IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN: 2250-3021 Volume 2, Issue 8 (August 2012), PP 33-41
On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator Amnah Shammaky Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Abstract : - The purpose of this paper is to derive some subordination and superordination results for certain normalized analytic functions in the open unit disk, acted upon by Carlson–Shaffer operator. Relevant connections of the results, which are presented in the paper, with various known results are also considered Keywords : - differential subordinations ; differential superordinations ; dominant ; subordinant I. INTRODUCTION Let H be the class of functions analytic in the open unit disk
z : z 1 . Let H a, n be the
subclass of H consisting of functions of the form
f z a a n z n a n 1 z n 1 ...
Let A be the subclass of H consisting of functions of the form
f z a a 2 z 2 ...
and we let
Am f H , f z z am 1 z m 1 am 2 z m 2 ... .
With a view to recalling the principle of subordination between analytic functions, let the functions f and g be analytic in .Then we say that the function f is subordinate to g if there exists a Schwarz function z , analytic in with
0 0 and z 1
z , f z g z z .
such that We denote this subordination by
f g or f z g z z . In particular, if the function g is univalent in , the above subordination is equivalent to f 0 g 0 and f g . Let p, h H and let r , s, t ; z : C C . If p and if p satisfies the second-order superordination 3
pz , zpz , z 2 pz ; z are univalent and
hz pz , zpz , z 2 pz ; z ,
f subordinate to F , then F is called to be superordinate to f .) An analytic function q is called a subordinant if q p for all p satisfying (1). An ~ ~ for all subordinants q of (1) is said to be the best subordinant. univalent subordinant q that satisfies q q Recently, Miller and Mocanu [7] obtained conditions on h , q and or which the following implication holds hz pz , zp z , z 2 p z ; z qz pz . then
is a solution of the differential superordination (1). (If
Using the results of Miller and Mocanu [7], Bulboaca[2] considered certain classes of firstorder differential superordinations as well as superordination-preserving integral operators [3]. Ali et al. [1] have used the results of Bulboaca [2] and obtained sufficient conditions for certain normalized analytic functions f z to satisfy zf z q1 z q2 z , f z
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On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator
q1 and q 2 are given univalent functions in with q1 0 1 and q 2 0 1. Shanmugam et al. [9] obtained sufficient conditions for a normalized analytic functions f z to satisfy where
q1 z
f z q2 z , zf z
where q1 and q 2 are given univalent functions in with q1 0 1 and q 2 0 1. While Obradovic and Owa [8] obtained subordination results with the quantity . A detailed investing- ation of starlike functions of complex order and convex functions of complex order using Briot – Bouquet differential subordination technique has been studied very recently by Srivastava and Lashin [10] (see also [11]) . Let the function ϕ(a, c; z) be given by
a n z n 1 c 0,1,2,...; z , n 0 c n
a, c; z
where x n is the Pochhammer symbol defined by
n 0;
xx 1x 2....x n 1, n N 1,2,3,....
Corresponding to the function a, c; z , Carlson and Shaffer [4] introduced a linear operator L(a, c), which is defined by the following Hadamard product (or convolution):
a n a z n 1 . n n 0 c n
La, c f z a, c; z f z We note that
La, a f z f z , L2,1 f z zf z , L 1,1 f z D f z ,
where D f z is the Ruscheweyh derivative of
f z .
The main object of the present sequel to the aforementioned works is to apply a method based on the differential subordination in order to derive several subordination results involv- ing the Carlson–Shaffer Operator. Furthermore, we obtain the previous results of Srivastava and Lashin [10] and Obradovic´ and Owa [8] as special cases of some of the results presented here. q1 z
z 2 f z q z , f z 2 2
II. PRELIMINARIES In order to prove our subordination and superordination results, we make use of the following known results. Definition 2.1 [7 Definition 2, p. 817] Denote by Q the set of all functions f z that are analytic and injective on E f , where
E f : lim f z , z and are such that f 0 for E f . Theorem 2.2[6,Theorem 3.4h , p.132] Let the function q be univalent in the open unit disk and and
be analytic in a domain D containing q with 0 when q . Set Qz zq z qz , hz qz Qz . Suppose that (1) Q z is starlike univalent in , and
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On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator (2) If
Re zhz / Qz 0 for z .
pz zpz pz qz zqz qz ,
pz qz and q is best dominant.
Lemma 2.3 [10] Let g be a convex function in and let
hz g z m zg z , where 0 and m is a positive integer. m If p z g 0 p m z .... is analytic in and pz zp z hz , z , then
p z g z , z
and this result is sharp. Lemma 2.4 [9, Lemma 1, p,71] Let If p H with
p0 a and
zp z h z ,
h be a convex function with h0 a and let C with Re 0 .
z ,
p z q z h z z
/ n
ht t z
/ n 1
dt ,
z .
