Portfolio Building Technology

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architect msc in building technology


about me



I’m a junior architect, gained my architectural engineering diploma after 5 years of studies and completed my MSc studies with honourable mention, in Building Technology track, at Delft University of Technology. Except for being interested in architectural design and synthesis, my main concern is the design of spaces that provide comfort to the users, while respecting the environment. For this reason, I’m interested in building physics and sustainable design. My thesis was focused on acoustics, developping a deployable sound-absorbing unit for open-plan offices. Currently, I am in search for a working or research position, which would help me broaden my knowledge on the acoustics or general building physics’ aspect.


TU Delft, The Netherlands


Age: 26


Bachelor & Master in Architecture, University of Thessaly, Greece


Development of an acoustic panel (personal role: incorporating acoustic principles

+0031 (0) 653552942


Proposal for a sustainable high-rise close to the central station of the Hague (personal role: building services consultant engineer)

e-mail: ioanna.christia@gmail.com


Sustainable development of urban environment in big and small scale


MSc courses

Tel. Number:

in the design while developping an elegant & low-cost product design)

(personal role: sustainable designer in urban scale, individual proposal of zero-energy student housing in small-scale)

driving license: B



MSc in Building Technology,


Proposal for thermal improvement of TU Delft library (personal role:

09/2014 04/2015

Intern, at ‘‘nicos chiotakis & spiros divaris architectural office’’

07/2012 09/2012

Junior Architect, at ‘‘the Architectural Studio 149’’

thermal comfort measurements of TU Delft library while)







Participation in competition ‘‘Amber Road for Trekking Cabins”


Participation in competition ‘‘Open Mind” for research funding


Participation in competition ‘‘Volos needs its bench”


International Workshop, Documentation and Design Workshop ‘‘6 days in eutopia’’, Tuscany, Italy


International Workshop ‘‘Eco-Rehab IV edition, ER4 Milan, Engine the Smart City’’, Milan, Italy

Autocad 2D


Rhino 3D

Microsoft Excel

SketchUp 3D



Design Builder











Member of BOUT , Student Association for Building Technology students of TU Delft





RO 2O2F cluster-scale intervention

HELIX 1:1 scale product design

THE TREE building-scale high-rise


THE TREE building-scale high-rise

GREENINVASION urban-scale intervention

THE CELL building scale sustainable housing

S.T.R.A.W.S. 1:1 scale product design


RO2O2F i Project Type: Re-use of terraces Studies: Bachelor studies Location: Athens, Greece


intro In the high urban density of the city the existence on natural environment is limited. The big area of the terraces is perfect for getting developed. The project focuses on turning the terraces into a basic component of citizens’ life. Except for their improvement, a new model of life is suggested which by using all the unexploited spaces and combining the collectivity of the residents the self-management of the block will be achieved. The proposal includes urban farming, a connection of the terraces with a stair system, modular canopies and energy production by photovoltaic panels and air turbines. Last but not least the storm water is reused, after being filtered, to cover the needs of the plants. In this way, the cluster has a more autonomous character and is able to sustain a big part of it’s own needs.

author: Ioanna Christia


Sharp PV panels, 250WP OSB plates 5cm

Plexiglass 1.6 cm Aluminium frames

Wooden beam Wooden floor

Indoor Lighting Height of Room: 3.3m Mounting Height: 2.0 m Workplane Height: 0.8m

80 lux 70 lux 60 lux 50 lux 40 lux 30 lux 20 lux 10 lux 0 lux

Bright, Notus 1x14W

Trilux 9811IS 1x23W

Eav on Workplane: 300 lux Specific Connected Load: 9W/m2


Trilux 8511RES 1x12W


HELIX i Project Type: Product design Studies: Master studies Location: Delft, Netherlands


intro The goal of this project was to improve the acoustic comfort of the office of Environmental Technology & Design, in Faculty of Architecture, in Delft University of Tecnology. Helix panel can be placed either in the middle of the room, also acting as a room divider and providing the users with more personal space, or in front of the surrounding walls. Since it is possible to place the panel in the room, the size of the units and visual contact in the room were taken under consideration as well as the aesthetic quality it offers from both front and back sides. The proposal includes two units that target different low frequencies,

authors: Panayiotis Hadjisergis, Ioanna Christia

The idea of redeveloping the module as a flat-pack design rose in order to not only counteract transportation inefficiencies, but also for: • • • •

Minimization of required space required Ability for high speed production of units from flat sheets through shearing manufacturing processes The assembly is realised by the user The possibility of re-use since modules can be assembled when needed, and disassembled and moved to another space or stored.

