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Chairman's Message

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Happy New Year! of it. ATA has been relentless over the last two years in

As we move into a new year, many people are hopeful our efforts to promote a national user fee (gas/fuel tax that at some point soon we can get back to a semblance of increase) package and we remain confident that the new “normal” (whatever that means). There are many differ- administration will be making infrastructure investment ent predictions as to when that will happen but for many a top priority. We will have a “seat at the table” to ensure of us in trucking, we have been conducting “business that what is defined as infrastructure truly means sigas usual” throughout the pandemic. Trucking does not nificant upgrades to our transstop for anything! From the earliest days of the COVID portation roadways. Will it be a crisis our industry was the shining example of resiliency, slam dunk? Of course not, but determination, and fortitude. Our Nation came to truly the trucking industry will be an understand the critical role trucking has in the standard assertive, strong, and reliable of living we all enjoy. voice in addressing this import-

Throughout this past year, the trucking industry has ant issue. continued to demonstrate why it is an “essential” industry. At the state level, the Those of us in trucking have always known that but now an Republican majority was even larger audience shares that respect and appreciation. strengthened in the House and Telling our story is extremely important especially as we Senate, something that was not continue to take on important legislative and regulatory expected, but reminds us once priorities here in Iowa and in D.C. again about the unpredictabil-

As we leverage this goodwill, we have a tremendous ity of every election cycle. On opportunity to demonstrate our leadership too. We have November 4, our work began in a responsibility to look at the current environment and earnest to continue to move forfind a way to advocate for things that are important to ward with major lawsuit abuse our industry. After enduring a very emotionally draining initiatives. Despite the pan- DAN VAN ALSTINE election process, it may seem like an overwhelming task demic, Iowa’s trucking indus2021 IMTA Chairman of the Board to simply move on, but we do not have the luxury to do try had two major legislative anything else. Just like the industry we serve, there is no victories in 2020. Our phantom time to rest, we have work to do! damages legislation along with our indeOn the national level, we are closely monitoring the appointment of key cabTHROUGHOUT pendent contractor’s legislation made it over the finish line during a time where inet positions and other important sig- THIS PAST YEAR, THE the Iowa legislature was adjourned more nals coming from the new administration. Are we going to have challenges? TRUCKING INDUSTRY than they were in session due to COVID19. We need to continue to build on that Absolutely, but are there opportunities HAS CONTINUED TO momentum during the 2021 session. for the trucking industry? Absolutely. DEMONSTRATE WHY Yes, we have a big job in front of us but

How we react and respond to the there is no doubt that the trucking indusdynamics of politics at the state and IT IS AN “ESSENTIAL” try is up to the task. There are millions federal level will continue to position INDUSTRY. of people getting a paycheck because of our industry in the very best way. Now trucking. Here at home, 1 in every 13 people more than ever, we need to rise as an are employed because of trucking. Those industry and demonstrate our resolve, commitment, and are powerful statistics as we raise our voices at the state our ability to provide the leadership that gets results both capital. Now it is up to us to take the time and effort to here in Iowa and in our Nation’s capital. remain informed, use our passion to stay engaged, and

In Washington D.C., we believe that we are finally going leverage our collective influence to make sure our message to see some action relative to infrastructure funding. For is heard and understood! far too long this country has ignored our transportation Thank you for your support. Now as truckers, let’s roll infrastructure. Necessary roads, bridges, and technology up our sleeves and get to work. investment have been neglected. We all suffer because

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