Architecture and Urban Design projects

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Ioanna Psatha Architecture Urban Design Placemaking Landscape



Professional Experience Town centre strategies Streetscape and Public Realm Residential development and Masterplanning Feasibily and Capacity studies/Mixed use masterplanning

Academic Experience Small Public Spaces in the city center of Thessaloniki Unfolding urban ribbons in the area of Barbican Swansea railway station public square QMEK - Questlab of Music Experimentation in Kalamaria Residence in Syros island Concert hall’s museum Seaside hotel and spa in Mikra A communal garden Temporary shop for “Piquadro” Interior Design project

Design Workshops Creating a pedestrian zone in the city center of Thessaloniki


Professional Experience

_Location: Dartford and Barking

OVERVIEW Below is a selection of projects, amongst others, where I worked on the feasibility study of a town centre across the UK and produced high quality masterplan proposals for each of them to better describe the vision for the area, complemented by the creation of visualisations into the key areas of interest in order to show how they can be potentially transformed. I was responsible for conducting site visits and desktop research, understanding the opportunities and constraints of the site areas, participating in the creation of the vision and the masterplanning proposals and finally producing the final graphic illustrations. DARTFORD - Concept visualisation of the transformation of High Street Square

DARTFORD The masterplan for Dartford encouraged major public realm improvements such as the pedestrianisation or creation of an improved shared surface to Spital/ Hythe Streets, the increase of the size of the public square at the junction of Lowfield Street/High Street by partial demolition of the existing building and articulation of a return frontage to the Royal Victoria and Bull hotel, the upgrade of the remainder of the public realm. It also aimed to introduce a cluster of restaurant occupiers to act as town centre anchors, providing an alternative attraction to the existing retail and service offer .

BARKING The initial approach for Barking Town Centre framework aimed to improve pedestrian movement and experience in the town centre by providing an enhanced public realm environment that would encourage activity and resolve conflicts between pedestrian/cyclist and vehicular circulation. The existing open space adjacent to London Road/East Street would be converted into a high quality public space to be used both as a location for a food market but also as a focal point for the town centre that would generate activity and encourage several uses when the market is not on (events space, external seating area etc). The new market square should be a unique point of interest for the town and following contemporary and robust design principles. The proposal promotes also housing intensification with the creation of an additional housing tower of 15-18 floors integrated to the existing context of the surrounding towers. Also two more apartment blocks are proposed facing on to Cambridge Road. BARKING - 3D visualisation of proposed development BARKING - Top: Shopfront improvements, change of use and repaving of East Street

STREETSCAPE AND PUBLIC REALM _Projects: East Farringdon, Midland Rd, New Inn Broadway Shoreditch, Perfume Factory London

OVERVIEW The following is a selection of projects particularly related to streetscape interventions and public realm improvements. For each of these projects I was engaged with process from the first stages of site visit and appraisal through the final scheme preparation and graphic illustration, including final plans, concept visualisations, final reports and 3d modelling. EAST FARRINGDON Revision of the opportunities associated with managing surface access and footfall generated by the new Crossrail Eastern Ticket Facility at Farringdon East, in association with the historic Smithfield Meat Markets and Barbican station.Significant public realm and transport interventions were identified to enhance shared space and cycling access and tie together disparate and left over space into a meaningful setting. EAST FARRINGDON - Below: Concept visualisation on Crossrail entrance, Right: Illustrative masterplan

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NEW INN BROADWAY, SHOREDITCH An illustrative public realm concept has been created in association with the new proposal for a commercial space in 4-6 New Inn Broadway. The vision is to establish a vibrant public space with shared space principles that balances modes of users and accords with Hackney’s local aspirations. The illustrative public realm masterplan aims to celebrate the local cultural and historic interests of the site and establish a quality welcoming space that will help further anchor life at the heart of Shoreditch streets. The space will work seamlessly with the ground floor uses of the building to be a destination space promoting flexibility for both indoor and outside uses.