To maintain the components ability to be assembled, disassembled and reassembled no glue or any kind of non-reversible connection would be used. The joints were therefore incorporated in the design. In terms of acoustics, two principles are combined, Helmholtz resonators and micro-perforated plate. Since dealing with lower frequencies is quite challenging for absorbing materials (need a lot of thickness and weight and cost as a result) Helmholtz resonators’ principle provides a solution with the minimum use of material. There are two units with different void volume (Helmholtz resonators’ principle) that target the lower frequencies (150Hz-300Hz) and the perforated surface with felt of 5mm on the inside targeting higher frequencies (500Hz100Hz). As a result, a wide range of solutions is provided and multiple areas of applications are possible.




THE TREE i Project Type: Museum Studies: Building Technology Master Location: The Hague, Netherlands


intro Gemeentemuseum is an Art Deco building, designed by architect H.P. Berlage, it is striking not only for its distinctive yellow brickwork, but also for its spacious interior, natural light and modern colour scheme Symmetry, proportions and rhythm were very important to Berlage, and his way of creating timeless beauty. The building is designed on a grid of 1.10 m x 1.10 m in order to bring balance in the sythesis of the building. It is built of a concrete frame, lined with yellow brick. A new type of brick measuring 22 x 11 x 5.5 cm was specifically made to produce the grid of 1,10m. The building is characterised by the interlocking volumes. This approach is repeated in the whole building, from the complex to sub-elements

construction procedure

On the existing facade there is a pattern created by the horizontal and vertical seals. The horizontal ones create a continuity on the façade, which the design is focused on and makes it more intense, In order to achieve this, a new ornament is created, based on the analysis of the existing façade; the new bricks’ size is a multiple of the old brick’s size. In this way the old and new part of the building blend together giving harmony in the composition. In order to make the horizontal perspective stand out: • • • • •

the vertical seals becaume shorter and noncontinuous the vertical bricks of the old facade are replaced by horizontal ones with 4 times the old lenght. the horizontal ones are replaced also with horizontal bricks having half height for shaping the corner, two different bricks are made the horizontal seals have double thickness and dark grey colour in order to make the horizontal direction stand out

The construction method is the same as a normal brick wall, stacking the bricks one on top of the other. The only difference is the seal that is synthetic, in order to achieve the different thicknesses.

keep the ratio of the existing brick decrease the amount of vertical seals

seperate corner piece


brick types 0.25 m

0.32 m

0.10 m

0.54 m

0.25 m

0.43 m

0.25 m

0.25 m

0.25 m

0.87 m

units production

The new openings are adjusted in the pattern of the facade. Glass bricks are used so as to provide the necessary amount of light in the room. The thickness of the brick provides shading during summer and lets the sun enter the building during winter. The total surface og openings is half of the previous but since the openings are more distributed on the facade and many of them higher, they provide more distributed natural light. For the production of the bricks, a mold made of rubber can be used. Rubber molds are preffered for their flexibility and fine detailing but they cost more than wood molds. The angles of the mold should be at least 91o so it can be produced. This is no problem for the building procedure as the molds are symmetric and by mirroring the block the seal remains with the same thickness. The new sign of the museum is made out of aluminium, which is weather resistant, and put on top of the facade. The letters’ dimensions are adjusted on the new grid. Their thickness is 0.9 cm, as the bricks and they are all connected by narrow stripes sized as the narrow bricks (0.4 cm).


