IOM #SouthSudan Crisis Regional Response (2 - 9 February 2015)

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IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT

2 – 9 February 2015

IOM’ s Operation Officer Aaron Adkins explains IOMs emergency NFI distribution to UN Humanitarian coordinator, Valeria Amos and UNESCO Special Envoy Forest Whitaker. © IOM 2015 (Photo: IOM South Sudan)



There are currently 1.5million internally displaced persons (IDPs) within South Sudan, of which 112,000 individuals are living inside UNMISS Protection of Civilians (PoCs) sites across the country, predominantly in Bentiu and UN House Juba PoCs (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 6 February 2015).

South Sudan: On 7 February IOM’s Chief of Mission David Derthick took UN Humanitarian Coordinator on a tour of

UN House PoC. Ethiopia: During this reporting period, IOM announced the closure of the Itang Way Station.

On 2 February, President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machal signed a peace deal seeking to end further bloodshed in the war torn country of South Sudan. This new peace deal aims to ends any further bloodshed, and all forms of hostility between the groups. Under the new peace pact, the warring factions agreed to adjourn further talks until 19 February when the negotiations will resume ahead of the final and comprehensive peace pact planned for 5 March.

Kenya: IOM transported 145 refugees from Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee during this reporting period.


On 7 February, IOM’s Chief of Mission David Derthick took UN Humanitarian Coordinator Valerie Amos on a tour of UN House PoC 3 to highlight the congestion issues. On 8 February, Ms Amos toured Bor, Ayod, and Wei (where IOM was completing an NFI distribution). On 9 February, Valerie Amos attended the High Level Event on South Sudan in Nairobi where a total of USD 529 million was pledged addressing the humanitarian crisis.

ETHIOPIA: Between 2 and 9 February, IOM provided transportation assistance to 401 refugees from Gambella (353) and Benishangul-Gumuz (48) regions, bringing the total amount of refugees relocated since the start of this year to 671 (586 in Gambella 85 in Benishangul-Gumuz Region). As of 9 February, IOM has provided transportation assistance to 185,669 refugees since the conflict commenced in December 2013. From this figures, 182,953 were in Gambella while 2,716 were from Benishangul‐ Gumuz.

Despite signing of the peace pact on 10 February, there was an exchange of fire between the warring factions in Rubkona in Bentiu area. Since the beginning of the conflict, 502,300 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Ethiopia (195,537), Uganda (141,107), Sudan (120,574), and Kenya (45,082). (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 6 February 2015).


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IOM #SouthSudan Crisis Regional Response (2 - 9 February 2015) by International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Issuu