letter from the
Live it! staff
This issue celebrates the change of seasons, whether it is in our yard or our lives. Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral (IPDI&R) is also going through a change. We are saying farewell to Sam Erwin. Sam was very instrumental in making IPDI&R possible, and through the past six years was the face and voice for the center. We wish her the best in her new endeavors. At the same time, we welcome Crissanka Christadoss. She is making her presence known by visiting with support groups and attending other various events across the state of Iowa. Staying with the theme of seasons, Irene Johnson shares her story of her love for gardening and the adjustments she has made to combat the challenges of Parkinson’s disease. We also feature articles with ideas for adjusting garden levels and make you aware of tools that are available to help PD patients continue to enjoy their passion for gardening. Have you ever been working on several projects at the same time? Do not miss the article about Parkinson’s disease and its effects on multi-tasking. The staff invites you to share your words and photographs. Send us photographs of your garden, art or tools you found helpful. Also, we have started a list of exercise classes. If you know of an exercise class, please send us the information so we can share that with others. As the seasons change, and we reflect on this past summer, we wish you the best and look forward to receiving mail from you.
Live it! Staff
Medical Director: Lynn Struck, M.D. Managing Editor: Sam Erwin Art Director: Patrick Vaassen Photography: Crissanka Christadoss
Live it! Editorial Board
Lynn Struck, M.D., Medical Director Crissanka Christadoss, Coordinator, Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral Bruce Carr Vicki Ingham Linda Jordening Patrick Vaassen
All material related to Parkinson’s disease contained in this magazine is solely for the information of the reader. It should not be used for treatment purposes, but rather for discussion with the patient’s physician. Specific articles reflect the opinion of the writer and are not necessarily the opinion of the editorial staff, the Information and Referral Center, the medical director of the Center, The Iowa Chapter of APDA or the APDA.
The Live it! Staff contact us:
Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral Center Iowa Health – Des Moines 1200 Pleasant Street E-524 , Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (877) 872-6386 www.apdaiowa.org
Live it!
Fall 2011
Lynn K. Struck, M.D. Neurologist Physician Specialty Clinic Iowa Health – Des Moines
from our
medical director The Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Information and Referral Center and LiveIt! magazine are privileged to have board certified clinical neurologist Lynn Struck, MD as our advisory Medical Director. Dr. Struck is on staff with Iowa Health Physicians, Des Moines, and is a leading expert in movement disorders in Iowa. She has focused her career on advances in treatment of her many patients with Parkinson’s disease and ongoing research to find better treatments and, ultimately, a cure.
Ibuprofen Questionably Protective with Parkinson’s Disease There was a new research article published in the Journal of Neurology about a study of 136,197 participants in the Nurse’s Health Study and Health Professional Follow-up Study (HPFS). They did not have Parkinson’s disease at baseline. Researchers found that self-reported regular use of ibuprofen, which would be 2 or more times per week, had a significantly lower risk of Parkinson’s disease than non-users. The same effect was not seen for users of aspirin, acetaminophen, or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory measures. Similar results were found in a med analysis that was published in Drugs & Aging in 2009. The writer had pooled all the information from papers that had data on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. It is still debated whether this data is conclusive. There are no randomized clinical trials of any anti-inflammatory agents in Parkinson’s disease. It is, therefore, not recommended that patients with Parkinson’s disease start taking ibuprofen. Further research is felt to be important.
Copyright Statement:
Statement of Copyright The entire contents of this magazine are copyrighted under United States copyright laws by the Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Information and Referral Center. All rights reserved. Written permission from the Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Information and Referral Center is required for reposting, republishing or retransmitting any material in this publication. What You Can Do Without Written Permission Articles may be reproduced only if the text of the article is reproduced in its entirety and attributed to the Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Information and Referral Center. What You Cannot Do Without Written Permission Reproduce any Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Information and Referral Center materials within any commercial publication or for any commercial purpose. Print more than a single copy for your personal use.
References Frigerio, R., Bower, J., Rocca W.A., et al. (2006). Education, physically demanding occupations, and the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Neurology, 66, A234. Gao X., Chen H., Ascherio A, et al. (2011, March 2). Use of ibuprofen and risk of Parkinson’s disease. Neurology: Online edition. Sammi A, et al. (2009). NSAID use and the risk of Parkinson’s disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Drugs & Aging, 26(9), 769-779.
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nutrition corner
fiber update Constipation is a common complaint among many Americans, let alone those with Parkinson’s disease. Adequate fiber and fluid intake helps to promote regularity and minimize constipation. Dietary fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods often referred to as roughage or bulk. Fiber increases the amount of stool drawing water to it and at the same time softens the stool, making elimination easier. Fiber also gives a feeling of satiety and fullness which assists in weight management. Carrie Leiran, RD, LD, MS Iowa Health – Des Moines Nutrition Centre Carrie Leiran is a Registered Dietician (RD) and licensed (LD) by the State of Iowa. Carrie’s 25 plus years of experience includes extensive expertise in nutrition therapy for eating disorders, anxiety and depression, lipid management, sports nutrition, gluten intolerance and Parkinson’s disease.
The typical American diet averages 11-15 grams of dietary fiber when we actually need a range of 25 to 40 grams daily. Children need their age plus 5 more grams of dietary fiber for a daily total. Determine how much fiber you take in a daily average by recording your intake. The grams of fiber may be found on the labeling on the package or at a calorie web site such as www.calorieking.com. Once you have recorded the total each day for a week, add the daily total and divide by seven to give you your starting point. Gradually increase fiber intake by 5 grams each day of the next week until you are achieving results, usually 25 to 40 grams daily.
Fiber is found in the plant groups of vegetables, fruits, grains, beans and legumes. Fiber supplements such as Benefiber and Metamucil can complement dietary sources. Avoid stimulant type laxatives and try a tablespoon of Prune Juice Cocktail until results are achieved. (1/2 cup applesauce, 2-4 tablespoons Miller’s Bran and 4-6 ounces prune juice). Adequate hydration is the second component to assist with regular bowels. Remember that as age increases, thirst sensation decreases and certain medications may cause water loss. Some individuals with PD drink on a schedule. Very pale yellow urine is a general indicator of adequate hydration. Remember to drink extra water during hot weather and exercise. It is recommended to take medications such as Sinement with a full cup of water. This helps with absorption of the medication and, therefore, the effectiveness. Drink more at the beginning of the “on” time so you make fewer trips to the bathroom during “off” times.
Grains: 80-100 calories/serving
• 10-15 grams in 1/3 cup nugget bran cereal • 2-5 grams in breads and starchy vegetables.
