IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT
25 February– 6 March
Refugees board an IOM hired bus at the Nadapal border point. © IOM 2015 (Photo: IOM Kenya)
Currently, 1.5 million people are displaced in South Sudan, with over 500,000 people having fled to neighbouring Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan. Over 112,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are sheltering within UNMISS Protection of Civilian (PoC) sites across the country, predominantly in Bentiu and the 3 Juba PoC sites.
South Sudan: During this reporting period in Malakal IOM actively participated in the national polio campaign where 3,580 children under the age of five were vaccinated. Kenya: To date, IOM has provided transportation assistance to a total of 23, 789 refugees.
On the political front, peace talks on South Sudan have stalled yet again after the two leaders, President Salva Kiir and opposition leader Riek Machal, failed to agree on the formation of a transitional government. The two leaders missed the 5 March deadline set by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
Sudan: IOM has registered a total of 53,412 South Sudanese refugees since the beginning of the crisis.
crisis, IOM has provided transportation assistance to a total of 23,789 refugees.
Since the beginning of the conflict, 507,837 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Ethiopia (196,161), Uganda (144,602), Sudan (121,852) and Kenya (45,222). (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 6 March 2015).
REGISTRATION SUDAN: During this reporting period, IOM registered 438 South Sudanese refugees. Since the onset of the crisis, IOM has tracked and registered 53,412 South Sudanese refugees arriving in the country.
Since the beginning of the conflict, 507,837 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Ethiopia (196,161), Uganda (144,602), Sudan (121,852) and Kenya (45,222). (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 6 March 2015).
SHELTER AND NON-FOOD ITEMS (NFIs) SOUTH SUDAN: 5,688 Metric Tonnes of Non Food Items (NFI’s) have been transported to date, of which 93 per cent has been through the Shelter-NFI Cluster. Delivery of shelter materials to Bentiu and Malakal is ongoing and the purchase of 24,000 bundles of bamboo in Wau for further transportation to Bentiu is also underway. During this this reporting period, an additional 13,000 bamboo bundles have been procured and will delivered to Bentiu.
IOM RESPONSE TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE KENYA: During this reporting period, IOM transported 47 refugees from the Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee Camp. The majority of the arrivals were originating from Jonglei, Warrap and Unity states. Since the onset of the