9 minute read
At some point in the spring, the Spring Dress Code will be enacted for all students. At this time, jackets are optional, and students may wear school issued polo shirts and ¼ zips. Students must wear dress pants with a belt and all shirts must be tucked in. ONLY school issued ¼ zips are allowed over polo shirts. Student may wear a dress sweater of blazer over their polo shirts as well. Socks and dress shoes must be worn during “spring dress code.” School issued polo shirts must be tucked in the student’s dress pants. Students are not permitted to wear long-sleeve shirts under the Iona Prep golf shirts. Only white undershirts without writing may be worn underneath the Iona Prep golf shirt. No visible chains or neckwear is permitted. All other dress code items regarding shoes, socks, belts, etc. remain in effect.
In formulating the following rules and regulations, the Iona Preparatory School Administration has tried to anticipate as many areas as possible that students need to demonstrate responsible behavior. In the event of new and unusual circumstances, the Dean of Students will have the authority to use discretion in whatever circumstances the present rules do not precisely apply.
In order to protect its standards of scholarship, discipline, deportment and character, Iona Preparatory School reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student at any time, for any reason deemed sufficient at the sole discretion of the school and its administrators. By the parent/guardian’s signing of the handbook letter, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge the important obligations and restrictions contained in this handbook and agree to be bound by the terms of this handbook.
When a student applies for entrance to Iona Preparatory School, he thereby understands and agrees that the school reserves the right to exclude him at any time if his conduct, attitude, or academic standing is regarded by the Administration as undesirable.
It is understood and agreed that Iona Preparatory, or any of its administrators or faculty, shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for such exclusion. Students and parents give signed agreement to this contract through an acknowledgment letter at the beginning of each academic year.
Furthermore, parents should support the mission, goals and policies of the school. Nevertheless, a situation could occur in which the uncooperative or disruptive attitude and/or actions of parents might so diminish the effectiveness of the school that continuation of the student in the school could be impossible. In such cases, the school reserves the right to require the withdrawal of the student.
Teachers, staff, coaches and administrators will keep confidential any information entrusted to them so long as no one’s life, health or safety is at risk.
• Students should realize that their conduct, in and out of school, should reflect their home
and school training. Any conduct that is detrimental to the good reputation of Iona, endangers the safety of students, or demonstrates disrespect to a person or property will result in suspension or expulsion. • Students are expected to manifest the highest degree of sportsmanship at all athletic events (see Spectator Conduct). • Use of the Internet (See Internet Policy): Students should also realize that online communication between students, whether at school or at home, must be appropriate. Iona
Prep maintains that any type of online harassment, abuse, or threat between students demonstrates a serious violation of the Iona Preparatory Code of Conduct. Students violating this policy will be subject to suspension or expulsion. • Character Assassination: This involves any spoken or electronic language or behavior that intentionally and negatively influences the portrayal and reputation of a particular student, teacher or staff member through the use of deliberate exaggeration or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person. Any such behavior will be referred to the Dean of Students and could result in suspension or expulsion. • Inappropriate language is never acceptable in or around the school building. • Students are expected to be courteous and respectful when entering, riding or leaving public vehicles. Disciplinary referrals received by Iona Prep from bus companies will result in disciplinary action against the student. The Dean of Students can revoke any student’s privilege to ride a bus to school. Furthermore, any conduct on a public vehicle (bus or train) that is detrimental to the good reputation of Iona Prep, endangers the safety of students, or demonstrates disrespect to a person or property will result in suspension or expulsion. • The use of illegal drugs, including alcohol, is unlawful and dangerous. Any student found possessing or using any unlawful substance anywhere on or around school grounds, or while involved in any school weekday or weekend activity or field trip is subject to adherence to the Iona Prep Drug/Alcohol Referral Policy, immediate suspension or expulsion. These possible consequences are not mutually exclusive • Gambling of any sort is strictly prohibited. • Smoking of any kind (including but not limited to tobacco, e-cigarettes, marijuana) anywhere on or around campus is not permitted (this includes Wilmot and Stratton Roads).
