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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN: 2250-3021 Volume 2, Issue 8 (August 2012), PP 141-151 www.iosrjen.org

Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions Ching Chiang Hwang1, Ing-Bang Huang2* 1


Department of Biotechnology, Mingdao University, Taiwan Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Formosa University, Huwei, Yulin, 63201, Taiwan (corresponding author)

Abstract: - Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders with different outer / inner radius ratio has

been investigated. The first five roots, αn of the two valuable equations, J1(aα)Y0(bα)-J0(bα)Y1 (aα)=0 and J0(aα)Y1(bα)-J1(bα)Y0 (aα)=0 , were derived and tabulated. Under the condition where diffusion coefficient is constant, the concentration profiles curves of diffusion and extraction for some cases have been demonstrated and discussed. Keywords: - Diffusion; Transport properties; Mechanical properties

I. INTRODUCTION Because of a sensitive electrochemical method developed by Devanathan and Stachurski [1] and some mathematical solutions of the pertinent diffusion equation given by McBreen et al. [2], Kiuchi and McLellan [3], and Yen and Shih [4], measurements of the diffusion coefficient and the permeation rate of hydrogen through a metal membrane have been widely investigated. When critical hydrogen concentration induced cracking in a metal pipe (hollow cylinder) has become an important factor [5-6]. Therefore, the need to understand the concentration profile in a hollow cylinder might be urgent. Several decades ago, Ash et al. [7] provided a means of measuring the diffusion coefficient D for a material in the form of a hollow cylinder shell by the time lag method. Carslaw and Jaeger [8-9] also gave some solutions to the problem of heat conduction through a hollow cylinder shell with some initial and boundary conditions. Crank [10] applied the above mathematics to diffusion for hollow cylinder shells for some cases. However, a more general mathematical solution including steady, set up transient, and decay transient states of the concentration distribution and permeation rate in a hollow cylinder was investigated in our earlier study [11]. The objective of this study was to derive the mathematical solutions of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders with different outer / inner radius ratio K. In this paper, the concentration profiles for set up transient and decay transient states were given, respectively.

II. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 2.1. Diffusion equation Consider a long circular cylinder in which diffusion is everywhere radial. Concentration is then a function of radius r and time t only, and the diffusion equation becomes

C 1   C    rD  t r r  r 


2.2. Set up transient state Carslaw and Jaeger [8] have given the solution to the problem of diffusion into a hollow cylinder in which the concentration is initially zero and the boundary conditions on the two surfaces are

C  k2C  k3 , r  a r C k1'  k2' C  k3' , r  b r k1



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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions Carslaw and Jaeger [8] give the solution by the use of Laplace transformation. The final result is

   r   r   ak3 k1'  bk 2' ln    bk3' k1  ak 2 ln    b   a    C  ' ' ' b ak 2 k1  bk1k 2  abk 2 k 2 ln   a

2  e  D n t    k1' n J1 b n   k 2' J 0 b n     F  n 1 n

k 3 k1' n J1 b n   k 2' J 0 b n    U 0 r n    k 3' k1 n J1 a n   k 2 J 0 a n  



2  2 F  n    k1'  n 2  k 2' k1 n J1 a n   k 2 J 0 a n 2   

k12 n 2  k22 k1' n J1b n   k2' J 0 b n 2


U 0 r n   J 0 r n k1 nY1 a n   k 2Y0 a n   Y0 r n k1 n J1 a n   k 2 J 0 a n 


Here αn are the roots of the following equation:

k1J1 a   k 2 J 0 a k1'Y1 b   k 2' Y0 b  k1Y1 a   k 2Y0 a k1'J1 b   k 2' J 0 b   0 (6) Consider the hollow cylinder with zero concentration initially and the boundary conditions on the two surfaces are

(7) In order to satisfy the Eq. (7), the constant of the Eq. (2) can be derived as

Substituting these constants into Eqs. (4)-(6), one obtains

F  n   J 02 a n   J 02 b n 



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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions

U 0 r n   J 0 r n Y0 a n   Y0 r n J 0 a n 


J 0 a Y0 b   Y0 a J 0 b   0


where αn are the positive roots of Eq. (10), as given in Table 1[8, 10]. Substituting

Eqs. (8)- (10) into Eq. (3), one obtains

J 0 b n U 0 r n  exp  D n 2 t n 1 J 0 a n   J 0 b n  

C  C 0  C 0 

 (11)

The normalized concentration of this case can be expressed as  J ka n U 0 a n r * C  1  0 exp[(a n ) 2 ]     C0 J a   J ka  n 1 0 n 0 n (12)


 

