IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT
10 – 24 February 2015
Refugees board an IOM hired bus at the Nadapal border point. © IOM 2015 (Photo: IOM Kenya)
There are currently 1.5 million people displaced in South Sudan, with over 500,000 people having fled to neighbouring countries. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) estimates that 2.5 million are in crisis/emergency levels of food insecurity for the period January-March 2015 (Source: IPC website). Over 112,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are sheltering within UNMISS Protection of Civilian (PoC) sites across the country, predominantly in Bentiu and the 3 Juba PoC sites.
South Sudan: IOM deploys CCCM community mobilizers to Bor to conduct a preliminary assessment on possible solutions for the relocation of 2,649 IDPs currently residing in Bor PoC. Ethiopia: IOM is preparing to construct an additional 1,300 shelters in Kule Refugee Camp. Kenya: IOM has transported 23,742 refugees from Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee since the onset of the crisis.
On 23 February, the delayed phase-three final session of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)mediated peace talks on South Sudan opened in Addis Ababa following extensive consultations with the stakeholders. Under the terms of a power-sharing proposal put forward by IGAD, the warring sides in South Sudan have until March 5 to reach a final peace deal.
Sudan: IOM has registered 52,974 South Sudanese refugees since the onset of the crisis.
month of February, IOM has relocated 692 refugees. Since the onset of the conflict, IOM has assisted a total of 186,325 refugees: 183,578 in Gambella and 2,747 in Benishangul‐Gumuz. 41 vulnerable refugees were relocated by a UNHCR helicopter from Akobo to Fugnido. New arrivals of refugees in Gambella are being registered at Akobo and Pagak entry points and relocated to Fugnido refugee camp.
Since the beginning of the conflict, 504,539 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Ethiopia (196,041), Uganda (142,569), Sudan (120,831) and Kenya (45,098). (Source: UNOCHA Sitrep, 20 February 2015).
IOM RESPONSE TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE ETHIOPIA: During this reporting period, IOM provided transportation assistance to 625 refugees from Akobo to Fugnido Refugee Camp in Gambella and 31 refugees from Abrahu, Kashmangi and Assosa entry points, to Sherkole Refugee Camp in Benishangul-Gumuz region. So far, in the
IOM, UNHCR and the Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA) will participate in a joint fact finding mission in Fugnido Refugee Camp to assess whether the camp has enough holding capacity to host additional refugees. The development comes after UNHCR informed ARRA that 2,880 refugees have expressed their willingness to relocate from Nip Nip camp to Fugnido camp. The assessment will be carried out before the end of February.