By Osias Digal, IOM Regional Representative Dear Dr. Stephen Phinney, Warm greetings from the ministry here in the remote area of Philippines how are you today? Hope you are doing well in the Lord now as we never forget you here in our sincere prayers that God will bless and protect your whole family circle. We thank you of your prayers and it is really a great help for the mission work to win more souls by the Saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am very excited to share to you the result of the meeting last week in which God is moving in a great way, God saved many people as they are listening to the teaching materials from your podcast (church) that I shared with them. After the service, we were able to baptize those that responded, Praise be into God! I attached some photos of the meeting; hope it will bless your hearts as you see it. Please share this email to your people and please ask them to pray for us and the Lord’s ministry here. You are always in our hearts and prayers. May I introduce myself to the IOM readers, I am Brother Osias A. Digal, A native mixed blood of a Muslim. My personal belief it regards to a religious background I don’t believe that there is a true God and also eternity. It seems to me that’s only a traditional concept of the people but in reality it is not true .My life was bound with drugs and alcoholic drinks and joined any rebellion activities such as communist party here in the Philippines and Muslim rebellion activity . I never thought that it so happened to me, when I entered inside the store In order eat my supper there is one guy seated beside me he is a true Christian, he shared to me about gospel of Jesus Christ. I was amazed because my mind is focusing on him and listening whatever he explained to me about the full assurance of Salvation, my tears falling down my chick and crying unto the Lord asking forgiveness of my sins at that time I was totally saved he encourage me to find a church in order that my spiritual aspect of life will be develop for maturity. (more on page 2)
IOM ADOPTS THE WORK OF OSIAS OF THE PHILIPPIANS Osias Digal: God saved many people as they listened to your podcast.
One year later from attending the Church Services in Sunday School and Divine Services nor weekly Church activities. I felt the real calling of God in my life as God’s servant. Therefore, I went to a local bible School in order to be trained and equip myself in the Lord’s ministry within 3 years. After graduation my first assignment will be in the mountain village the Bilaan Tribe province of south Cotabato, Philippines, what they ate I also eaten and slept together with them. The chieftain was converted into the Lord and we could enable to build a church building for the tribe brethren and now, we have a pioneering work here in the village of Puerto Province of Misamis,Oriental. In the Village of Dapitan province of Zamboanga Del Norte in the distance of 8-9 hours traveling by bus transportation, what I did is that in every places I suppose to stay within 2 weeks in order to nurture the brethren for their spiritual growth and maturity. In each of these places it has a regular attendance every Sunday more or less 20 up to 50 people. IOM Podcast Service In The Philippians However, because of the great demand of laborer of God’s vineyard I open up a School of Ministry, the school site will be in the village of Polanco Province of Zamboanga Del Norte and we have 8 regular students. The Lord leads me to visit the Internet Café and tried to learn something and I could across nor scan your complete name of your ministry and email address. After reading the tenet of faith regarding your ministry and I am fully convinced of the necessity of our partnership. It’s my prayer, if there is possibility, to join in your ministry outreach over there. We are so grateful and highly appreciative. Your kind reply of partnership is deeply appreciated. May God richly bless you and keep you soon! Osias is an IOM Partner, IFEL Representative of the IOM Philippians Outreach
Friends of the Ministry, It is with great honor and privilege that we are able to share with you the opportunities and ministry developments that our Lord has blessed us with to steward through our new booklet brochure. We have had a busy year with the advancements of an Initiative God gave our ministry—the Exchanged Life Global Initiative, which became the basis for the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life. IFEL is dedicated to helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. This proposal was founded by IOM America, which has provided the ministry with a proactive pro-vision, in order to revitalize the worldview of uniting Exchanged Life workers throughout the entire world. We are currently in our 14th year in working toward the building of this Initiative. In addition to our existing strong partnerships, we welcome the partnerships of other ministries that focus on the message of the Exchanged Life—Not I, but Christ! Our Purpose Statement: To help members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our primary objective is to equip individuals for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ and to assist in empowering men, women, children, and families to have a greater impact on the communities they serve. This is accomplished by making use of the experiential knowledge of each individual’s identity in Christ by way of the indwelling mind and life of Jesus. We press forward to show individuals worldwide their freedom from enslaving mental, emotional and spiritual conflicts by placing a special emphasis on IDENTITY MATTERS. This is accomplished by unifying pastors, teachers, counselors and workers who practically minister the truths of the Exchanged Life. This unifying process is to provide an e-community that will provide Exchanged Life workers throughout the world with a single online community. It is my hope that you take the time to read through the descriptions of our outreach services, read the daily Scriptures recommended and pray the prayers suggested. Send an e-mail to or click here for your copy. Within Christ—Stephen Phinney
Bishop Arthur Kitonga. That made my life more harder as my uncle and his family could not take the nonsense of the so called saved, I moved out of their home back to my step mother who made it hell for me and my sibling, I was forced by circumstances to begin to sell sugarcane for our survival. At the age of twenty years, that is in 1990 I met my wife Linnet who was a sister in the church and she accepted to share in my painful life. We were blessed with our first child in 1991 but he passed on due to the conditions of life we were in; at that moment the person who appeared to me on the hill Church.