MIDLAND ROAD - Illustrative Masterplan of share space on Midland Rd

MIDLAND RD A new vision for Midland Road and a masterplan for a new shared space at the western threshold to King’s Cross St Pancras International station. The approach to streetscape promotes under-used frontage opportunities to generate the street life missing from London’s knowledge quarter and Crick Institute while addressing taxi, strategic cycling and walking routes with servicing and interchange.

NEW INN BROADWAY - Illustrative Masterplan of share space


PERFUME FACTORY The public realm design is centred on the site’s former use as the Elizabeth Arden perfume factory, which opened in 1939. Elizabeth Arden’s red door has been a landmark on Fifth Avenue since 1910, it is a symbol for female independence and her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to innovation, quality and excellence. The public realm considers the courtyard, the public space around the perimeter of the buildings, the frontage onto Wales Farm Road and a number of accessible private amenity terraces which are situated on various roofs of the proposed buildings. The vision for the Perfume Factory is one that fosters a lively community spirit. A new destination for North Action, providing high quality homes, entertainment and recreation set within a welcoming and vibrant street scene for all. Imagine walking into the central courtyard, to be greeted by a modern interpretation of the iconic ‘Red Door’. Below your feet, set in the paving are inspirational quotes from the leading lady herself drawing you further into the space, “To be beautiful is the birthright of every woman.” On either side there are tables and chairs spilling out from the various eateries, full of chatter and laughter and delicious aromas. The space is centralised on elegant sprays of spectacular fountain-shaped grasses with occasional striking accent features in loose repetitious gatherings meandering through the drift. Architecture_Urban Design_Placemaking_Landscape

Trees provide a loft canopy above whilst children enjoy jumping from brightly coloured stepping cube to cube dispersed among the planting for imaginative and sensory play. This is a place to sit all afternoon, watch the world go by and soak up the animated atmosphere.The key design principles are as follows: 1. Create a clear walking route from the London Underground station through the site allowing connections to future neighbouring developments 2. Create five distinct areas of varying use and character within the public realm 3. Green the public realm to shelter the space from adverse weather 4. Create a central and flexible event space 5. Animate the public realm with active building frontages 6. Provide the active frontages with spill out spaces to create a lively, busy and interactive public realm 7. Create a feature artwork to attract interest and views to the site from the wider street network 8. Allow for vehicular movement to effectively service the site and not impact the enjoyment of public realm by careful management

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Future Co nnection with SERG O Site

RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND MASTERPLANNING _Projects: Howstrake residential development, Gainsborough, Midsomer Norton and masterplanning work across the UK in various scales

OVERVIEW The following projects are residential masterplanning shemes and residential developments worked during my time in PBA and Turley. Some were more concept studies while others were developed to 3D modelling level.

HOWSTRAKE - Level pans and cross section

HOWSTRAKE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, ISLE OF MAN This project was clearly related to architectural design and the aim was to present a high end design for a single dwelling in the Isle of Man to go along with the planning application. I contributed to the design of the residence, produced plans and sections , created a 3D model and a series of photomontages. I was also responsible of putting together the final booklet that would best describe and promote our proposal.

HOWSTRAKE - 3D model illustration


meters 10 © Peter Brett Associates LLP

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20 Client:

Alan Craddock

Reproduced from 0:000000 map by permission of the Ordnance Survey ® on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Licence No. 100017583.

meters 40




20 Client:



Alan Craddock Scale:

Ground floor plan © Peter Brett Associates LLP

Reproduced from 0:000000 map by permission of the Drawn By: Ordnance Survey ® on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Licence No. 100017583. Checked By:



0 28/01/15 1:200 IP CB

Figure Number:

Figure 1 © Peter Brett Associates LLP

20 Client:

Alan Craddock


Reproduced from 0:000000 map by permission of the Lower floor plan Ordnance Survey ® on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Licence No. 100017583.



