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Ionel Barbalau MA in Communication June 1974 Address: 15, St Ana St, 72224, Bucharest Phone 0722-613196 E-mail;

WORK EXPERIENCE SENIOR CONSULTANT Oct. 2007 – present. Company: PRAIS Corporate Communication Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: PRAIS Corporate Communication PRAIS is a top private Corporate Communication Consultancy company offering assistance to major local & multinational companies operation / or with interests in Romania. Responsibilities: Senior Consultant – Integrated Communication & PR Strategy design and implementation, Communication Audit, Media Relations, Business Development, etc. Achievements: Consultancy projects for top local & multinational companies: (CMS Cameron McKenna, Smithfield Romania, URGO France, Phillip Morris Romania, Romanian Brewers Association, Danone Romania, Dole Romania, Agroalim, Elysee Concept, Syngenta, etc). CONSULTANT / RESEARCHER Jan. 2000 – present. Company: IDEE Public Affairs and Strategic Communication Foundation Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: IDEE - Public Affairs and Strategic Communication Foundation Idee Foundation, is a public affairs institute designed to enable people to make improved choices by widening the offer of efficient alternative public policies, by making them available to public knowledge and debate and by facilitating the dialogue and communication between the various segments of society. Responsibilities: Consultant / Researcher - Public affairs and strategic communication expertise, media and socioanthropological/socio-cultural research. Recommendations: Andrei Stoiciu - CEO of IDEE Communications Achievements: Marketing and consultancy projects for business, diplomatic, and expatriate organizations in the country. Marketing IDEE to these various groups. EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Dec. 1999 – end of 2007 Company: Crystal Publishing Group Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: Crystal Publishing Group - Publishing Industry, American company, 40 employees. Bucharest What, When, Where Magazine. Responsibilities: Editor-in-Chief / Editorial Director - Managing the publishing of Bucharest What, When, Where Magazine, publication of the international What, When, Where Publishing Group. Editorial and publishing strategy positioning, public & professional representation of the Group.( Recommendations: Ludwig Gelobter, President of CPG Achievements: I directed, edited, re-structured and re-designed a successful publication; it gave me the chance to initiate, develop and grow working relations with the media, business, diplomatic, and expatriate milieu in the country; it also trained my problem-solving capacities regarding the publishing business in a developing country with volatile resources, rules and regulations. It also put me in the position to re-design and assist the managing of a corporate image, using various medium (from traditional advertising to below-the-line promotion/special events creation). Benefits:

Insurance, tickets, communication. COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR / COORDINATOR Nov. 2006 – Dec. 2006 Company: Save the Children Romania Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: Save the Children Romania Organization is an NGO part of the International Save the Children Alliance Responsibilities: Managing public and institutional communication / Communication Planning & implementing / Press interfacing. RESEARCHER June 1998 – July 1998 Company: Department of Culture, Art and Sport of the Stuttgart City Hall, Germany Working city: Stuttgart, Germany Company activity field: Department of Culture, Art and Sport of the Stuttgart City Hall, Germany Responsibilities: Researcher - Schloss Solitude Project - Stuttgart, Germany - Cultural anthropology field research at 'Schloss Solitude' Artist Reservation. Project under the patronage of Stuttgart City Hall. Recommendations: Iris Magdowski - Stuttgart Mayor for Culture, Art and Sport. Achievements: A Cultural Anthropology study sponsored by the Stuttgart City Hall, Dept. for Culture, Art and Sport. MEDIA AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS RESEARCHER Jan. 1994 - Jan. 1998 Company: Centre for Political Studies and Comparative Analysis - CPSCA Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: The Center for Political Studies and Comparative Analysis is a public policy institute that focuses on research and advocacy. Its work focuses on issues such as privatization, fiscal policy, taxation and private sector development. Responsibilities: Media and Political Analysis Researcher - - Analyzing political and social events, program assistance, newsletter editing, press communication, etc. Recommendations: Dorel Sandor - CPSCA Director Achievements: Structuring and organizing the matrix and the data base for socio-politic analysis; organizing International meetings and conferences such as the International Conference "Removing Hidden Barriers to Economic Growth in Balkans" (1996, October), the Friederich Neuman Foundation Mission in September 1997; editing various studies such as "Liberal Political Parties coagulation and de-coagulation during the Romanian transition". PROGRAM MANAGER Feb. 1996 – March 1997 Company: Young Journalist's Foundation Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: Young Journalist's Foundation - a professional NGO targeting journalists and communication experts. Responsibilities: Program Manager -Young Journalist's Foundation - Organizing media training program 'Civic Journalism' Recommendations: Sean Hillen - President / Columbia Hillen - CEO Achievements: The Media Training Program 'Civic Journalism' involving some top 30 journalists from all media in Romania. PUBLIC RELATIONS & TRANSLATION Jan. 1996 – June 1997 Company: The Canadian Training Program for Human Resources Management Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: The Canadian Training Program in Management of Human Resources Responsibilities: Public Relations & Translation COUNTRY OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE Oct. 1995 –June 1996 Company: The French Journal of Communication - RESEAUX, Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: The French Journal of Communication - RESEAUX, edited by The French National Research Centre in Telecommunications Responsibilities: Representing the French Journal of Communication - RESEAUX, edited by The French National Research Centre in

