IOM #Iraq Crisis Response (6 October 2014)

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Iraq Crisis Response


October 2014


Displacement IDP Families






DTM Highlights IOM Iraq’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) reports a slowing-down of displacement trends compared to previous weeks; however, the overall caseload has increased by 27,870 internally displaced persons (IDPs) since 19 September of this year. Secondary displacement trends remain on the rise. In the last reporting period, 4,100 displaced families were reported to have left the city of Erbil due to poor conditions and the high cost of living in the city. IOM Iraq’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RART) also report the displacement of 4,000 families in the governorate of Kirkuk. This was reported to be because of clashes between armed groups and Iraqi State Forces, as well as airstrikes in the area of Haweeja. IOM Iraq RART monitors will continue to track displacement trends, as well as identify the needs of IDPs in these areas.

Above | Displaced beneficaries in Akre, Below | Displaced families at an IDP site in Ainkawa

DTM remains a reliable and timely source of information regarding displaced persons in Iraq and assists IOM in assessing and meeting the needs of IDPs throughout the country. To download IOM’s complete DTM report, along with displacement maps and Google Earth information, please visit the IOM Iraq DTM website: http://iomiraq. net/dtm-page.


of the displaced population in 2014 (January through September) are currently located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.


@IOMIraq | |


IOM IRAQ: Iraq Crisis Response


Weekly SitRep #7: 27/9 - 5/10

Total as of 2 August 5 October 2014

From insecure areas to various locations within the KRI, in coordination with the Development and Modification Center and Kurdistan Region Border Security Management.



Distribution Distribution totals from January to 5 October 2014

Family* Non-Food Item (NFI) kits


UNFPA Women’s Dignity Kits


WFP food parcels

UNICEF hygiene kits



*One Iraqi family is roughly equal to 6 individuals

IOM beneficiary volunteers at an NFI distribution at Akre

On 2 October, IOM Iraq responded to the request of governorate authorities to assist internally displaced persons (IDPs) who had recently escaped clashes south of Kirkuk the day before. Several of the displaced recounted stories of family members recently killed in armed conflict. Despite a partial curfew and difficult security situation, IOM distributed 250 family non-food item (NFI) kits to the displaced. IOM staff were accompanied by the Deputy Governor of Kirkuk, Mr. Rokan Saad, to ensure the ease of movement through checkpoints on the road to Daquq, where beneficiaries received their aid. The NFI kits included items to help IDPs prepare for the coming winter months, such as kerosene heaters, carpets and thick blankets.


In the past week, IOM has distributed 1,971 NFI kits throughout Iraq, serving an estimated 11,826 beneficiaries. As displacement patterns continue to change IOM is positioned in all 18 governorates to respond where security allows. In the past week, IOM Iraq distributed NFI kits at 13 distributions at 12 different locations. IOM is responding to life-threatening needs in a rapidly changing environment, in addition to monitoring movements on the ground.

@IOMIraq | |


IOM IRAQ: Iraq Crisis Response

Weekly SitRep #7: 27/9 - 5/10

Preparing for Winter in Iraq

Displaced beneficiaries with an IOM tent received in Lalish Photo: OCHA / Sheri Ritsema

As winter approaches in Iraq, IOM estimates there are 1.26 million internally displaced persons who are ill-prepared for the cold weather, rain, winds and even snow that will be arriving in the coming months. In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which that houses an estimated 49% of internally displaced persons, temperatures can often dip to below freezing. With at least 15% of IDPs living in shelters without windows or doors, responding to winter is a top priority for IOM’s emergency response strategy in Iraq. Beginning in October, IOM Iraq will begin deliver more than 10,000 tents with thicker liners to house IDPs living in such conditions. In coordination with UN-Habitat, IOM will also be distributing 500 prefabricated shelter units for displaced families living at Dawodiyah camp in Dahuk governorate. IOM Iraq has adjusted the family non-food item (NFI) kits to reflect the changing needs of the displaced population as cold weather approaches. This includes replacing thinner blankets with thicker ones, replacing plastic mats with carpets, and distributing kerosene heaters instead of floor fans. IOM will also distribute vouchers for heating fuel. As of 5 October, IOM Iraq plans to distribute 25,000 fully winterized NFI kits to serve an estimated 150,000 beneficiaries, as well as 8,000 supplementary kits with items specific to winter for those who have already received NFI kits during the summer months.


IDPs at risk for winter

1.26 million

In Erbil, temperatures average a low of in winter months


As many IDPs left their homes with just the clothes on their back, IOM Iraq plans to provide IDPs with life-saving assistance, which includes helping IDPs obtain proper clothing for the winter months. Since the beginning of the current crisis in Iraq, displaced families have expressed concern about cold weather approaching. In coordination with governmental authorities and UN partners, as well as the support of our donors, IOM is helping displaced families prepare for winter in Iraq.

@IOMIraq | |

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