Scale: Drawn By:

Howstrake1:200 Lowest level planIP

Checked By:


Figure Number:

Figure 2

Date: Scale: Drawn By: Checked By:

28/01/15 1:200 IP CB

Figure Number:

Figure 3

GAINSBOROUGH We have been appointed by West Lindsey District Council to produce a Design Guidance to be a critical part of a regeneration-led LDO for the Gainsborough Riverside Gateway site area. We investigated how the site can be realistically delivered and communicated through an illustrative masterplan which formed the basis for parameters and guidance to be set around which are included within the approved LDO. 3D visualisations have been created to better show the sense of place of the site proposed development scheme. My work on the project included the creation of the parameter plans and design guidance for the LDO and also the final illustrative masterplan. I was responsible for testing the massing of the proposed development and produce 3d visualisations and sketches. GAINSBOROUGH - Massing and sketches

MIDSOMER NORTON A residential layout was delivered in a site at the edge of Midsomer Norton. I was responsible for producing 3D visualisations to better describe the vision for the place.

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upon the information contained within this drawing.

Site boundary

Two 1.5 storey 3bed houses with associated garage accessed of Fontwell Close. Approximate area per house: 120sqm

Plans reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright and database right [2017]. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number [100020449]


Courtland Developments Project

Fontwell Close , Maidenhead


Illustrative Layout Project No.


2 units

Drawing No.

Checked by





RESIDENTIAL MASTERPLANNING IN VARIOUS SCALES 00 Here are some examples of residential masterplanning projects I have worked June 2017 on responding to different needs and scales of development from two units to 600. The work included concept plans, setting up the framework, final masterplans and reports for planning application. Date

100 units

64 units

Draft Scale

1:500 @ A4





600 units


240 units

Sambrooke Trust


Offices throughout the UK and Europe © Peter Brett Associates LLP

Mark Revisio

Date Scale NTS Drawn by Checked by


OVERVIEW The following 2 projects is a work selection of capacity studies that I have been working on as part of the Urban Design and Placemaking team. In both cases I contributed to the configuration of the masterplan and created any 3D visualisations and other illustrations to best highlight the capacity of the site and the assets of our proposal. SOUTHALL A capacity study was undertaken on Southall site area to show the potential of this large site which is currently underused. The new scheme would provide a mixed use development including a cinema, a hotel, a conference centre and also uses that woulc serve the new residential accommodation such school and healthcare services. The scheme is at its early stages now and further consideration will be undertaken in the future.

SOUTHALL - Illustrative masterplan and ground floor land use plan Architecture_Urban Design_Placemaking_Landscape

BIRMINGHAM TRAIN STATION / UK CENTRAL This concept and feasibility study aimed to reveal ways in which the new train station in Birmingham could be better connected with a new mixed use residential development in the site between Birmingham Airport and UK Central station. The study included the creation of a wider masterplan for the area and the proposal of a design structure for the new train station. The principles that formed the scheme proposal were to create a potential destination station that would improve the arrival and connection experience and to make a well constructed transport hub including a Metro Station, the People Mover and the Sprint bus route along with cycle routes within an improved pedestrian environment.

UK CENTRAL - Plot configuration and capacity plan.

UK CENTRAL - 3D visualisation of proposed development and new train station structure

UK CENTRAL - Section across proposed new train station concourse .

Academic Experience

SMALL PUBLIC SPACES IN THE CITY CENTER OF THESSALONIKI _Cardiff University _Course: Dissertation - Research based design project _Term: Summer 2013 _Supervisor(s): Marga Munar Bauzza The project is about the design of 2 Small Public Spaces (SPS) in the heart of the city center of Thessaloniki in Greece based on an initial research that investigated the design principles that should apply in the creation of SPS integrated to the urban fabric in order for them to play a major role in the morphology of the city but also in people’s daily life. The vision was to create a route through different open spaces where locals can visit and enjoy a respite from the daily stressful life. Breathing spaces where residents can gather, enjoy social interaction, do various activities and spend quality time with their families away from the crowd of the highly visited and noisy city center. The new network will highlight the history of the area and provide a more pedestrian friendly environment towards a more walkable city with a strong identity. As city center is visited by several types of people the SPSs are likely to be visited (more or less) by several types of users. After investigating the potential routes that each type of user will follow around the city center I identified how routes are overlapping and which are the destination points of those passing from the new route and going to different directions. The result of the combination of routes reminds of the metro line maps: different users with different colours represent different metro lines, while the intersection points represent the metro stops (busier or less busy). The main concept idea is to handle the new route as a separate metro line with a starting and an end point offering though along the way different stops with different character.


walk in a quicker rythm along the high street walk in the sidewalk along the shops one space as part of the other walk through a shared surface along the shops

communal garden walk faster passing the local streets


CHANGE IN THE LENGTH OF CONNECTIVE LINES According the the proposed walking distance

Water drainage forms a line running along the route - breaks are covered with spotlights or change in pavement material. A tree line also reinforces the route direction and creates a pathway to be used potentialy as a cycle lane. STOP 6,7 - COMMUNAL GARDEN


- Playground.


