Exchanged News: Looking at 2014

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The Legacy of Little Things—Jane Phinney


In acknowledging God as the source of the foundation, the people responded with gratitude, repentance, and intercession. Oh to live like that!


ecently I finished reading & studying CHOOSING GRATITUDE. Any Biblically-based book can affect and inspire you to some degree. But, any change forthcoming can only be had, supernaturally, through the life of Christ within. At the end of this particular book, the author (Nancy Leigh DeMoss) shares a 30 day devotional guide to navigate the reader through possible obstacles blocking the expression of thankfulness. These days held many treasures for me when, as usual, the Lord lead me to other scriptures which gave new applications of the “Day”--- designed to minister to my need at that moment. Truth be known, I started this book in July. It was God’s perfect timing given my personal year & season of life. My daughter, Jessi, gave it to me for Christmas 2 years ago but it was for “such a time as this.” Here was Nancy, reading my mail, so to speak, in 2014. Only God orchestrates something like that. In day 26, entitled A Call to Gratitude, the scripture referenced was from Ezra 3. The foundation of the temple had just been rebuilt and a very specific account was given of the people’s response to that moment. Everything stopped. Everyone stopped……to praise God and give thanks. The priests were attired in temple tradition playing trumpets, the Levities played cymbals, the people shouted & ALL sang praises and thanks. The folks who’d seen the first temple wept with a loud voice. The Word notes that you couldn’t distinguish the weeping from the joy. Can’t you just picture it? In acknowledging God as the source of the foundation, the people responded with gratitude, repentance, and intercession. Oh to live like that! One of the cross-references to these verses is Zech 4:10a. “For who has despised the day of small things?” This brought to mind a cross-stitch I made for Steve’s office years ago. It simply stated, “Take time for the little things.” In my day 26 gratitude journal entry I wrote: “Little things make up the foundation and hold it together. When the little things are neglected the foundation gets cracked, weakens, and is vulnerable to the storms of life. And little things take TIME (as an investment). The words of an old hymn flooded my soul….”praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation! Oh my soul praise Him for He is my help and salvation!” At this point, God lead me to list out the “little things” that made/built my foundation….the legacy left to me from my Dad and Mom.

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Reverence for God Honor for His written Word Bible reading and prayer at mealtimes Love for music Value and comfort of hymns Importance of practical stewardship Parents who kept their word Integrity in life—when no one but God sees Serve others to show value and love Never give up trusting and believing God Teachable—always things to learn Affectionate Sacrifice in relationships for another’s good Gift of time—fellowship around the table with a good cup of coffee Security, in spite of difficult circumstances. Consistent parenting in meeting my needs. Continued …

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