method48, and the best alternative is always α1 or α 2 while the worst alternative is always α 3 . From the analysis presented above, it can be concluded that the main advantages of the approach developed in this paper over the other methods are not only due to its ability to effectively overcome the shortcomings of the compared methods, but also due to its ability to relieve the influence of unfair assessments provided by different decision-makers on the final aggregated results. This means that it can avoid losing and distorting the preference information provided which makes the final results more precise and reliable correspond with real life decision-making problems. 6. Conclusions MVNSs can be applied in solving problems with uncertain, imprecise, incomplete and inconsistent information that exist in scientific and engineering situations. Based on the related research of IFSs and HFSs, the operations of MVNNs were defined in this paper and the comparison method was also developed. Furthermore, two aggregation operators, namely the MVNPWA operator and MVNPWG operator, were provided. Thus, a MCGDM approach was established that was based on proposed operators. An illustrative example demonstrated the application of the proposed decision-making approach. Moreover, the comparison analysis showed that the final result produced by the

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proposed method is more precise and reliable than the results produced by the existing methods. The contribution of this study is that the proposed approach for MCDM problems with MVNNs could overcome the shortcomings of the existing methods as was discussed earlier and relieves the influence of unfair assessments provided by different decision-makers on the final aggregated results. In future research, the authors will continue to study the related measures of MVNNs and applied them to solve more decision-making problems. Acknowledgements The authors thank the anonymous reviewers and editors for their insightful and constructive comments and suggestions for this paper. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 71271218 and 71221061), the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No.14YJA630079) and the Science Foundation for Doctors of Hubei University of Automotive Technology (BK201405). References 1. L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Inf. Control 8 (1965) 338–356. 2. R. Bellman and L.A. Zadeh, Decision making in a fuzzy environment, Manage. Sci. 17 (1970) 141–164. 3. R.R. Yager, Multiple objective decision-making using fuzzy sets, Int. J. Man-Mach. Stud. 9 (1997) 375–382. 4. L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning, Synthese 30 (1975) 407–428. 5. W. Pedrycz, Fuzzy sets in pattern recognition: methodology and methods, Pattern Recogn. 23 (1990) 121–146. 6. K. Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Set. Syst. 20 (1986) 87–96. 7. W.L. Gau and D.J. Buehrer, Vague sets, IEEE T. Syst. Man Cy. B. 23 (1993) 610–614. 8. H. Bustince and P. Burillo, Vague sets are intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Set. Syst. 79 (1996) 403–405. 9. K. T. Atanassov and G. Gargov, Interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Set. Syst. 31 (1989) 343– 349. 10. X.H.Yu and Z.S. Xu, Prioritized intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators, Inf. Fusion 14 (2013) 108–116. 11. Y.T. Chen, A outcome-oriented approach to multicriteria decision analysis with intuitionistic fuzzy optimistic/pessimistic operators, Expert Syst. Appl. 37 (2010) 7762–7774. 12. Z.S. Xu and H. Hu, Projection models for intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute decision making, Int. J. Inf. Tech. Decis. 9 (2010) 267–280.

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