Fixed Point Theorem for Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space

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SS symmetry Article

Fixed Point Theorem for Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space Memet Şahin 1, *, Abdullah Kargın 1 and Mehmet Ali Çoban 2 1 2


Department of Mathematics, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep 27310, Turkey; Department of Computer Programming, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep 27310, Turkey; Correspondence:

Received: 4 June 2018; Accepted: 19 June 2018; Published: 25 June 2018

Abstract: Neutrosphic triplet is a new theory in neutrosophy. In a neutrosophic triplet set, there is a neutral element and antielement for each element. In this study, the concept of neutrosophic triplet partial metric space (NTPMS) is given and the properties of NTPMS are studied. We show that both classical metric and neutrosophic triplet metric (NTM) are different from NTPM. Also, we show that NTPMS can be defined with each NTMS. Furthermore, we define a contraction for NTPMS and we give a fixed point theory (FPT) for NTPMS. The FPT has been revealed as a very powerful tool in the study of nonlinear phenomena. This study is also part of the “Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets” which is a special issue. Keywords: neutrosophic triplet set (NTS); partial metric spaces (PMS); fixed point theory (FPT)

1. Introduction Neutrosophy was first studied by Smarandache in [1]. Neutrosophy consists of neutrosophic logic, probability, and sets. Actually, neutrosophy is generalization of fuzzy set in [2] and intuitionistic fuzzy set in [3]. Also, researchers have introduced neutrosophic theory in [4–6]. Recently, Olgun and Bal introduced the neutrosophic module in [7], Şahin, Uluçay, Olgun, and Kılıçman introduced neutrosophic soft lattices in [8], and Uluçay, Şahin, and Olgun studied soft normed rings in [9]. Furthermore, Smarandache and Ali studied NT theory in [10] and NT groups (NTG) in [11,12]. The greatest difference between NTG and classical groups is that there can be more than one unit element. That is, each element in a neutrosophic triplet group can be a separate unit element. In addition, the unit elements in the NTG must be different from the unit elements in the classical group. Also, a lot of researchers have introduced NT theory in [13–16]. Recently, Smarandache, Şahin, and Kargın studied neutrosophic triplet G-module in [17], and Bal, Shalla, and Olgun introduced neutrosophic triplet cosets and quotient groups in [18]. Matthew introduced the concept of partial metric spaces (PMS) in [19]. It is a generalization of usual metric space since self-distance cannot be zero in PMS. The most important use of PMS is to transfer mathematical techniques to computer science. Also, Matthew introduced Banach contraction theorem for PMS and a lot of researchers introduced PMS and its topological properties and FPT for PMS in [20–23]. If f is a mapping from a set E into itself, any element x of E, such that f (x) = x, is called a fixed point of f. Many problems, including nonlinear partial differential equations problems, may be recast as problems of finding a fixed point of a mapping in a space. Recently, Shukla introduced FPT for ordered contractions in partial b-metric space in [24]. Kim, Okeke, and Lim introduced common coupled FPT for w-compatible mappings in PMS in [25]. Pant, Shukla, and Panicker introduced new FPT in PMS in [26]. In this paper, we first introduced PMS and contraction in NT theory. So, we obtained a new structure for developing NT theory. Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial differential Symmetry 2018, 10, 240; doi:10.3390/sym10070240

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Lim introduced common coupled FPT for w-compatible mappings in PMS in [25]. Pant, Shukla, and Panicker introduced new FPT in PMS in [26]. Symmetry 2018, 10, 240 2 of 7 In this paper, we first introduced PMS and contraction in NT theory. So, we obtained a new structure for developing NT theory. Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial differential equations problem solutions in NT theory. In Section 2, we give and definitions equations problem solutions in NT theory. In Section 2, wesome givebasic someresults basic results and definitions for NTPM and NTM. Section 3, NTPMS is defined and some properties of a NTPMS given.are It given. for NTPM and In NTM. In Section 3, NTPMS is defined and some properties of a are NTPMS was shown that both the classical metric and NTM are different from the NTPM, and NTPMS can be It was shown that both the classical metric and NTM are different from the NTPM, and NTPMS can be defineddefined with each Furthermore, the convergent sequence and Cauchy sequence in NTPMS withNTMS. each NTMS. Furthermore, the convergent sequence and Cauchy sequence in NTPMS are defined. Also, complete NTPMSNTPMS are defined. Later, we define contractions for NTPM and weand we are defined. Also, complete are defined. Later, we define contractions for NTPM give some of theseofcontractions. Furthermore, we give awe FPT for aNTPMS. Section In 4, we giveproperties some properties these contractions. Furthermore, give FPT forIn NTPMS. Section 4, give conclusions. we give conclusions. 2. Preliminaries 2. Preliminaries Wesome givebasic someresults basic results and definitions for NTPM and in NTM this section. We give andSymmetry definitions forxNTPM and NTM thisin section. 2018, 10, FOR PEER REVIEW

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set.introduced If the :AxA ℝ → satisfies the conditions given Definition 1 ([19]). Let A be Definition 1 ([19]). Letnonempty A be nonempty set.function If thecommon function pcoupled :AxA R+for satisfies the conditions given below; m→ Lim FPT w-compatible mappings in PMS in [25]. Pant, S below; p is called a PM. ⩝ a, b, c ∈ A; p is called a PM. a, b, c ∈ A; Panicker introduced new FPT PMS in [26]. Lim introduced common coupled FPT for w-compatible mappings in PMS inin [25]. Pant, Shukla, and

