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The administration clearly communicates to students that laptops, iPads and iPad-like devices always belong in one of two places:
• On the student’s person • In the student’s locker
At no time should a laptop, iPad or iPad-like device be left in any other place.
A student should never bring such devices with him to gym class or leave his laptop in an athletic locker. After school, students using laptops in the lobby should respect the community at large and not play music loudly.
For all other Internet rules and regulations, see the Code of Conduct (Rule 3) as well as the Iona Prep Internet Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy.
Students are not permitted to do written work before school or during their lunch periods except in the supervised study hall. Students who do not comply with this policy will be assigned detention.
• Cutting class: This infraction results in the assigning of five detentions. Parents will be notified. Seniors who cut class MAY have their senior privileges suspended or revoked. • Cutting school: A parent conference must take place before the student can return to classes. The student will serve five detentions. In addition, because the absence was unexcused, the student will also be assigned to a Saturday Study Hall. Seniors who cut school will have their senior privileges suspended or revoked.
Please note: The repetition of either offense is cause for suspension or expulsion.
Iona Preparatory is the co-tenant of all lockers and desks and reserves the right to search them at any time without notice
Students in all grades will be assigned a school locker in the appropriate class hall. Students should never share their locker combination with any student.