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How To Actually Find More Hours In The Day It’s easier than you might think
Life coach Katrina Skinner says we’re all just five steps away from finding more time for ourselves…
It’s that time of year when we all start to think about making changes. We often talk about editing our homes or our wardrobes – tossing out the things we don’t really need to make space for things we really want but what if we could do the same with our schedules. We all have 24 hours in the day but are you using yours the best way you can be? Do you feel stressed at everything on your to do list? Never feel like you have any time to yourself? Perhaps, this Autumn, it’s your time you need to edit. Here are 5 steps to try today which I guarantee will create more time for you.
The first thing to do is sit down and make two lists. List 1 should be of the main things you need to do each day and List 2 should include the things you’d like to do but never get the time. When you look at the first list, it instantly creates overwhelm and a feeling of “I’ll never be able to do all this”, leaving you feeling a bit deflated before you’ve even started. But the reality is that everything on that first list will not ‘need’ to be done today. Look again and challenge yourself on what the absolute key things are which you must do. Highlight them or write them on a post-it note. You might now have around 3-5 things which are a ‘must-do today’. Now allocate a time against them, choosing hours of the day when you know you’re more productive or have less distractions. Focus on completing ONE thing at a time and when you’ve completed the list, let yourself enjoy that feeling of achieving. Any time left today, YOU get to choose what to do with it. Take something from that second list or take another from the main list. Or choose to do neither. The point is you have created time for YOU to choose what YOU want to do as you’ve already completed your ‘priorities’ for the day.

So how many of you tried step 1 and had success? And how many of you found your day still disappeared and you still didn’t get things done...? Have you accounted for the time you spent on your phone? If you’re not sure, check your screen time on your phone yesterday…shocking, isn’t it? Social media scrolling or browsing on your phone can turn into a bad habit. How often do you pick up your phone without even knowing why you picked it up?! If you want to make a change, you need to get really focused and strict with yourself on how much time you spend on your phone, particularly social media. Is it better to be spending your time watching what is going on in other people’s lives rather than getting on with your own? Try turning off your notifications to rid yourself of the temptation to reply to anything popping up on your screen. And when it comes to emails, schedule time in your day to look at and reply to them. Do it when you have focussed time and you can read through and respond to all your emails, so they’re done in one go.
It’s now time to start looking at how you may be giving your time and energy away to others. For most people this is because they can’t say “no”. They don’t want to upset others or let them down. Give yourself the permission to say “no’ to anything that makes you unhappy, drains your energy or that you simply don’t have time to do. Setting boundaries is healthy and is all part of learning to respect and take care of yourself.
You don’t have to be superwoman. Yes, it’s hard to ask for help but it’s so worth it. If you’re not living alone and everyone is fit and able (including older children), are all the household chores shared fairly? You might be the CEO of the Household but a successful CEO knows how to delegate and plan. Taking an hour out on a Friday or at the weekend to get clear on the week ahead can be the best hour you’ll spend. Plan your meals so it’s one less thing to think about as you go through your week. And get an online diary for everyone in the household to see so there is no more confusion about who’s doing what, when. If there’s no one at home to help, are there any tasks you could outsource? There are so many local businesses out there providing their expertise in cleaning, gardening, decluttering and so on. Although there is a cost attached, sometimes that cost is worth its weight in gold for the time it gives you back. Just try it for a month and see how you reap the benefits.
Create a morning routine which works for you, improves your mindset and sets you up for the day. The key thing is doing something that works for you. If you don’t fancy joining the 5am club, start by aiming to get up an hour earlier than everyone else in the house. It could become THE best hour ever. Just for you. Try meditating or even enjoying 10 mins of silence. Journaling is also a great way to start the day. Any worries, ideas, reflections, issues that need solving - get it all out of your head and onto paper. Write your gratitudes and set your intentions for the day. Get clear on what you want to achieve that day, how you want to feel and how you want others to feel. You could also go for a walk or do some exercise. If you’re thinking right now “I’m not a morning person”, give it a go and see the benefits it can bring to your day. It’s worth it, it can change your life.
Katrina is an accredited transformation, success and mindset coach based in Edinburgh. If you’re interested in making positive changes to your lifestyle and wellbeing, she is offering all i-on readers, a free initial session. Simply drop her an email on hello@coachingwithkatrina.co.uk mentioning i-on. To find out more, visit www. coachingwithkatrina.co.uk or follow Katrina on Instagram @katrinaskinnercoaching