this paper, first introduced PMS and contraction in NT theory. So, we obtai Panicker introduced in PMS [26]. (i) a)p=mFPT (b, ⟺ a ⇐⇒ = b; awe (i)(a,new (a, a) =b) pm=(b,in b)(a, = b) pm=(a, b)(b, =Ina) pm (b, a) = b; Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial structure for developing NT So, theory. paper, (a, wea)first introduced PMS and contraction in NT theory. we obtained a new In this (ii) (ii) pm≤(a, a)(a, ≤ b); pm (a, b); equations can problem in NTpartial theory.differential In Section 2, we give some basic results and arrivesolutions at nonlinear structure for developing NT (b, theory. Thus, researchers (iii) (a, b)p=m (a, (iii) b) =a); pm (b, a); for NTPM and NTM. In Section 3, NTPMS is defined and some properties of a NTPMS a equations problem solutions in NT theory. In Section 2, we give some basic results and definitions (iv) (iv) (a, c) ≤ (b,+c)p− (b, c) (b,−b);p (b, b); p (a, c)(a,≤b)p + (a, b) m was shown that both the classical metric and NTM are or NTPM and NTM. In mSection 3, m NTPMS ismdefined and some properties of a NTPMS are given. It different from the NTPM, and NTP Also, (A, ) is called a PMS. defined with each NTMS. Furthermore, the convergent was shown that both the classical anda NTM are different from the NTPM, and NTPMS can be sequence and Cauchy sequence Also, (A, pmmetric ) is called PMS. are defined. Also, complete NTPMS are defined. Later, we define contractions for NTP defined with each NTMS. Furthermore, the convergent sequence and Cauchy sequence in NTPMS Definition 2 ([12]). Let N be a nonempty and # be a binary operation. Then, N is called a NT if the given below give some properties of these contractions. Furthermore, FPT for NTPMS. In Se are defined. Also, Definition complete NTPMS are defined. Later, we define contractions for NTPM and we the give givenabelow 2 ([12]). Let N be a nonempty and # be a binary operation. Then, N is called a NT ifwe conditions are satisfied. give conclusions. give some properties of thesearecontractions. Furthermore, we give a FPT for NTPMS. In Section 4, we conditions satisfied. give conclusions. (i) There is neutral element (neut(x)) for x ∈ N such that (i) There is neutral element (neut(x)) for x ∈ N such that x*neut(x) = neut(x)* x = x. 2. Preliminaries x*neut(x) = neut(x)* x = x. (ii) isThere is anti element x∈N such that x*anti(x) = anti(x)* x = neut(x). 2. Preliminaries (ii) There anti element (anti(x))(anti(x)) for x ∈ for N such that We give some basic results and definitions for NTPM and NTM in this section. x*anti(x) = anti(x)* x = neut(x). NT is shown by (x, neut(x), anti(x)). We give some basic results and definitions for NTPM and NTM in this section.

Definition 1 ([19]). Let A be nonempty set. If the function :AxA → ℝ satisfies the condition NT is shown by (x, neut(x), anti(x)). If the#)function :AxA ℝ theA; conditions given Definition 1 ([19]).Definition Let A be nonempty below; p is and called PM. ∈ 3 ([15]). set. Let (M, be a NTS a#ba→ ∈ N, ⩝satisfies a,a,bb,∈c M. NTM is a map d T :MxM →R+ ∪ {0} such below; p is called a PM. A; (M, #) be a NTS and a#b ∊ N, ⩝ a, b ∊ M. NTM is a map :MxM → ℝ ∪ {0} such that ⩝3a,a, b,b,cc∈∈Let M, Definition ([15]). (i) (a, a) = (b, b) = (a, b) = (b, a) ⟺ a = b; b, c ∈ M, (a, b) = (a, b); i) (a, a)that = ⩝a,(b, (b, a) ⟺(ii) a = b; (a, a) ≤ (a) b) = d T (a, b) ≥ 0 (a, b) = (b, a); ii) (a, a)(a)≤ (b) b);If≥a0= b, then d T (a, b) = 0 (iii) (a, b) (iv) (a, c) ≤ (a, b) + (b, c) − (b, b); iii) (a, b)(b) = If (b, a); a = b, then (a, b) = 0 (c) d T (a, b) = d T (a, b) iv) (a, c) ≤ (a, b) + (b, c) − (b, b); (c) (a, b)If= there (a,exists b) (d) any element c Also, in M(A, such )that dT (a,a c) ≤ dT (a, c*neut(b)), then dT (a, c*neut(b)) ≤ is called PMS. (d) If there exists any element c ∊ M such that dT (a, b) + dT (b, c). Also, (A, ) is called a PMS. (a, c) ≤ (a, c*neut(b)), then Definition (a, c*neut(b)) ≤ Let (a, b) (b, c). 2 ([12]). N +be a nonempty and # be a binary operation. Then, N is called a NT if the Also, ((M,*), d T ) space is called NTMS. Definition 2 ([12]). Let N be a nonempty and # be a binary operation. Then, N is called a NT if the given below conditions are satisfied. Also, ((M,*), ) space is called NTMS. conditions are satisfied. (i) There is neutral element (neut(x)) for x ∈ N such that 3. Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space 3. Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Space x*neut(x) = neut(x)* x = x. i) There is neutral element (neut(x)) for x ∈ N such Metric that

