December 2012
The Truth About Christmas
hristmas carries some deep dark secrets behind it’s wonder and bliss. There is an old phrase that goes like Phinney: this: "When you're Stephen Shares his in Rome, do as the Romans do." This cute little cliché is more true than we might realize. If Rome is indeed thestudy Babylon of the inendhistorical & research this times and the Madonna (also known as the mother of God) is always lifted up as the "queen of heaven," it would behoove us to compelling essay. examine the reality of God's warning to His people about idol worship and Roman paganism. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy Christmas as much as the next fellow, but I refuse to connect this holiday to any authentic Christian history. Even its title is intended to support the Roman state church’s most popular pagan event - Christ’s Mass. Originally, it was the Roman state church that adopted a local pagan belief, made it "holy," and then required the people to attend "mass" in order to celebrate this "mother of god" - the Christ-mass tree. Tree, you say? In its beginning, Christ-mass had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. But it did have to do with an idol evergreen tree being cut from the forest and placed at the front of the church, to help ward off evil spirits of this pagan "holy day" (Eze. 6:13). "For the customs of the peoples are delusion; because it is wood cut from the forest, the work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They decorate it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers so that it will not totter. Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field are they, and they cannot speak; they must be carried, because they cannot walk! Do not fear them, for they can do no harm, nor can they do any good" (Jeremiah 10:3-5, NASB). The Christmas tree is so common to us that we have forgotten the reason we display it in our homes, churches, and communities. As you read, the historical roots of this tree are traced back long before Christians turned this figure of idolatry into something Christ Jesus Himself would supposedly promote. The Jeremiah reference to the Christmas tree was, and still is, an iconic worship symbol for the Babylonians. Then, the Egyptians took ownership, followed by the Romans who sanctioned it as an offiOnline Click HereEurope and found its resting place in the United States of America. I am like many Chriscial "church" icon. readers: It spread throughout Order: Click Here tians today - this tree is nothing other than a fun tool of tradition, much like a birthday cake. Attempts to To sign the name of Jesus Or Go To: to this object would be nothing less than idolatry.
Long before the fourth century, and even longer before Jesus' death on the cross, a festival was celebrated among the "haters of God" (heathens). At this precise time of the year, in honor of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven, history reveals that the "Romish" church revived this satanic festival. It was to suppress the massive multiplication of the Christian church, in the third and fourth centuries. It was a clever way of drawing true indwelt Christians to the Roman state church, which claimed to be the only Christian church. Church history also shows that this state church swapped out the names of the "sons," in order to attract more converts. It needs to be noted that this state church has had the tendency, since the early part of the third century, to adopt paganism, swap out names, and represent their pagan festivals under the "Christian banner." Godly men and women through the ages have tried to stop this movement. In spite of their glorious efforts, God has allowed the apostasy to continue. With defeat written on their faces, but hearts filled with endurance, these Christians set out to separate true believers from this Roman, state-driven, pagan movement. Thus, the era of Reformation began. It is without question that the origins of Christ-mass are of pagan traditions. The time of the year for this celebration has its roots in Egypt, with the son of Isis (the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, the "mother of god"). The popular name by which Christmas has been associated is "Yule Day," which is the Chaldean name for an "infant" or "little child." Later, the name was attached to a "Yule Log," which was thrown into the fire on "Mother-night" (the night that preceded "Infant Day"), in order to bring the mother's spirit back from the dead and to protect them on this "most evil day." The Roman church found these preChrist traditions quite fitting for their "mother of god - Mary" and "infant son - Jesus." With a little "hand is quicker than the eye," the swap was successfully made. Honestly, I think we should give this celebration back to the Egyptians; at least they were honest. Their festival had been commonly known as an astronomical character, referring simply to the completion of the sun's yearly course and the commencement of a new cycle. Their event merely commemorated the figurative birth-day of the sun starting a new year. I think I like that better than trying to shove "baby Jesus" into a pagan holiday; what about you? In conclusion: Should we burn that Christmas tree in our living rooms or stop kissing under the mistletoe hanging from our doorways? Well - that's between you and God. As for me and my household—we will continue to enjoy the pretty lights draped on our "family tree," celebrate the birth of our Savior, and shout out “Merry Christ As Life” as we stroll through our little tradition based community. May you, too, be blessed with a Merry Christ As Life season. Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission .
*This article was taken from the essay The Truth About Christmas, Stephen R. Phinney
A few years ago, I (Steve Phinney), was overwhelmed with the thought of doing a life-sized pastel of our cocrucifixion with Christ. Due to the magnitude of such a project, I put it off repetitively until a gracious sister in the Lord walked up to me at a recent Exchanged Life Conference in Colorado Springs, CO and said, “I believe I am suppose to tell you to finish a piece of artwork you started on the co-crucifixion.” With that said, I began to do research and gather the art elements to finish this work. The result was beyond what I had hoped or imagined and now, we want to make it available to the public. The original will stay in the family, but the following are available to you: Hand made replicas with replica # on artwork: 24”x36” ($495) Canvas stretched print - 20”x30” = $129.94 - 24”x36” = $189.92 Greeting Cards (10 pk) = $12.95 “Crucified With Christ…” Galatians 2:20
“Crucified With Christ…” Galatians 2:20 2 P.O. Box 71 Sterling, KS 67579
For those of you who have been following the story of Joe Freeman (whom I affectionately call Caleb)—we stated in our November newsletter that he would be sharing his Exchanging Life story with you in our December issue. Due to health related issues, we are moving his story to our January newsletter—God willing. I continue to appeal to you to pray! He is doing much better, but he is still struggling daily with pain and complications. We, as his friends and family, are continuing to place our hope and faith in God freeing him from these circumstances. But until that release comes, please pray for comfort, continued outreach, and stability for their finances, marriage, and family life.
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If you are led by God to share words of encouragement, please send an e-mail to: and I will make sure they get your correspondence.
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IOM has created the Caleb Fund, for those of you led by God to help them financially. Whatever amount you are led to give, IOM will give 100% of your giving to Cherri and Caleb. - S Phinney Online Readers: Donate Here Snail Mail Gifts: Caleb Fund, P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579
By John Hickey I have been asked to write out my testimony of my life-long struggle with the sexual temptations of man. Through the personal counsel andreaders! small groups provided by IOM America, as well as our personal growth in Christ, this testimony is possible. Not for young I was introduced to sex when I was about three years of age by my father. I don’t remember much about those early years, but I’m sure there was abuse. By the age of five, I was introduced to my three year old brother and sister. I was asked to perform immoral acts on them while my father watched. Also, my father tried to have “relations” with me and my siblings. From the ages of five to thirteen, I was instructed by my father how to fulfill my desires by going to my sisters any time I “needed” to. At this early age, I was exposed to immoral materials. So, I had many years to develop an unhealthy appetite for immorality. I used immorality as a tool to comfort myself anytime I was stressed, bored, lonely, in pain, or scared. My father gave me permission and encouraged me to fulfill my desires in measures I thought best. By the time I was thirteen, I was introduced to having relations with my mother. At this same age, I was forced to perform sexual acts on my dad anytime he wanted it. I lost count of how many times this happened. I was about thirteen when I said “no” to my father’s immoral invites. I had accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of twelve. I found strength in my ability to make a stand, but I kept on masturbating, sometimes three or four times a day. I continued to go to my sister for relations until I was about sixteen. When I turned eighteen, I thought I was free. It took me many years to realize that after leaving my father’s abuse, I continued his abuse on myself. Once reaching the teen years, I played the field of women, being immoral with anyone who would have it with me. I kept it legal, but compelled in depravity.
John & Rachel Hickey
P.O. Box 71 Sterling, KS 67579 602-292-2985
Immorality to Purity - continued: At the age of twenty-nine, I met my wife. Being a perfect specimen of beauty, I thought all my sexual problems would disappear. I was certain that she was the one who would fill my every need, BUT needless to say, she didn’t. Well, things got worst. Between having kids, bills mounting, stresses of work, marriage, and other forms of distress, I continued to have lust issues. After several years of this, my wife came close to having an affair and I soon realized I needed to confess my constant struggle with lust. Once confessing, I stopped for a long while, until I “slipped” back into my old ways. Stopping this habit was like trying to get off a mind addicting drug. I would stop when I felt guilty and start up again when I felt forgiven and secure. The pattern was endless. Once the internet was accessible, I discovered a new level of depravity that brought yet another form of excitement. Then the worst happened, my wife committed adultery. My whole life came crashing down around me. I knew that the Lord wanted to change my life. Through our Christ as Life discipleship and small group accountability, I began to grow in Christ in a way that I didn’t know was possible. Since our newfound growth, I have not been mastered by lust as I was in the past. That is the longest stretch of time that I have walked in victory. I have lustful thoughts from time to time, but I continue to get stronger each day. Yes, I’m still attracted to flesh and the lust of man, but God continues to give me to power to overcome sexual temptations of man. I know the enemy laughs at my newfound passion to stay pure, but God is a God of power and strength. There is freedom in Christ. I encourage all readers to consider exchanged-life discipleship/counsel, joining a small group, and staying dedicated to the Word of God. Surrender it all to Him and allow Him to deliver you from the bondage of sexual deviance. I am not going to lie to you, it probably will hurt, a lot, but it has to be a lot better than what you are experiencing now. Christ will give you the strength you need to stay pure – I promise! My hope and prayer is that all men and women who suffer from this sin, would become free. If you are in bondage, expose, confess, and deal with it. Find a “Christ As Life” counselor and get help. When you are freed, God will use you in a mighty way. My wife and I have a newfound love for ministry and find ourselves helping others find the same freedom that God offered us. Restoration is what God does best. Embrace it and you will find life. May God bless you in your journey. Merry Christ as Life!
Submit Editorial Comments: Kathy Hill, CO