Introduction: During this reporting period (2 November – 8 November), the IOM hub in Jabal Awlia tracked 93 persons moving north from White Nile State into Khartoum State. This amounts to 13 persons per day, although numbers may be updated in future due to registration teams in South and West Kordofan attending a workshop in Kadugli during the reporting period. In addition, IOM has updated arrival figures for South Kordofan for 25-27 October, during which a total of 959 individuals traveled north to South Kordofan from Upper Nile and Unity states in South Sudan, and were registered by IOM. Therefore, arrivals during the week of 23-29 October were significantly higher than recent reported arrivals.
On 25 and 26 October, 908 persons arrived to Abu Jibeiha locality from Malakal, Elrank, Tonga and Kaka in Unity and Upper Nile states in South Sudan. The remaining 51 persons were registered by IOM on 27 October and came from Kaka and Tonga in Upper Nile. IOM has tracked and registered 50,857 people entering Sudan in total since the beginning of the conflict; 2,413 nomads, 48,395 South Sudanese, and 49 Sudanese. This is equivalent to 4.9% nomads, 95% South Sudanese, and 0.1% Sudanese. Since the beginning of the conflict, IOM registered 15,630 persons in South Kordofan, and 1,044 in West Kordofan. The IOM tracking hub at Jabal Awlia has tracked 31,523 persons thus far. The verified numbers in East Darfur and Abyei remain the same at 164, and 2,496 persons, respectively. According to UNHCR, 106,162 people have arrived from South Sudan since the beginning of the conflict, which is a slight increase from last week.
Tracking and Registration The South Sudanese entering Khartoum State continue moving to the open areas such as Um Dorman, Haj Yousif, Kalakel, Mayo, and Soba. Of the 93 persons tracked by IOM in Jabal Awlia, 29 are females, and 30 are children. In a trend reversal, more males than females reached Khartoum, with 46% of all the individuals whom IOM tracked as heading to Khartoum being female, and 54% male.
Khartoum new arrivals
34 5863 5285
30 Number of people crossing the borders from South Sudan per week 2944 12471426
1818 1176
3371 2812
1911 1594 975
1428 785
524 317 458 618 657
544 401
For further information, please contact: Mario Lito Malanca: Chief of Mission - IOM Sudan mmalanca@iom.int * Maysaa Alghribawy: Senior Emergency coordinator malghribawy@iom.int
1212 310 511 382 472 375 263 245 431 378 218 189 133 150
* Salah Osman: Senior Liaison Officer – SOSMAN@iom.int * Francesca Marroni: Reporting Officer – fmarroni@iom.int