Vegetables: 25 calories per serving • 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw average 1-5 grams of fiber.
Fruits: 60 calories/serving
• Fruits are 1-5 grams of fiber per average serving. A serving ranges from 1/2 cup to the size of a baseball.
Beans: 100 calories/serving
• Beans contain 8-10 grams of dietary fiber per 1/2 cup serving.
Prune Juice Cocktail Recipe:
• 1/2 cup applesauce • 2-4 Tbsp. Miller’s bran • 4-6 oz. prune juice Take 1 Tbsp daily until results achieved. Live it!
Fall 2011
ask the experts
multitasking and automaticity by Trevor Hyde, Ph.D.
Trevor Hyde, Ph.D. Psychologist at the Regional Parkinson Center at Aurora-Sinai Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Dr. Hyde currently works as a geropsychologist at the Regional Parkinson Center at Aurora-Sinai Medical Center in Milwaukee. Dr. Hyde is actively involved in research on caregiver stress, hallucinations in Parkinson disease, maintaining independence in community dwelling and cognitive processes in dementia and normal aging.
Although we like to think that most of our behavior is rational and well considered, the truth is that we spend great portions of our lives on autopilot, not thinking about what we are doing. This is an important cognitive adaptation, because it allows us to focus on problems when your usual circumstances change. For example, if you moved to a new house recently you may find yourself automatically driving back to your old house while you are thinking about work. To counter this automaticity, you may have to talk to yourself as you are driving, saying, “Don’t take this exit, don’t take this exit,” and refrain from talking or listening to the radio. Focus on things that require further attention while relegating relatively less-important activities to automatic processing. A good example of automatic processing that most of us are familiar with is driving. When you first learn how to drive you need to think consciously about everything that you do: which pedal to use to accelerate, which to brake, how to shift gears, how to signal a turn, etc. Because this requires so much effort, it is difficult to do anything else while driving, such as talking, listening to the radio, or even paying attention to the landscape around you. As you gain more expertise, you are able to automate many aspects of driving, such that it does not require conscious control. In fact, automated behaviors sometimes are not even available for conscious examination. For example, you can signal a turn without effort, but if someone were to ask you right now which side of the steering wheel the turn signal is on, you might have to walk to the car to find out.
This ability to multitask by automating behaviors is a great asset, but can become affected in Parkinson disease. A good example of an automated behavior that is affected by Parkinson disease is walking. A recent study examined gait in Parkinson patients and found that when someone talks to a patient while walking, the gait changes noticeably. The authors even noted that many patients who had no difficulty walking normally appeared to put themselves at risk of falls by talking. Multitasking difficulties also underlie many memory problems, such as walking into a room and forgetting why you are there, as your ability to keep track of one thing (the reason for going to another room) becomes jeopardized when you start thinking of other things. Fortunately, there is a relatively simple solution to this problem; avoid multitasking. There are a few circumstances in which multitasking is critical, and the cost of multitasking errors is often much greater than the potential time savings that can result. Make sure to finish one task before starting another, and if you need to remember to do more than one thing, make sure to write it down.
If yo remem u need to ber to do mo than o re ne thi ng, ma sure t ke o writ e it do wn.
pharmacy corner ask the experts
tips for living
accessible garden containers Raised Beds
This information is reprinted with permission from the article titled “Accessible Gardening for Therapeutic Horticulture� from the University of Minnesota Extension. Original article by Jean Larson, Horticultural Therapist; Anne Hancheck, former Minnesota Extension Horticulturalist; Paula Vollmar, Horticultural Therapy Intern, University of Minnesota To read the article in its entirety, please go to www.extension.umn. edu/distribution/horticulture/DG6757.html
Photos from : The Enabling Garden, a project of the Iowa State University - Polk County Master Gardeners (ISUEPolk County Master Garderners). For more information and beautiful photos visit www. extension.iastate.edu and keyword search enabling garden.
Raised beds are large bottomless boxes that contain soil and permit drainage below. Since they can be expensive to build, raised beds should be used in areas of the garden that require the most frequent attention. For instance, it makes more sense to build a raised bed for vegetables requiring intensive weeding than for a low-maintenance border of shrubs. Build raised beds as large as possible, making sure that you can reach all areas of the bed. The increase in size adds minimal cost to the beds, while adding valuable garden area. Bed width should be a maximum of five feet if it is accessible from all sides, or 2.5 feet if used from only one side. Use the thinnest construction materials possible without compromising stability to increase the area available for the gardener. Height of the sides can vary from 18 inches for a child, to 24 inches for someone seated in a chair next to the bed, to 30 inches or higher for the standing gardener who has difficulty bending downward.
Boxes and Pots Boxes and pots of various sizes provide successful ways to grow vegetables and flowers. Choose a pot that will allow for healthy root development. For instance, bush-type peas, beans, cucumbers, kale, broccoli and lettuce do well in a box that is 1-by-4 feet and 8 inches deep. For herbs and flowering plants and vines, find out whether the plant is deep or shallow rooted to determine the proper container size. The more shallow the container, the faster it will dry out.
Hanging Baskets Hanging baskets can create planting space where none exists. Or, combined with a container garden, they can give you a doubledecker growing area. To make watering and viewing easy, buy a ratchet pulley. Or make your own pulley using steel hooks or rings clamped or mounted to railings or walls. A long metal pole with a curving top hook can be anchored in the ground for a freestanding hanging plant mount. Baskets can be hung high, or if you have limited mobility, hung low enough to see and enjoy their beauty.
Table Planters Table planters are shallow soil-filled trays supported on legs. About 27 inches of knee clearance is needed to allow chairs to fit underneath. The soil container should be at least 8 to 10 inches deep, making the entire structure about 35 to 37 inches high. The top of the planter should be no higher than your rib cage. Width of the box is the same as that of the raised bed, already described.
Deep Boxes, Barrels and Tubs These can be used to create miniature raised beds for flowers, vegetables and herbs. Perennials, trees and shrubs are not recommended for these types of containers because plants cannot survive in them when the temperature is freezing or below freezing. Use these containers for your annual plants only.
The Enabling Garden is located in Altoona, Iowa, at the Prairie Heritage Trail Park.
the right tools for the job
when you are physically challenged
By Gary Johnson, ATP - Iowa Program for Assistive Technology
Gardening can be so enjoyable so don’t stop doing it! The satisfaction of planting a seed or seedling and watching it grow can be so therapeutic and fulfilling. But if this is an activity that has become difficult due to arthritis, injury or other physical limitation there are ways to maintain your gardening skills.
Consider using a combination of raised bed gardens, tall containers or even tables to put plants at a height which is comfortable for those in the wheelchair or who have difficulty bending. For example- my tomatoes are in raised beds, I have bush cucumbers and beans and containers and strawberries and herbs in containers on a table.
Location: You know what your limitations are so take them into account when planning a garden. Start with location-if mobility is an issue, minimize the distance by keeping the garden close by the house. Your garden will grow-so keep it in scale with your skill level and motivation. Make sure you have a nearby water supply and strongly consider soaker hoses or drip irrigation and mulch around plantings to minimize the chore time associated with watering and weeding.
Tools: I’m a big fan of tool caddies! These can be found at your garden center or hardware store and typically have wide wheels. Often times they have a seat and storage areas for your hand tools. Other alternatives are buckets, wagons or aprons with pockets. Keep your tools nearby. Tool sheds can be so useful for your gardening needs but plan on one with a 36 inch wide door if you are using a wheelchair.
One of the most common issues people have is bending - so raised bed gardens may be a logical choice. If you use a walker or wheelchair you want lots of extra space (at least four or five feet) between plantings and a hard-surface. Plan ahead to keep your gardening beds narrow so that you can easily reach into the center of the bed.
Many basic gardening tools have been adapted for physical limitations. EASI Grip Garden Tools makes hand cultivators, forks and shovels that have add on handles, extra-long handles, and an arm support cuff. Inquire at your local gardening store or contact at: 888-632-7091 or www.handhelpers.com
The Perfect Garden Tool System has the tools and handles needed for standing and kneeling gardening. The Power or T-Handle centers your body weight and attaches to spades, trowels, aerators, cultivators and hoes. Inquire at your local gardening store or contact at: 888-3153232 or www.perfectgardentool.com
Ergonomic garden hand tools make gardening easier.
Practical Tips: • Plant vining and bush varieties of beans and peas to make harvesting easier. • Reacher/grabbers help you retrieve anything that you drop.
ly angled handles that These garden tools have ergonomical ral position, taking the help keep the hand and wrist in a natu g. The stainless steel strain and discomfort out of gardenin n. The soft feel nonmetal section helps prevent soil adhesio in the hand, giving a slip grip prevents the tools from turning firmer grip even in wet conditions.
• Tie a colored cord around the handles of hand tools to make them easier to find and retrieve. • I have four large container gardens (18-24 inches in diameter) that I’ve placed on fourwheeled dollies. I can easily move them to more protected areas on my patio as the heat of the summer would bake them.
EASI Grip long handled garden tool
• Gloves are good!!!! I use oversize gloves because of the on/off ease and have leather gloves for vines and thorns and lightweight gloves for other purposes. • A 2 foot length of plastic pipe can assist you in planting seeds without bending over. Place bottom of the pipe where you want the seed and drop it in!
Arm support cuff Add on handle
• A whistle around your neck can be used to alert others whether in the garden or anywhere else.
EASI grip garden fork, trowel and cultivator
Last but not least- a comfortable garden bench so you and others can watch the “fruit” of your labor! Think about your hand tools. Almost always a lightweight tool with a larger handle will give you a better grip. These are typically recommended for persons with arthritis or limited strength. Long handled tools are more convenient for persons in wheelchairs. Gardening catalogs, garden centers and disability catalogs can be a good source for specially adapted hand tools.
Live it!
Fall 2011
Weed grabber
Garden seat caddy
q Go to www.apdaiowa.org/equipmentvideos.html
to view video demonstrations and many other helpful devices for the home. The Iowa Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT) supports Iowa Compass, a free service for all Iowans, to provide information on types of available Assistive Technology devices and possible funding sources. Contact them by phone at (800) 779-2001 or log on to www.iowacompass.org
cover story
the strength to grow Overcoming adversity, one woman resumes the gardening she loves. Summer squash, tomatoes, and sweet corn. Green beans, onions, and garlic. Carrots, cantaloupe, cucumbers—even honey from five or six beehives. Irene Johnson’s stand at the Osceola Farmer’s Market could be a gardener’s guide to what flourishes in south-central Iowa. Irene’s specialty, though, are the green peppers she calls “stuffers.”
t! LiVE
“They’re such a nice, big pepper,” says Irene. “I’m proud of my peppers, even if not many people buy them.” She takes special care with her favorite vegetable, planting seeds inside in late February or early March, then transferring seedlings outside when the weather warms up. “I love gardening,” Irene says passionately. “I always have.” It might come as a surprise, then, that after years of gardening, Irene abruptly stopped for two years. As any gardener knows, a thriving garden takes hard work to maintain, and Irene’s Parkinson’s just made it too much of a struggle. “I told myself I had to stop,” says Irene. She missed it, though. She missed the garden, she missed her peppers, and she missed interacting with the people at the Farmer’s Market. So this year, just as three years ago she firmly told herself she had to stop, she made the firm decision to start again. “I told myself I was going to do it, and I did.” She uses a golf cart to travel from her house to her garden, then gets out and uses her cane to move about her domain. It’s still hard work, weeding and picking the produce, but it’s worth it. Lifting and carrying the produce is now too much for her, though. Her husband, Bob, and two grandchildren, Phillip, 14, and Alyssa, 12, help her with the heavier work. They also accompany her to the Farmer’s Market. Irene isn’t sure quite why she started gardening. Growing up, she never had any formal training for her green thumb, though she recalls the beautiful garden her grandfather planted. She sometimes picked a tomato from one of his plants and savored it while sitting on the edge of the old well. She may have taken her love of fresh produce and a thriving garden from those experiences, but didn’t learn any gardening wisdom from them.
Irene Johnson sells her peppers (“stuffers”) at the Osceola Farmer’s Market
When Irene started her first garden at her little house in Des Moines, her success was “hit-ormiss.” Irene remembers, “My plants wouldn’t produce. Later, I learned that was because I was growing everything in the shade. For produce, you need sunlight.” Slowly, Irene gained knowledge from trial and error, watching what others did, and reading gardening books. Over the years, she has tried to share her own knowledge with her children and grandchildren. When her son was little, Irene asked him to help her weed the onions. He, of course, didn’t want to help. For motivation, Irene told him, “The poor little onions can’t breathe.” It worked. She set him to weeding the onions, and went off to a different section of the garden. A little while later, she was tickled to hear him whispering to the onions he had weeded: “Now you can breathe, little onions.” Teaching gardening to her grandchildren had its share of mishaps as well. One spring, Irene had just finished planting all her onion sets when she noticed her grandson coming up behind her, “weeding” all the plants she’d just put in. But she didn’t give up on them: she replanted. One year, her grandchildren were responsible for their own section in her garden. “They grew green beans and tomatoes,” says Irene. “They did pretty good!”
For Irene, the act of gardening is inextricably linked to these memories—and others, as well. Irene used to set up a stand to sell her produce in her aunt’s front yard. The two often shared a bacon and tomato sandwich, then some ice cream. “My aunt enjoyed having me there, and having me sell in her yard,” Irene says. “She was like a mother to me.”
Bob and Irene standing near the peppers and other raised garden beds.
Though the 2011 growing season is drawing to a close, Irene plans on being at the Osceola Farmer’s Market to sell her produce next year. “I intend to keep going as long as I can,” says Irene. “For those two years I stopped, I missed going to the Farmer’s Market and seeing the people. More than anything else, that’s probably the reason I started gardening again.”
Irene’s husband, Bob, Irene and their grandchildren Alyssa, 12, and Philip, 14, at the Downtown Osceola Farmer’s Market
humor - games
Artist Willy Barker says, “I can dot longer and faster than anyone.” Willy produces stippling (dot art) with India ink. The drawings are very detailed and time consuming. He says the local libraries and book stores were instrumental in teaching him this technique. Willy began drawing with ink in 1990 and attended Art Instruction School in Minneapolis, Willy Barker Minnesota for a short period of time before enlisting in the USMC during the Vietnam War. Willy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 43 on June 9, 2001 on his wedding anniversary. He lives in Toledo, Iowa and is employed by Meskwaki Bingo and Casino in the Engineering Dept. Willy is VSA artist for Iowa and has demonstrated his talent at the Iowa State Fair. “Most of my talent came from my mother and God,” he says. Willy also donates his works of art and has won several illustration competitions.
Samples of Willy’s stippling
support groups
Carroll, July Meeting
support groups Support groups in Iowa: Ames/Story County Sue Trevillyan, setrevill@hotmail.com (515) 233-2089
During RAGBRAI this summer, Dr. Jay Alberts, researcher and assistant staff member in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute and the Center for Neurological Restoration in Cleveland, Ohio, stopped at the Carroll Support Group in Carroll, to talk about his research on forced exercise, a type of exercise on a tandem bicycle that helps Parkinson’s patients alleviate their symptoms. Dr. Alberts and many of his team members attended the talk wearing a shirt that says “Exercise Your Brain – Ride a Bike”. Dr. Alberts is President of the organization Pedaling for Parkinson’s. Melissa Schultes is the facilitator for the Carroll, Iowa, support group.
Atlantic/Cass County Jon Jordan, JJordan@wesleylife.org (712) 243-1850 Burlington, West/Des Moines County Ruth Newton, newtfarm@frontiernet.net (217) 453-2481 Carroll/Carroll County Melissa Schultes mschultes@stanthonyhospital.org (712) 794-5815 Cedar Rapids/Linn County Samantha White, LMSW WhiteSJ2@ihs.org (319) 369-8044 Cedar Rapids/Linn County St. Luke’s Hospital Resource Center Dave Jones, daveNmada@q.com (319) 396-7852 John Krumbholz Krummy68@yahoo.com (319) 350-7482 Charles City/Floyd County Carol Quade, carol@fiai.net (641) 228-5063 Clinton/Clinton County Don & Rita Schneider drschnder@clinton.net (563) 243-5585 Creston/Union County Myra Schindler (641) 344-9065 Davenport/Scott County Nancy VanHook nmvhook@aol.com (563) 332-4098 Joe McCarthy (309) 762-9231 Decorah/Winneshiek Mary Marx marxm@winmedical.org (563) 387-3020 Des Moines/Polk county Patrice Webber (515) 231-2445 Valerie Stickle-Diehl (515) 358-0002
Dr. Jay Alberts, second from left, and his RAGBRAI team members in Carroll, Iowa, at St. Anthony’s Regional Medical Center.
Dike/Grundy County Bill & Corrine Hinkle whinkle@mchsi.com (319) 989-2110 Dubuque/Dubuque County Jane Osterhaus janosty@mchsi.com (563) 582-7313 Fairfield/Jefferson County Chris Keyser ckeyser@dishmail.net (319) 696-2001 Fontanelle/Adair County Lavon Lutz lutsafarini@aol.com (641) 745-4044 Holstein/Ida County Karla Hansen, (712) 540-0743 Independence/Buchanan County Judy Hess, (319) 334-2969 Iowa City/Johnson County Judi Gust RobertMcCown@msn.com (319) 351-5248 Leon/Decatur County Jim LeFleur, (641) 446-7456 Marshalltown/Marshall County Joyce Hughes e-jhughes@hotmail.com (641) 752-0349
Mason City/Cerro Gordo County Janelle Nevermann (641) 424-4277 Newton/Jasper County Eloise Prater jeprater@iowatelecom.net (641) 791-1018 Osceola/Clarke County Connie Gorden (641) 342-2946 Sioux Center/Sioux County Rachael Bowman (712) 722-8325 Sioux City/Woodbury County John Sherman, jespas@juno.com (712) 277-9337 Spencer/Clay County Joe Carroll carroll@smunet.net (712) 262-1185 Vinton/Benton County Bethany Clemson (319) 472-2060 Washington/Washington County Amy Kleese Amy_Kleese3@hotmail.com (319) 653-5473 Waterloo/Blackhawk County Terry Hertges, Beno08@aol.com (319) 235-7118
Waukon/Allamakee County Connie Metille (563) 538-4005 Waverly/Bremer County Jennifer Wolff (319) 290-9402 West Des Moines/Polk County Denny Neubauer dennyknife@yahoo.com (515) 265-4889 Trenton, MO Gloria Koon (660) 485-6558 Mary Ellen Foland (660) 357-2283
For additional information on support groups, forming a support group, or to have your support group listed, contact the Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Information and Referral Center (877) 872-6386, or go to our website www.apdaiowa.org.
Live it!
Fall 2011
upcoming events, training, education
what’s coming up? SAVE THE DATE
Delay the Disease Exercise Classes
June 15, 2012 – Annual Parkinson’s Disease Conference at Lutheran Church of Hope, West Des Moines, Iowa. Stay tuned for details. Looking for Volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering at this year’s conference, please contact Crissanka Christadoss at christCS2@ihs.org or at (877) 872-6386.
