IFEL Sponsored Outreach
By Riaz Shahid, IOM Regional Representative Dear Dr. Phinney, Kingdom Blessings and Calvary Greetings for you my dear respected friend & pastor in Christ. Dear IOM readers, I am Evangelist Riaz Shahid the Chief Minister of our Ministry. I am Evangelizing since from the 4 years with my Family. Lord has blessed me with a beautiful family with 4 kids (1 daughter and 3 sons and my beautiful wife). I was baptized in the year of 1975 when I was 13 years old and Lord has chose me from that time but I ignore his calling at that time but right now I am working for God as he direct be at that time I was a child and I was not able to recognize his calling but Lord call me again for his work and now I am obeying him with full my Heart and he awake me in the year of 2008 when there was his right time. He give me the Vision and Missions and put the burden into my heart for his people to work for them and win them for our most high God. Lord has given me the Vision of this Ministry and promised me to take it higher for his Glory. And also give me the vision for the lost souls to win them for him. God said to me to preach the Holy Gospel into these people and at those areas where yet the Gospel is not preached and reach the lost souls and tell them about the word of God and about Lord Jesus Christ that what Lord has done for them and what he is doing for them and what he can do for his people. So this is the vision and mission on which me and my Ministry is working as Lord lead and direct to us to reach those areas. Lord has also give us the mission for the orphanage kids and for the poor kids street needy kids and for the Young Poor Girls Widows as well to feed them cloth them to educate them and to medicate and Develop them Spiritually as well and Socially too.
IOM ADOPTS THE WORK OF RIAZ SHAHID OF PAKISTAN Riaz: We would always love to assist you through our partnership with your ministry.