IOM regional response to #SouthSudan crisis (3 August 2014)

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IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT

28 July – 3 August 2014

IOM staff distributes water to refugees. IOM continues to relocate refugees from Akobo and Pagak entry points to the camp via boats. © IOM 2014 (Photo: Lilian Matama)



OCHA estimates that 1.1 million South Sudanese have been internally displaced. This includes over 95,000 people sheltering in UN bases across the country. A total of 173,616 refugees have entered Ethiopia since the onset of South Sudan conflict in December last year, making Ethiopia the largest receiving country of South Sudanese refugees.

South Sudan: To date, IOM has moved more than 5,000 Metric Tones of humanitarian cargo through the Common Transport Service. Ethiopia: IOM temporarily suspends moving refugees to Kule II camp after the camp reached its maximum holding capacity.

The security situation in South Sudan remain tense. Nassir town, Upper Nile State became under control of the Sudan People's Liberation Army SPLA in Opposition (SPLA-IO) briefly on 20 July, but was retaken by SPLA the following day. Apart from military actions, many cases of cattle raids are being reported in Lakes State. The situation in Juba remains calm.

Uganda: IOM participated in a joint health assessment mission in Northern Uganda. Kenya: 42,400 South Sudanese refugees have entered Kenya since 15 December 2013

assistance from Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee Camp on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Field data collection, cleaning, review and analysis are underway for the next Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) review. Unfortunately, it is feared that the results of the IPC review may result in a declaration of a famine in the most food insecure areas of South Sudan.

To date, 120,700 refugees have entered Uganda (Source: OCHA Sitrep, 31 July). The Ugandan government has approved the resettlement of 4,053 refugees (currently hosted in the Nyumanzi Transit Centre) to the newly opened Mungula and Ayilo II settlements in Adjumani district. UNHCR in coordination with the government have identified and began the demarcation of a new settlement in Adjumani in anticipation of more arrivals The majority of new arrivals continue to cross the Elegu/Nimule border into the adjacent district of Adjumani or via the Kuluba border crossing into Arua district.

In Ethiopia, IOM has assisted 161,214 refugees in Gambella and 1,762 in Benishangul‐Gumuz since the onset of the crisis last December. During this reporting period, IOM provided transportation assistance to 2,073 South Sudanese refugees who entered the country through Akobo and Burbiey entry points in Gambella Region, and Abrahamu and Tongo in Benishangul‐Gumuz Region. Since the onset of the crisis, 42,400 South Sudanese refugees have entered Kenya thought the Nadapal border point (Source: OCHA Sitrep, 31 July). IOM and UNHCR are providing newly arriving refugees with transportation


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