(ii) There is anti element (anti(x)) for xsince ∈ N such that x*neut(x) = neut(x)* x = x. metric Partial Partial metric is the generalization of usual space, since self-distance cannot becannot zero inbe zero is the generalization ofmetric usual metric space, self-distance x*anti(x) = anti(x)* x = neut(x). ii) There ispartial anti element (anti(x)) for x ∈ N such that The mostThe important use of PMS is PMS to transfer mathematical techniques to inmetric partialspace. metric space. most important use of is to transfer mathematical techniques to x*anti(x) = anti(x)* x = neut(x). computer science. Also, If f is a mapping from a set E into itself, any element x of E such that f(x) = x is computer science. Also, If f is a mapping from a set E intoanti(x)). itself, any element x of E such that f (x) NT is shown by (x, neut(x), called a fixed point of f. Many problems, including nonlinear partial differential equations problems, = x is called a fixed point of f. Many problems, including nonlinear partial differential equations NT is shown by (x, neut(x), anti(x)). may beproblems, recast asmay problems of as finding a fixed point of a mapping in a space. In this section, wesection, be recast problems of finding a fixed point of a mapping in a space. In this Definition 3 ([15]). Let (M, #) be a NTS and a#b ∊ N, ⩝ a, b ∊ M. NTM is a map introduced firstly PMS and FPT in NT theory. So, we obtained a new structure for developing NT PMS we obtained Definition 3 ([15]).we Letintroduced (M, #) be a firstly NTS and a#band ∊that N,FPT ⩝⩝a,in bb,∊NT NTM isSo, a map :MxM a→new ℝ structure ∪ {0} suchfor developing NT c M. ∈ theory. M, theory. Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partialpartial differential equations problem solutions in Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear differential equations problem solutions in hat ⩝a, b, c ∈ M, theory. (a) (a, b) ≥ 0 NT theory. NT theory. (b) If a = b, then (a, b) = 0 a) (a, b) ≥ 0 (c) (a, b) = (a, b) b) If a = b, then (a, b) = 0 (d) If there exists any element c ∊ M such that c) (a, b) = (a, b) (a, c) ≤ (a, c*neut(b)), then (a, c*neut(b)) ≤ (a, b) + (b, c). d) If there exists any element c ∊ M such that (a, c) ≤ (a, c*neut(b)), then (a, c*neut(b)) ≤ (a, b) + (b, c). Also, ((M,*), ) space is called NTMS. Also, ((M,*), ) space is called NTMS. 3. Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space 3. Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space

:MxM → ℝ

give some these contractions. Furthermore, defined. Also, complete NTPMS are defined. Later,properties we defineofcontractions for NTPM and we we give a FPT for NTPMS. In Section give conclusions. some properties of these contractions. Furthermore, we give a FPT for NTPMS. In Section 4, we conclusions. 2. Preliminaries eliminaries We give some basic results and definitions for NTPM and NTM in this Symmetry 2018, 10, 240 3 of section. 7 We give some basic results and definitions for NTPM and NTM in this section. Definition 1 ([19]). Let A be nonempty set. If the function :AxA → ℝ satisfies the conditions given set. If #) thebelow; :AxA →A, ℝ⩝ a, satisfies conditions given nition 1 ([19]). LetDefinition A be nonempty p isand called PM. a, bb,inc ∈ A; 4. Let (A, befunction a NTS a#ba in A.the NTPM is a map p N : AxA → R+ ∪{0} such that w; p is called a PM. ⩝ a,a,b,b,cc∈∈ A A; (i) (a, a) = (b, b) = (a, b) = (b, a) ⟺ a = b; (ii) (a, a) ≤ (a, b); (a, a) = (b, b)(i) = 0(a, b) = (b, a) ⟺ a = b; ≤ p N (a, a) ≤ p N (a, b) (a, b) b) == 0, then (b, a); (a, a) ≤ (a, b); (ii) If p N (a, a) = p N (a, (iii) b) = p N (b, there exits any a, b such that a = b. (a, c) ≤ (a, b) + (b, c) − (b, b); (a, b) = (b, a);(iii) p (a, b) = p (a, b) (iv) N N (a, c) ≤ (a, b)(iv) + If(b,there c) −exists(b,any b); element b in A such that p (a, c) ≤ p (a, c#neut(b)), then p (a, c#neut(b)) ≤ p (a, b) Also, (A, ) is called N a PMS.N N N p N (b, c) − p N (b, b) Also, (A, ) is called a +PMS. Definition 2 ([12]). Let N be a nonempty and # be a binary operation. Then, N is called a NT if the given Additionally, ((A, #), p N ) is called NTPMS. nition 2 ([12]). Let N be a nonempty and # beconditions a binary operation. Then, N is called a NT if the given below are satisfied. tions are satisfied. (i) There neutral element for m(X) x ∈ Nbe such that of X ∈ P(A). Where, it is Example 1. Let A be a nonempty set isand P(A) be power(neut(x)) set of A and cardinal neut(x)*=xX= and x. anti(X) = X for X ∈ P(A). So, (P(A), ∪) is a NTS. There is neutral element (neut(x)) for=xX. ∈ Thus; N suchwex*neut(x) that clear that X∪X give that=neut(X) There anti (anti(x)) x ∈ N=such that x*neut(x) = neut(x)* x =give x. the function p N : (ii) We P(A)x P(A)is→ R+element ∪ {0} such that for p N (X,Y) max{m(X), m(Y)}. From Definition 4, There is anti element (anti(x)) for x ∈ N such thatx*anti(x) = anti(x)* x = neut(x). (i), (ii) and (iii) are apparent. x*anti(x) = anti(x)* x = neut(x). is shown (iv) Let ∅ be empty element ofNT P(X). Then, by p N(x, (X,neut(x), Y) = p Nanti(x)). (X, Y ∪ ∅) since for p N (X, Y ∪ ∅) = p N (X, Y) = NT is shown by (x, max{m(X), neut(x), anti(x)). m(Y)}. Also, it is clear that Definition 3 ([15]). Let (M, #) be–amax NTS{m(∅), and a#b ∊ N, ⩝ a, b ∊ M. NTM is a map :MxM → ℝ ∪ {0 max{m(X), m(Y)} ≤ max{m(X), m(Z)}+ max{m(Z), m(Y)} m(∅)}. nition 3 ([15]). Let (M, #) be a NTS and a#bthat ∊ N,⩝⩝a,a,b,bc∊∈M. M,NTM is a map :MxM → ℝ ∪ {0} such Therefore, p N (X, Y∪∅) ≤ p N (X, ∅) + p N (∅, Y) – p N (∅, ∅). Thus, ((P(A), ∪), p N ) is a NTPMS. ⩝a, b, c ∈ M, (a) (a, b) ≥ 0 (b) If afrom = b, the thenpartial (a,metric. b) = 0 Because there isn’t a “#”binary operation and neutral (a, b) ≥ 0 Corollary 1. NTPM is different (c) (a, b) = (a, b) If a = b, then (a, of b)x=in 0 PMS. (d) If there exists any element c ∊ M such that (a, b) = (a, b) Corollary 2. Generally the NTPM from NT metric, p N (x, x)≤ ≥ 0. (a, isc)different ≤ (a, c*neut(b)), then since (a, for c*neut(b)) (a, b) + (b, c). If there exists any element c ∊ M such that (a, c) ≤ (a, c*neut(b)), then (a, c*neut(b)) ≤ (a, b) + (b, c). Also, is called Theorem 1. Let A be a nonempty set((M,*), and P(A) )bespace power set of ANTMS. and m(X) be cardinal of X ∈ P (A) and (P(A), Also, ((M,*), ) space is called NTMS. #), d) be a NT metric space (NTMS). If there exists any Z ∈ P(A) such that m(Y#neut( Z ) = m(Y); then ((P(A), 3. Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space #), p N ) is a NTPMS such that eutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space Partial metric is the generalization of usual metric space, since self-distance cannot be ze d( X, Y ) + mimportant ( X )cannot + m(Yuse ) zero partial metric most of PMS Partial metric is the generalization of usual metric self-distance be in is to transfer mathematical techniqu p N (space, X, space. Y ) since = The 2 computer Also, If fmathematical is a mapping from a set E to into itself, any element x of E such that f(x) al metric space. The most important use of PMSscience. is to transfer techniques fixed point of element f. Many problems, partial differential equations prob puter science. Also, If f is a mapping fromcalled a set Eainto itself, any x of E suchincluding that f(x) =nonlinear x is Proof. may be recast as problems of finding a fixed point of a mapping in a space. In this section d a fixed point of f. Many problems, including nonlinear partial differential equations problems, Xintroduced )+m ( X )+mof ( X )a d( X, Y )+min ( X )+ mthis (Y ) section, firstly PMS and NT theory. new structure for developin be recast as problems finding ad(X, fixed point a FPT space. In we (i) p of =mapping m(X) ≤ in = p NSo, (X, we Y),obtained since fora d(X,X) = 0. N (X, X) = 2 2 theory. Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial differential equations problem solutio duced firstly PMS andThus; FPT in NT theory. So, we obtained a new structure for developing NT 0 ≤ p N (X, X) ≤ p N (X, Y) for X, Y ∈ P(A). NT theory. ry. Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial differential equations problem solutions in (ii) If p N (X, X) = p N (X, Y) = p N (Y, Y) = 0, then heory. d( X, X )+m( X )+m( X ) d( X, Y )+m( X )+m(Y ) d(Y, Y )+m(Y )+m(Y ) (iii) = = = 0 and d( X, Y ) + m( X ) + m(Y) = 0. 2 2 2 Where, m(X) = 0, m(Y) = 0 and d( X, Y ) = 0. Thus, X = Y = ∅ (empty set). d( X, Y )+m( X )+m(Y )

