EXCHANGED The Softer Side of Satan
MARCH 2015
In a world that has separated evil into subcategories such as radical Muslims, religious extremist, peace loving Muslims, radical Christianity, orthodox Jews, ISIS, universal faith, ISIL, Islam, Sunni and Shia – what is a person to believe?
HIS STUDY covers details that can be offensive to some readers. Due to the descriptive prophecies that relate directly to the historical elements of the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac, it is impossible to unfold the necessary details contained within the books of the Bible that reveal these historical facts without addressing these cultures and their religious beliefs. It needs to be noted that I am by no means attacking individuals within these groups. I offer full support and encouragement to each who are seeking the Truth that might be a part of the Jewish or Muslim religions.
book of Revelation. Much of the Old Testament is written to set the stage for the endtimes. My love for the original Hebrew language, customs, culture, and manners is deeply imbedded in the works of God’s foretold prophecies. I request your prayers as I continue my studies for future writings of God’s perfect story! Quotes From A Frightened World In a world that has separated evil into subcategories such as radical Muslims, religious extremist, peace loving Muslims, radical ChristiContinued inside...
There are prophecies directly related to so-called “Christians” who are lukewarm and are attempting to blend false religions with true Christianity. They have lost their first love, are worldly-minded, and are often times false believers. They fake being Christians and are dead to Christ—all who attempt to merge demonic religious beliefs with those of Christ. As this study addresses each of these “types” of believers, it is not my intent to offend. As the Bible addresses these “so-called believers,” I must as well. Please consider the Author of the Word (God) over any content contained within this book. There are direct statements made about groups/religions that come against Christ in the final days, i.e. Muslims, globalists, Universalists, Socialists, Communists, Hindus, Satanists, Protestants, and Roman Catholics. I address these groups on the basis of history, continuous history, and future projections made by John (the writer of Revelation). It is not my intent to put these groups on edge regarding these facts. I believe it is God’s loving desire to convert every individual within these groups to the one and only True Faith—that of Christianity. The writing of this book is not for the purpose of reviewing continuous history—it is for the Divine purpose of assisting True Believers in understanding the battle between Ishmael and Isaac, which will exist to the second coming of Jesus. If the contents appear to be exclusive and biased toward Christianity, it’s because it is! Jesus Christ is the only Christ; any other leader or Christ figure will be and is classified as an antichrist. It is my desire that each reader study the Scriptures with a heart of worship and prayer. God has so much to say to each Believer regarding the
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