Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008
DETERMINING THE DYNAMIC EFFICIENCY OF CAMS Florian Ion PETRESCU, Barbu GRECU, Relly Victoria PETRESCU Abstract: The paper presents an original method to determine the efficiency of a mechanism with cam and follower. The originality of this method consists of eliminating the friction modulus. In this paper one analyzes four types of cam mechanisms: 1.The mechanism with rotary cam and plate translated follower; 2.The mechanism with rotary cam and translated follower with roll; 3.The mechanism with rotary cam and rocking-follower with roll; 4.The mechanism with rotary cam and plate rocking-follower. For every kind of cams and followers mechanism one uses a different method in determining the best efficiency design. One takes into account the cam’s mechanism (distribution mechanism), which is the second mechanism from the internal-combustion engines. The optimizing of this mechanism (the distribution mechanism), can improve the functionality of the engine and may increase the comfort of the vehicle too.
1 Introduction In this paper the authors present an original method to calculate the efficiency of the cam’s mechanisms. One analyzes four kinds of cams and followers mechanisms: 1. A mechanism with rotary cam and plate translated follower; 2. A mechanism with rotary cam and translated follower with roll; 3. A mechanism with rotary cam and rocking-follower with roll; 4. A mechanism with rotary cam and plate rockingfollower. For every kind of cams and followers mechanism, one has utilizing a different method for the cam’s design with a better efficiency.
2 Determining the momentary mechanical efficiency of the rotary cam and plate translated follower The consumed motor force, Fc, perpendicular in A on the vector rA, is divided in two components, [1, 2]: a) Fm, which represents the useful force, or the motor force reduced to the follower; b) Fψ, which is the sliding force between the two profiles of cam and follower, (see the picture 1). See the written relations (2.1-2.10): Fm = Fc ⋅ sin τ (2.1) v2 = v1 ⋅ sin τ (2.2)
Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008
Pu = Fm ⋅ v2 = Fc ⋅ v1 ⋅ sin 2 τ Pc = Fc ⋅ v1
(2.3) (2.4)
Pu Fc ⋅ v1 ⋅ sin 2 τ = = sin 2 τ = cos2 δ Pc Fc ⋅ v1
ηi =
sin 2 τ =
s '2 rA2
s '2
(r0 + s) 2 + s'2
(2.6) (2.7)
Fψ = Fc ⋅ cosτ
v12 = v1 ⋅ cosτ 2
Pψ = Fψ ⋅ v12 = Fc ⋅ v1 ⋅ cos τ ψi =
Fc ⋅ v1 ⋅ cos 2 τ = cos 2 τ = sin 2 δ Fc ⋅ v1
r Fc
© 2002 Florian PETRESCU The Copyright-Law Of March, 01, 1989 U.S. Copyright Office Library of Congress Washington, DC 20559-6000 202-707-3000
r v1 A rA
δ D
r Fm
r v2
r Fψ
rB v12
E s
τ r0 O
Fig. 1. Forces and speeds to the cam with plate translated follower
Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008
3 Determining the momentary dynamic efficiency of the rotary cam and translated follower with roll The pressure angle, δ, is determined by the relations (3.5-3.6), [1, 2]; One can write the next forces, speeds and powers (3.13-3.18) (see the picture 2): Fm, vm, are perpendicular on the vector rA in A. Fm is divided in Fa (the sliding force) and Fn (the normal force). Fn is divided too, in Fi (the bending force) and Fu (the useful force). The momentary dynamic efficiency can be obtained from the relation (3.18):
