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EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org
The Truth About Christmas By Dr. Stephen Phinney Did you know Santa Claus dates back to Old Babylon? Did you know the prophet Jeremiah speaks of the cutting of trees and decorating them with gold and silver? Or, did you know the title "Christmas" was originally a Roman state church "Mass" to celebrate and pray to a dead "saint?" One of my favorites is the "Yule Log" - which originally, and still does in many cultures, represents the "mother of god - queen of heaven." There is an old phrase that goes like this: "When you're in Rome, do as the Romans do." This cute little clichĂŠ is more true than we might realize. If Rome is indeed the Babylon of the endtimes and the Madonna (also known as the mother of God) is always lifted up as the "queen of heaven," it would behoove us to examine the reality of God's warning to His people about idol worship and Roman paganism. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy Christmas as much as the next fellow, but I refuse to connect this holiday to any Christian history. Even its title is intended to support the Roman pagan event - Christ-mass. Originally, it was the Roman state church that adopted a local pagan belief, made it "holy," and then required the people to attend "mass" in order to celebrate this "mother of god" - the Christmass tree. Tree, you say? In its beginning, Christ-mass had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. But it all had to do with an idol evergreen tree being cut from the forest and placed at the front of the church, to help ward off evil spirits of this pagan "holy day" (Eze. 6:13). "For the customs of the peoples are delusion; because it is wood cut from the forest, the work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They decorate it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers so that it will not totter. Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field are they, and they cannot speak; they must be carried, because they cannot walk! Do not fear them, for they can do no harm, nor can they do any good" (Jeremiah 10:3-5, NASB). The Christmas tree is so common to us that we have forgotten the reason we display it in our homes, churches, and communities. As you read, the historical roots of this tree are traced back long before Christians turned this figure of idolatry into something Christ Jesus Himself would supposedly promote. The Jeremiah reference to the Christmas tree was, and still is, an iconic worship symbol for the Babylonians. Then, the Egyptians took ownership, followed by the Romans who sanctioned it as an official "church" icon. It spread throughout Europe and found its resting place in the United States of America. I am like many Christians today - this tree is nothing other than a fun tool of tradition, much like a birthday cake. Attempts to sign the name of Jesus to this object would be nothing less than idolatry. The actual origin of the tree is associated with the mother of Adonis, the sun god. History books tell us this mother would change into a tree once a year, to remind the Babylonians of the birth
EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org
of her son, the "man of the branch." It is from this historical record that we find the base of the beliefs of placing the "Yule Log" in the fire on "Christ-mass eve," stating: "The seed of the woman," "Indigene," or "born of the fire," must enter the fire on "Mother-night," in order that he may be born the next day, out of it as the "Branch of God," or "the tree that brings gifts to all men." Why a Log? Because the "child of the fire" was an incarnation of the great god Nimrod, cut off from his power and glory, stripped of all its branches, and cut down to the ground. But wait, there's more. The great serpent, their symbol of restored life (Asclepius), twists itself around the dead trunk. Behold, the next day a sprout of a palm tree appears - the Egyptian symbol of new life. Later, the iconic leader of Pergamum coined it as the global symbol of healing - our medical symbol. It needs to be noted that the original "Yule Log" was delineated as the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun god, but cut down by his enemies (God). Therefore, the origin of the "Christ-mass tree" is Nimrod's resurrection, or the second coming of the Great Babylon. It's hard to believe all that is sitting in our living rooms each year, isn't it? Have you ever kissed someone under that ever so popular piece of green stuff, called mistletoe? I certainly have! Even though the Druids (forefathers to the modern Masons and Satanists) globalized the superstition, the original belief has its roots dangling from the branches of old Babylon. In Babylon, mistletoe represented their "Messiah" - the "man of the branch." Mistletoe was considered a divine branch. In fact, a branch that came from "heaven," birthed through dirt, sprang forth to rule the earth, and brought "reconciliation and world peace unto all men." Where did the idea of kissing under the mistletoe come from? Kissing is a cultural/relational seal - "sealed with a kiss." Kissing in the early Bible years was