IOM #Pakistan Humanitarian Communications (November 2014)

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IOM PAKISTAN Humanitarian Communications UPDATE

November 2014

Key Achievements ▪ Temporarily Dislocated Persons (TDPs) provided with critical information on available humanitarian assistance related to food distribution, school registration for children, health treatment services and nutrition packages. Information was disseminated in coordination with the Protection, Health, Nutrition, Education and WASH clusters as well as organizations such as the World Food Programme (WFP) and UNICEF. ▪ Disaster management authorities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (PDMA and FDMA) were supported in the process of identifying and tracking unregistered families. Situation Overview In the months following the mass displacement of 68,894 families from North Waziristan, the Humanitarian Communications (HComms) program provided critical, life-saving information to the affected population on available humanitarian assistance and services. The HComms program also expanded its activities to assist the increasing number of TDPs from Bara Tehsil of Khyber Agency, with 41,042 families enlisted by FDMA as of 9 November 2014. Summary of Activities August to October 2014 ▪ 13 Public Service Announcements (PSAs) aired on local radio stations, providing TDPs with information on school registration for children, treatment services for measles, importance of hand washing and location of food distribution and registration/enlistment points. ▪ 3 advertisements campaigns run in local newspapers highlighting grievance desks, food assistance and enlistment processes for TDPs. ▪ 60,000 leaflets and 60 posters produced in coordination with WFP to disseminate information on Wawa Mum, a nutritious ready-to-eat food product available for infants and young children. ▪ 10,000 brochures on registration and documentation of TDPs were printed for the Protection Cluster. ▪ 500 banners with information on school registration for children were printed for the Education Department and 10 banners with information on grievance desks were printed for FDMA. ▪ Call Center Cards with information and contact details for the Humanitarian Call Centre (HCC) were developed and distributed to TDPs. The HCC also continued to provide helpline support to affected populations, with grievances recorded and referred to relevant organizations or government departments for appropriate assistance and action. ▪ Hotline numbers for various services, including missing/ unaccompanied children, the PDMA helpline and grievance desks were compiled to produce a telephone directory for TDPs and service providers. ▪ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) developed to ensure that field teams conducting awareness raising sessions and call center attendants are well-informed and equipped to answer beneficiary queries and/or follow referral procedures when necessary.

The Story of Khan Wazir The Humanitarian Call Centre received a phone call from Khan Wazir, whose food ration access had been blocked for six months. The case was immediately referred to the HComms field team for investigation and follow up. Khan Wazir was one of many TDPs from Tirrah Valley in Khyber Agency, whose only source of income came from working as a day laborer (earning approximately USD 3 per day). When Khan Wazir’s food package from the WFP Food Distribution Point at Jerma, (Kohat) became blocked, Khan Wazir and his family faced extreme food insecurity coupled with fatigue and frustration. After hearing a radio announcement about the HComms Humanitarian Call Center, Khan Wazir got in touch. The case was referred to the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and a complaint was lodged. Through the active support of the HComms team, Khan Wazir was finally able to collect his food package the following week, after a grueling delay of almost six months.

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