Representative Brian Best, 2021 House Transportation Chairman 4th term, District 12 (Glidden, Iowa)
What is the role of the House Transportation Committee?
Transportation Committee oversees transportation policy issues for the state. Not just highway policy but laws that affect bicycles, trains, licenses for cars as well as trucks and semis. We also are involved in policy on roads and their usage and vehicle weight issues.
hat were some of committee’s W primary goals in the 2021 legislative session? What were your biggest victories in the 2021 session?
Transportation Committee goals this year were to pass a hands-free law. We were able to get it out of committee but did not have enough votes for the floor. I am glad that we got the bill passed that allows the county Treasurers to collect $75 for CDL skills tests. Hopefully, this will encourage counties to offer these services. I am disappointed that we could not get enough votes to move the bill that would put a cap on liability for freight companies. That was a Commerce Committee Bill.
s we look towards A 2022, what is on the horizon for transportation initiatives/ priorities?
Next year I will take another shot at a hands-free bill. Liability cap bill I am sure will come up again and I will certainly support it.
4 REPRESENTATIVE BRIAN BEST 2021 House Transportation Chairman
I owa is a big trucking state, in this leadership position, what are some areas specific to trucking that you continue to focus on?
Our committee continues to work with DOT to move Iowa’s transportation system forward. I realize the importance of the trucking industry and have an open mind. I enjoy working with the IMTA and their lobbyists.
ood roads and safe bridges are G extremely important to the trucking industry, as the Transportation Chair, how are continuing to ensure that Iowa’s infrastructure continues to be in the forefront?
The key is to maintain our roads and bridges as efficiently as possible. Modern infrastructure is a big key in Iowa’s and America’s economic future.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in Glidden and graduated from GliddenRalston High School in 1978. I graduated from University of Northern Iowa in 1982 and lived in Kansas City, Des Moines, and Spencer until 1990. I was lucky to find employment in Carroll and in 1990 I moved back to Glidden. I am a credentialed Respiratory Therapist. My wife, Sharon and I own a Sleep Lab in Carroll, Western Iowa Sleep, so we are plenty busy. I ran for Iowa House in 2013 and was elected. I thoroughly enjoy my job as a State Representative, as well as the Chair of Transportation Committee. It is an honor to represent Western Iowa.