just as significant as a "wax seal" upon a document of a king, such as the marital kiss. Kissing under the mistletoe was the pagans' outward act of agreement that the "Messiah" would come to grant the world peace and reconciliation. Who is this "Messiah" the Babylonians keep referring to? I will give you a hint - it is not Jesus. What about our "Christ-mass turkey?" The turkey is the American beast of choice, having replaced the European goose, as well as, the original Babylonian boar's head. Many countries still follow the practice of using the boar's head - the "divine" symbol of the blood sacrifice for the sins of the Babylonians. The "head on the platter" was a practice used all the way back through the dark ages of early Europe. The act of beheading John the Baptist, and delivering his head to the king on a silver platter, was 100% pagan and rooted in old Babylon. Now, let's look at the traditional beliefs (lies) associated with the actual day of celebration. December 25th was not the day Christ was born. There is not one word in the Bible about the precise day of His birth, nor the time of the year when He was born. What is recorded though, implies at what time His birth took place. It could not have been on the 25th of December. At the time the angel announced His birth to the shepherds of Bethlehem, they were "feeding their flocks by night" in the open fields. I don't know if you have done much reading or visiting during the winter months in the Middle East, but the cold of the night is so piercing, that the flocks of the night would have been frozen ice sculptures. Plus, it was not the custom for the shepherds of Judea to watch their flocks in the open fields later than about the end of October. Another
EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org
inaccuracy is that at the birth of Christ, every man, woman, and child was to go to be taxed at the city where each was birthed. This meant some had to journey many miles to fulfill their civic duty. But, the middle of the winter was not fitting for such politics - especially for women with child and/or children to travel with in the cold. Christ Himself talked about how extreme the winters could be during the winter: "But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath" (Matthew 24:20, NASB). The date of our Savior's birth is most likely consistent with all of the other "firsts" in Jesus' life or in the whole of the Bible. When we look at the dates of tax gathering, winter conditions, and the Jewish dating system, Jesus was most likely born April 1. The first day of April is the first day of the first month. In observing God's historical relevance for causing things to happen on the first day of April, such as: the completion of the Tabernacle and the raising of the veil, it is fairly safe to say it was April first. Another interesting factor is that no one really knows or can account for the origin of "April Fools' Day." In the earliest of Christian days, due to the contempt directed at Jesus and those who remembered His true birthday, many came to believe the suggestion that the early "anti-Christ" worked to develop "Fools' Day." Klassen's calendar research shows us that Jesus began His public ministry at age 30 in A.D. 26, which is exactly 4,000 years after Adam was created. Also, by using the Jewish calendar, April 1 in 3975 B.C. was a Friday, the sixth day - man's creation. There is NO scholar, I am aware of, who would dare to proclaim the confirmed day of our Savior's birth, nor would any say the early Christian church has ever had the festival of Christmas as a part of their traditions. In fact, in the fourth century, the early church stood against this pagan festival started by this "new" state church of Rome - the Essenes (New Testament replacements of the Pharisees, which later became the official Roman church). How, then, did this "Romish" church fix on December the 25th and how did they get away with using Christ's name to announce it? Long before the fourth century, and even longer before Jesus' death on the cross, a festival was celebrated among the "haters of God" (heathens). At this precise time of the year, in honor of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven, history reveals that the "Romish" church revived this satanic festival. It was to suppress the massive multiplication of the Christian church, in the third and fourth centuries. It was a clever way of drawing true indwelt Christians to the Roman state church, which claimed to be the only Christian church. Church history also shows that this state church swapped out the names of the "sons," in order to attract more converts. It needs to be noted that this state church has had the tendency, since the early part of the third century, to adopt paganism, swap out names, and represent their pagan festivals under the "Christian banner." Godly men and women through the ages have tried to stop this movement. In spite of their glorious efforts, God has allowed the apostasy to continue. With defeat written on their faces, but hearts filled with endurance, these Christians set out to separate true believers from this Roman, state-driven, pagan movement. Thus, the era of Reformation began.
EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org
It is without question that the origins of Christ-mass are of pagan traditions. The time of the year for this celebration has its roots in Egypt, with the son of Isis (the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, the "mother of god"). The popular name by which Christmas has been associated is "Yule Day," which is the Chaldean name for an "infant" or "little child." Later, the name was attached to a "Yule Log," which was thrown into the fire on "Mother-night" (the night that preceded "Infant Day"), in order to bring the mother's spirit back from the dead and to protect them on this "most evil day." The Roman church found these pre-Christ traditions quite fitting for their "mother of god - Mary" and "infant son - Jesus." With a little "hand is quicker than the eye," the swap was successfully made. Honestly, I think we should give this celebration back to the Egyptians; at least they were honest. Their festival had been commonly known as an astronomical character, referring simply to the completion of the sun's yearly course and the commencement of a new cycle. Their event merely commemorated the figurative birth-day of the sun starting a new year. I think I like that better than trying to shove "baby Jesus" into a pagan holiday; what about you? Have you ever heard of Lord Moon? If you're not up-to-date in Arabian and New Age history, you probably have not. The Serbians of Arabia regarded the moon, not the sun, as their visible perfect symbol of their favorite idol. What was their favorite day of the year to do this? On the 24th of December each year, the Arabians would hold up the birthday of their lord - the moon. It needs to be noted that this same group regarded the Sun (Gad) as a female divinity and the Moon (Meni) as a male (Isaiah 65:11). What does all that mean? Simply put, the "mother of god" had her day in the sun on our Christmas Eve and Lord Moon was the original Christmas child being celebrated. The fun little tradition of setting food out for Santa also started with this same group. Due to their guilt and sins, they would set out Nur-Cakes (cupcakes) or Birth-Cakes (feast of the number), and a drink offering, to satisfy the "mother of god." This tradition dates way back before the prophet Isaiah: "But ye are they that forsake the LORD that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number" (Isaiah 65:11, KJV). How about that funny, overstuffed man we all call Santa Claus? I know we are accustomed to hearing the American story, but there is much more. The original "Saint Nicholas" (Nikolaos of Myra, or modern-day Turkey), was a strict, Greek Eastern Orthodox Christian. He was made a "saint" shortly after his death (in AD 343) by the leader of the Roman state church. He was declared a "saint" to be prayed unto, to be shown acts of kindness and giving, and to assist in their "Christ-mass" conversions. Nicholas had the reputation for secret gift giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him (our modern-day stockings). After the Roman church popularized his habits of giving, the new "Saint Nicholas" became the central figure and example in the church as the "reason for the season." It was the Roman state church, in the Netherlands, which began using the name "Sinterklass" to describe the church's high
EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org
priest role in the 25 days of Mass, before the day of the Mass of Christ - "Christ-mass." The Roman church takes the credit for the invention of Christmas. But, the truth being said; our old ancestors, the Babylonians, get the full credit. Santa Claus (the Roman Father of the Christ-mass or Father Christmas) was the figure of the high church. This included the use of a red robe (Cardinal's robe), a white beard (second coming of Christ), "pagan spirit beings" called elves (altar boys), and was loaded with indulgences. But, the real story behind this red robed man is far more pagan. The drunken December pagan festival of Bacchus was originally celebrated in Babylon. It was a custom lasting five days. The master of the house would serve his slaves and one of the slaves would become the "ruler on top of the house." The "ruler" would clothe himself in a purple garment, like a king. This "purple robed" servant was called "Zoganes," the "man of sport and wantonness (debauchery)," and would answer only to "Lord of Misrule." In the dark ages, this figure was known for revealing the Christ-mass. This "Lord of Misrule" evolved slowly into our modern-day Santa Claus. The tradition of the lighting of the Christ-mass eve candles is also rooted in old Babylon. The candles were used to do honor to the memory of Nimrod, the first king of Babylon. It was once the most distinguishing act of Babylonian worship, to have lit wax candles on their altars. The candles were also to remind the pagans that the second coming of Nimrod will occur and that his wife will unify all religious thought. Speaking of women, you might be wondering what the original Babylonian celebration was titled - they called it "Lady-day." Now we know it was the Roman state church that moved this celebration to December 25th, but the original date was March 25th. It was an alleged commemoration of the miraculous conception of the "man of the branch" from the virgin womb of the "queen of heaven," the Madonna of Babylon. On that day, the angel was sent to announce to her the distinguished honor that was to be given to her, as the mother of the "Messiah." She was to appear on a goose (Mother