Dissertation of Ioanna Dimaki and Ismini Papaioannou under the supervision of professor Panayotis Tournikiotis | School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens | February 2019 | Abstract: Do we fantasize about future utopias, or reminisce on the prestige of ages passed? The city is the spatial imprint of an eternal process of social redefinition and reformulation. A complex composition of urban artifacts, that one can only perceive via fragments and moments within. Disparate components construct the attic landscape. The Athenian palimpsest is not a result of structured mnemonic stratification, nor does it narrate its progression in continuity. One can only get glimpses of a discontinued collage from antiquity to today. Studying Athens, and focusing on Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, the thread of the modern city unrolls. V. Sofias is chosen, as an independent monumental axis that includes characteristics of contemporary Athens, and as a part of the urban rug. The term ‘collage’, implies a [...]