The function q is convex and is the best dominant . Theorem 2.5 [2] Let the function q be convex univalent in the open unit disk and and domain D containing q . Suppose that
1 Re qz / qz 0 for z , 2 zqz qz is starlike univalent in . If p H q0,1 Q , with p D , and pz zp z p z is univalent qz zqz qz pz zpz pz , then qz pz and q is the best subordinant .
be analytic in a
in , and (2)
III. SUBORDINATION AND SUPERORDINATION FOR ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS We begin by proving involving differential subordination between analytic functions .
f z , then zLa, c f z a La 1, c f z a 1La, c f z , c 0,1,2 ,...
Lemma3.1 If
where proof Note that
a n n 1 an z , n 0 c n
La, c f z and
a 1n n1 a z . c n n n 0
La 1, c f z These give that
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On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator
a La 1, c f z a 1La, c f z
a n n1 a n n1 an a z a 1 a z c n n c n n n 0 n 0 a n 1 n a n z n 1 c n n 0 z La, c f z
this proves lemma 3.1 .
q z be analytic and univalent in such that qz 0 . zqz / qz is starlike univalent in . Let 2 qz 2 zq z zq z 0 z ; , , , C; 0 Re1 qz q z qz
Theorem 3.2 Let the function
Suppose that
(3) and z La, c f z z La 1, c f z 2 2 z La, c f z z La 1, c f z a, c, , , , , , f La 1, c f z a La, c f z 1 La 2, c f z 1 a 1 La 1, c f z
satisfies the following subordination :
zq z qz z ; , , , , , C; 0; 0 ,
a, c, , , , , , f qz qz 2
z La , c f z qz z La 1, c f z and q is the best dominant . Proof Let the function p z be defined by
La , c f z pz z
z ; z 0 ; , C; 0
z La 1, c f z
so that, by a straightforward computation , we have
z La, c f z z La 1, c f z zp z . 1 1 p z La 1, c f z La, c f z
By using lemma3.1we deduce that
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On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator
a La 1, c f z 1 a La 2, c f z . zp z a 1 a pz La 1, c f z La, c f z By setting
2 it can be easily observed
that 0 Also, by letting
C \ 0 .
Qz zq z qz
is analytic in C ,
zq z qz
is analytic in
hz qz Qz qz qz 2
we find that Q
C \ 0
zq z , qz
z is starlike univalent in and that
zhz 2 Re1 qz qz 2 zq z zq z 0 Re qz q z Q z z ; , , , C; 0 .
The assertion (6) of Theorem 3.2 now follows by an application of Theorem 2.2.
qz 1 Az / 1 Bz , 1 B A 1
q z 1 z / 1 z , 0 1 , in Theorem 3.2, we get the following results (Corollaries 3.3 and
3.4 ). Corollary 3.3 Assume that (3) holds. If
f A , and
1 Az A B z 1 Az a, c, , , , , , f 1 Az1 Bz 1 Bz 1 Bz z ; , , , , , C; 0; 0, 2
a, c, , , , , , f
z 1 Az La , c f z z 1 Bz La 1, c f z and 1 Az / 1 Bz is the best dominant. Corollary3. 4 Assume that (3) holds. If f A , and
z ; z 0; , C; 0
1 z 1 z a, c, , , , , , f 1 z 1 z z ; , , , , , C; 0; 0
2 z 1 z2
a, c, , , , , , f is as defined in (4), z La , c f z 1 z then z ; z 0; , C; 0 z 1 z La 1, c f z where
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On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator and 1 z / 1 z is the best dominant.
For a special case Corollary3. 5
q z e Az , with A , Theorem 3.2 readily yields the following.
Assume that (3) holds. If
f A , and
a, c, , , , , , f e Az e 2 Az A z z ; , , , , , C; 0; 0 where a, c, , , , , , f is as defined in (4), then z La, c f z e Az z ; z 0; , C; 0 z La 1, c f z Az and e is the best dominant . Remark 3.6 Taking a c 1, 0 , 1, 1 / in corollary 3.5, we get the
result obtained by Obradovic and Owa [8]. For a special case
when q z 1 / 1 z b C \ 0, a c 1, 0 , 1, 1and 1 / b , Theorem 3.2 reduces at once to the following known result obtained by Srivastava and Lashin [10]. Corollary3. 7 Let be a non-zero complex number. If f A , and 2b
1 zf z 1 z 1 1 , b f z 1 z
f z 1 z 1 z 2b
and 1 / 1 z
is the best dominant .
