Exchanged News: Looking at 2014

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The Legacy of Little Things—Jane Phinney


In acknowledging God as the source of the foundation, the people responded with gratitude, repentance, and intercession. Oh to live like that!


ecently I finished reading & studying CHOOSING GRATITUDE. Any Biblically-based book can affect and inspire you to some degree. But, any change forthcoming can only be had, supernaturally, through the life of Christ within. At the end of this particular book, the author (Nancy Leigh DeMoss) shares a 30 day devotional guide to navigate the reader through possible obstacles blocking the expression of thankfulness. These days held many treasures for me when, as usual, the Lord lead me to other scriptures which gave new applications of the “Day”--- designed to minister to my need at that moment. Truth be known, I started this book in July. It was God’s perfect timing given my personal year & season of life. My daughter, Jessi, gave it to me for Christmas 2 years ago but it was for “such a time as this.” Here was Nancy, reading my mail, so to speak, in 2014. Only God orchestrates something like that. In day 26, entitled A Call to Gratitude, the scripture referenced was from Ezra 3. The foundation of the temple had just been rebuilt and a very specific account was given of the people’s response to that moment. Everything stopped. Everyone stopped……to praise God and give thanks. The priests were attired in temple tradition playing trumpets, the Levities played cymbals, the people shouted & ALL sang praises and thanks. The folks who’d seen the first temple wept with a loud voice. The Word notes that you couldn’t distinguish the weeping from the joy. Can’t you just picture it? In acknowledging God as the source of the foundation, the people responded with gratitude, repentance, and intercession. Oh to live like that! One of the cross-references to these verses is Zech 4:10a. “For who has despised the day of small things?” This brought to mind a cross-stitch I made for Steve’s office years ago. It simply stated, “Take time for the little things.” In my day 26 gratitude journal entry I wrote: “Little things make up the foundation and hold it together. When the little things are neglected the foundation gets cracked, weakens, and is vulnerable to the storms of life. And little things take TIME (as an investment). The words of an old hymn flooded my soul….”praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation! Oh my soul praise Him for He is my help and salvation!” At this point, God lead me to list out the “little things” that made/built my foundation….the legacy left to me from my Dad and Mom.

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Reverence for God Honor for His written Word Bible reading and prayer at mealtimes Love for music Value and comfort of hymns Importance of practical stewardship Parents who kept their word Integrity in life—when no one but God sees Serve others to show value and love Never give up trusting and believing God Teachable—always things to learn Affectionate Sacrifice in relationships for another’s good Gift of time—fellowship around the table with a good cup of coffee Security, in spite of difficult circumstances. Consistent parenting in meeting my needs. Continued …

When it came to writing and publishing—2014 was an amazing year! Dr. Phinney is not just a gifted writer and teacher, he is my, and many others, spiritual father. My life has been altered by his willingness to write and live the Truth of the Scriptures – uncompromised. The Spirit breathed wisdom he shares has come through much pain and trial – as his new book will unfold. I pray that his writing is used to bring you freedom and renewed understanding of how God views you, as it has me. Kris Cornelius, Florida

ONLINE PUBLICATIONS The ministry has been blessed with Exchanged Life writers from all over the world. Some of the author’s that have published with us include; Debbie Childers, Preston Gillham, Jane Phinney, Tom Price, Laurie Penner, Dan Camp, Larry Bennett, David McCarthy, Bruce Carter, Valy Vaduva, David Geisler, Jeremy White, Lewis Gregory, Bobby Allen, Jim Fowler, Bob Warren, Ron Browning, David Hickman, Tammy Gough, and Dr. Phinney. We are grateful for the contributions each of our authors have made to our e-community. Our reader’s list has grown to 40,000+ readers. The number of In-boxes that were reached in 2014 was approximately 3 million. We thank our Lord for His success! IDENTITY MATTERS WORKBOOK This is a 13 topic study course in the personal discovery of a believer’s co-death, burial, resurrection & ascension in Christ Jesus – the Exchanged Life. This workbook is for the strict purpose of providing teaching tools for those who are lead to communicate these profound messages to others—through sermons, small groups, conferences or private study. Teaching topics include: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide, & Walk, and Love Life. This workbook is available through the publisher by clicking here. IDENTITY MATTERS DISCIPLESHIP MANUAL Identity Matters Discipleship Manual contains over 80 diagrams with “cheat sheets” explaining each diagram with an application section for the individual being discipled. This manual contains the teaching topics: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide, & Walk, and Love Life. This workbook is available through IOM—simply contact us with your request. THE BOOK OF REVELATION: THE FINAL BATTLE The writing of this book is not for the purpose of reviewing continuous history—it is for the Divine purpose of assisting True Indwelt Believers in understanding the book of Revelation. If the contents appear to be exclusive and biased toward Christianity, it’s because it is! Jesus Christ is the only Christ; any other leader or Christ figure will be and is classified as an antichrist. Seven years in the making, now ready for publication. Publishing release date: January 2015

