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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 05, Issue 04 (April. 2015), ||V1|| PP 01-05


Design And Implementation Of Modified Booth Recoder Using Fused Add Multiply Operator S.Vijaya, Mr.k.Santhakumar, ME(VLSI Design),PG Scholder, Nandha Enggineering college, perundurai, erode Associate professor of ECE department,Nandha Enggineering college, perundurai, erode. Abstract: - Complex arithmetic operations are widely used in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. This paper presents an efficient design of modified booth multiplier and then also implements it. Low-cost finite impulse response (FIR) designs are presented using the concept of faithfully rounded truncated multipliers. In this work, focus on optimizing the design of the fused Add-Multiply (FAM) operator for increasing performance. In this project introduce a structured and efficient recoding technique and explore three different schemes by incorporating them in FAM designs. Comparing them with the FAM designs which use existing recoding schemes, the proposed technique yields considerable reductions in terms of critical delay, hardware complexity and power consumption of the FAM unit. Keywords: - Add multiply operation, Modified Booth Recoding, FIR filter design.



Modern consumer electronics make extensive use of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) providing custom accelerators for the domains of multimedia, communications etc. Recent research activities in the field of arithmetic optimization [1], [2] have shown that the design of arithmetic components combining operations which share data, can lead to significant performance improvements. Based on the observation that an addition can often be subsequent to a multiplication symmetric FIR filters), the Multiply-Accumulator (MAC) and Multiply-Add (MAD) units were introduced [3] leading to more efficient implementations of DSP algorithms compared to the conventional ones, which use only primitive resources [4]. In [12], the author proposes a twostage recoder which converts a number in carry-save form to its MB representation. Although the direct recoding of the sum of two numbers in its MB form leads to a more efficient implementation of the fused Add-Multiply (FAM) unit compared to the conventional one, existing recoding schemes are based on complex manipulations in bit-level, which are implemented by dedicated circuits in gatelevel. More specifically, propose a new recoding technique which decreases the critical path delay and reduces area and power consumption. The proposed S-MB algorithm is structured, simple and can be easily modified in order to be applied either in signed (in 2’s complement representation) or unsigned numbers, which comprise of odd or even number of bits. We explore three alternative schemes of the proposed S-MB approach using conventional and signed-bit Full Adders (FAs) and Half Adders (HAs) as building blocks. The proposed recoding technique delivers optimized solutions for the FAM design enabling the targeted operator to be timing functional (no timing violations) for a larger range of frequencies. Also, under the same timing constraints, the proposed designs deliver improvements in both area occupation and power consumption, thus outperforming the existing S-MB recoding solutions. An important design issue of FIR filter implementation is the optimization of the bit widths for filter coefficients, which has direct impact on the area cost of arithmetic units and registers. Moreover, since the bit widths after multiplications grow, many DSP applications do not need full-precision outputs. Instead, it is desirable to generate faithfully rounded outputs where the total error introduced in quantization and rounding is no more than one unit of the last place (ulp) defined as the weighting of the least significant bit (LSB) of the outputs. In this brief, we present low-cost implementations of FIR filters based on the direct structure in Fig. 1(a) with faithfully rounded truncated multipliers. The MCMA module is realized by accumulating all the partial products (PPs) where unnecessary PP bits (PPBs) are removed without affecting the final precision of the outputs. The bit widths of all the filter coefficients are minimized using non uniform quantization with unequal word lengths in order to reduce the hardware cost while still satisfying the specification of the frequency response.

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