IOM #Pakistan Quarterly Newsletter (January 2015)

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International Organization for Migration Quarterly Newsletter NEWSLETTER

January 2015

Tirrah Valley returnees receive shelter repair kits to support recovery Š IOM 2014

Situation Overview


The year 2014 witnessed an escalation in population movements out of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) due to the ongoing complex emergency in the northwest of the country. According to the latest figures, approximately 1.8 million people are living in temporary dislocation from their areas of origin. In response, a large and growing number of organizations are working in areas hosting Temporarily Dislocated Persons (TDPs) from North Waziristan and Khyber Agencies. Assistance activities augment existing infrastructure and provide support such as food, shelter, water, health care, nutrition and protection services. IOM’s Humanitarian Communications programme continues to disseminate critical information regarding registration and assistance for newly dislocated families, and stands ready to support returnees when required. The Government has announced plans to initiate returns to certain areas early in 2015. In light of low seasonal temperatures and severe housing damages in some areas of return, winterization support for returnee families has been highlighted as a critical need. Humanitarian partners including IOM are working together to ensure that vulnerable groups have access to humanitarian assistance during dislocation and return. In addition to response activities, IOM continues to strengthen the capacities of community and government stakeholders through knowledge sharing and training.

Situation Overview


Assistance for Tirrah Valley Returnees


Early Recovery Shelter Programme


Shelter Coordination Activities


CCCM Capacity Building


Humanitarian Communications


Resettlement Movements and Operations


Migration Health Services


Migration Management


Regular activities pertaining to resettlement, voluntary returns, reintegration, migration health services and migration management are also ongoing. Assistance for Tirrah Valley Returnees With support from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), IOM assisted 390 vulnerable families dislocated from Tirrah Valley during 2013 to repair their houses upon return. Shelter repair support was identified as a critical need for these families due to severe housing damages and extreme weather conditions in return areas. Beneficiaries were provided shelter repair kits consisting of building materials such as girders, roofing tiles and windows. The intervention was closely coordinated with Shelter Cluster partners to ensure complementarity in targeting and response.

IOM Islamabad, House 9, Street 6, F-6/3 | +92 51 2307841-57 |


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