- Green space.

-Enjoy the view to the seafront, to the church, to Aristotelous pedestrianised area.

- Seating area for residents and workers.


-Rest a minute, sit shortly before moving on.






- Space for outdoor workshops. - Provision of bike repair and rental facilities. - Cycle parking for up to 20 bicycles. - Space to rest and eat local food. - Space for major social interaction (the meeting point of the neighborhood). - Tourist information point. - Possibility of transformable seating area . - Playground (made by the structure of the furniture). - Green space and presence of water (to drink or feel cooler during hot months).





- Highlighting the connection with the history. Provide tourist telescopes. - Public library with outdoor space for children going after school or workers during their break or residents. - Wi Fi spot. - Cutlural information point . - Area to accommodate theatre visitors. - Green space. - Cycle parking for up to 20 bicycles.

The 2nd and the 5th stops represent the 2 SPS that are redesigned and are currently SHAPE INSPIRATION secondary public spaces that have failed to attract people.


The 5th stop is a space located opposite the St. Sophia basilica, one of the most important landmarks of Thessaloniki. The circular shape was inspired by the dome of the basilica which is what it stands out and characterises the whole construction of the church. The space used to be an old monastery courtyard lying in a lower level (same with the level of the basilia) making it difficult to be visible and easily accessible. The new design proposes the uplift of the ground and the access to the monastery ether by stairs or by the the basilica courtyard which is now connected with the monastery. The design aimed to be simple creating a clearly defined square that would be breathing space for the locals while highlighting the importance of the space as being opposite the St. Sophia. 1. fountain (an continuous alive point representing the everlasting glory of the basilica) 2. cultural info point 3. seating area for those waiting for the theatre 4. tourist telescopes (work with money which can be used for the maintainance of the space) 5. glass (opportunity to see the historic remains from the ground level) 6. cycle parking 7. reading space




Allocation of seats and tree lines frame different views to the basilica as one passes by the main curved corridor.



1 6 4




B 7 A

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The 2nd stop is a small public space located in a traditional historic quarter of Thessaloniki, surrounded on the west side by low traditiona buildings and on the east side by taller contemporary buildings. The area receives many people daily to visit the local market or the bars and restaurants that are there. However, the space itself has failed to attract visitors or locals and be a vibrant point. The aim was to create a public square with clear boundaries that will be a space for locals to visit and spend quality time there while doing various activities. The new square has a fountain as a focal point, a playground, a space for the adults and the seniors and an area with tables where one can rest and have lunch. The design remains flexible leaving opportunities of accommodating outdoor workshops or several events. Furthermore, there is a provision of cycle parking, tourist information point and transformable benches which can be used for art display when not in use. The squareshaped space is clearly defined by a water line giving a unique character to the square and used as a way to solve the problem of the height difference between the north and the south side of the area.



Surrounding geometry forms the shape of the square. Drainage line is used to indicate the main movement line and divide the space into two triangles representing the two contrasting types of users: mainly visitors from the southwestern side and mainly residents from the northeastern side.


