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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 05, Issue 03 (March. 2015), ||V3|| PP 16-29


The Effective Knowledge Management In Local Brazilian Building Incorporation And Construction Enterprises Msc Jefferson A. Krainer1, PhD Helena de F. N. Silva2, Msc Christiane W. M. Krainer3, Dr. Cezar A. Romano4 1

(Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, jeffkrainer@onda.com.br) (Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, helenanuness@gmail.com) 3 (Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, chriswm@terra.com.br) 4 (Federal Technological University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, romano.utfpr@gmail.com) 2

Abstract– We display the Knowledge Management (KM)as a process, following a basic model based on seven dimensions. Our goal is to verify the level of effectiveness of KM in building incorporation and construction of enterprises located in Curitiba and its metropolitan area, Brazil. Therefore, we made a survey in a sample of local companies and analyzed the data using descriptive statistics. The results indicate the existence of processes and characteristics moderately associated with the KM, consistent with "Traditional Companies". We show a reference of where (in what dimension) and with which intensity the initiatives of the KM occur, allowing one to draw a profile of how knowledge is being managed by the contractors.The organizational culture dimension showed the greater effectiveness of KM, giving evidence that the organizational environment tends to be pleasant, prevailing freedom, trust and respect;fertile ground for the creation of knowledge. Keywords– Civil construction, knowledg management,organizational processes and characteristics, sevendimensions of knowledge.



The construction industry is basically formed by suppliers, services and project companies, all with a common goal: deliver products or services required for the construction process as a whole [1]. The construction is divided into three sub-sectors: edification (development and construction of buildings); heavy construction (infrastructure of transport, energy, telecommunications and sanitation);and industrial assembly [2]. The Brazilian construction companies have been seeking to implement practices that lead to Knowledge Management (KM) as a way to update and modernize the image of the sector in which they operate.The KM becomes important for the success of organizations, a key asset, themainmaterial with which all companies work [3, 4 & 5].The search for innovation through the adoption of more efficient production and management strategies makes the importance of knowledge and its management clear, in view of the challenges of the current environment of increased competition and of the changes from the consumer public to the private client, with greater demands and requiring an improvement in productivity and competitiveness [6].The industry is placing great emphasis on improving the quality and productivity in view of the market competition coupled with the technological, informational and managerial developments [2]. Due to the size of the sector, its characteristics of intensive use of information, inefficient communication and low productivity, it is considered that the benefits of the integration of KM models to the processes of the construction industry would be significant [7].The effectiveness of KM, however, represents a major challenge for a company, particularly for a construction company.The formalization of processes, management of resources (human, economic and physical) or the constant search for innovations and trends are processes that are involved in the theory and practice of KM in organizations [8].The KM should therefore be considered a process that will add value to the products and final services of the organization, and, if structured and implemented, will compensate the investment employed to its achievement [4]. Thus, we do not question the fact that companies have adopted management models in order to obtain competitive advantage or even to merely remain in the market.However, the success of these models involves the way knowledge is being managed.After all, knowledge-creating companies are those that systematically create new knowledge, disseminate it across the organization and quickly incorporate it into new technologies and products [9]. Considering these assumptions, this work's goal is to verify the level of effectiveness of KM in Brazilian construction companies, specifically in enterprises of incorporation of real estates and of construction of buildings based in Curitiba and metropolitan area.

International organization of Scientific Research

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