d(Y, X )+m(Y )+m( X )

(iv) p N (X, Y) = = = p N (Y, X), since for d(X, Y)= d(Y, X). 2 2 (v) We suppose that there exists any Z ∈ P(A) such that m(Y#neut( Z )) = m(Y) and p N ( X, Y ) ≤ p N ( X, Y#neut( Z )). Thus, d( X, Y ) + m( X ) + m(Y ) d( X, Y#neut( Z )) + m( X ) + m(Y#neut( Z )) ≤ 2 2


From (1), d( X, Y ) ≤ d( X, Y#neut( Z )). Since (P(A), #), d) is a NTMS, d( X, Y#neut( Z )) ≤ d( X, Z ) + d( X, Z )


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From (1), (2) d( X, Y ) + m( X ) + m(Y ) d( X, Y#neut(Z)) + m( X ) + m(Y#neut(Z)) d( X, Z ) + d( Z, Y ) + m( X ) + m(Y ) + m( Z ) ≤ ≤ = 2 2 2 d( X, Z ) + m( X ) + m( Z ) d( Z, Y ) + m( Z ) + m(Y ) + −m( Z ). Where, p N ( Z, Z ) = m( Z ). 2 2

Thus, p N (X, Y*neut(Z)) ≤ p N (X, Z) + p N (Z, Y) − p N (Z, Z). Hence, ((P(A), #), p N ) is a NTPMS. Theorem 2. Let (A, #) be a NT set, k ∈ R+ and ((A, #), d T ) be a NTMS. Then; ((A, #), p N ) is a NTPMS 4 of 7 such that p N (a,2.b)Let = d(A, ∀ a, b∈ T (a,#)b)be+ak, Theorem NT set, k ∈A.ℝ and ((A, #), ) be a NTMS. Then; ((A, #), ) is a NTPMS such Symmetry 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW

that Proof. (a, b) =

(a, b) + k, ∀ a, b ∈ A.