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After having finished the design process and while combining the results from the research it came up that there is a gentle difference between the way in which a SPS and a general public space should be designed. And this is because there are elements that are anyway essential in a public space regardless of the size. However, there is a difference in the hierarchy of the parameters regarding their importance. Moving now beyond the design guidelines, we can identify that size can play a major role in creating to its users a sense of familiarity and a sense of belonging which is more difficult for a large space to do. And this is maybe because a small space is closer to human scale and can be easily discovered, perceived and interpreted in an easier way by its visitors. In addition, SPS in some cases are usually used by the same group of people, therefore the sense of belonging is of a high importance. In my opinion, a SPS in people’s minds is perceived as a “room” and as a result they usually search for enclosure or boundaries (“walls”) in order for them to feel the sense of belonging as they feel in their house. At that point design can also help to establish “in written” rules how to inhabit the space. This sense of inhabitation can be hardly offeres by a large space. Consequently, the potential outcome of the project is that size can be the element to transform the hierarchy of the design guidelines and not change them at all. Finally, design guidelines will seem to be the same for every type of public space. However, there are some specifications in creating a SPS in order for them to make visitors feel comfortable and not confined.





OPPORTUNITY TO OBSERVE NON PHYSICAL COMFORT FLEXIBILITY INTEGRATION SOCIABILITY ACCESSIBILITY DELIGHT PHYSICAL COMFORT CONNECTIVITY LEGIBILITY SENSE OF BELONGING DISTINCTIVE IDENTITY GREEN SPACE CLEAR LAYOUT PROVISION OF DESIGNATED AREAS principle that plays an important role in the particular type of public principle that plays less important role in the particular type of public space than it plays to the other the principle plays the same role in both spaces

UNFOLDING URBAN RIBBONS IN THE AREA OF BARBICAN _Cardiff University _Course: Studio I _Term: Winter 2013 - MA Urban Design project _Supervisor(s): Alain Chiaradia The urban design project is a proposal for the reconstruction of the Barbican area in the City of London. The site is located in the North part of the City of London which is the heart of the world’s leading international financial business and maritime center. It has a major daily working population while the residential population is comparatively smaller. The site appears to be disconnected with its context, lacking mix of uses, public green spaces and vitality. The brief required the reconsidering of the relationship with the context and the reconstruction of the baseline by adding at least 30% both in the built environment and open space. The aim is to get the maximum increase and achieve high residential densities while maintaining the quality living of residents, workers and visitors. The scheme consists of two ribbons which are unfolding to pass through the site and embrace spaces which become either enclosed and private or open and public. The first ribbon is either obvious on ground level or hidden under a slope of the ground. This element contributes to the creation of more enclosed and quieter private spaces for the residents. The second one is a line of built mass which is unfolding above the podiums by creating the illusion of a continuous ribbon. THE IDEA OF RIBBONS

The whole development bisects a long pedestrian only street intersecting with a shared surface promoting the use of more sustainable modes of transport and creating a more pedestrian friendly environment for locals and visitors. Finally the new scheme managed to create an impressive mix of uses while distinguishing at the same time public from private spaces by using the change of level, water edges or green lawns etc. The final land use distribution apart from the new residential and office units includes the Art and Conference center, two schools, retail links, two hotels and an urban farm. The land use scenario follows five main objectives: • Maximise residential use (with the addition of affordable housing accounting for 30% of the total residential units) • Increase public amenities • Increase retail use • Create office buildings • Create public green space.


Fundamental lines

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Change in the global street grain


7th floor

first floor

ground floor

2nd ribbon footprint

1st ribbon footprint

LAND USE DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAM Retail high street: - Passers-by enjoy the walk by the shops having a pleasant view to the greenery of the podium. - Residents are away from the noise and the publicness of the high street.


ENHANCEMENT OF LOCAL VIEW residential culture public amenities education retail office

View from Millenium bridge

urban farm hotel flexible use

No of dwellings : 4,587 Net residential density: 108.4 dw/ha Estimated population: Residential: 10,050people Non-residential: 6,240people Ground floor land use

First floor land use View corridors

Local views



Towers are located in the southeastern side to avoid dropping shadow in the site development.

LU volumes - before

LU volumes - after

Housing types

Market housing Affordable housing

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High building allocation

High buildings as a gate to the main open public space.

SWANSEA RAILWAY STATION PUBLIC SQUARE _Cardiff University _Course: Studio II _Term: Spring 2013 - MA Urban Design project _Supervisor(s): Louie Sieh The brief refers to the northern area of the High Street in Swansea and in particular to the immediate context of the central Railway station. The site is considered as the gateway area to Swansea which can play a major role to the general regeneration of High Street and the vitality of the city itself.


