IOM DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO IOM’s Early Recovery and Resilience Programme in North Kivu UPDATE SITUATION REPORT
04 July 2014
Presentation of IOM's Approach of management of migration crisis and the role of local committees as Early Warning Structures to prevent and adapt to the recurrent conflict and natural disasters in North Kivu’s post conflict territories , RD Congo, June 2014 © IOM 2014
BACKGROUND In this issue: One hundred and fifty seven (157) Local Leaders participants from Customary Traditional Power, Public Administration, Civil Society, Justice, Local Women’s Associations, Economic Associations, local and International NGOs received a training and awareness on New Legal Framework to promote Peace and Community building through local structures.
Presentation of IOM DRC’s Resilience Strategy in post conflict territories.
The humanitarian situation in North Kivu Province remains closely linked to the end of the March-23 (M-23) rebellion, announced on 05 November 2013 in the territories of Rutshuru and Nyiragongo. The M-23’s withdrawal continues to present opportunities for return and reintegration efforts in the two territories since the end of 2013. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the DRC seized this opportunity and commenced a pilot project financed by the Government of the Netherlands to assist in the returns of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), initiate preliminary community transition projects and assist in the reestablishment of key state functions.
Within this context, the Human Security, as a pilot project of IOM's Resilience Strategy in North Kivu, includes Capacities Building of Local Authorities and Communities. This component is a part of IOM’s partnership with the Cellule Provinciale d'Appui à la Pacification (CPAP) in the implementation and revitalizing of Comités Locaux de Paix et de Développement (CLPD). The informative workshops organized in Rutshuru and Nyiragongo respectively on 24 and 26 June 2014 with CPAP and technical support from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), aims to increase local participation and facilitation of the socio-economic reintegration process in the two territories.
PIOM DRC SUPPORTS THE GOVERNMENT'S PROIOM’s RESILIENCE PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION IN GRAMME OF COMMUNITY BUILDING EFFORTS NORTH KIVU POST CONFLICT TERRITORIES THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL COMMITTEES IN RUTSHURU AND NYIRAGONGO TERRITORIES During the workshop, CPAP has introduced the new Provincial Legal Framework which is the basis of establishment of the new local structures. In particular, procedures related to the composition of CLPD and the mechanisms of their revitalization in post-conflict areas were the subject of discussions. Issues related to Peace-Building and Community Development Planning were also discussed using the participatory approach. The opportunity was taken to present IOM DRC’s Early Recovery and Resilience Program within the current Human Security project activities in Rutshuru and Nyiragongo. CPAP Coordinator dispatching New Legal Handbook, Rutshuru DR Congo, ©IOM 2014
Indeed, since December 2013, IOM DRC is involved in the return process, searching for durable solutions for On 24 and 26 June 2014, IOM’s Early Recovery and Re- better protection and socio-economic reintegration of silience Program organized a workshop which aims to returnees in North Kivu’s post confict zones. disseminate the new Legal Framework on Peace building and development coordination in North Kivu. Parti- For IOM, the new committees should not only be the cipants from various villages and groupements in powerful tools for endogenous development, but also Rutshuru and Nyiragongo met respectively at the Terri- constitute Early Warning Committees able to increase resilience capabilities of individuals and communities tories’ Offices. living in the two territories. The organization of this workshop is part of the activities of Capacities Building for Local Authorities and Communities through support of the Cellule Provinciale d'Appui à la Pacification (CPAP), the government entity in charge of the implementation of the new Comités Locaux de Paix et de Développement (CLPD) at different levels (Territoire, chefferie, Groupement, Village). This initiative also contributes to strengthen the partnership with UNDP, which has inspired efforts of the Community-Building process in post-conflict zones and which is currently lead of the Early Recovery and Resilience Working Group in North Kivu.
IOM presenting its Resilience Strategy in the Informative Workshop on the New Legal Framework for the humanitarian and peace building coordination at Rutshuru, RD Congo, June 2014 © IOM 2014
For more information, please contact: Boubacar SEYBOU, Emergency and Recovery Officer, +243(0)81 204 3425 Monique VAN HOOF, Emergency Programme Coordinator, +243(0)82 248 7445
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