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4 of 7 (i) Since for d T (a, a) = 0, 0 ≤ p N (a, a) = d T (a, a) + k = k ≤ p N (a, b) = d T (a, b) + k. Thus; Proof. (ii) 0 ≤ p (a, a) ≤ p (a, b). Theorem 2.N Let (A, #) N be a NT set, k ∈ ℝ and ((A, #), ) be a NTMS. Then; ((A, #), ) is a NTPMS such (i) (a,exists a)= 0, a, 0 b≤∈ A(a, a) = that(a,p Na)(a, + ka)= =k p≤N (a, (a, Thus;for k ∈ R+ and (iii) Since Therefor do not such b) b) = p=N (b,(a, b)b)= +0k.since that (ii) 0d T≤ (a, a) (a, = 0.a) ≤ (a, b). (a, k,b)∀ a, (iii) do exists b∈∈ A such that (a, a) = (a, b) = (b, b) = 0 since for k ∈ ℝ and (iv)(a,There pb)N=(a, b) =not db)T +(a, + a, kb= dA. T (b, a) + k, since for d T (a, b) = d T (b, a). Symmetry 2018, Symmetry 10, x FOR 2018, PEER 10, xREVIEW FOR PEER REVIEW (a, a) = 0. (v) Suppose that there exists any element c in A such that p N (a, b) ≤ p N (a, b#neut(c)). Then d T (a, b) + Proof. (iv) k ≤ (a,db) = (a, b) + k = (b, a) + k, since for (a, b) = (b, a). T (a, b#neut(c)) + k. Thus, Lim introduced Lim introduced common Then coupled common FPT coupled FPT for w-com m (v) Suppose that there exists any element c ∊ A such that (a, b) (a, b) b#neut(c)). (a, b) for w-compatible (i) Since for (a, a)= 0, 0 ≤ (a, a) = (a, a) + k = k ≤ (a, b) =≤ (a, + k. Thus; Panicker introduced Panicker introduced new FPT in new PMS FPT in in [26]. PMS in [26]. (a, a) b#neut(c)) + k. Thus, d T ( a, b) ≤ d T ( a, b#neut(c)) (3) (ii) 0+ k≤≤ (a, ≤ (a, b). wepaper, first introduced we first introduced PMS and PMS contract an In this paper, In this (iii) There do not exists a, b ∈ A such that(a, b)(a, = b#neut(c)) (a, b) = (b, b) = 0 since for k ∈ ℝ and (3) ≤ a) (a, Thus, researchers Thus, resc structure for structure developing for developing NT theory. NT theory. Symmetry 2018, Symmetry 10, x FOR 2018, PEER 10, xREVIEW FOR PEER REVIEW (a, a) = 0. Also, equations equations problem solutions problem in solutions NT theory. in NT In theory. Section In 2, Sw (iv) Also, (a, b) = (a, b) + k = (b, a) + k, since for (a, b) = (b, a). d T ( a, b#neut(c)) ≤ d T ( a, c) +ford TNTPM (c, b)for (4) 3,isNTPMS and NTPM NTM. and In Section NTM. In 3, Section NTPMS defined is and de introduced common coupled common coupled for w-compatible FPT for w-comp ma (v) Suppose that there exists any element c ∊ A such that (a,introduced b)b) ≤ Lim(a, b#neut(c)). Then FPT (a, (4) b) (a, b#neut(c)) ≤ (a, c)Lim + was (c, shown was that shown both the that classical both the metric classical and metric NTM and are diff NT since for ((A, #), d T ) is a NTMS. Panicker introduced Panicker introduced new FPT in new PMS FPT inin [26]. PMS in [26]. +k≤ (a, b#neut(c)) + k. Thus, defined with defined with NTMS. each Furthermore, NTMS. Furthermore, theand convergent theand con se sinceFrom for ((A, ) is a NTMS. (3)#), and (4), paper, this we paper, first introduced we first introduced PMS PMS contractio In this Ineach (a, b) ≤ (a, b#neut(c)) (3) are defined. are Also, defined. complete Also, NTPMS complete are NTPMS defined. are Later, define w From (3) and (4), researchers Thus, resea can structure structure for developing for developing NT theory. NTThus, theory. p N ( a, b) ≤ p N ( a, b#neut(c)) = d T ( a, b#neut(c)) + k ≤ d T ( a,equations cgive ) + some d T (equations c, b ) = p ( a, c ) + p ( c, b ) − k give properties some properties of these contractions. of these contractions. Furthermore, Furth w Nproblem solutions N problem Intheory. SectionIn 2, Sec we Also, (a, b) ≤ (a, b#neut(c)) = (a, b#neut(c)) + k ≤ (a, c) + (c, b) + k = solutions (a, c) + in (c,NT b) −theory. k. in NT give conclusions. give conclusions. for NTPMfor and NTPM NTM.and In Section NTM. In 3, Section NTPMS3,isNTPMS definedisand defin so k. Thus; (a, b#neut(c)) ≤ (a, c)was + shown (c, b)was (4)andmetric where, p N (c, c) c) = k. that shown both the thatclassical both themetric classical NTMand are differ NTM p N (a, b#neut(c)) ≤ p N (a, c) + p N (c, b) − p N (c, c). Hence, 2. ((A, #), p N2. ) isPreliminaries a NTPMS. Preliminaries defined eachwith NTMS. Furthermore, NTMS. Furthermore, the convergent the conve seq since for ((A, #),≤ ) (a, is ac)NTMS. (a, b#neut(c)) + (c, b) − (c, c). Hence, ((A, #), ) is with adefined NTPMS. □ each are defined. Also, defined. complete Also, complete NTPMS are NTPMS defined. Later, defined. we From (3) and (4), Weare give some We give basic some results basic andresults definitions andare definitions for NTPM somegive properties some properties of these contractions. of these contractions. Furthermore, Furthe we Corollary 3. From From Theorem 2, we can define NTPMS with eachgive NTMS. (a, b) ≤ (a, b#neut(c)) = (a, b#neut(c)) + k ≤ (a, c) + (c, b) + k = (a, c) + (c, b) − k. If the function set. If the fu: Definition Definition 1 conclusions. ([19]). Let1 A ([19]). be nonempty Let A be set. nonempty give conclusions. give Definition ((A, #), p N )) be be aa NTPMS, NTPMS,{x { n }}be beaasequence sequenceininNTPMS NTPMS A. Iffor for ε>>ab,00PM. and ≥b,M, below; pand isand below; called apPM. called ⩝⩝εa, cand ∈ A; ⩝⩝nna,≥ c ∈ A; 5. c) Let= ((A, #), a ain∊A. Ifis M, where, (c, k. Thus; Preliminaries 2. to Preliminaries ∊ ℕ such { n })})<< εε++ p N (a, (a,a), a),then then{x{ n2. converges to aa in ∊ A. there exist exist aa M Min such that p N (a, {x } }converges A. It It is shown shownby by (a, b#neut(c)) ≤ (a, c) + (c, b) − (c, c). Hence, ((A, #),(i) ) is a(a, NTPMS. □ (i) a) = (a, (b, a) b) == (b, (a, b) = (a, (b, b) a) =⟺ a(b, = b; a) ⟺ We give some We give basic some results basic and results definitions and definitions for NTPMfoa (ii) (ii) (a, a) ≤ (a, (a, a) b); ≤ (a, b); lim or xn → lim xn == a or → a. n→ ∞ →NTPMS Corollary 3. From Theorem 2, we can define with each NTMS. (iii) (a, (iii) b) = (a, (b, b) a);= (b, a); the− function set.(b, If the :A Definition Definition 1 ([19]). Let 1 ([19]). A be nonempty Let A nonempty (iv) (a, (iv) c) ≤ (a, (a,c) ≤ b) + (b, (a, c) b)−be + set. (b,If c) b); b); func Definition 5. Let ((A, #), ) be a NTPMS, { } be a sequence in NTPMS and a ∊ A. If for ⩝ ε > 0 and ⩝ n ≥ M, below; p is below; called a p PM. is called a PM. ⩝ a, b, c ∈ ⩝ A; a, b, c ∈ A; 6. Let ((A, #), p ) be a NTPMS, {x } be a sequence in NTPMS and a in A. If for ε > 0 and n, m ≥ M, Definition 6. Let ((A, #), N ) be a NTPMS, n{ } be a sequence in NTPMS and a ∊ A. If for ⩝ε > 0 and ⩝n, m (A,asequence (A, ) isItcalled a)PMS. isby called ℕ ∊such thatthat (a, m{({ }) n}, <}){ε<+ε})+<p(a, a), a); then { then ∊Also, A. isinshown therethere existexist Min exist aa M such p N ({x }, {x {x} nconverges } is aAlso, ((A, p ). a PMS. ≥M, a∊M ℕ such εN+(a, (a,then a); }Cauchy is(i) a to Cauchy in#), ((A, (i) { (a, a) = (a, (b,sequence a) b)== (b, (a, b) b)==N#), (a, (b,). b) a) =⟺ a(b,= a) b; ⟺ a =

