IOM AMERICA RESOURCES | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | |
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IOM AMERICA RESOURCES | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | |
HIPSTER CHRISTIANITY Posted: January 1, 2011 - By Stephen Phinney You have now entered the twilight zone. Welcome to the world of Emergent Hipster Christianity. The term Hipsters originally described the grandchildren of the ever so popular Hippy movement. A new generation who wants to bring back the overtly casual mystics of independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of dark-art and indie-rock, creativity, second-hand intelligence, and witty banter. As most subway culture groups, they tend to cling to each other like tics on a dog. One of the primary reasons this self-identified term roots in the "hippy" culture is that these sub-culturalist casually deal with life while they maintain a high degree of distinct fashion. They reject culturally-ignorant attitudes (those who don't change with the times) of mainstream society by pretending to be on the cutting edge of the intellectual community. As with many subculture groups, they hide their ignorance in a twist of arrogance. They often are caught wearing vintage and thrift store inspired fashions, tight-fitting jeans, old-school sneakers, and sometimes thick rimmed glasses as a statement of not forgetting the past. They are quick to re-invent old styles with a postmodern flair, purposing to separate themselves from "culturally-sheltered mainstram thinkers. Even though most hipsters claim to be atheist, they tend to be well educated and often have liberal arts degrees, or degrees in math and sciences, which promote their anti-Christian cultural liberal beliefs. Over the past decade, the "hipster" subway culture has moved itself into the Christian Community. Christian Hipsters are pretty much "carbon copies" of the Atheist Hipster clan but throw their beliefs of this new post-modern "Jesus" into the mix. They are drawn to Hipster churches like those connected to Mars Hill (Rob Bell). Theologically, they fall into the category of post-modern Arminianism, which is open-ended Deism (free-will) thinking that many believed helped the modern church go “emergent.” This is why most hipster "Christians" tend to support homosexual pastors, women in pastoral positions, spiritual formation vs. re-birth in Jesus Christ, fifty-fifty marriages, salvation through freedom of intellectual choice, the acceptance of all forms of faiths, revisionary authority, experience driven “Christianity,” ecumenical peace, socialism and, and, and ... Over all, this Hipster Christianity is a rebellion against old-school evangelicalism and its fuddy-duddy conservatism found in grandpa's Bible - resulting itself in their new found bible of social justice. If a hipster is going to read their "bible," the translation is usually one of the "hipster trans bibles" like the new gender friendly NIV.
IOM AMERICA RESOURCES | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | |
They prefer to call themselves "Christ-followers" rather than indwelt Christians. They cringe at the thought of public repentance or altar calls, and the prospect of evangelizing by telling people they will go to Hell without a conversion to Jesus gives them day-mares and night-sweats. Crisis: In order to keep up with this new "hipster generation," pastors from all denominations are becoming "hip." Sermon topics become like movie titles: Sexuality of Jesus, God Sex, Grooving with Jesus, Jesus and Homosexuality and some so rude - I refuse to repeat. Their churches have become organizational home bases for social justice, policy formation and creation care. They show film clips from R-rated movies, host "biblestudies" in local microbreweries and worship to the sound of rock music. Hipster Christians think they are intellectuals of modern faith but in reality, if you engage with them in Biblical theology, they are completely lost. Their "bible prophets" are Rob Bell, Joel Olseen, Rick Warren, Robert Schuller, Shane Claiborne, Donald Miller, and quote from Relevant magazine like it is some kind of "holy inspired word." Most drink beer, mark their bodies with tattoos, go clubbing, and eating raw and organic foods. They tend to be activist of global issues and without question vote for liberal politicians. Does your pastor use words like kingdom now, authenticity, and social justice, and missional? If so, your pastor is probably covertly confessing to being Emergent. Maybe during his sermon, he preaches on how wives should be "visually generous" with their husbands (e.g., they should keep the lights on when undressing and during sex). Sex is a major and often spoken of topic from the Hipster Christian pulpit. We have reports that many of these hipster churches hold their services in bars and nightclubs. Other churches focus more on the shock value of sermons, delving into touchy subjects such as homosexuality, child abuse, sex trafficking, HIV/AIDS, and so on, sometimes with an f-bomb or two thrown in for good measure. Don't believe me? You had better keep your ears and eyes open because it is the new "hip" way of "playing church."
About The Author: Dr. Phinney is the Founder and Ministry Host of the Institute Of Ministry (IOM America) and founder to the Exchanged Life Global Initiative, as well as the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life (IFEL). Stephen is also the co-founder of the Men
IOM AMERICA RESOURCES | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | |
Mapping Outreach Ministries, a ministry dedicated to equipping men to be protectors of women, children, community, and nation. Stephen has authored multiple books/teaching series on spiritual growth (click here) and has published over 280 online articles/booklets assisting others in obtaining a Transformational Biblical Worldview. Even though he does NOT put much stock in these degrees, he holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology, Masters in Counseling Psychology, and a Doctorate in Ministry. He also holds the status of Doctor of Philosophy Candidate at Oxford Graduate School. OBJECTIVE: Phinney’s primary objective is to equip individuals for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ and assist in empowering men, women, children, and family units to have a generational impact on the communities they serve. This is accomplished by providing training, mentorship, and counseling by making use of the believer's identity in Christ. About IOM America: Our Purpose IOM America is a tax-deductible 501c(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our ministry comes by way of a 3-Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative. All three fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL). Fold 1: Worldview Development It is our confession that worldview is birthed through personal identity! This is why it is critical for our workers to first understand who they are in Christ before they can lead another in such a discovery. With this in mind, we aim to gently message the identification truths of co-death, burial, resurrection, and ascension into all aspects of ministry communication. It is our experience that if any ministry or its workers focus on worldview issues before experimentally understanding the power of the Cross, these workers could actually lead the Church away from the Truth that will set them free. Fold 2: Discipleship and Training Our primary objective is to equip individuals for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ and to assist in empowering men, women, children, and families to have a greater impact on the communities they serve. This is accomplished by providing Christ-
IOM AMERICA RESOURCES | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | |
centered, Bible-based guidance and training that focuses on issues pertaining to the indwelt Christian's identity in Christ. We press forward to show individuals their freedom from enslaving mental, emotional, and spiritual conflicts by placing a special emphasis on IDENTITY MATTERS. The counseling style is direct, honest and truly biblical. Whether you have already attended training, or would like to begin your training, we welcome you to learn more about how we can assist you in your ministry calling. The enrichment from these courses is applicable in your personal life and relationships from the first course on. If you are interested in training or being discipled, please click here. Fold 3: Exchanged Life Global Initiative The ministry of IOM has adopted the proposal of the Exchanged Life Global Initiative, which has provided the ministry with a proactive pro-vision, in order to revitalize the worldview of uniting Exchanged Life workers throughout the entire world. In addition to our existing strong partnerships, we welcome the partnerships of other ministries that focus on the message of the Exchanged Life to join our efforts! To learn more: click on Exchanged Life Global Initiative on menu bar.
IOM AMERICA RESOURCES | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | |