IOM #SouthSudan Crisis Regional Response (23 - 30 November 2014)

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IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT

24-30 November 2014

Refugees on board an IOM bus heading to Kakuma Refugee Camp. © IOM 2014 (Photo: Joseph Kabiru)



It is almost one year since civil conflict broke out in South Sudan and over 1.4 million people remain internally displaced in the young na on. Approximately 102,265 IDPs are hosted in UNMISS bases while 479,388 refugees have fled to Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda.

South Sudan: Clinic in Malakal is now offering cura!ve and preventa!ve Primary Health Care Services to the community outside the PoC. Ethiopia con!nues to relocate individuals from Matar to Fugnido Refugee Camp.

The security situa on in South Sudan remained rela vely calm during this repor ng period, apart from the states of Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity, Ben u, Malaka and Melut, where tension remains.

Kenya: Heavy rains in Kenya and along the South Sudan border pose transporta!on challenges for IOM. Sudan: During this repor!ng period, 245 South Sudanese were tracked and registered entering Sudan.

Sudan: A total of 245 South Sudanese were tracked and registered while entering Sudan during this repor ng period. The South Sudanese entering Khartoum State con nue moving to the open areas such as Um Dorman, Haj Yousif, Kalakel, Mayo, and Soba. IOM has registered a total of 51,289 refugees since the conflict began. A total of 110,948 refugees have arrived from South Sudan since the beginning of the conflict (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 28 November).

registered in Ethiopia is now at an average of 100 individuals daily. Kenya: Heavy rains along the Kenya-South Sudan border con nue to pose transporta on challenges for IOM. Coupled with the difficult terrain, IOM has in some instances abandoned buses and called for back-up transporta on. The number of refugees arriving at the Kenya border has reduced dras cally over me.

Ethiopia: According to UNHCR, the South Sudanese refugee popula on has become the largest refugee group in Ethiopia, surpassing the Somali refugee popula on by more than 250,528 individuals - amount more than the Somali refugee popula on. IOM has assisted a total of 177,507 refugees in Ethiopia since the conflict began. The number of refugees being


IOM RESPONSE SOUTH SUDAN CARGO MOVEMENT SOUTH SUDAN: To date, 4,767 Metric Tons of Shelter and NFI stock has been moved through the pipeline (93% transported by IOM), in 56 loca ons serving 164 requests TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE ETHIOPIA: The reloca on exercise from Matar resumed on 17 November and is ongoing. IOM has relocated over 1,340 individuals from Matar to Fugnido Refugee, including 1,264 who were relocated by boat and bus and 76 vulnerable refugees who were transported by helicopter. There are s ll more than 60,000 refugees in need of reloca on from various camps and transit centres within Gambella Region. Ethiopia’s Administra on for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA) and UNHCR have requested that all new arrivals from the three major entry points of Burbiey, Akobo and Pagak be moved to Okugu camp. KENYA: Between 24 and 30 November, IOM provided transportation assistance to 92 refugees from the Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee Camp. Since the onset of the crisis, 44,282 refugees have entered Kenya via the Nadapal border point (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 28 November). Incidences of immigra on officials charging visa fees for South Sudanese refugees con nue to be noted at the Nadapal border. Relevant authori es and agencies are looking to address the issue. SHELTER AND NON-FOOD ITEMS (NFI)

with this remaining caseload to encourage reloca on to PoC 3 and enable the proper closure of the Tongping PoC. In the last two weeks, approximately 1,500 newly arriving IDPs have been reported in Tongping coming from Ben u. These new arrivals are being transferred to UN House PoC 3 in Juba, from 27 November. During this repor ng period, 390 IDPs have been processed and registered in PoC3 . Site works are ongoing in the new Bor PoC including fencing of perimeter roads with chain-links, construc on of bridges, fencing of sports areas and drainage. WATER SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH) SOUTH SUDAN: All households in all PoCs are receiving clean treated water through the network supply system. Weekly bacteriological analysis was successfully conducted in eight water points within Malakal PoC. The results indicate that supplied water is safe for drinking. During the same exercise, water stored by IDPs in 2 randomly selected households was tested and results indicated that water was safe. HEALTH SOUTH SUDAN: From this week, IOM clinic staff in Malakal now offer both cura ve and preven ve Primary Health Care services in the community outside the PoC (in Detang and Makal Shiluk). This decision was a result of the unstable security situa on in the PoC. Ac vi es at the clinic have been limited to emergency reproduc ve health services during the day. Other ac vi es such as health promo on, reproduc ve health services, nutri on screening, vaccina ons and tes ng con nued during this repor ng period. All Primary Health Care Center ac vi es in Ben u ran smoothly this week.

SOUTH SUDAN: As of 13 November, Crisis Response Plan partners have served 174,557 households with Non-FoodItems and 58,090 households with Shelter. This represents 87% of the CRP target for NFI, and 66% of the CRP target for shelter response. The sector as a whole has served 241,861 households with NFI and 64,699 households with Shelter. CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT (CCCM) SOUTH SUDAN: IOM continues to act as CCCM state focal point in Upper Nile, Jonglei, Western Bahrel Ghazal and Warrap. The Camp Coordina on and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster held a training session in PoC 3. The session involved an introduc on to CCCM principles and on CCCM roles and responsibili es. The training was targeted at 27 individuals from PoC community leadership groups. A total of 12,412 internally displaces persons (IDPs) have been relocated from Tongping to UN House PoC 3 to date. Reloca on is ongoing and is scheduled to con nue un l the end of the year. The total remaining popula on in this PoC is 2,600 IDPs. IOM and partners are con nuing discussions


For more informa!on on IOM’s Response in South Sudan, see h@p:// Contact IOM Preparedness and Response Division | Regional Emergency and Post-Crisis Unit | DANILA Bogdan Silviu |


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