Telecommunications Achievements: Maintaining and developing a top French communication publication presence in Romania. TV HOSTING AND NEWS REPORTING Feb. 1994 / June 1994 Company: Romanian Public Television TVR Working city: Bucharest Company activity field: TVR - The Public National Television Network. Responsibilities: News Reporter and TV Host - Presenting the French language training program for the Education & Culture Department of TVR; News-making for the National News Department of TVR EDUCATION Studies: 1992 - 1996: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies (FJSC), Graduate Program, License Degree 1995: The Annual Graduate Faculty of New York for Social Research, Graduate Program 1995 - 1996: Université du Québec a Montréal, Département des Communications, Master Program 1996 - 1997: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, Master Program in Communication, MA Degree 1997 - 1998: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages & Academy's Institute for Sociology, Master Program in Canadian Studies, MA Degree Studies Abroad: 1995 The Annual Graduate Faculty of New York for Social Research, Graduate Program 1995 - 1996 Université du Québec a Montréal, Département des Communications, Master Program Courses, certificates & awards RESEARCH STUDIES AND PUBLICATIONS: "La Restructuration de l'Elite Intellectuelle en Transition", A network Analysis, case study: GDS (Group for Social Dialogue), University of Bucharest Library, 1996, 100pp. "Intellectuals - A Social Elite Corp 'sans attaches'', University of Bucharest Library, 1997, 100pp. "Schloss Solitude – The Artist Retreat", A Cultural Anthropological Study, Stuttgart City Hall, 1997, 30pp. "La Nation - La Representation des Identités Collectives et l'Immagologie d'Appartenance Identitaire au Québec", A case study: Le Devoir, University of Bucharest Library, 1998, 112pp. SKILLS Foreign Languages(writing/speech/reading): English (advanced,advanced,advanced) French (advanced,advanced,advanced) Italian (beginner,beginner,beginner) PC Skills: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, QuarXpress, MacWrite 5, AdobePhotoshop, MS Office, Internet Proficiency, etc ACADEMIC TRAINING& EXTRACURRUCULAR ACTIVITIES (selection) "Mass Media, Communication and Democracy", course - Black Sea University, Mangalia, September 1994, Romania. "Study of Political Risk in Transition Estate's Society", course organized by FCSJ and the Centre for political Studies and Comparative Analysis, Bucharest, October 1994 - February 1995, Romania. "Leadership in Small Groups", course organized by FCSJ and Université du Québec à Montréal, Bucharest, May 1994, Romania. "Structure of the Publicity Message", course organized by FCSJ and Université du Québec à Montréal, Bucharest, June 1994, Romania. "Democracy and Diversity", course - The Annual Graduate Faculty for Social Research, New School for Social Research, New York, July - August 1995, Krakow, Poland. "Approach to Cultural Anthropology, Research Methodology in Communication", course - Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, December 1995 - April 1996, Québec, Canada. "Cultural Marketing", course organized by FCSJ and the Duisburg Local Commission of Arts, March 1997, Romania. "International University Program in Social Science and Politics - 'Exploring Central Europe'", academic program - Savaria International University, Köszeg, July - August 1997, Hungary.

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