Main objectives 1. Increase footfall and vitality of the area. 2. Create a beautiful seam for those waiting to travel or those that have already arrived and looking to go home.

Create shapes that reinforce the different views to the hills to give visitors an initial impression of the unique topography.

3. Encourage travellers to stay longer to the area and spend time and money. 4. Create an artistic and fancy environment for the locals and the art community of the city. 5. Provide an opportunity for the young artists to create and present their work to the public. 6. Form a welcoming environment for tourists and commuters. 7. Take advantage of the vacant spaces and convert them into vibrant points of the High Street. 8. Highlight the area as the major making junction of the city. 9. Consider equity in accessibility for everybody.

Connection with the context and opportunities for different activities.


Creation of view cones.

Creation of different active frontages. Ground floor land use to bring life concentrated to the area. Shops with outdoor space, coffee shops and restaurants with outdoor seating areas can activate the frontages and attract people .

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A path that visitors can follow when arrive to Swansea according to the time they have to spend. 1. Hotel (provision of luggage storage room) 2. Coffee shop/restaurant 3. Cinema/Theatre 4. Music performance 5. Library 6. Coffee shop 7. Gift shop 8. Exhibition center A. Secret pocket space B. Communal space

A path mostly for those arriving to Swansea and have a either a little time to spend or even hours. 1. Have a tea or a coffee as soon as you arrive. 2. Store your luggage and visit the terrace to enjoy the view and have a rest (30min waiting time). 3. Spend your time buying local art products or gateway goods (1h waiting time). 4. Have lunch or get engaged with the public making workshops (2h waiting time or more). 5. See an art exhibition (3h waiting time or more). 6. Go shopping.




QMEK - QUESTLAB OF MUSIC EXPERIMENTATION IN KALAMARIA _Aristotle University of Thessaloniki _Course: Diploma thessis _Term: Winter 2013 - final year project _Supervisor(s): S. Zafeiropoulos 3D VISUALISATION

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The project is about the creation of a Music Center in Kalamaria, which is located in the southeastern side of Thessaloniki. The aim was to design an urban space that would accommodate young musicians (mostly expertised in classical music), from other cities or countries, for a short period of time, in order to work, either in group or individually, upon a music play and present their work indoors or outdoors. Additionally, another goal was to make the building a reference point for the area, a recognizable landmark, as it is located in a hub of Kalamaria with a view to the sea. After analyzing the principles of the music theory and converting them into architectural lines, I identified the harmony that needs to have a design inspired by music and also the appropriate balance between the morphology and the typology of the plan. The Laboratory of Music Experimentation consists of guest houses, with a total capacity of 50 persons (whole Symphony Orchestra), rehearsal rooms, gathering place (lounge-library) and concert hall for up to 200 people. A group of buildings was selected instead of a big one and the spaces were distributed on them depending on the level of privacy required by their function. The group of buildings, which is placed at a lower ground level, frames a public urban plaza that gives visitors an outdoor musical experience. The decline of ground not only can protect the Music center from the noise of traffic but also helps in the creation of a square that enables isolation, concentration and enjoyment of sound. The floor plan is characterized by the linearity that refers to the morphology of the piano and its keys. But when we see the side views, the piano keys acquire motion and inclination that give the impression of a double curvature, which was the initial design idea.


Finally, I chose the appropriate external and internal materials and coatings, the proper planting for the plaza and the planted roofs and I designed the street furniture for the open spaces.


The wavelength of note is transformed into height

The plot is divided into equal pieces each of which represents a musical note.

Like music, the continuity of the melody creates the built environment while a long silence creates and open space.




PLAN LEVEL 1 Architecture_Urban Design_Placemaking_Landscape






timber movable seats

metallic fixed seats

Timber and metallic seatings allocated onto a stave and can move to change lines. A different melody is always composed!


