IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis SITUATION REPORT
7 – 13 July 2014
Refugees disembark at the Kule II Refugee Camp in Ethiopia. IOM is facilita!ng their transporta!on from the Recep!on Centres. © IOM 2014 (Photo: Alemayehu Seifesselasie)
The security situa on in South Sudan remained tense and unpredictable in this repor ng period. Despite the civil war, the country marked its third Independence Day on 9 July. Hopes remain that South Sudan will overcome the challenges and start to rebuild the country.
General reduc!on recorded in the number of refugees entering Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda. South Sudan: 11,500 IDPs relocated to the new PoC site in Malakal
The number of check points in and around Juba town has increased since 30 June, partly due to reported tensions between the central government and the Equatoria states. Increased criminality con nues in Juba, linked to the nonpayment of salaries of security forces. During the repor ng period, specula on of imminent a'acks on Malakal and Ben u towns by Sudan People's Libera on Army in Opposi on (SPLA-IO) spread but did not materialize.
Kenya: Cases of bandit a)acks reported among refugees travelling into Kenya. Uganda: Heavy rains slow down IOM’s Water, Sanita!on and Hygiene (WASH) ac!vi!es.
According to UNHCR, 85,972 refugees have entered Sudan since the conflict broke out in December 2013. IOM is tracking and registering the refugees around Sudan. In the last two weeks of June, IOM iden fied a new movement trend from the open areas of Khartoum State to the White Nile State. This trend is a'ributed to lack of familial support network to join Khartoum.
Ethiopia UNHCR con nued to register a reduced number of refugees this week. In this repor ng period, IOM provided transporta on for 147,924 refugees from Pagak, Burbiey and Akobo to Kule II Refugee Camp. In Assosa, IOM has transported 1,341 refugees to date. Movements from Assosa are done on request by the Administra on for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA).
Uganda, like other countries receiving refugees from South Sudan, has recorded a drop in the number of refugees entering the country mainly through the Nimule and Koboko borders during the repor ng period. 531 refugees were registered by IOM this week compared to 1,641 refugees registered last week. UNHCR reports that 119,003 refugees have entered Uganda since the influx began in January 2014. Uganda has received the second largest number of South Sudanese refugees aFer Ethiopia.
Kenya has received the least number of South Sudanese refugees; 40,196 refugees have been registered to date (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 11 July). This week 523 refugees entered the country, compared to 650 refugees in the last week. The cost of transporta on to the Kenyan border coupled with heavy rains in South Sudan con nue to hinder the movement of refugees. Addi onally, seasonal rivers are now full as a result of the rains, and are blocking the paths refugees take to reach Kenya.