WHY THE BOY CRIED WOLF: A PERSONAL JOURNEY INTO THE EXCHANGED LIFE An autobiography of the life of Dr. Phinney and his journey into the great discovery of the Exchanged Life - "Not I, but Christ." This book not only reveals the details of his struggles and successes but each story is wrapped in and around the messages of the Identity Matters Conference. Few autobiographies contain life-changing and practical teachings but this publication is certainly one of them. Publishing release date: March 2015


IDENTITY MATTERS VIDEO PRODUCTION Through the gracious help of Digital Ministries and The Piano Guys, IOM was able to produce and release the short film highlight teachings of each of the messages represented in the Identity Matters workbook and discipleship manual, which includes: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide, & Walk, and Love Life. These videos can be viewed online: > > Online School > > Identity Matters Conference. EXCHANGED LIFE DEFINITIONS & TERMS As with most things, understanding the terms and definitions of proper communication is essential. This small book is an extensive list of the most common used terms in communicating the message of the Cross - the Exchanged Life. This "mini-dictionary" is an excerpt from the "Identity Matters: The Workbook." You can download this publication FREE by clicking here.

IDENTITY MATTERS AUDIO PRODUCTION By making use of the recordings from a live conference, each of the teachings represented in the Identity Matters workbook and discipleship manual are now available to the general public, topics include: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide, & Walk, and Love Life. You can listen to these audios online FREE or purchase the audio series. To listen online click here.

IDENTITY MATTERS POWERPOINT SERIES By making use of the official slides used in the live conference, each of the teachings represented in the Identity Matters workbook and discipleship manual are now available to the general public in PowerPoint, topics include: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide, & Walk, and Love Life. You can obtain a copy of these slides by contacting IOM America:

Exchanged Life Intern Program was an amazing adventure this year! With my Dad leading the Intern Program, you never have to fear lukewarm teachings. You will receive a bold message of your inadequacy apart from Christ. No matter the subject, he clearly spells out co-crucifixion as the pathway to freedom from living in bondage to our crucified old man. What blessed assurance that as an indwelt believer we don’t have to strive, but allow His Spirit to release His work in and through us—I highly value this training. Jessi Phinney, Intern, Sterling, Kansas

This past year, the ministry was blessed with a group of serious minded students who desired to understand the practical application of the identity Truths taught in our Identity Matters materials. This level of equipping might be for the more serious minded but designed for the simple at heart! For an application, contact IOM for details. Editorial Comments: Kathy Hill, CO Entire content of this publication is under © supervision of IOM America 2014 Reproduction permitted when entire publication remains intact. Digital view or copies can be obtained online at: click here All Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963,1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.



reetings from my wife, myself and all the kids here at the orphanage in Liberia to you all indwelt children of God in Jesus name. Amen. The idea of caring for orphans and the less privileged is to keep the need at he forefront of our minds.

God called me to be a blessing to children in general through His service. There are many reasons that led me to caring for the orphans and widows in our area. I would like to share with you a couple of those reasons why we established the IOM New Hope Orphanage Outreach in Africa. 1. First and foremost, I want to let you know that I am an orphan by nature and I know what it takes to be an orphan. I went through a lot of pain when I was growing up living with relatives and non-relatives! I had a deep desire to be educated, ill-respective of all the difficulties and hardship that I underwent living with people who did not know me. I was beaten, tortured, I slept with hunger many days, I never had clothes to wear, I never remembered eating any decent food when I was a child or young adult (10-25 years of age). I became an orphan because both of my parents deserted me. However, I kept on pressing forward because I knew what God had in store for me in helping widows and orphans. 2. Secondly, the country in which I lived went through a bloody civil war for 15 years with many of our parents being killed. I was 12 years old (1989) when the civil war started. While I was seeking refuge to the Ivory Coast (one of our neighboring countries) with my grandparents, we were arrested to be killed by local rebels. They had a mandate that any boy child 15 years of age or younger must be killed without investigation. During the moment of my execution, there was a 4 year old little girl watching the rebels carry me off to be executed and started to cry in front of the rebel commander. As she was crying and praying for me not to be killed, immediately God answer her prayers. Instantly God set me free from the hands of the killers. From this day on, I developed the mindset that the faith of a child was the key to faith in Christ. I knew that day that I must care for them no matters what the cost or conditions of persecution. The big question I had to face was should any human despise children or hate them? My answer was an obvious “no.” God gave me a particular interest in the children of Liberia. I knew without question that children who receive the indwelling life of Jesus are capable of becoming leaders and God fearing adults. I am passionate in serving God in saving the next generation from the streets – all those who are without care, who are used for human trafficking, drug smuggling and criminal activities, who often become useless in society. I know full well that God can save and redeem them and show them who they can be in Christ. Brothers and sisters, Christian friends, the reason we established this orphanage program is to SAVE THE CHILDREN, spiritually and physically. If you step up to help us, I will make it my duty to send you monthly newsletters to update you on our progress and share personal stories of the children. I thank you for your interest in the work that our team is a part of here in Liberia. We presently care for over 400 children and we could use your help! We are all eternally grateful for you taking the time to read my story. LESTER N. WEHYEE P.S. The Ebola virus has not touched the community that is home to our ministry —we praise God for this!