0.72 m


THE TREE i Project Type: Dwelling, Hotel, Offices, Parliament Studies: Building Technology Master Location: The Hague, Netherlands


intro The location of the project is one of the most privileged sites in the Hague, since it is between the central station and the park. Hence, it is the first view of the city when people exit the train station. At the same time hosting the parliament demands a symbolic treatement of the building. Taking these into account, the building is compared to the tree, where the roots, as the most important part of the tree, is also the root of the society: the democracy. As the tree grows, the core gives strength to go higher where it becomes more dense. In the same way, our proposal of the high-rise increases its density as it gets higher. This organisation helps keeping the view to the park from the station while the lower part of the building is less dense and it can receive more daylight. The requirements of the project include a space for the parliament during the ten-year restoration of the old one, housing and hotel functions as well as area for offices. Since it was a group project, my personal role was the building services’ engineer.

authors: Duc Ngo, Dimitris Vitalis, Ioanna Christia, Jeroen Wassing, Sarah Heemskerk, Vicente Plaza Gonzalez.

One of the main concerns of the design was to use as much daylight as possible. Having that in mind we wanted to use the outline of the site as the boundary of our building while keeping the depth of the floorplan as low as possible, for a high-rise building. The introduced voides provide more daylight in lower floors and controlled natural ventilation. Taking into consideration all these facts we came up with a proposal of an almost rectangular volume with a big courtyard in the middle. The two basic factors that affect the selection of the systems for a high-rise building are the need for small duct size and high efficiency. The ventilation systems are centralised with the possibility of controlling them by floor or room. Water-based systems have higher efficiency so radiant floor heating is chosen for all the functions and active chilled beam for cooling in the offices Providing freedom to the users by using operable windows means that the climate inside a space can easily be out of control and the energy consumption of the building be significantly increased. In order to avoid that, sensors which detect the opening of the windows and control accordingly the ventilation system. In terms of safety, there are four emergency staircases, isolated in the cores, that provide a safe route to people. Two of them can be reached in a maximum dictance of 30 meters.

author: Duc Ngo, Ioanna Christia

Core 4

Core 1

office residential hotel parliament recreation-service parking

Core 3

Core 2


sprinklers fresh preheated air supply


chilled ceiling

y t

open-window sensor

energy concept

Core arrangement

20 authors: Ioanna Christia, Dimitris Vitalis, Duc Ngo, Vicente Plaza Gonzalez, Jeroen Wassing

Square louvred face, removable core, ceiling diffusers type ADT giving horizontal air discharge, used for extract air, from TROX active chilled beam of TYPE DID632 with 4 heat exchanger pipes, suitable for ceilings with 600 mm grid

suspended acoustic ceiling system Ecophon Focus A which has an exposed grid system. Each tile is from 3rd generation glass wool and easily demountable.

Air Handling Unit medium-filter pre-filter fan section section section

pre-filter heat recovery section wheel

fan section

wooden finish with acoustic properties

cooling heating section section

authors: Ioanna Christia, Dimitris Vitalis, Vicente Plaza Gonzalez

piping layout

double meander shape, appropriate for large areas combined with a REHAU sprung floor system.

temperature distribution

floor detail

active chilled beam

air extraction unit


GREENINVASION i Project Type: Dwelling, Hotel, Offices, Parliament Studies: Building Technology Master Location: The Hague, Netherlands


intro The project area is located next to the old city centre of Dubrovnik. It is mainly residential but also characterized by a large number of tourist accomodations, a stiff coastline along a big park, the Fort and the city walls. The area is a highly touristic UNESCO site, which has lead to many tourists in the inner city. Therefore the city council formulated a new aim: relocate tourists from the old city centre to the outskirts. The area of intervention is currently used mainly for transporting people from the port towards the city center and the reverse. The traffic jam is huge and due to the big number of tourists outside the city walls are often too crowded with queues for the entrance. On the other hand, there is the big park Gradac, towards the south of our area, which is very close to the main road, the city walls and university and municipality buildings. Hence, we chose to focus on this area and create an innovation park. In this way local people will benefit long-term since there are going to be facilities that fit in the character of the area while being educated on more sustainable ways of living. At the same time is going to create an alternative route towards city center which will slow down the flow of tourists and depressurise the entrance of the old city.

