THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 2012
Doctor Murdock jams into the local spotlight
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Leath will build a strong foundation
Softball team hopes to regain winning spark
Foreign affairs
Iowa gets international China’s vice president works to build bonds with United States
By Katelynn.McCollough
Lecture: Police chief presents on family violence By Frances Myers Daily staff writer On Thursday, Ames Police Chief Chuck Cychosz will be speaking at a lecture titled “Confronting Family Violence and Sexual Assault: Community Responses.” Cychosz will be discussing community efforts and best practices for handling violence against women. Jerry Stewart, director of the Department of Public Safety at Iowa State, as well as representatives from Youth and Shelter Services, the Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support and the Story County Sexual Assault Response Team will participate in the discussion. The lecture is being held as part of the Women & Gender Studies Program 35th Anniversary Celebration. It is cosponsored by the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center, Women & Gender Studies Program and the Committee on Lectures, which is funded by the Government of the Student Body. One of the center’s missions is to create an awareness of various issues that affect women. The discussion will be at 7 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union, and it is free to attend.
Inside: News ......................................... 3 Opinion ....................................... 4 Sports ......................................... 8 Ames247 .................................... 9 Summer Jobs ...........................13 Classifieds.................................10 Games ...................................... 12
At a welcoming dinner at the State Capitol on Wednesday, Xi Jinping, vice president of the People’s Republic of China, and Terry Branstad, governor of Iowa, welcomed and thanked the nearly 650 guests and dignitaries in attendance. Branstad addressed the audience in English, Xi, in Chinese, as translators shared the intended messages with the multilingual crowd. “Thank you Vice President Xi for accepting our invitation to visit Iowa,” Branstad said, “to visit old friends and meet new ones.” Branstad spoke of the Hebei province of China and the state of Iowa becoming Sister States in 1983 and how he is glad of the opportunity to “foster an even deeper friendship ... one that will continue to grow and benefit our people.” Branstad, who was also the Iowa governor when Xi visited Iowa in 1985, said that Iowans were “pleased” to see Xi rise to a high position in the “great nation of China.” Xi is predicted to become the next president of the People’s Republic of China. He visited President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday and met with members of Congress early on Wednesday. “Mr. Xi has an interesting history,” said Charles Dobbs, ISU professor of
Photo: Charlie Neibergall/The Associated Press Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping (left) and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad raise their glasses during a toast at a formal dinner in the rotunda at the Iowa Statehouse Wednesday in Des Moines.
modern Asian history, in an email. “He is the son of a former high-level functionary and he benefitted, growing up, from that connection — what the Chinese like to call a ‘princeling.’” After Branstad raised his glass in a toast to the “friendship” between Iowa and China, Xi took his place at the podium to standing applause. “Ladies and gentleman, dear friends, good evening,” Xi began. “Coming to Iowa brings back many fond memories.” Xi said that his visit to the United
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Photo: Yue Wu/Iowa State Daily Several Chinese residents from Ames gather together outside the Marriott City Center in Des Moines to wait for Xi Jinping.
Students learn real skills at farm AG 450 Farm gives chance for practical work experience By Randi.Reeder They say not all learning is done in the classroom, and that is definitely the case with AG 450 Farm. AG 450 Farm is a senior-level class that is a required capstone course for agricultural studies majors. The AG 450 Farm is the one and only completely student-ran farm at a university in the nation. This farm gives students the opportunity to be involved in everyday management decisions and practices of a typical farm in central Iowa. If a person pulls up on the 450 Farm on a Thursday afternoon while class is in session, the first thing they will see is about 50 vehicles parked all around the farm. Depending on the day, there could be a lot of activity, but if it is a cold February day with not a lot of outdoor work to be done, most of the students will be in committee meetings deciding on what they want to do with the farm that semester. “Farm management and operations [are] key, the farm must be managed and operated correctly,”said assistant professor Thomas Paulsen, the lead professor for the class. “A lot of kids that take this class have helped out at home on the farm. They’ve ran the machinery, they’ve done all of that, but they have not had the opportunity to make decisions that really impact the farm. For most, this is the first time.” The class meets twice a week on Tuesdays and
Photo: Bryan Besler/Iowa State Daily Benjamin Metcalf and Mara Budweg, both seniors in agricultural studies, show off a pair of piglets from the AG 450 farm.
Thursdays. On Tuesdays, they meet in Curtiss Hall from 1:10 p.m. to 3 p.m. From 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. they hold business meetings or work on the farm. Thursdays the class is at the farm the entire time working on managing and getting other things done around the farm. The farm is supervised by Greg Vogel, who lives on the site and has been the farm manager for over
25 years. There is also a student worker who takes care of the farm when class is not in session and during university holidays. This semester, with 50 students, it is one of the largest groups the class has had. The class is divided into committees and each
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