RESIDENTIAL HOUSE IN SYROS ISLAND _Aristotle University of Thessaloniki _Course: Residence:meanings, spaces, residential examples _Term: Winter 2008 - 2nd year project _Collaboration: Nantia Verbi _Supervisor(s): S. Lada, L. Papadopoulos The project is about the creation of a residence in Syros island of Greece. The residence is designed to be adaptable to the needs of a 3-member family for a temporary use, mostly during summer time. It is located at the western side of the city of Ermoupolis with a spectacular view to the sea. The main goals of the design are: a. to take advantage of the view b. to make the building fully incorporated into the landscape c. to make the form follow the function A low-height building is selected which shape is based in linearity with open windows to the sea. The construction of the residence is contractual, made from concrete and bricks. However, we choose to use the local stone of Syros to create the two main masonries which emphasize the linearity of the building. Furthermore, we search for a balance between morphology and typology of the plans and the elevations to create clear shapes and masses showing in each case the change of the function.

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Although the local climate is mild, it can become very unpleasant during summer, due to high temperatures. The trees surrounding the building provide shade. LONGITUDINAL SECTION

The common areas, on the first level, are spacious, designed to host the extended family and friends, while the private quarters, on the second level, are generous and comfortable.




PLAN L1 Open - air seating. The masonry ensures the privacy of the occupants while the window allows the view to the sea and creates different settings of the beautiful landscape.


_Aristotle University of Thessaloniki _Course: Building technology - analysis - design - construction site _Term: Fall 2008 - 2nd year project _Collaboration: Terpsi Laopoulou, Mpousia Georgia _Supervisor(s): K. Ougrinis

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The project is about the creation of a museum for exhibitions related to the nearby Concert Hall of Thessaloniki. The construction program required, except for an exhibition hall, a conference center, a foyer, office rooms, a shop, a cafe-bar and a warehouse. As the building plot was next to the sea we decided to use ship containers as a construction unit. Furthermore, this construction method helped us contrast with the luxury and formal form of the Concert Hall which is placed exactly in the opposite side.

Thessaloniki’s concert hall


The functions were split into different buildings, except for the office rooms which were placed in the second floor of the foyer and the reception area. The complex of buildings form an inside square that is covered with a roof constructed by wooden planks which in some cases thicken to protect people from rain or to provide shadow, while in other cases leave gabs to let the sunlight enter. Finally, it was designed a wooden platform in the sea surface where the cafe-bar was placed.





The container is used as a construction unit which is repeated to create spaces.

The iteration of the ship container creates a grid, in which the buildings are incribed. This pattern is also followed to the 3D form. The containers are placed one above the other to create three different levels. The highest building signals the entrance and protrudes from the roofing so it can be visible from far away.

The sides of the containers can optionally move outwardly to sunlight enter.


Semi-roofed area used for open-air exhibi-

Visitors enter the foyer through an open archade, formed by metallic frames, and finally come out passing through a close corridor that guide them to the entrance of the exhibition hall, the conference hall and the public square of the museum.

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The entrance door of museum’s cafe becomes a bridge that let visitors pass through only during opening hours.

SEASIDE HOTEL AND SPA IN MIKRA _Aristotle University of Thessaloniki _Course: From design to construction _Term: Summer 2008 - 3rd year project (2 semesters) _Collaboration: Nantia Verbi _Supervisor(s): K. Antoniou, D. Katsanos

Since the plot has the advantage of being located along the coastline, there was an urgent need to take advantage of the lovely view to the sea from every point as much as possible. Design lines: 1. We keep the vertical arrangement of the existing site and we follow the path to the sea, by creating vertical zones of contact. 2. The horizontal layout of the construction creates a united front to the sea while intersecting the vertical paths.

The construction of a hotel adjacent to the sea, would benefit the whole area of Mikra, in the eastside of Thessaloniki, which is a developing zone that accomodates many commercial and industrial uses of land. The site is placed in the bay where the famous dam of Thermi abuts while creating a stream that bisects it. As a result, two spacious zones are appearing, big enough to accomodate not only the hotel but also spa facilities,entertaining areas, sports activities and a marina.

So, an imaginary grid of horizontal and vertical lines has appeared, the two main of which are the river (which is formed on a vertical axis) and the linear building composition. The intersection point in the center becomes the most suitable for the placement of the main entrance.