“Delay the Disease” is a fitness program designed to empower people with Parkinson’s Disease by optimizing their physical function and helping to delay the progression of symptoms. It is also the foundation for exercise classes geared specifically to counteract the movement challenges experienced by people with Parkinson’s. Delay the Disease is taught in Iowa at the following locations: Atlantic – Heritage House, Free, Contact Jon Jordan at JJordan@wesleylife.org or (712) 243-1850 for dates and times. Clive - YMCA Healthy Living Center, Payment, call (515) 226-9622 for dates and times Des Moines - Wesley Acres, Free, Classes do not start until Mid-2012, call (515) 271-6500 for more information. If you would like more information on this program or other types of physical activity, please call Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral, 1-877-872-6386.
books: Who is Pee Dee? Explaining Parkinson’s Disease to a Child When you live with a devastating illness like Parkinson’s Disease (PD), it affects your entire family, especially your kids. In PD families, children witness the debilitating symptoms first-hand, and they may have many questions and concerns. But what are the best answers to give? Fortunately, this remarkable book will console and inform your child. Follow the adventures of a boy named Colt and his toy panda bear, Pee Dee, and learn how families can better live with the disease. • Author Kay Mixson Jenkins has given PD families an enormous gift. Matched with colorful illustrations and a wealth of resources, Who Is Pee Dee? Explaining Parkinson’s Disease to a Child gives parents an easy way to talk to their kids about Parkinson’s. • For a copy of the book, send $10 to Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral, c/o Iowa Health – Des Moines, 1200 Pleasant Street, E524, Des Moines, IA 50309. 14
get involved
Congressional Caucus What is the Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease? Congressional Caucuses are formed by Members of Congress to provide a forum for issues or legislative agendas. The Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease is made up of both Representatives and Senators who have coalesced in an effort to find better treatments and a cure for Parkinson’s disease. The Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease was created to increase awareness on Capitol Hill about Parkinson’s disease issues and as a means to keep Members of Congress and their staffs informed of the latest developments in Parkinson’s-related legislation and biomedical research. As leaders in the fight for a cure for Parkinson’s disease, members of the Caucus work together to support the policy needs of the Parkinson’s community. The efforts of the Caucus, in cooperation with the Parkinson’s Action Network (PAN), have included introducing Parkinson’s-specific legislation, supporting federal funding for Parkinson’s disease research, and championing other legislative priorities.
The Parkinson’s Action Network (PAN) is the unified voice of the Parkinson’s disease community – advocating for more than one million Americans and their families.
The Caucus is led by its Co-Chairs— Representatives Peter King (R-NY), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Christopher Van Hollen (D-MD) and Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), and Mark Udall (D-CO). The Co-Chairs work year-round to promote issues that affect the Parkinson’s community.
Membership With more than 1 million Americans living with Parkinson’s disease, many Members of Congress join the Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease to express their support for Parkinson’s disease issues to their constituents; others have personal connections to the disease. The 165 Representatives and Senators of the Caucus advocate for and support the needs of the Parkinson’s community in the hopes of finding better treatments and a cure for Parkinson’s. The following Representatives are members of the Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s disease. They are Congressional champions working to find a cure for the more than one million Americans living with Parkinson’s. • Rep. Leonard L. Boswell (D-IA) • Rep. Tom Latham (R-IA) • Rep. David Loebsack (D-IA) Questions? Contact the Parkinson’s Action Network at info@parkinsonsaction.org
To become a PAN advocate, go to www.parkinsonsaction.org
Live it!
Fall 2011
PD Walkers
kudos Roger Norgren, Iron Butt Ride Roger Norgren of Rippey, Iowa rode his Harley Davidson Electra Glide on June 16, 2011 to complete an Iron Butt Ride. He completed 1,029 miles in 20 hours and 10 minutes, all for the sake of raising money for Parkinson’s Disease research and Parkinson’s awareness. His route began in Rippey, Iowa and took him through Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Minnesota. “My mother-in-law battled Parkinson’s Disease for over 25 years, “ Roger stated. “I have other relatives and friends who also suffer from Parkinson’s Disease. I thought this ride would be a unique way to reach people and help those who are living with Parkinson’s.”
Roger Norgren of Rippey, Iowa.
In the previous issue of Live it!, we talked about The PD Walkers Team raising just under $14,000 to donate to the Iowa Chapter of the APDA at the 2010 Des Moines Marathon. Listed below are more of the many people and businesses who helped make the event such a wonderful success. Congratulations again and many many thanks! Kyle Achterhoff Suzanne Allen Brent Anderson Judy & Jim Anderson Beth Anderson Brian Anderson Bernadine Barrett Janelle Beal Jan Beckstrom Mary & Keith Bednarowski Andrea Berg Kevin Blackburn Ted Blakley Lou Boser Kristin Bray Curt Bredeson Mary Breth Steve Brouwer Judi Brown Brad Buchan Abby Burton Kristi and Rick Caldwell Cassie Carpenter Diane and Brad Chandler Brenda Christian Constance Cleveland Aaron Correll Marilyn Craig Juliana Cullen John Dahlseng Tyler De Haan Jeff DeHaan Dave Del Zoppo Heather Dennhardt Amy and Todd Derifield Heather Docktor Autumn Downs Debra Downs Deb Emmert Kurt Erickson Sam Erwin Patrick & Rachel Faga Jan and Todd Ferris Pris Fieldhammer Carlie Fitzgerald Monica Follman Scott Freeman Jennifer Gansler Bob and Ruth Glomstad
Kristin Goracke Ruth Gremmels Bruce Gullickson Greg and Stephanie Hammes Casey Halder Jim Heller Lila Hiedeman Molly Holl Laurie Holmberg Sue and Bruce Holten Josh Hunstad Dan Immeker Randy and Darlene Immeker Gretchen Ites DeeAnn Johnson Connie and Jr. Johnson Dale and Vida Kalina Jim and Julane Kalina Marsha Kamletz John Kellenberger Sr Barry & Kathy Kenney Kirchner Maddie Jon Kitzman Tammy Knoblauch Michael Knutson Kurt Kooyer Carla LaBarbera Christine Laney Mike Lederle Josh Lemberg Ann Lindquist Jim and Heather Lindquist Richard Lindquist Tom Lisk Armond Luthens Deborah Lyon Boyd Malo Kathy Markman Lynn Mayo Ginny Melby Jodi Melsness Sharon Meyer Scott Michaelis Charlotte Mick Lamont Miller Faythe Mills Rodney Moe Sabrina Moe Aaron Moerke
Jeff Molander Krislyn Molander LaDona Molander Reed Molander Ryan Molander Gabe Moreno Jon & Gretchen Muller Deepak Nath Karen Nelson Wayne & Jan Norby Zachary Nordgren Annie O’neal Brad Osmundson Barbara Ostrander Tori Panek Craig Pederson Jeff Pepping Jane Petermeier Becky Peters Marlene Peterson Pam Pike Evie Pochardt Dennis Power Megnon Prekker D.J. Price Herman Radig Kristen Richard Noel Roos Michelle and J.R. Russell Syreeta Shigematsu Carol Sieck Claudia Siegel Linda Smith Matt Soderstrum Lisa Spencer Macauley Stokes Sarah Stouffer John Stradtman Tracy Toft Doug Toivonen Brent Town Hayley Unke-Moore Logan Wagner Victoria Wagner Marge Weber Mallory Weiser Chris Wilbeck Cyrus Winters Shirley Winters
Be looking for the PD Walkers in the next issue of Live it! who were at the 2011 Des Moines Marathon! 16
in the community - past events
past events and
fundraisers Midwest Parkinson Disease Conference The Midwest Parkinson Disease Conference and the Young Onset Conference took place on June 17 and 18 at the Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines. The event was a collaboration between Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral, the APDA Young Onset Center and the National Parkinson Foundation. The conference attracted more than 400 attendees from all over the Midwest. Both days were packed with amazing speakers and experts that presented cutting edge information on topics such as Parkinson’s research, nutrition, physical activity and family caregiving. Many thanks to the attendees, speakers, exhibitors, vendors and volunteers for making this conference a success. A special thanks to the sponsors Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Novartis, Medtronic, Ipsen and NPF Board Member Alan Slewett. A video recording is available on the National Parkinson Foundation website for a portion of this year’s event. Please go to www.parkinson.org/yopc and scroll to the bottom for the link. These are the recordings available on the website: l Genetics and Parkinson’s Diease - Martha A. Nance, MD l Managing GI Issues in Parkinson’s Disease - Ronald F.