(ii)Definition (a,(ii) a)Definition (a,(a,a)Let b);≤ b); N be aand 2≤([12]). 2N ([12]). be(a, a nonempty Let nonempty # be a binary and # be oper a or → a. Theorem 3. {xn } be=aaconvergent sequence Theorem 3. Let Let ((A, ((A, #), #), p N )) be be aa NTPMS, NTPMS,lim sequence in in NTPMS NTPMS and and p N ({x ({ m },}, {x { n })}) ≤ ≤ →{ } be a convergent (iii) (a,(iii) b)are = satisfied. (a, (b,b) a); = satisfied. (b, a); conditions conditions are p N({({xm},}, {{xn})}) *neut(a)) *neut(a)) for for any any aa ∊inA.A.Then Then{ {xn} }isisaaCauchy Cauchysequence sequenceininNTPMS. NTPMS. (iv) (a,(iv) c) ≤ (a, (a,c) ≤ b) + (b, (a, c) b) −+ (b, (b, c) b);− (b, b); (i) There (i) is neutral Thereelement is neutral (neut(x)) elementfor (neut(x)) x ∈ N such for xthat ∈ N suc ) be a NTPMS, { } be a sequence in NTPMS and a ∊ A. If for ⩝ε > 0 and ⩝n, m Definition 6. Let ((A, #), Proof. It is clear that Also, (A, Also, (A, ) is called a ) PMS. is called a PMS. x*neut(x) =x*neut(x) neut(x)* x= =neut(x)* x. x = x. ≥M, there exist a M ∊ ℕ such that ({ }, { }) < ε + (a, a); then { } is a Cauchy sequence in ((A, #), ). p N ( a, { xn })< ε/2 + p N ((ii) a, a)There (ii) (5)N such is anti There element is anti (anti(x)) element for(anti(x)) x∈ for xthat ∈ N such th It is clear that Definition Definition 2 ([12]). Let 2N ([12]). be aneut(x). nonempty Let N be a neut(x). and nonempty # be a binary and # be operat a bin x*anti(x) = x*anti(x) anti(x)* x = = anti(x)* x = Theorem 3. Let ((A, #), ) be a NTPMS, { } be a convergent sequence in NTPMS and ({ }, { }) ≤ conditions conditions are satisfied. are satisfied. ε/2 + sequence (a, a) in NTPMS. (5) ({ }, { }) *neut(a)) for any a ∊ A. Then(a, { { } is})a<Cauchy NT is shown NTbyis(x, shown neut(x), by (x, anti(x)). neut(x), anti(x)). (i) There(i) is neutral Thereelement is neutral (neut(x)) elementfor (neut(x)) x ∈ N such for xthat ∈ N such for each n ≥ M or Proof. x*neut(x) = x*neut(x) neut(x)* = x neut(x)* = x. x = x. DefinitionDefinition 3 ([15]). Let3 (M, ([15]). #) be Leta (M, NTS#)and be aa#b NTS and ∊ N, ⩝ a#b a, b ∊ N M (ii) There (ii) iscthat anti There element iscanti (anti(x)) elementfor(anti(x)) x ∈(6) for xthat N such ∈ N such that (a, { }) < ε/2 + (a, a) that ⩝ a, b, ∈ M, ⩝ a, b, ∈ M, It is clear that