Fu, v2
Fn, vn δ
Fn, vn
Fi, vi
B rb s
Fm, vm α A-δ
Fa, va rB rA B0 rb
θA ϕ
α0 αA e
Fig. 2. Forces and speeds to the cam with translated follower with roll The written relations are the following. rB2 = e 2 + (s0 + s) 2
rB = rB2
(3.2) (3.3)
e cos α B ≡ sin τ = rB
Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008 sin α B ≡ cos τ =
s0 + s
cos δ = sin δ =
s0 + s rB
( s0 + s) 2 + ( s'−e) 2 s'−e ( s0 + s ) 2 + ( s'−e) 2
cos(δ + τ ) = cos δ ⋅ cosτ − sin δ ⋅ sin τ rA2 = rB2 + rb2 − 2 ⋅ rb ⋅ rB ⋅ cos(δ + τ )
cos α A =
sin α A =
cos(α A − δ ) =
e ⋅ ( s0 + s) 2 + ( s'−e) 2 + rb ⋅ ( s'−e) rA ⋅ ( s0 + s) 2 + ( s'−e) 2 ( s0 + s) ⋅ [ ( s0 + s) 2 + ( s'−e) 2 − rb ] rA ⋅ ( s0 + s) 2 + ( s'−e) 2
( s0 + s) ⋅ s' rA ⋅ ( s0 + s ) 2 + ( s'−e) 2
s' ⋅ cos δ rA
(3.6) (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) (3.10) (3.11)
s' ⋅ cos 2 δ rA
⎧va = vm ⋅ sin(α A − δ ) ⎨ ⎩ Fa = Fm ⋅ sin(α A − δ )
⎧vn = vm ⋅ cos(α A − δ ) ⎨ ⎩ Fn = Fm ⋅ cos(α A − δ )
⎧vi = vn ⋅ sin δ ⎨ ⎩ Fi = Fn ⋅ sin δ
cos(α A − δ ) ⋅ cos δ =
ηi =
⎧v2 = vn ⋅ cos δ = vm ⋅ cos(α A − δ ) ⋅ cos δ ⎨ ⎩ Fu = Fn ⋅ cos δ = Fm ⋅ cos(α A − δ ) ⋅ cos δ
⎧⎪Pu = Fu ⋅ v2 = Fm ⋅ vm ⋅ cos2 (α A − δ ) ⋅ cos2 δ ⎨ ⎪⎩ Pc = Fm ⋅ vm
Pu Fm ⋅ v m ⋅ cos 2 (α A − δ ) ⋅ cos 2 δ = = Pc Fm ⋅ v m
s' s' 2 2 2 = [cos(α A − δ ) ⋅ cos δ ] = [ ⋅ cos δ ] = 2 ⋅ cos 4 δ rA rA 2
Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008
4 Determining the momentary dynamic efficiency of the rotary cam and rocking follower with roll Fm, vm, are perpendicular on the vector rA in A. Fm is divided in Fa (the sliding force) and Fn (the normal force). Fn is divided too in Fc (the compressed force) and Fu (the useful force). The written relations are the following [1, 2] (4.1-4.31).
A μ
rB Fa, va
γ O
A0 α0
Fn, vn α
αB B 0 α A rb
Fu, vu B δ Fn, vn B Fc, vc b
Fm, vm ψ2
b ψ0 d
Fig. 3. Forces and speeds at the rotary cam and rocking follower with roll b 2 + d 2 − ( r0 + rb ) 2 2⋅b⋅d ψ 2 = ψ +ψ 0
cosψ 0 =
RAD = d 2 + b 2 (1 − ψ ' ) 2 − 2bd (1 − ψ ' ) cosψ 2
sin δ =
d ⋅ cosψ 2 + b ⋅ψ '−b RAD d ⋅ sinψ 2 cos δ = RAD
rB2 = b 2 + d 2 − 2 ⋅ b ⋅ d ⋅ cosψ 2 cos α B =
d 2 + rB2 − b 2 2 ⋅ d ⋅ rB
(4.1) (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6) (4.7)
Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008
sin α B =
b ⋅ sinψ 2 rB
sin(δ + ψ 2 ) = sin δ cosψ 2 + sinψ 2 cos δ cos(δ + ψ 2 ) = cos δ cosψ 2 − sinψ 2 sin δ B = δ +ψ 2 + α B −
2 cos B = sin(δ + ψ 2 + α B ) sin B = − cos(δ + ψ 2 + α B ) cos B = sin(δ + ψ 2 ) ⋅ cos α B + sin α B ⋅ cos(δ + ψ 2 ) sin B = sin(δ + ψ 2 ) ⋅ sin α B − cos α B ⋅ cos(δ + ψ 2 ) rA2 = rB2 + rb2 − 2 ⋅ rb ⋅ rB ⋅ cos B
(4.11) (4.12) (4.13) (4.14) (4.15) (4.16)
r2 + r2 − r2 cos μ = A B b 2 ⋅ rA ⋅ rB
r sin μ = b ⋅ sin B rA
α A = αB + μ
(4.19) (4.20) (4.21) (4.22) (4.23)
cos α A = cos α B cos μ − sin α B sin μ sin α A = sin α B cos μ + cos α B sin μ