BY DAVID WANYAMA Kenya Crown Gospel Ministry
Attacked by a python that almost swallowed me up...
In 1995 I was ordained as a pastor and served three years under Rev. Patrick and 1998 I was sent Kitale to revive a church that was dying. There at Kitale I was poisoned and almost died and for the third time the man who appeared to me on the hill came again and repeated the same words “ I saved you to serve me”, and also said he was sending me to a town called Webuye. He gave me the book of Ezekiel 22:30; Jeremiah 1:8; Rev. 2:10, as the basis of the work he wanted me to do in Webuye.
The Dear Brother Stephen, Thank you so much for your inspirational and encouraging life story, indeed God will never bring His people together without a reason. Your story is almost like mine though you are more of a father to me.
In 2000, I, my wife and Joy our daughter packed a few belongings on our automobile we had (the bicycle) and left for Webuye not knowing where we are going but with a voice sending us there. We came Webuye and rented a small house (one room) and there began a fellowship and God gave me a message for the people of town (Isaiah 42:22 & Isaiah 61) the message being deliverance. It was not very easy for us but through the grace of God, the work grew that by November of the same year we were able to register the ministry (KENYA CROWN GOSPEL MINISTRY).
I come from a very broken and rotten background, my grandfather was a polygamous man who never knew God and my father who was the fifth born in a family of about fifteen in the family took up after the life of his father. I was born to my father Joseph Wanyama and my mother Priscilla Naliaka as their first born son in 1970 just two years after their marriage. My parents who worked for an Indian family as house helps divorced in 1976 leaving me and my two sibling brothers to ourselves. That same year my father married another woman who became our step mother, at this point life showed us another face that caused my young brother who was the third born to die in my arms. I ran away from home to seek refuge in the home of the step brother to my father (uncle) and life there was not easier for me either. I was turned into a herd’s boy as my uncle’s children went to school; life became uncomfortable, unbearable and hopeless to the point of committing suicide as I could not go to school.
In 2006 we officially legalized our marriage and the same I was ordained the Bishop of the ministry. Miraculously God has expanded His work in our hands and the ministry has grown that we now have ten (10) churches with the Headquarters in Webuye. God has blessed us with four children, one girl-Joy and three boys Victor, Shaddrack, and Blessings. We still have lots of huddles but we are focused to the voice that we had as we know that the good work He began He will accomplish.
One day while going on with my usual duty, taking care of the cattle along the Naitiri hills, I was attacked by a big python that almost swallowed me. It squeezed me until I was breathless and unconscious, in that state I saw a great light and a man dressed in dazzling white garments from the top to the bottom, coming towards me in the light. That man told me to put my fingers in the mouth of the monster and pull them apart, something that I did unconsciously and the python threw me away having inflicted wounds on my leg that has left scars to date; the person told me that he had saved me so that I can serve him.
As I put it, the ministry that God sent me to do in Webuye is deliverance, which brings me face to face with the less privileged, poverty stricken, orphans, widows and widowed whom we are trying by God’s help to touch their lives and if possible affect their destiny positively. Pray with us that God will grant us ability and strength to fulfill the ministry and keep the faith. Youth and Children ministry is also one area we are praying God to help us address as many children have dropped out of school due to lack of finances. I must confess that I have met a father and a mentor through you man of God, as you see I have not gone through much as you have done. May the grace that brought us together put us together?
That was the year 1983 in the month of July and that same year I gave my life to Jesus and joined the church of Redeemed Gospel Church under Rev. Pastor Patrick Situma and
Editorial Comments: Kathy Hill, CO Entire contents of this publication is under © supervision of IOM America 2013 Reproduction permitted when entire publication remains intact. Digital view or copies can be obtained online at: click here All Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963,1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
David is an IOM IFEL Partner in Kenya.
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