Symmetry 2018, 10, 240

for each n ≥ M or

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p N ( a,Symmetry ε/210,+xpFOR a) REVIEW (6) { xm })<2018, N ( a,PEER Lim introduced common coupled FPT for w-compatible mappings in for each m ≥ M Panickercommon introduced new FPT infor PMS in [26]. introduced w-compatible mappings in PMS in Because {xn } is a convergent. Then, Lim we suppose that p N ({xm }, coupled {xn }) ≤ pFPT N ({xm }, {xn }) *neut(a)) for we in first introduced PMS and contraction in NT t In this paper, Panicker introduced new FPT PMS in [26]. any a in A. It is clear that for n, m ≥ M; Thus, researchers NT theory. this paper,forwedeveloping first introduced PMS and contraction in can NT arrive theory.atS In structure problemNT solutions NT theory. In Section 2, we at give som researchers can arrive nonlin theory.inThus, p N ({ xm }, { xn }) ≤ p N ({ xm }, { xn }) ∗structure neut( aequations ))for ≤ pdeveloping N ( a, { xn }) + p N ( a, { xm }) − p N ( a, a ) (7) forproblem NTPM and NTM. In Section 3, NTPMS is defined and some basic prope equations solutions in NT theory. In Section 2, we give wasand shown that the 3, classical metric and NTM are different fromoft for (5)–(7), NTPM NTM. Inboth Section NTPMS is defined and some properties Because ((A, #), p N ) is a NTPMS. From defined NTMS. Furthermore, the convergent sequence and was both the classical and{xNTM different from the NTP p N ({xm }, {xn }) < ε/2 + p N (a, a) + ε/2 + pshown a) that − pwith (a, a)each = ε+ p N (a, metric a). Thus; aare Cauchy n } is N (a, N defined. Also, complete NTPMS are defined.sequence Later, we define co definedare with each NTMS. Furthermore, the convergent and Cauch sequence in ((A, #), p N ). give some properties of these contractions. Furthermore, we give a FP are defined. Also, complete NTPMS are defined. Later, we define contractio giveproperties conclusions. give some of these contractions. Furthermore, we give a FPT for N Definition 7. Let ((A, #), p N ) be a NTPMS and {xn } be a Cauchy sequence in NTPMS. If every {xn } is give conclusions. convergent in ((A, #), p N ), then ((A, #), p N ) is called2.a Preliminaries complete NTPMS. 2. Preliminaries some basic definitions for NTPM and NTM i A begive a map. If the mapresults m and and the NTPM p N satisfy Definition 8. Let ((A, #), p N ) be a NTPMS and m: A → We We giveforsome basic and definitions for NTPM and NTM in this se the conditions given below, then m is called a contraction ((A, #), p Nresults ). Definition 1 ([19]). Let A be nonempty set. If the function :AxA → ℝ s called a PM. ⩝ a,a,bb,inc set. ∈ A;If the function :AxA → ℝ satisfies (i) There exists any element c in A such that p N (a,below; b) ≤1 ([19]). ppNis(a, b*neut(c)); A. Definition Let A be nonempty below; p is≤called PM. ∈ A; (ii) There exists k in [0, 1) such that p N (m(a), m(b)) k. p Na(a, b); ⩝ a,a,bb,inc A. (i) (a, a) = (b, b) = (a, b) = (b, a) ⟺ a = b; (ii) a) b) ≤ = (a,(a,b);b) = (i) (a, a) = (a, (b, (b, a) ⟺ a = b; Example 2. Let A = {∅, {x}, {x, y}} be a set (ii) and m(X) X in (iii) = b); (b,A.a);Where, it is clear that X∩X = X. (a,bea)cardinal ≤(a, b)(a,of + Thus, we give that neut(X) = X and anti(X) = X. So, (A, ∩ ) is a NTS. We the function : AxA (iv) c) ≤a); (a,give b) + (b, c) − p N (b, b); → R ∪ (iii) (a, b) = (a, (b, 2 − m ( X ) 2 − m ( Y ) {0} such that p N (X, Y)= max{2 − 1, 2(iv) − 1}. From(a, Definition 4, c) − (a, c) ≤ b) + ) is called (b, (b, b); Also, (A, a PMS. (i), (ii) and (iii) are apparent. Also, ) is called a PMS. (iv) p N (X, {x, y})= p N (X, Y ∩ {x, y}) since for X, (A, YinA. Furthermore, it is clear that Definition 2 x, ([12]). Let N be a nonempty and # be a binary operation. Then, N 2 − m ( X ) 2 − m ( Y ) 2 − m ( X ) 2 − m ({ y }) max{2 − 1, 2 − 1} ≤ max{2 − 1, 2 − 1} + max{22−m(Z) − 1, 22−m({ x,y}) conditions are satisfied. 2 ([12]). Let N be a nonempty and # be a binary operation. Then, N is calle − 1} − max{22−m({ x,y}) − 1, 22−m({ x,y}) −Definition 1}. Thus, conditions are satisfied. p N (X, Y ∩ {x, y})≤ p N (X, {x, y})+ p N ({x, y},B) ({x, y},{x, y}). Furthermore, ((A, ∩), for p Nx) is (i)p N There is neutral element (neut(x)) ∈ aNNTPMS. such that  −  x = x.for x ∈ N such that X = {element x,=yneut(x)* { x, yis},x*neut(x) } (neut(x)) (i) There neutral Let m: A → A be a map such that m(X) = x*neut(x) x }, XThere = ∅is anti xelement {(ii) = neut(x)* = x. (anti(x)) for x ∈ N such that  x =for neut(x). X =element { x, yis},x*anti(x) { x }= anti(x)* (ii) There anti (anti(x)) x ∈ N such that For k = 0, 2 x*anti(x)NT = anti(x)* x = neut(x). is shown by (x, neut(x), anti(x)). p N (m(∅), m(∅)) = p N ({x}, {x}) = 1 ≤ 0, 2. pNT ∅) = 1,by5 (x, neut(x), anti(x)). is shown N (∅, Let (M, #) be a NTS and a#b ∊ N, ⩝ a, b ∊ M. NTM is a p N (m(∅), m({x})) = p N ({x}, {x, y}) = 1 ≤ 0, 2. Definition p N (∅, {x}) =31,([15]). 5 a, b,{x, c ∈y}) M,=(M, 3⩝(∅, ([15]). Let p N (m(∅), m({x, y})) = p N ({x}, {x, y}) =Definition 1 ≤ 0, that 2. p N 1, 5#) be a NTS and a#b ∊ N, ⩝ a, b ∊ M. NTM is a map ⩝a,0,(a) b,2.c p∈NM, p N (m({x}), m({x})) = p N ({x, y}, {x, y}) that =0≤ ({x}, {x}) (a, b) ≥ 0= 0, 5 p N (m({x}), m({x, y})) = p N ({x, y}, {x, y}) = 0 ≤(b) 0, 2.IfpaN=({x}, {x,y}) =(a, 0, b) 5 =0 (a) (a, b) ≥ 0 b, then p N (m({x, y}), m({x, y})) = p N ({x, y}, {x, y}) = 0(c) ≤ 0, 2. (a, p Nb) ({x, y}, {x, y}) = 0, 5 = b) (a, (b) If a = b, then (a, = 0b) Thus, m is a contraction for ((A, ∩), p N ) (d)b) If (c) (a, = there (a,exists b) any element c ∊ M such that (a, c) ≤ (a, c*neut(b)), then (d) If there exists any element c ∊ M such that (a, c*neut(b)) ≤ (a, b) + (b, c). Theorem 4. For each contraction m over a complete NTPMS ((A, #), p N ), there exists a unique x in A such (a, c) Also, ≤ (a, c*neut(b)), thenis called (a, c*neut(b)) ((M,*), ) space NTMS. ≤ (a, b) + (b, c). that x = m(x). Also, p N (x, x) = 0. Also, ((M,*), ) space is called NTMS. Proof. Let m be a contraction for ((A, #), p N ) complete NTPMS Triplet and xn Partial = m(xn− x0 ∈ A be a 1 ) andSpace 3. Neutrosophic Metric unique element. Also, we can take 3. Neutrosophic Triplet Partial Metric Space Partial metric is the generalization of usual metric space, since s p N ( xn , xk ) ≤ pPartial ( xn , metric xk ∗metric neut xspace. )) The most important (8)PMSsince N partial n−1generalization use of is toself-dist transfe is(the of usual metric space, science. f is a mapping a setisE to into itself, any ele partial computer metric space. TheAlso, mostIfimportant use from of PMS transfer mathe since for m is a contraction over ((A, #), p N ) complete NTPMS. Then, called a fixed point Many problems, including nonlinear partial di computer science. Also, If f of is af. mapping from a set E into itself, any element x p N (x2 , x1 ) = p N (m(x1 ), m(x0 )) ≤ c. p N (x1 , x0 ) and recast problems of finding a fixed point partial of a mapping called amay fixedbe point of f.asMany problems, including nonlinear differentii firstly PMS FPTainfixed NT theory. obtained may beintroduced recast as problems of and finding point ofSo, a we mapping in a new spa theory. Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial differential introduced firstly PMS and FPT in NT theory. So, we obtained a new structe theory. theory. NT Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial differential equation NT theory.