However, the area is vulnerable to the high northwest wind (Vardaris) it provides us with an exceptional view to the city of Thessaloniki and magical sunsets which can be enjoyed from every room.


With the purpose to meet the demands of the different groups of users, the functions were separated into three independent tumors (hotel unit, cafe-bar and spa facilities) the connection of which was achieved both visually and practically. The complex have a linear connection which is enphasized by the fact that the main corridor of the hotel leads to the entrances of the other buildings which are in the same line. However, the rest facilities were placed independently enough to be accessed through the autonomous road network which was designed for that reason.




Architecture_Urban Design_Placemaking_Landscape

The 2nd and 3rd floors of the building accommodate the guest rooms. Each floor has 16 double rooms which means that hotel can accommodate up to 64 guests. Each room is up to 26m2 with a view to the sea.


_Universita degli studi di Firenze - University of Florence _Course: Arte dei giardini _Term: Winter 2010 - 4th year project _Collaboration: Isidora Metaxioti _Supervisor(s): M.Zoppi A communal garden that provides to the residents a space full of green where they can spend quality time with their children or on their own. The rectangular area is divided into six smaller areas for leisure activities (sports, pic-nic, playing in the grass etc) and a bigger one in the center which is accessible by the five pathways coming from the buildings and the one coming from the front street. The central garden consists of a large green area with wooden benches, two water tanks and an open-air seating area. Trees and shrubs cover the perimeter of the garden in order to protect it from the noise and to block the unpleasant view to the street.

Architecture_Urban Design_Placemaking_Landscape

TEMPORARY SHOP FOR PIQUADRO _Universita degli studi di Firenze - University of Florence _Course: Arredamento _Term: Summer 2010 - 4th year project _Collaboration: Anastasia Ferentinou _Supervisor(s): F. Forconi Construction of a temporary shop for the brand “Piquadro” in the center of Florence. The main idea is firstly to use the curved line in the form of furniture which is a common characteristic of every store of the brand and secondly to use the light blue colour which is the typical colour of “Piquadro”. As the space is limited, we chose to leave the central area as free as possible, by placing shelves around in the walls where the customers can find the majority of the products.


INTERIOR DESIGN PROJECT _Universita degli studi di Firenze - University of Florence _Course: Arredamento _Term: Summer 2010 - 4th year project _Supervisor(s): F. Forconi The project required the interior design of a residential house that could accommodate a 5-member family. The common areas are placed in the entrance hall and are spacious and perfectly illuminated, while the private quarters are placed seperately on the other side. The house consists of two bedrooms, one living room together with the dining space, one kitchen, a warehouse and two bathrooms. Furthermore, the house has two generous verandas and two smaller balconies. For the whole area, except for the kitchen and the bathroom spaces, it was selected a wooden floor, while the majority of the furniture pieces are made of wood and metal. The total cost it was estimated to reach 66.477 E (including floor materials, furniture, doors and windows).

Architecture_Urban Design_Placemaking_Landscape


The workshop aimed to produce design ideas for the reconstruction of Filikis Etairias street in the city center of Thessaloniki. After analysing the data that have arisen by the community involvement that conducted we decided to incorporate new uses to the new shared surface to meet citzens’ demands. The street will now accommodate green space, a playground and open spaces for leisure. The main goal was to highlight the view corridor to the White Tower one of the most important monuments of the city. A basic aim was to enhance the significance of the archaeological monuments, which are laying right next and in parallel to the new pedestrian street. The principal desing lines were inspired by the geometry of the archaelogical monuments and form several areas for different purposes and functions. Each area is made by different materials while a central illuminated axis has been developed to mirror the ancient part of the wall. Finally, a triangular “balcony” is constructed to emphasize the shape of the tomb. The new design creates a path that crosses the street and guides the passers to visit every single area. Except for the change in materials there also light poles that follow this route and emphasize this crooked line.

Design Workshops

_Workshop in Thessaloniki _Collaboration: A. Athiana, K. Varvatou, L. Kontozoglou, M. Latinopoulou, G. Petri _Supervisor(s): N. Kalogirou, A.C. Surakou

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