IOM #EbolaResponse Situation Report (9 January 2015)

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9 J ANUARY 2015

A banner in Freetown, Sierra Leone raises public awareness about Ebola

OVERVIEW Since the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported in March 2014, to date, there have been 20,656 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of EVD have been reported with 8,153 fatalities (39%) in the three most severely affected West African nations of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, according to UNMEER reports. IOM has expanded its Ebola Response activities to now include eight nations in West Africa, developing border management strategies to strengthen control and response capacities to prevent the spread of EVD.

© IOM 2015

HIGHLIGHTS • IOM is managing three Ebola Treatment Units

(ETUs) in Liberia in Tubmanburg, Buchanan, and Sinje. • ETU in Buchanan, Liberia admits first two patients

on 24 December. • A Rapid Health Assessment is being conducted at

the request of the Bomi County Health Team in Liberia to identify needs in the 20 healthcare facilities in the county. • IOM is assisting the Grand Cape Mount County

Health Team in Liberia to improve coordination of the EVD response. • IOM is supporting Active Case Finding in Bomi

County, Liberia. • In December The National Training Academy in

Freetown, Sierra Leone conducted 21 courses, training over 1,600 national and international healthcare workers. • IOM distributed generators, protective supplies

and office supplies to Provincial Emergency Operations Centres (PEOCs) in Guinea. © IOM 2015

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon undergoes health screening process at Lungi International Airport on 19 December 2014


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