U 0 a n r *  J 0 a n r * Y0 a n   J 0 a n Y0 a n r *

2.3. Decay transient stat 2.3.1. Fast decay : Case A Carslaw and Jaeger [9] had given the solution to the problem of diffusion into a hollow cylinder with initial concentration and the two surfaces and kept at zero concentration. The general solution is  n 2 J 02 a n  2  C  exp  D n 2t U 0 r n ab rf r U 0 r n dr  2 2 2 n 1 J 0 a n   J 0 b n  (13)


U 0 r n   J 0 r n Y0 b n   Y0 r n J 0 b n 


Here αn are the positive roots of Eq. (10), as given in Table 1[8, 10]. Consider, Eq. (12), the concentration of the steady state, as the initial condition i.e. C=C 0 . The boundary conditions are

(15) Substituting Eqs.(14) and (15) into the integral

b  rf (r )U 0 (r n )dr a in Eq. (13), one obtains (16)


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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions Since

(17) Eq. (16) becomes

(18) Substituting Eq. (18) into Eq. (13), one obtains

J 0 a n U 0 r n  exp  D n 2t     n 1 J 0 a n  J 0 b n 

C  C0 

 (19)

Or the normalized concentration of this case is  J a U a r * C 0 n 0 n A exp  a 2   n C0 n 1 J 0 a n   J 0 ka n 


 

U 0 a n rA*  J 0 a n rA* Y0 ka n   Y0 a n rA* J 0 ka n  rA* 



r b   Dt K a a a2

2.3.2. Slow decay: Case B Özişik [12] had given the solution to the problem of diffusion into a hollow cylinder by the method of separation of variables with initial concentration F(r) , the two surfaces r = a with zero flux and kept at zero concentration. The general solution is b 2  1 C  e  D n t R0 ( n r )  rR0 ( n r ) F (r )dr n 1 N ( n ) a (22)


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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions Where

R0 ( n r )  J 0 ( n r )Y0 ( n b)  J 0 ( n b)Y0 ( n r )

 n 2 J12 ( n a) 1    N ( n ) 2 J12 ( n a)  J 02 ( nb) And




J1 a Y0 b   J 0 b Y1 a   0


Here αn are the positive roots of Eq. (25) which were determined as given in Table 2.

In this case, consider, Eq.(12) , the concentration of the steady state, as the initial condition i.e. C=C0 . The boundary conditions are

(26) Substituting Eq. (23) and (26) into the integral


 rR0 (r n ) F (r )dr


in Eq. (22), one obtains

b b  rR0 (r n ) F (r )dr  C0  r{J 0 ( n r )Y0 ( nb)  J 0 ( nb)Y0 ( n r )}dr a a =


2  a n [ J1 ( n a)Y0 ( nb)  J 0 ( nb)Y1 ( n a)] }

 n 2


Substituting Eq. (27) into Eq. (22), one obtains  C 0 {2  a n [ J1 ( n a )Y0 ( n b)  J 0 ( n b)Y1 ( n a )]}J12 ( n a ) R0 ( n r ) C 

n 1


J12 ( n a)  J 02 ( n b)

 exp( D n 2 t )



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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions The normalized concentration of this case is 2 *   {2   n a[ J 1 ( n a )Y0 ( k n a )  J 0 ( k n a )Y1 ( n a )]}J 1 ( n a ) R0 ( n arB ) C    C 0 n 1 2 J 12 ( n a )  J 02 (k n a)

 exp( n 2 a 2 )


 


R0 a n rB*  J 0 a n rB* Y0 ka n   J 0 ka n Y0 a n rB* r b   Dt rB*  K a a a2


2.3.3. Slow decay: Case C Özişik [12] had given the solution to the problem of diffusion into a hollow cylinder by the method of separation of variables with initial concentration F(r) , the two surfaces kept at zero concentration and r=a with zero flux. The general solution is b 2  1 C  e  D n t R0 ( n r )  rR0 ( n r ) F (r )dr n 1 N ( n ) a (31) where

R0 ( n r )  J1 ( n b)Y0 ( n r )  J 0 ( n r )Y1 ( n b)

 n 2 J 02 ( n a) 1 2   N ( n ) 2 J 02 ( n a )  J12 ( n b)

(32) (33)

J 0 a Y1 b   J1 b Y0 a   0


Here αn are the positive roots of Eq. (34) which were determined as given in Table 3.