In 2014, the ministry has cared for many children & teachers through the IOM Sponsorship Program. We thank our sponsors for their contributions—you have helped us save, preserve and equip the next generation. IOM New Hope Staff To sponsor a child, worker or teacher—contact us directly.


Continued from front page… I was blessed to see that I wrote this list naturally and easily. I was also blessed that many of these “little things” were multigenerational. Meaning that I also saw them in my grandparents as I experienced life with them. So I THANKED GOD for the legacy given to me. It is what will last for eternity. It wasn’t money. It wasn’t in the preserved stuff. It wasn’t what they had. Rather, it was WHO THEY WERE that built the foundation of my life. Family life, lived out in the dailies before God, laid the bricks to a safe and secure foundation for living. Praise God! Dad and Mom weren’t distracted by things that wouldn’t last, in the end. What a blessing! I wish I could kiss them now. Many days Steve and I yearn to just talk with them again, around the table. What wealth from the Lord! It’s in the fiery trials, in the persevering, that our proven character gives way to hope…because God’s love is shed in our hearts. (Rom 5) They showed me that. Because they were available. And because they embraced their trials….some for the long haul. Their individual expressions were different but they worked together for the good of our family. In his sermon a couple of weeks ago, Steve summed up my dad’s influence in his life. With arms outstretched he emphatically stated, “I am here today because of Carl Ver Steeg. He is still affecting me. He is alive!” “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed my heritage is beautiful to me.” (Ps 16:6) Yes, this verse is talking about the Lord as our inheritance. But I am blessed to reflect that it was true in my life experience. “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, who seek the Lord; look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug.” (Isaiah 51:1) Again, a reference to the Lord but, evidenced also in my earthly “quarry.” All of our lives were built on a foundation of “little things” that laid the groundwork for who we have become, or are becoming, today. If you have a godly (no such thing as perfect) heritage, I am reminding you to remember, and to rejoice in taking the necessary time to preserve, and pass on, what you’ve been given. Conversely, if you don’t consider yourself as having grown up with bricks that gave you secure footing, I am encouraging you also, to remember, and to trust God as He repairs the vulnerable cracks in the foundation of your heart. Nothing is beyond His transforming power in a life surrendered to Him. In either case, humility has a good memory! Oh how we need Him…. “for in Him we live and move and exist..” (Acts 18:28) Our ONLY resource is the indwelling life of Christ through the Holy Spirit. And like the people celebrating the completion of the temple foundation, what God IS doing in our lives IS worthy of our gratitude, repentance, and intercession. Carry it on! Our story for HIS glory!

Who would have thought that by preaching to a small group on Sunday morning it would reach 38,000 listeners by Podcast? Dr. Phinney’s writings are more than Truth to me, he is my spiritual father. His ability to communicate the Word is one thing but the love of Christ that shines through his work is what impacts me the most. Just by hearing his podcast/sermons and reading his writings you can see Christ flow through him. I know as an indwelt believer, it is not him but Christ. Marcos Jaquez, Hutchinson, Kansas

It is difficult for us to embrace the reality of just how many individuals & groups listen to our weekly podcast! In January of 2014 we started The Identity Series for a small group on Sunday mornings and now a year later, we receive testimonies of changed lives from all over the world. Technology is amazing if it is used righteously. To listen to our podcast, log onto our website:


IOM clearly articulates the Life of Christ within the indwelt believer and keeps that focus in all of their teachings. They use humor to engage readers, while challenging them through Scriptures to consider a different perspective on living out the Life of Christ within. – Loida Leone, Kansas When I learned that my friend in Christ was writing a heavily autobiographical book, I jumped for joy! Having been connected with Mr. Colson and Prison Fellowship for many years, I have loved jailhouse transformation stories produced by the wonderful Grace of Jesus in the lives of the down and out, from ruin to redemption! But there is something even more special to me about a man who simply changes from being a mere man - and a good one - to being more than a man, a Grace-based, Grace-filled, Graceteaching, Grace-preaching light on a hill kind of man, who cannot remain silent! Not that Steve was perfect before being made a brand new creature in Christ Jesus, but what really matters to me is being able to read how one goes from frustration to total forgiveness and freedom today, and from redemption to abundant victory by Grace alone through faith in Christ in Him every day! "Christ as Life" is my buddy's motto, and I am truly grateful to Abba for his Life in the Lord! – Dan Camp, China Our relationship with Steve & Jane Phinney encompasses the deepest of friendships spanning almost 40 years. It certainly included our parallel patterns of marriage, raising our families, vacations together, & incredibly wonderful times of laughter & joy. For me, however, Steve was so much more. As an impactful role model, teacher & prayer warrior, I watched, listened & learned. I matured in my Christian indwelt walk. For Steve, every struggle or challenge would become an opportunity to pray for God’s Provision. As a strategic visionary, I saw God reflected thru him, as many Kingdom ventures took shape & developed as the years progressed. In the depth of his knowledge & instruction, I was never left confused or intimidated in my curiosity. In fact, I was lovingly introduced to Biblical truths much deeper than what I would have imagined. Steve’s ability to bring clarity to the Word, structuring his messages with testimony & instructional diagrams, left me longing for the next encounter. This pattern of discernment & unfolding revelation continued thru out the decades. I have been honored to walk alongside with him & am excited that he is now sharing his journey for us all. It is to God that I give all the praise, for this humble & faithful servant. –Art Smit, Illinois I have the honor of being discipled under Dr. Phinney for approximately 5 years. His writings and sermons on Spiritual maturity, Biblical worldview and identity in Christ have deeply enriched my life. His submission to the Spirit regardless of the circumstance, is an inspiration to me and my family. Robert Cornelius, Florida IOM America is the type of ministry who is always consistent in what they do and say. Everything taught is directional and with purpose, to draw out Christ in the lives of the believer. -Patrick Williams, Kansas Like Paul, who witnessed Christ to the world during Christianity’s formative years, Steve Phinney is gifted writer and a student of God’s Word. He presents Biblical Truth with a clarity and passion sculpted from his personal trials and the blessings born through those trials. -Gale Ethridge, Kansas The Life of Christ in Steve's life is the real deal. I am so blessed to know him personally and learn from him. I can't count the number of times I mention my friend Steve Phinney, CEO, of IOM America, then proceed to explain the ministry, books, website, etc. & "how it can help you in your spiritual walk, my friend." Another great Christian teacher, Dr. Del Tackett, of whom I have great respect starts his class with, "Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?" Dr. Phinney BELIEVES IT and PRACTICES IT!! -Wendell Smock, Arizona IOM America provides profound insight into the historical perspective of our Lord’s Word and how it applies to the current and future times. Their use of Hebrew imagery allows the reader to form a vivid and lasting image that is rarely seen in today’s writings. -Jeff Brugman, Arizona


News our readers look forward to! We have been told that our Exchanged Monthly News & quarterly mini-mag are two of the only Exchanged Life global publications in the entire world. True or not, we enjoy bringing stories and testimonies from workers in the field who deeply respect AND believe in the indwelling Life of Christ. If you subscribe to our weekly emails—you should be getting these publications. If not: click here

Preview, download or read: click here 7


2014 Global Initiative Growth Our global initiative has grown 600% since this time last year. Our leadership base has increased by 1,000 members—just in leaders. Our email outreach is pushing 40,000 inboxes three times a week. Including our other social media ports, that puts us around 6 million for the year. The ministry’s contact data base potential is well over 15 million. We are at a point that we can say that our global initiative is going exponential. This is exciting to say the least and we give God all the credit and glory for such growth!


Virginia—January 2015 †


Atlanta—November 2014 †


Michigan—March 2015 †


Meet a few ministries we love and support:

Kansas—April 2015 †


Minnesota—May 2015 †


Texas—July 2015 †


Colorado—September †


To Be Announced _____________________________________ Time & location subject to change! Please contact IOM for up to date information.

AMERICAN POOR GIVE MORE A study from Chronicle of Philanthropy found the recession put a dent in the charitable giving of wealthy Americans even as middle—and lower—income Americans increased their giving. Americans earning more than $200,000 per year gave 4.6 percent less of their income in 2012 than in 2006. Americans earning less than $100,000 per year gave 4.5 percent MORE of their income over the same period. Our experience as a non-profit bears witness to this research—some of our most generous givers are what America would classify as poverty. We thank all of you who give, wealthy or not, but we particularly thank our givers who give in spite of the temptation of shifting your tithe money to pay bills and/or debt.

We Need Your Help To Grow Click Here or on Donate Button

- Stephen Phinney 8


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