Pfeiffer, MD l Delay the Disease - David Zid & Jackie Russell l Communication: You and Your Employer - Amy Desenberg-Wines l Reclaiming Restfulness - Cynthia L. Comella, MD
Attendees enjoying a breakout session led by exercise trainer David Zid at this year’s conference.
Golf Tournaments The Iowa Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association would like to thank the following sponsors for their participation in the 6th Annual Barbara Moore Golf Tournament for Parkinson Support held at Beavercreek Golf Course in Grimes, IA, on June 22. Sponsors included: Mary Booth and family in memory of Dr. Jerry Booth, Mike and Lynn Struck, Farm Bureau Financial Services, Data Vision, Hummels Nissan, ITA Group, Iowa Realty – Mariam and Ken Whitehead, Signs Now, Wells Fargo, and Fareway Stores. Thank you again for supporting a great event and cause! On Aug. 27th, the Cedar Rapids Parkinson Foundation held its 5th Annual Eastern Iowa Fall Parkinson Golf Classic at the Amana Colonies Golf Course. On a beautiful Saturday morning, 118 golfers and about 30 volunteers from our young onset Parkinson support group gathered in the Amana Colonies to play a little golf, enjoy some valued friendships, and help raise money for the Iowa Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association. We are delighted to announce that for the 5th consecutive year, we were able to raise over $10,000 to “ Ease the Burden and Find a Cure”. We are already planning for 2012. If you are interested in playing, or helping sponsor this event, contact us at parkinsonclassic@yahoo.com. Attendees of the 5th Annual Eastern Iowa Fall Parkinson Golf Classic, from left: Jack Tripolino, Jeff Molander, Tim Bigley, John Krumbholz and Darrell Sindt.
Softball Tournament APDA Iowa’s held their first Swing to Ease the Burden softball tournament on May 14th at Picker Park in Indianola. Five teams participated in the tournament. A special thanks to the Junction Rats, who participated in the tournament and raised the most money, and the Elder Corporation for their sponsorship.
The Junction Rats team.
Live it!
Fall 2011
feature article
farewell & welcome Greetings, Iowa! I am very excited to help and support you in my new role as Coordinator. I am also new to Iowa, having moved to Des Moines from Southern California in June 2010 (but not new to the Midwest, as I grew up in Indiana). I have a B.S. in Biology from Purdue University and a Master’s in Health Communication from Emerson College in Boston, MA. My purpose for entering the health care field is simple: I want to help build and sustain positive, healthy and supportive communities. From the people I have met so far, all I can say is that I am humbled and in awe of the strength and positivity that emanates from all over Iowa. It is a beautiful state with even more beautiful people. I am blessed for this opportunity to support you; I look forward to meeting you!
Crissanka Chirstadoss Crissanka Christadoss
Thank you, and Farewell. Folks, as I write my words of farewell, my heart soars with joy because of the stories, events and tears we have shared together. So many of you have stepped forward to facilitate support groups in your communities. Others have volunteered to help at events hosted in your community. All of these events brought you together as one community of people who are coping with Parkinson‘s Disease and sharing stories, educating yourselves about the disease, and spending time together. Whatever your need was, it was served by being present at these events. For others, we sat across the table at meals, sharing concerns and fears and allowing me to be at your side. What a gift all of you are to me! Thank you for being you and allowing me to be me. Many thanks for the Iowa Chapter of APDA, our Medical Director Dr. Lynn K. Struck and my supervisor Dr. Mark Purtle. Special thanks to my husband, Rick Erwin. Sam Erwin
Sam Erwin Gnome was created and designed by Denny Neubauer and given to Sam Erwin at the June Parkinson’s Disease conference. Denny also collected over $700 to be donated to Parkinson’s Disease research in honor of Sam Erwin.
chapter information
chapter information Fall is traditionally a time for community support and United Way campaigns in many businesses across Iowa and the United States. United Way does a great job of getting funding directly to organizations and into communities that are dear to donors who contribute to the campaigns. The Iowa Chapter of the APDA asks you to consider designating your contributions through these campaigns to the Iowa Chapter. Through past generosity and funding, the Chapter has been able to provide full time support for Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral, provide resources to more than 30 support groups across Iowa, fund scholarships to educate physical therapists and trainers on the benefits of exercise for people with Parkinson’s, bring these classes into your communities, and assist in the growth of awareness programs across Iowa. One example is this great magazine that provides such helpful information. You may have to manually enter the designee as Iowa Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association, PO Box 507, Waukee IA 50263. As always, your consideration and generosity is greatly appreciated in our goal to “Ease The Burden And Find The Cure! “
Jeff Molander, President of the Iowa Chapter of the APDA. We are looking for general board members and an officer position as Secretary. Anyone interested in more information can contact me at jmolander@q.com or call (515) 991-9914. Iowa Chapter of the APDA Members: Co-Presidents: Jeff Molander and Sabrina Moe Treasurer: Greg Armitage Directors: Rolando Chavez, Gayle & Ervin Fopma, Mary Jones, John Krumbholz, David McNeill, LaDona Molander and James Winchester Iowa Parkinson Disease Information & Referral Coordinator: Crissanka Christados Medical Director: Lynn K. Struck, M.D. Live it!