α = π − α A −ψ 2 − δ cos α = − cos(ψ 2 + δ + α A ) = sin(ψ 2 + δ ) ⋅ sin α A − cos(ψ 2 + δ ) ⋅ cos α A cos α = cos α ⋅ cos δ =
ηi =
(4.9) (4.10)
ψ '⋅b rA
ψ '⋅b rA
⋅ cos δ
⋅ cos 2 δ
(4.24) (4.25)
⎧ Fa = Fm ⋅ sin α ⎨ ⎩va = vm ⋅ sin α
⎧ Fn = Fm ⋅ cos α ⎨ ⎩vn = vm ⋅ cos α
⎧ Fc = Fn ⋅ sin δ ⎨ ⎩vc = vn ⋅ sin δ
⎧ Fu = Fn ⋅ cos δ = Fm ⋅ cos α ⋅ cos δ ⎨ ⎩v2 = vn ⋅ cos δ = vm ⋅ cos α ⋅ cos δ
⎧⎪ Pu = Fu ⋅ v2 = Fm ⋅ vm ⋅ cos 2 α ⋅ cos2 δ ⎨ ⎪⎩ Pc = Fm ⋅ vm
Pu ψ '⋅b ψ '2 ⋅b 2 = cos 2 α ⋅ cos 2 δ = (cosα ⋅ cos δ ) 2 = ( ⋅ cos2 δ ) 2 = ⋅ cos 4 δ Pc rA rA2
Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008
5 Determining the momentary mechanical efficiency of the rotary cam and general plate rocking follower The written relations are the following, (5.1-5.6), see the picture number four [1, 2]: Fn; vn α A
Fm; vm
Fa; va l.ψ’ ρ.ψ’
A0 γ G0
B0 x
αm β
b ψ
D 1
Fig. 4. Forces and speeds at the rotary cam and general plate rocking follower ψ' AH = [ d 2 − (r 0 − b) 2 ⋅ cos ψ − (r 0 − b) ⋅ sin ψ ] ⋅ 1 −ψ ' OH = b + ( r0 − b) ⋅ cosψ + d 2 − (r0 − b) 2 ⋅ sinψ r 2 = AH 2 + OH 2
sin τ =
AH ; r
sin 2 τ =
AH r
Fn = Fm ⋅ cosα = Fm ⋅ sin τ ;
ηi =
(5.1) (5.2) (5.3)
AH + OH 2
vn = vm ⋅ cosα = vm ⋅ sin τ
Pn F ⋅v F ⋅ v ⋅ sin 2 τ AH 2 = n n = m m = sin 2 τ = 2 Pc Fm ⋅ vm Fm ⋅ vm AH + OH 2
(5.4) (5.5) (5.6)
Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008
6 Conclusion The follower with roll, makes input-force, to be divided in more components. This is the reason for that, the dynamic and the precisely-kinematics (the dynamickinematics) of mechanism with rotary cam and follower with roll, are more different and difficult. The presented dynamic efficiency of followers with roll is not the same like the classical-mechanical efficiency. For the plate followers the dynamic and the mechanical efficiency are the same. This is the greater advantage of the plate followers. But the followers with roll can be calculated for a practical dynamics more good than the dynamics of the plate followers.
References 1- PETRESCU, F.I., PETRESCU, R.V. Determining the dynamic efficiency of cams. In the Ninth IFToMM International Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, SYROM 2005, Bucharest, Romania, 2005, Vol. I, p. 129-134. 2- PETRESCU, F.I., PETRESCU, R.V., POPESCU N., The efficiency of cams. In the Second International Conference “Mechanics and Machine Elements”, Technical University of Sofia, November 4-6, 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria, Vol. II, p. 237-243. 3- PETRESCU, F.I., COMANESCU, A., GRECU, B., OCNARESCU, C., PETRESCU, R.V., Cams Dynamic Efficiency Determination. In New Trends in Mechanisms, Ed. Academica-Greifswald, 2008, ISBN 978-3-9402-37-10-1.
Florian Ion PETRESCU Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, Departamentul TMR Splaiul Independenţei 313, Bucureşti, Sector 6, cod 060042 Barbu GRECU Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, Departamentul TMR Splaiul Independenţei 313, Bucureşti, Sector 6, cod 060042 Relly Victoria PETRESCU Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, Departamentul GDGI Splaiul Independenţei 313, Bucureşti, Sector 6, cod 060042