, a c 1, 0 , 1, 1 / in Theorem 3.2, we get the For q z 1 Bz following known result obtained by Obradovic and Owa [8]. Corollary 3.8 Let 1 B A 1. Let , A, B satisfy the relation either A B / B
A B / B 1 1
A B / B 1 1. If f A , and zf z 1 Az , f z 1 Bz
f z A B / B 1 Bz z
z ; z 0 ; C; 0
and 1 Bz is the best dominant. With the help of Lemma 2.4, we now prove the following theorem . A B / B
Theorem 3.9 Let h H , h0 1 , h0 0 which satisfy the inequality
zhz 1 Re 1 , hz 2
z .
f Am satisfies the differential subordination
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On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator
La k , c f z h z , z
k Z
, z ; z 0 ,
La k 1, c f z g z , z where
g z The function
a k 1 mz
a k 1 / m
ht t z
a k 1 / m 1
k Z dt ,
, z ; z 0 ,
k Z
, z .
is convex and is the best dominant .
pz be defined by La k 1, c f z p z k Z , z ; z 0 . z
Proof Let the function
A straightforward computation gives
zpz z La k 1, c f z 1 . pz La k 1, c f z
By using lemma3.1we deduce that
zp z a k 1La k , c f z a k 1 pz La k 1, c f z
and hence
zp z La k , c f z a k 1 z
k Z
, z .
The assertion of Theorem 3.9 now follows from Lemma 2.4. For the choice of k=1, we get
Theorem 3.10 If
f Am satisfies the differential subordination
La 1, c f z hz , z then
La , c f z g z , z
g z The function Proof
z ; z 0 ,
1 a mz
a / m
ht t z
a / m 1
z ; z 0 , dt ,
z .
is convex and is the best dominant .
pz be defined by La , c f z p z z
Let the function
z ; z 0 ,
so that, by a straightforward computation , we have
zp z z La, c f z 1 . pz La, c f z
By using lemma3.1we deduce that
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On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator
zp z a La 1, c f z a pz La , c f z and hence
p z
zpz La 1, c f z a z
The assertion of Theorem 3.10 now follows from Lemma 2.4. Next, by using Lemma 2.3, we prove the following theorem . Theorem 3.11 Let
g 0 1.
be a convex function with
hz g z
h be a function , such that
m zg z . 1
f Am satisfies the differential subordination La k , c f z hz , k Z , z ; z 0 , z
La k 1, c f z g z , k Z , z ; z 0 , z
and this result is sharp. Proof The proof of the theorem is much akin to the proof of Theorem 3.12 and hence we omit the details involved. Next, by appealing to Theorem 2.5 of the preceding section, we prove Theorem 3.12.
q z be analytic and convex univalent in such that qz 0 and zqz / qz starlike univalent in . Further, let us assume that 2 2 Re qz qz 0 , z ; , , C; 0 (25)
Theorem 3.12 1 Let be
f A , 0 La , c f z
z H q0 ,1 Q , La 1, c f z
a, c, , , , , , f is univalent in , then q z q z 2
zq z q z
a, c, , , , , , f
z ; , , , , , C; 0; 0, implies
La, c f z qz z
z H q0,1 Q La 1, c f z
and q is the best subordinant where Proof By setting
a, c, , , , , , f is as defined
2 it is easily observed that
is analytic in C . Also, 0 , C \ 0 .
is analytic in C
in (4).
\ 0 and that 40 | P a g e
On sandwich results for some subclasses of analytic functions involving certain linear operator Since
is convex (univalent ) function it follows that ,
qz 2 2 Re Re qz qz 0 , z ; , , C; 0 . qz The assertion (26) of Theorem 3.12 follows by an application of Theorem 2.5. We remark here that Theorem 3.12 can easily be restated , for different choice of the function q Theorem 3.2 and Theorem 3.12, we get the following sandwich theorem .
q1 z be convex univalent q 2 z 0 . Suppose f satisfies (25)and (3) .
Theorem 3.13 Let
and that then
such that
q1 z 0 and
z H q0,1 Q , La 1, c f z
a, c, , , , , , f is univalent in , where a, c, , , , , , f is given by (4)
q1 z q1 z 2 zq z 2 q 2 z
z be univalent
f A , 0 La , c f z
and q 2
z . Combining
zq1 z 2 a, c, , , , , , f q 2 z q 2 z q1 z
z ; , , , , , C; 0; 0,
La , c f z q1 z z
z q 2 z La 1, c f z
z ; z 0 ; , C ; 0 and q1
q 2 are respectively the best subordinant and best dominant. REFERENCES [1]
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