Fall 2011
March 2011 - July 2011
Many companies and corporations will match your tax-deductible gift and double or triple the amount contributed to continue the APDA mission “To ease the burden and find a cure”. Gifts can be in the memory of a loved one, friend or to celebrate a special occasion. A card is sent to the designated person telling them of your generosity and thoughtfulness. Please send your donations to: • Iowa Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc. PO Box 507, Waukee, IA 50263 www.apdaiowa.org
Iowa Chapter of the APDA Members: Co-Presidents: Jeff Molander and Sabrina Moe Treasurer: Greg Armitage Directors: Rolando Chavez, Gayle & Ervin Fopma, Mary Jones, John Krumbholz, David McNeill, LaDona Molander, James Winchester Past President: Joel Jacobsen • American Parkinson’s Disease Association, Inc. - National Office 135 Parkinson Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305, (800) 223-2732 www.apdaparkinson.org
The Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral Center is grant funded by American Parkinson Disease Association
Keith and Christy Kroner l YIPS Support Group
Donations: Peggy & Roger Ahrenholtz Andy & Jen Arkfeld Greg & Cheryl Armitage Nicole Arnold Tim & Alice Baughman James & Marisa Beal Gene & Judy Bechen Jim Beitzel Danielle Beliveau Gerilynn Birks Joel & Gerilynn Birks Frances Boesel Mary Booth Jill Bouslog Brooklyn Bear Creek Fund Laura Brotherton Kaleena Brown Ronald Brown James & Nancy Clark Marge Cornall Cammy Coronato Raymond & Debra Crilly John & Judi Dahlseng Chris David Gary DeWitt Beth Doeden Arlan & Gwendolyn Ecklund Sam Erwin Cathy Flies Loren & Shawna Fopma Richard Fopma Kevin & Janet Halfpop Marilyn Harder Julie Bohn-Geiselhart Scott & Kathleen Giles Terry & Dianne Goeres DJ & Sue Golightly Randy & Cindy Goslar Christopher & Julie Graeve Valerie & Dennis Graham Joshua & Misty Hansen Leslie & Iris Hemmingson John & Karen Hoffmann Jeff & Kim Keisler Dorris Kintigh Brenda & Patrick Kloewer Jeremy Klyn
Barbara Knowles Chris & Jamie Koch Carrie & Jason Kohl Patricia Kohn Keith Kroner John & Mary Krumbholz Neal & Patsy Krumbholz Stephen & Dianne Krumbholz Wilford & Henrietta Laverman Donna McGrean Jana Mentzer Sabrina & Rodney Moe Jeff & LaDona Molander Dennis Molitor Robert & Barbara Moore James & Marilyn Osborne Pampered Chef David & Marleen Patterson Sarah Peterson Patricia Plagge Dan Reinders Beth Roberts Warren Rowles Andrew Ulrich Janice Sewright Southern Iowa Parkinson’s Support Group from Leon, Iowa De Smith Patti Snyder Jeff Stark Sarah Steward Larry Stoltenberg Michael & Lynn Struck Trina & Timothy Suchan Holley Taylor (Iowa Realty) Brian Town William & Verna Turnis Barbara & Kristopher Van Houten Kevin & Lynette Wagner Ronald & Marcella Weihs Rich Wells Jerry & Bonnie Whitaker Ken & Mariam Whitehead Jason & Angela Wiebers Gladys Wilwerding James & Amy Winchester
Corporate Donations: Alzheimer’s Association - Greater Iowa Chapter Casey’s General Store Corporate Contracts Datavision Resources, LLC Details Plus, Inc. Downey Ins. Services, Inc. Elder Corporation Excel Concrete Breaking, Inc. FBL Financial Group, Inc.
Four Seasons Auto Wash Hummel’s Nissan ITA Group Lowry Mfg. Co Mutt & Pea’s Autoland, Inc. Noble Ford The Pampered Chef Peoples Bank Tattos II, LLC Pizza Ranch Wilgenbusch Inc.
In Memory: In Memory of James Agan Donor Name: Barbara Agan
In Memory of Craig Callen Donor Name: Evelyn Callen Betty Wines In Memory of Thomas Durbala Donor Name: Margaret Durbala In Memory of Stanley Elder Donor Name: Marilou Gay James & Marilyn Osborne J. Charles & Janet Wolf In Memory of William “Bill” Giles Donor Name: Nancy Lange
Mary Lynch Maurice & Carole Lynch Joyce & Max Maggard Bernard Meis Julie Mitchell Dean & Betty Molln Mark & Jeanine Mulvihill Robert & Josetta Mulvihill Barbara Peavey Dona Pope Gina & David Robinson Norman & Helen Sabol Don & PJ Schulz Scott & Nancy Shafer Larry & Laura Silverthorn Michael & Lynn Struck David & Debra Thomsen Vin & Katherine Wildin Wilgenbusch Inc.