authors: Antigoni Lampadiari Matsa, Ioanna Christia, Iris Snijders Blok, Jordy De Rouw, Mark Evertzen, Nihat Mert Ogut

The proposal includes a restoration of park Gradac into an innovation park where people are offered a comfortable space to relax and spend some time while they are getting informed on implementing sustainable values in their everyday life. The existing buildings are going to be refurbished and turned into student dormitories since the university is very close. At the same time, DURA has already a plan of gathering start-ups and we propose the construction of 5-6 pavillions for start-ups. These pavillions will host 2-3 people and are self-sufficient, by producing

the electricity and the water they need. Based on a short discussion with locals and the analysis of the site, we propose different paths with different materials which are suitable for walking and running. Viewing decks are placed along the coastline, cafes and gathering spots are spread in the park and a multifunctional center is proposed at the edge of the park, for cultural performances expositions and concerts. Greenhouses are going to be built, where vegetables are going to grow with advanced sustainable systems, in communication with the university.




the cell i Project Type: Student Housing Studies: Building Technology Master Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia


intro The CELL project includes the proposal of student housing units construction. Each unit is going to host 2 students during the academic period. Summer time the house is going to be rented to tourists in order to attract more people in the park and depressurise the old city center. The units aim to be self-sustained and the users are going to be educated about their appropriate use.The structure is going to accomodate mainly students so they have to involve in the construction phase as well. During a short period of time, like the time an intensive workshop lasts, a house should be able to be build. This means that the materials chosen need to be easily transported since the location is not yet connected to the main streets of the city. Hence, chosing a panelised building system is crucial for transportation aspect. The shape was also optimised based on the local climate and usable space.

rigid insulation Kingspan TEK building system panel breather membrane counter batten

timber cladding

2 3 1

= 27

The proposal includes these features: •entrance, living room and kitchen on first floor and bedrooms and bathroom on the ground floor •big openings towards south and small towards north •triple, low-e, filled with argon glazing •west, south, east shading during summer •natural ventilation during night •high mass •pellet stove as extra heating source •evaporation and radiation system for extra cooling High mass is needed in order to store the peak thermal loads and release them again with a time delay. In order to fullfil the needs of a lightweight structure, Knauf Gips KG’s PCM SmartBoard provides the solution. It can be quickly and simply integrated into the existing wooden structure with prefabricated panels and the heat capacity of a wall construction, equiped with 30mm PCM SmartBoard, is thus comparable to a 14 cm thick concrete wall. The integraded PV panels, the solar water heating system and the maximun use of natural ventilation combined to the thermal mass provided from the PCM lead to an annual consumption of about 25 kWh/m2. With further research it is possible to decrease it even more and achieve a zero-energy consumption house.

ΔΤ= 12 Co

ΔΤ= 5 Co ΔΤ



easy transportation

quick assembly

light structure

local materials

no landscape impact


S.T.R.A.W.S. i Project Type: Product Design Studies: Building Technology Master Location: Delft, The Netherlands


intro STRAWS is a design-by-research project that focuses on the improvement of acoustic comfort in open-plan offices by using a very cheap and common material, like drinking straws. What makes this project special is that the whole product design process is reevaluated and offers a strong combination of advantages, that most of the existing products find hard to provide within a normal price: high performance combined with various possible customized solutions, decreased manufacturing costs and low maintenance without neglecting its aesthetical value. The design process included simulations in Matlab software and testings in the impedance tube. The target was to create units that target different frequencies (from 300Hz-1000Hz) and combined together they create a broadband absorption surface that is used as a room divider in open plan offices.








4.00 m

1 0.9 0.8

Absorption Coefficient

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200









absorpion 1= 45 units = 165- 330 € absorpion 2 = 35 units = 130- 260 € absorpion 3 = 25 units = 95- 190 €

3.00 m

Frequency (Hz)

STRAWS Indicative Performance

Absorption Coefficient

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Frequency (Hz)

32 32

absorption surface according to performance needs







architect msc in building technology 34

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