Target Districts: Blantyre, Chikwawa, Mulanje, Nsanje, Phalombe, and Zomba 6 March 2015
HIGHLIGHTS Key preliminary findings of the first phase of site assessments include: ·
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DTM teams visited and assessed the 253 displacement sites that had been previously identified and listed by DoDMA and humanitarian partners.1 These sites were located in Blantyre, Chikwawa, Mulanje, Nsanje, Phalombe, and Zomba districts. Of the 253 displacement sites visited and assessed, 191 are open sites at present. 62 sites on the original list of displacement sites are now closed.2 The estimated total population in the 191 open displacement sites is 173,000 IDPs, comprising approximately 43,000 households. 56 percent of the total estimated IDP population resides in only 25 sites that host more than 500 IDP households. The majority of IDPs were identified in Nsanje District (46.4 percent of total) and Phalombe District (18.6 percent of total). The estimated IDP population in the open sites comprises 58 percent women and 48 percent men. The vast majority of IDPs—74 percent of the total estimated IDP population—resides in sites that were created spontaneously following the floods. Planned and pre-identified sites comprise only 13 and 12 percent of the total number of sites, respectively. The average household size among the IDP population in open sites is 4.1.
Caveat: The dynamics of flood- and heavy rains-induced displacement in southern Malawi are fluid. New sites have opened since the first phase of the DTM began, whilst other sites have closed. The need to cover as yet unverified sites prior to the launch of the first comprehensive site profile data is recognised. DTM is a continuous assessment tool; the ongoing verification exercises will continue to improve the integrity and scope of data as well and will adjust to the evolving context and information needs to best serve the needs of the Government of Malawi and the humanitarian community.
Recommendation: This report recommends the adoption of the current population and location data herein as the most reliable information available on displacement sites which can facilitate planning, prioritization and identification of humanitarian gaps for displacement sites in Malawi.
The list of displacement sites that served as the basis for the first DTM Master List Update was the list compiled and circulated by the Information Management Working Group (IMWG) on 11 February 2015. 2 Only sites visited, assessed and verified by the DTM teams are included in these figures (based on the 11 February 2015 displacement site list compiled by IMWG). In the case of new sites, inaccessible sites, or sites not reported to the IMWG, the DTM teams will verify the statuses of these sites and the findings of these rapid site assessments will be reflected in the next Master List Update.