IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 05, Issue 02 (February. 2015), ||V2|| PP 09-20
Mathematical Modeling of Unsteady Flow for AL- Kahlaa Regulator River prof. Dr. Saleh I .Khassaf 1, Ameera Mohamad Awad 2 1
College of Engineering ,University of Basrah , Basrah , Iraq College of Engineering ,University of Al Muthanna , Muthanna , Iraq
Abstract: - The study of the river flow predictions in open channels is an important issue in hydrology and hydraulics . Consequently, this paper is concerned with studying the unsteady flow that may exist in open channel , and its mathematically governed by the Saint Venant equation using a four-point implicit finite difference scheme. From many hydrologic software, HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engeneering Center – River Analysis System) is a good choice to develop the hydraulic model of a given river system in the south of Iraq represented by AlKahlaa River by a network of main channel and three reach and a total of 57 cross sections with 3 boundary sections for one of the applications . The model is calibrated using the observed weekly stage and flow data . The results show that a good agreement is achieved between the model predicted and the observed data using the values Manning's(n=0.04) for over bank with the values of Manning's ( n=0.027) for main channel and also with using time weighting factor ( θ ) equal one . Lastly , the AL- Kahlaa River HEC-RAS model has been applied to analyze flows of Al Huwayza marsh feeding rivers ( Al Kahlaa River and its main branches) , evaluation of their hydraulic performance under two hydraulic model scenarios .The results demonstrate that in case of high flow discharge it is found that cross sections flooded and inadequate for such flows. While, flows are remained within cross section extents during drought season . Keywords: Mathematical model, St. Venant equations, Finite difference methods, HEC-RAS
Common examples of unsteady open channel flows include flood flows in rivers and tidal flows in estuaries , irrigation channels , headrace channel of hydropower plants , navigation canals , storm water systems and spillway operation .In unsteady open channel flows , the velocities and water depths change with time and longitudinal position . For one-dimensional applications, the relevant flow parameters (e.g. V and d ) are functions of time and longitudinal position . Analytical solutions of the basic equations are nearly impossible because of their non- linearity , but numerical techniques may provide approximate solutions [ 6 ]. The equations of unsteady channel flow (Saint-Venant equations) formalize the main concepts and hypotheses used in the mathematical modeling of flow problems, and are formulated in the 19th century by two mathematicians , de Saint Venant and Bousinnesque as early as in 1871. With the computer revolution in twentieth century made a new era where numeric methods can be utilized effectively to solve nonlinear partial differential equations. This study is provided a description of the methodology is used to develop the hydraulic model for the Al Kahlaa river . The hydraulic model is performed with using the one-dimensional U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System , HEC-RAS version 4.1.0. . The Al Kahlaa HEC-RAS model is developed to characterize flows at all study sites , extending from the its head regulator to the downstream model boundary at the Al Huwayza Marsh .The hydraulic model is developed for the main channel, and the overflow channel .
The model is based on the one-dimensional unsteady flow equations (Saint-Venant equations) , consisting of the equations for the conservation of mass (continuity),and conservation of momentum. There are other ways of representing the Saint-Venant equations which are based upon the same assumptions but are expressed in terms of different set of dependent variables , depending on the assumptions used in their derivations [2] , these equations can be written as:
Q A q x t International organization of Scientific Research