Symmetry 2018, 10, 240

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p N (x3 , x2 ) = p N (m(x2 ), m(x1 )) ≤ c. p N (x2 , x1 ) ≤ c2 . p N (x1 , x0 ). From mathematical induction, n ≥ m; p N (xm+1 , xm ) = p N (m(xm ), m(xm−1 ))≤ c. p N (xm , xm−1 ) ≤ cm . p N (x1 , x0 ). Thus; from (8) and definition of NTPMS, p N ( xn , xm ) ≤ p N ( xn xm ∗ neut( xn−1 ))

≤ p N ( x n , x n −1 ) + p N ( x n −1 , x m ) − p N ( x n −1 , x n −1 ) ≤ cn−1 .p N ( x1 , x0 ) + p N ( xn−1 , xm ) − p N ( xn−1 , xn−1 ) ≤ c n −1 . p N ( x 1 , x 0 ) + p N ( x n −1 , x n −2 ) + . . . + p N ( x m , x m −1 ≤ (cn−1 + cn−2 + . . . + cm−1 +cm ). p N ( x1 , x0 ) − ∑in=−m1 p N ( xi , xi ) ≤ ∑in=−m1 ci .p N ( x1 , x0 ) − ∑in=−m1 p N ( xi , xi ) ≤ ∑in=−m1 ci .p N ( x1 , x0 ) + p N ( x0 , x0 ) = ∑in=−m1 ci .p N ( x1 , x0 ) + p N ( x0 , x0 ) (For n, m → ∞ ) m = 1c−c p N ( x1 , x0 )+ p N ( x0 , x0 ) → p N ( x0 , x0 )

Thus {xn } is a cauchy sequence. Also {xn } is convergent such that xn → x . Because ((A, #), p N ) is complete NTPMS. Thus; m(xn ) → m(x) since for xn = m(xn−1 ); m(xn ) = xn+1 → x . Thus; m(x) = x. Suppose that m(x) = x or m(y) = y for x, y ∈ xn . Where; p N (x, y)= p N (m(x), m(y)) ≤c. p N (x, y). p N (x, y)> 0, c ≥ 1 and it is a contradiction. Thus; p N (x, y) = p N (x, x) = p N (y, y) = 0 and x = y. Therefore, p N (x, x) = 0. 4. Conclusions In this paper, we introduced NTPMS. We also show that both the classical metric and NTM are different from the NT partial metric. This NT notion has more features than the classical notion. We also introduced contraction for PMS and we give a fixed point theory for PMS in NT theory. So, we obtained a new structure for developing NT theory. Thus, researchers can arrive at nonlinear partial differential equations problem solutions in NT theory thanks to NTPMS and FPT for NTPMS. Author Contributions: In this paper, each Author contributed equally. M.S. introduced NTPMS and provided examples. A.K. introduced contraction for NTPMS and provided examples. M.A.C. gave fixed point theory for NTPMS and organized the paper. Funding: This research received no external funding. Conflicts of Interest: The authors are not report a conflict of interest.

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