Violators may be suspended. • Fighting will result in immediate suspension or expulsion. • Students are not permitted to use headphones, earbuds and/or personal stereo or television equipment during the school day in the academic wings of the building. • Tobacco and chewing gum are not appropriate in school. • Once a student arrives on campus, he is not permitted to leave the campus. Seniors can leave campus after their last class of the day. Seniors are not permitted to loiter in the parking lot. • Students who drive to school should make every effort to drive with caution in the parking lot and keep the volume of car radios at a respectful level.
• All students must enter and exit the building through the student lobby doors (under the portico). Students are not permitted to enter or exit the building through the Main Office entrance. • During the homeroom period students are not permitted to use their laptops, nor are they permitted to do any written work. Students are encouraged to read after the pledge and prayer. • Food and drink are not permitted in the academic wings of the school or in the classrooms. • Verbal, physical or emotional bullying will not be tolerated. Cases of bullying are referred to the Dean of Students. • Theft (the taking of another person’s property without consent), and the possession of stolen property are serious disciplinary infractions that are detrimental to the good reputation of Iona Preparatory School and a violation of the rights of students and staff (see special note below). • Electronic devices may not be used in the academic areas of the school.
Headphones/earbuds are not allowed to be used in the academic hallways at any point during the school day. • The Principal or the Dean of Students reserves the right to search backpacks, book bags, computer bags, and cars when circumstances indicate a reasonable suspicion of drugs, weapons, dangerous, illegal or prohibited matter or stolen items which are likely to be found. • The Principal or the Dean of Students reserves the right to check the contents of school email, text messages and voice mails that are possibly inappropriate and damaging to the
Iona Prep’s reputation or the health and welfare of faculty, staff or students. • The unauthorized use of audio and/or video recording devices (using any media format) is prohibited. No student is permitted to make an audio and/or video of another individual or class session without the written permission of the administration. Posting recordings in any public forum, internet or otherwise, without the written consent of all individuals involved is also prohibited. Violation of this policy could result in expulsion.
Iona Preparatory rejects all forms of racism and discrimination as contradictory to Iona Preparatory’s mission and the tenets of the Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Christian Brother education. Iona Preparatory is committed to fostering a school community that appreciates, values and includes stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and works towards combating outcomes that perpetuate prejudice and racism in our school community and society.
Any student that exhibits behavior or is involved in an incident that is contradictory to the aforementioned policy, shall be referred immediately to the Dean of Students. After the meeting with the Dean of Students, and if warranted, the incident will be reviewed by a committee of
administrators and teachers. The student and his parents/guardians will attend a mandatory meeting with the Dean of Students to discuss a corrective action plan as determined by the Deans and/or the committee.
• Students MUST wear their ID cards at all times, with the exception of Phys Ed class. It
MUST be on when you come up the stairs in the morning. Students not in compliance will receive a detention. • If you lose your ID card you must see Mr. Blanco IMMEDIATELY so that the card can be deactivated and a new one can be made. The cost to replace it will be $10. • The cards are your key to enter the following doors: Main Office, Verni, all doors along the path by the football field. There are proximity readers by each of these doors. You simply need to wave it in front of the reader and then wait to hear the door unlock. • Student cards will open doors from 7am to 7pm. • If you are late to school you MUST enter through the Main Office entrance (stairs) and scan your ID with our attendance director. Your ID card will open that door and the one from the lobby to freshman hallway. If you do not have your ID card on you and need to be buzzed in you will receive a detention for non-compliance. • Students using the Iona Prep Van Service will have this indicated on the back of their card and must show it when boarding the bus. • The ID card is also to be used in the cafeteria. Your mealpay number and barcode are indicated on the back of the card.
Either theft or possession of stolen property may result in the following:
A three-day suspension from classes, the assigning of 75 hours of community service above the regular Iona Preparatory School commitment, mandatory counseling, a contract with the Iona Preparatory School administration regarding future behavior and a possible referral to the New Rochelle Police OR dismissal from Iona Preparatory School
Any student is subject to random drug testing.
Iona Prep reserves the right to require drug testing of any student at any time with or without cause. Any student under the influence of an illegal substance or suspected of using any illegal substance will cause the Administration of Iona Prep to take immediate action.