In Memory of Charpel Hauswirth Donor Name: Des Moines Iowa Alpha Alpha Master Beta Sigma Phi
In Memory of Jan Nail Donor Name: Gary & Susan Allen
In Memory of Sherrie Hopkins Donor Name: Deb Wityk
In Memory of Joyce Pauling Donor Name: Duwayne Pauling
In Memory of Jeff Krumbholz Donor Name: Coe College Physical Plant Co-Workers Robert & Joan Kocher John Krumbholz
In Memory of Clarence F Prange Donor Name: Charles & Doretta Neil
In Memory of Leland Long Donor Name: Charlotte Truck Center Geneva Long & Connie Ansley Lee Long
In Memory of Ruby Tate Donor Name: Deb Wityk
In Memory of Francis Lynch Donor Name: Tom & Carol Bass Sharon & Ted Benshoof Gaylene Blankers Bethene & Robert Boardman James & Margaret Brommel Paul & Kelly Cain Joe & Connie Mc Casland & Jane Cassady Steve & Garnalee Chandler G. & M. Clark Thomas & Sharon Clarke Larry & Debby Corkrean Particia Corkrean Carl & Juli Cooper David & Kathleen Cumings PJ & Shirley Cunningham Jon & Jeniece Davis Edwin Endres Four Seasons Auto Wash Donald Goodrich Mary Hanrahan & Joe Compiano Shirley Henry Linda & Larry Jones Carol & Thomas King Daniel & Sheila Lynch John & Joan Lynch Laura Lynch
In Memory of Fred Schultz Donor Name: Deb Wityk
Donald & Ruth Johnson Paul & Pamela Keul Barry & Kathy Kenney James & Jane Kunze Laura Lamb Leslie & Paralee Lane Thomas & Kathleen Lipovac Michelle Menough Jeff & LaDona Molander S. & N Montross Jon & Gretchen Muller Adam & Darcy Nidey Brian & Kim Oolman Anne & Dale Otte William & Vickie Parton Stephen & Carla Paugh David & Judy Person Phyllis Person Daniel & Kendra Pinkerton Sharon Powell Brian & Kathleen Rios Danny & Jo Ann Roach James Rowley Ellen Rynning Todd & Julie Schneiter Joe & Brook Schueller Martha Shanks Matthew & Stacy Soderstrum Sydne Souder Thelma Swensen Donald & Ruth Taylor Richard & Elaine Thomson W. Toney Judy Town Elaine Vanderbroek M. L. Vander Velden William & Carolyn Ware Bradley E Warren Edwin Warren Eric & Christine Weaver Terry & Detra Warren Anne & Harold Wheeler Todd & Mikel Whipple Jack & Janice Wildin Harry & Jeanette Williams Russell & June Williams Charles & Janis Woods Jane & Donald Wyckoff Gary & Connie Young
In Memory of Rick Town Donor Name: Milton Aunan Donald Beal Barbara & Steven Beal Janelle Beal Janice Beal Beta Sigma Phi & Humeston Iota Phi Sandra Blue Grant Brintnall Boyd & Ann Brodie Steven & Sherry Brouwer Judith A Brown Brian & Dawn Carico Jeffrey & Rebecca Cassat Kevin & Marilyn Cline Larry & Marie Crook Lawrence Cronin In Memory of Richard Winter Janet & Douglas Darling Donor Name: Karen Halder Jeffrey & Lindsay Dehaan Mickel & Joletta Edwards Barbara Eller Kenneth & Dorothy Erickson Linda Goodsell Richard Gradoville William Halbach E. Hansen Kent & Mary Horstmann Tom Horton United Way Joshua & Stephanie Hunstad Monsanto Marvin & Mary Hurd Christopher & Kristy Huston Robert & Beverly James
In Honor:
In Honor of Roger Norgren’s 1000 mile fund raiser for Parkinson’s in memory of his mother-in-law, Helen Thompson Haupert Donor Name: Big Barn Harley-Davidson LaVere & Beverly Deery Trent & Lori Geistlinger Dale & Nancy Hanaman Mark & Shawneene Kenan Mike & Lana Laabs Colleen Norgren Dale & Virgene Morse Dave Rosenberger Tom & Lorna Safley Dennis & Sharon Ulrich Peter & Christine Way In Honor of PD Walker, LaDona Molander Donor Name: Harlan & Sandra Heidecker Bud - RDell Molander D & J. Pederson In Honor of PD Walker, Wayne Tank Donor Name: The Tank Family Earl & Lela Odland In Honor of Bill Parks Donor Name: Des Moines Iowa Alpha Alpha Master - Beta Sigma Phi In Honor of Sam Erwin Donor Name: Robert & Joan Badding Mary Booth Norene & William Bruxvoort David & Janine Frettim Grundy County Area Parkinson’s Support Group Teresa & Bob Hertges Iowa City Parkinson’s Support Group Arnie & Peg Myers LeAllen & Janelle Nevermann Jane & Gerald Osterhaus John & Eloise Prater Melissa Schultes Shirley Thomson
Matching Funds: Live it!
Fall 2011
and other resources
8 Web Links
Here are a few helpful websites. See a more complete list, including information on clinical trials, prescription assistance, catalogs for adaptive equipment and clothing, and more, at www.apdaiowa.org.
Parkinson’s Disease - General
American Parkinson’s Disease Association .....................................................www.apdaparkinson.org American Parkinson’s Disease Assn, Iowa Chapter .......................................www.apdaiowa.org Parkinson’s Action Network ..............................................................................www.parkinsonsaction.org American Academy of Neurology ....................................................................www.aan.com The Movement Disorder Society ......................................................................www.movementdisorders.org WE MOVE: Worldwide Education and Awareness for Movement Disorders ......................................................www.wemove.org Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease ...............................................................www.pdplan4life.com National Institutes of Health: Parkinson’s Disease .........................................nihseniorhealth.gov
National Family Caregivers Association ..........................................................www.nfcacares.org Iowa State University Extension Family Caregiving ......................................www.extension.org/family+caregiving Coping with Caregiving ......................www.extension.purdue.edu/cfs/topics/hd/resources/CopingCaregiving.pdf
Listservs (online discussion groups) Parkinson’s Disease Blog Network ...................................................................www.parkinsonsblognetwork.com Brain Talk Communities ...................................................................................http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/ Parkinson’s Information Exchange Network Online .......................................... www.parkinsons-information-exchange-network-online.com
Other Web Links in this Issue of Live it! Calorie Web Site .................................................................................................www.calorieking.com The Enabling Garden ..........................................................................................www.extension.iastate.edu EASI Grip Garden Tools.....................................................................................www.handhelpers.com Perfect Garden Tool System ...............................................................................www.perfectgardentool.com Iowa Program for Assistive Technology ...........................................................www.iowacompass.org Lotsa Helping Hands...........................................................................................www.lotsahelpinghands.com
sign language
© 2006, www.Lifeprint.com. Used with permission.
Hungry Drink The sign for “drink” is made by forming your right hand into the letter “C.” Move the hand to your mouth in a short arc.
The sign for “hungry” is made by forming your right hand into the letter “c.” Move your hand down the middle of your chest. You don’t actually have to touch your body but most people do -- especially if they want to emphasize how hungry they are with a stronger movement.
Thank you
for reading LiveIt! Magazine, and for your support of the Parkinson’s disease community. Live it!
Fall 2011
Iowa Health – Des Moines Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral Center 1200 Pleasant Street, E524 Des Moines, IA 50309
# subscription information
Want a subscription to Live it! magazine? Complete this form, detach and mail with a check for $20 to: Yes, I would like a subscription to the Iowa Parkinson Information and Referral Center magazine Live it! Included is a check for $20 made to the Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral Center.
Iowa Parkinson Disease Information and Referral Center c/o Iowa Health – Des Moines 1200 Pleasant Street, E524 Des Moines, IA 50309 Name
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