In this case, consider the concentration of the steady state ( C=Co), as the initial condition. The boundary conditions are



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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions Substituting Eqs. (32) and (35) into the integral


 rR0 (r n ) F (r )dr

a in Eq. (31), one obtains b b  rR0 (r n ) F (r )dr  C0  r{J1 ( nb)Y0 ( n r )  J 0 ( n r )Y1 ( nb)}dr a a =

C0 {

a[ J1 ( n a)Y1 ( n b)  J1 ( n b)Y1 ( n a )]


} (36)

Substituting Eq. (36) into Eq. (31), one obtains   2 C 0  n aJ 02 ( n a )[ J1 ( n a )Y1 ( n b)  J1 ( n b)Y1 ( n a )]}R0 ( n r ) C   n 1 2 J 02 ( n a)  J12 ( n b)  exp( D n 2 t ) (37) The normalized concentration of this case is 2 *   2  n aJ 0 ( n a)[ J 1 ( n a)Y1 (k n a )  J 1 (k n a)Y1 ( n a)]}R0 ( n arC ) C    C 0 n1 2 J 02 ( n a)  J 12 (k n a)

 exp( n 2 a 2 )


 

R0 a n rC*  J1 ka n Y0 a n rC*  J 0 a n rC* Y1 ka n  rC* 

r a





3.1. Set up transient state The concentration distribution of C/CO predicted by Eq. (12) are plotted against r* for K = 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4, at , 0.4 and 1 as shown in Figs. 1(a)-(c), respectively. These curves are obtained by using the first five roots,αn ’s, of the Eq. (10) which are listed in Table 1.The concentration profile increases with increasing て and decreasing K. Generally, the concentration profiles of this case are symmetrical. All curves reveal similar concave shapes. For K = 1.2 and 1.5, there is no difference between Figs. 1(a) and (b) since steady state has already been reached at て ≧0.2. Also, these curves indicate that the greater the value of K, the more て is needed to reach a steady state.



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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions


Fig.1(c) Fig. 1. Set up transient state concentration distribution through cylinder wall at (a)て=0.2 (b) て=0.4 (c) て=1 . Numbers on curves are values of K.

3.2. Decay transient state 3.2.1. Fast decay: Case A The concentration distribution of C/CO calculated by Eq. (20) are plotted against r A* at various て and K, as shown in Figs. 2(a)-(c), respectively. These curves are also plotted by using the first five roots, αn ’s, of the Eq. (10) which are listed in Table 1. The concentration profile decreases with increasing て and decreasing K. The concentration profiles are symmetrical. Especially for K≦1.2, it is almost as symmetrical as the sheet case [13], as shown in Fig. 2(a). All curves reveal similar convex shapes.



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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions


Fig.2(c) Fig. 2. Decay transient state concentration distribution through cylinder wall for (a) K = 1.2(b) K = 2 (c) K = 4. Numbers on curves are values of for case A.

3.2.2. Slow decay: Case B The concentration distribution of C/CO calculated by Eq. (29) are plotted against rB* at various て and K, as shown in Figs. 3(a)-(c), respectively. These curves are also plotted by using the first five roots, α n ’s, of the Eq. (25) which are listed in Table 2. The concentration profile decreases with increasing て and decreasing K. All curves reveal similar convex shapes.



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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions


Fig.3(c) Fig. 3. Decay transient state concentration distribution through cylinder wall for (a) K = 1.2(b) K = 2 (c) K = 4. Numbers on curves are values of for case B. 3.2.3. Slow decay: Case C The concentration distribution of C/CO calculated by Eq. (38) are plotted against r c* at various て and K, as shown in Figs. 4(a)-(c), respectively. These curves are also plotted by using the first five roots, α n ’s, of the Eq. (34) which are listed in Table 3. The concentration profile decreases with increasing て and decreasing K. All curves reveal similar convex shapes. Comparing the decreasing rate of concentration profile for cases A, B and C, case A is the fastest, case C is the slowest for K≧2. However, for K≦1.2, the decreasing rate of concentration profile for cases B and C is the same.

Fig.4 (a)


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Analysis of diffusion and extraction in hollow cylinders for some boundary conditions

Fig.4 (b)

Fig.4(c) Fig. 4. Decay transient state concentration distribution through cylinder wall for (a) K = 1.2(b) K = 2 (c) K = 4. Numbers on curves are values of for case C.

IV. CONCLUSION The mathematical solutions of diffusion in hollow cylinder with different K for the set up transient and decay transient states are given in Eqs. (12), (20), (29), and (38), respectively. Through the mathematical analysis and figure plotting, a few conclusions are drawn: 1. In the set up transient state and decay transient state for case A, the concentration profiles are reverse and symmetrical. 2. In the decay transient state for cases B and C, the normalized concentration profiles are reverse and reveal the similar convex shapes. 3. In decay transient states for cases A, B and C, comparing the decreasing rate of the concentration profile, case A is the fastest, for the same K.

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