3 minute read
President’s Message
As the new year was ushered in, I think I speak for a vast priority. While plaintiff attorneys continue to target majority when I say there was a collective sigh of relief. our industry, trucking companies of all sizes are closing Turning the calendar and seeing January 2021 provoked their doors. All of us are impacted by the rapid increase more emotions than I anticipated. And even though, we of nuclear verdicts and fairness must be restored to the are still dealing with COVID-19, moving into a new year process. Here in Iowa, we will continue to lead that charge. symbolized the end of a challenging chapter in our nation’s As a new administration takes over in D.C., uncertainty history and I could not help but feel a sense of optimism continues to be in the forefront. and hope for the year ahead. There is a lot of important busi-
The past 12 months almost seem surreal as we tried ness going on in D.C., new cabto move through life in the throes of a pandemic. A phe- inet members are named, and nomenon that we had only experienced in science fiction agendas being set. We must stay movies was now playing out in our lives every single day. on top of it all. More than likely, It was an exhausting and emotional roller coaster that has based on current speculation, changed us forever. the trucking industry will be
The lessons that have been learned and the knowl- facing numerous challenges edge that has been acquired through this experience is under the Biden administration. immense. And how we continue to operate in a post-pan- We will be very focused in our demic world will continue to be an important priority efforts to monitor and react to for all of us. the inevitable changes that are
IMTA had to make a lot of adjustments. Through the coming specifically in the areas chaos we felt it was important that we provided some of labor, environment, regula“calm” by protecting, promoting, and serving our mem- tory oversight, and the general bers. As the trucks continued to deliver the products that business climate. were needed, IMTA continued to deliver valuable ser- And finally, we will be relent- BRENDA NEVILLE vices to the membership to ensure our members were well less in our efforts to tell the story IMTA President & CEO informed and connected to a reliable source of support of the trucking industry. We and information. will build on the momentum
The trucking industry reaffirmed its importance in and goodwill that was created for trucking during the 2020. Big trucks on the road offered pandemic. In 2020, the trucking induscomfort and hope. The trucking indus- try took the spotlight as the true heroes try was finally getting the positive THROUGH THE during a time of great despair. We will recognition that was long overdue by CHAOS WE FELT IT continue to shine that light on our indussimply doing the job that we do every WAS IMPORTANT try and the millions of men and women single day – delivering the products and THAT WE PROVIDED who are the heart and soul of this great peace of mind that only the trucking industry can deliver. As we move into a new year there is SOME “CALM” BY PROTECTING, industry. We have many resources that have not been used in a year and we are anxious to kick off several thoughtful still a lot of uncertainty, but we will not PROMOTING, AND and innovative campaigns that will conbe deterred. We are steadfast in our mis- SERVING OUR tinue to move the needle in educating the sion to serve the membership and focus MEMBERS. public about trucking. on important priorities. Some of our We have such a great story to tell. We priorities for 2021 will be a continued have a great message to convey. And we focus on workforce development. The driver shortage have a unified and engaged membership. These things and overall labor shortage is escalating. Every trucking combined with our unwavering pride, unstoppable energy, company needs drivers, and we will be unwavering in and tremendous passion will ensure that 2021 will be our focus to find ways to attract people to our industry. very memorable for different reasons. Please join us as
Curbing lawsuit abuse in our industry is another big we move forward.