Goose), with harp in hand, to announce the coming of her son, who will rule the earth. First of all, Nimrod's wife won't be coming in on a goose, but rather on a red dragon. Secondly, her "Messiah" son is NOT Jesus Christ, but is none other than the Antichrist himself. The most interesting fact to me is that before our blessed Savior was even born of a virgin birth, grew into the Tree of Life, died on that tree, then resurrected, (and soon to be returning in an authentic "second coming"); Satan replicated the truth, through his little whore, in the old town of Babylon. No superficial church historian can convince me of the "symbolic insignificance" of the intimate relationship between Lady-day (Babylon), Christ-mass (Rome), and the Antichrist (Christ replica). Satan is not a lazy leader sitting on his hands, like most "Christians," waiting for the end-times to unfold. He is in the end-times and he knows it. In conclusion: Should we burn that Christmas tree in our living rooms or stop kissing under the mistletoe hanging from our doorways? Well - that's between you and God. As for me and my household: We will continue to enjoy the pretty lights draped on our "family tree," which hold the
EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org
cherished moments through hanging ornaments. And we will continue sipping on our hot cocoa, as we give thanks to Jesus Christ for coming into this world to save us from the tower of Babylon. Dear reader; Here is one thing you can hold me in account. I will never deny the undeniable truth that Ladyday, Christ-mass, and the Antichrist are purely Babylonian; nor will I attempt to do "historical revisionism" with the pagan traditions of "Holy day." About The Author: Dr. Phinney is the Founder and Ministry Host of the Institute Of Ministry (IOM America) and founder to the Exchanged Life Global Initiative, as well as the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life (IFEL). Stephen is also the co-founder of the Men Mapping Outreach Ministries, a ministry dedicated to equipping men to be protectors of women, children, community, and nation. Stephen has authored multiple books/teaching series on spiritual growth (click here) and has published over 280 online articles/booklets assisting others in obtaining a Transformational Biblical Worldview. Even though he does NOT put much stock in these degrees, he holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology, Masters in Counseling Psychology, and a Doctorate in Ministry. He also holds the status of Doctor of Philosophy Candidate at Oxford Graduate School. OBJECTIVE: Phinney’s primary objective is to equip individuals for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ and assist in empowering men, women, children, and family units to have a generational impact on the communities they serve. This is accomplished by providing training, mentorship, and counseling by making use of the believer's identity in Christ. About IOM America: Our Purpose IOM America is a tax-deductible 501c(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our ministry comes by way of a 3-Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative. All three fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL). Fold 1: Worldview Development It is our confession that worldview is birthed through personal identity! This is why it is critical for our workers to first understand who they are in Christ before they can lead another in such a discovery. With this in mind, we aim to gently message the identification truths of co-death,
EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org
burial, resurrection, and ascension into all aspects of ministry communication. It is our experience that if any ministry or its workers focus on worldview issues before experimentally understanding the power of the Cross, these workers could actually lead the Church away from the Truth that will set them free. Fold 2: Discipleship and Training Our primary objective is to equip individuals for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ and to assist in empowering men, women, children, and families to have a greater impact on the communities they serve. This is accomplished by providing Christ-centered, Bible-based guidance and training that focuses on issues pertaining to the indwelt Christian's identity in Christ. We press forward to show individuals their freedom from enslaving mental, emotional, and spiritual conflicts by placing a special emphasis on IDENTITY MATTERS. The counseling style is direct, honest and truly biblical. Whether you have already attended training, or would like to begin your training, we welcome you to learn more about how we can assist you in your ministry calling. The enrichment from these courses is applicable in your personal life and relationships from the first course on. If you are interested in training or being discipled, please click here. Fold 3: Exchanged Life Global Initiative The ministry of IOM has adopted the proposal of the Exchanged Life Global Initiative, which has provided the ministry with a proactive pro-vision, in order to revitalize the worldview of uniting Exchanged Life workers throughout the entire world. In addition to our existing strong partnerships, we welcome the partnerships of other ministries that focus on the message of the Exchanged Life to join our efforts! To learn more: click on Exchanged Life Global Initiative on menu bar.
EXCHANGING LIFE PUBLISHING | P.O. BOX 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | ChristAsLife@IOMAmerica.org | www.IOMAmerica.org