15-21 JANUARY 2015
IOM border management assessment team conducting assessment at the Doulafoundou border police station © IOM 2015
IOM began installation of generator, wifi and IT equipment to retrofit 15 Prefecturelevel Emergency Operations Centres around the country.
Additional office supplies identified during the PEOC assessment were procured and are being distributed.
IOM is developing activities for safe migration and better health management at three border points between Guinea and Mali.
OVERVIEW Over 2,870 people have been infected with Ebola in Guinea since the outbreak started in March 2014. By 19 January, there were 2,539 confirmed cases and 1,876 people died from Ebola.
PREFECTURE-LEVEL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRES To support the Government of Guinea to effectively fight against Ebola at the Prefecture level, IOM is meeting the urgent need to equip and empower the PEOCs around the country. IOM completed its distribution of 15 generators and the first batch of protective supplies and office supplies to all 15 PEOCs. IOM procured additional office supplies (white boards, flip charts, flash lights, etc.) identified during its assessment and began distribution from the four PEOCs in the Conakry area. From 16 January, IOM began installation of a generator, two stabilizers, a wifi router, six laptops and a printer/scanner per a Prefecture. The power and IT system have been set up in Conakry, Boffa, Coyah, and Forécariah PEOCs. In the coming weeks, the installation will be completed in the rest of 11 PEOCs. IOM is also working with PEOC Coordinators to improve the work environment for PEOC members and their partners. IOM will rehabilitate 11 new office sites designated for PEOCs and four existing DPS offices.
HEALTH AND HUMANITARIAN BORDER MANAGEMENT Based on the findings from IOM’s Guinea-Mali border management assessment in Siguiri Prefecture last week, IOM is working with IOM Mali to support the officials and the communities in the border area to strengthen their border management system. IOM will initiate its activities at three main border points in Nafadji, Kourémalé, Mandiana in the coming weeks. To prevent
infection and spread of Ebola in the border area, IOM will train selected border police officers, military officers, health workers, and members of the community surveillance committees. The participants of the training will be selected in consultation with partners and Government of Guinea. The training will improve their understanding of Ebola, its transmission, prevention and control principles, and their improve knowledge and skills on data collection, and community sensitization.
Clockwise from top left: 1. IOM packing its vehicle with IT equipment and protective supplies to deliver to the PEOC in Boffa; 2. IOM conducing border management assessment in Singuiri; 3. IOM and PEOC Coordinator with donation materials in Conakry; 4. IOM installing wifi and setting up laptops and printers in Conakry PEOC.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON IOM’S EBOLA CRISIS RESPONSE PROGRAMME, PLEASE CONTACT: IOM Ebola Crisis Response Programme Coordination Office, IOM HQs| | +41 22 717 9111 IOM Regional Office, Dakar (Senegal) | | +221 33 869 6200 IOM Guinea | | +224 620680012