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February 24, 2010, Volume 204 >> Number 107 >> 40 cents >> iowastatedaily.com >> An independent newspaper serving Iowa State since 1890


Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2010

On the road to recovery Documentary displays subculture, male struggle with self image By Chelsea Davis Daily Staff Writer

Michelle Roling, program coordinator, Erin Pederson, staff psychologist and Brad Freinoefer, program coordinator answer questions, Tuesday during the “Do I look fat?” documentary in the Kildee Auditorium. The documentary was about gay men, body image and eating disorders. Photo: Yue /Iowa State Daily

Illness caused by array of factors; help needed in each step of healing By Jody Korthaus Daily Staff Writer There are many factors that contribute to eating disorders; it’s not caused by any one particular thing. Eating disorders are said to be a combination of social, psychological and biological factors. The media is said to play a major role in ingraining the major psychological factors that can cause eating disorders, from airbrushed ads to television commercials full of dieting products that promote the ideal body type. “Media and society is huge factor in eating disorders that gets mixed in with the combination of your personality,” said Eunice Bassler, senior lecturer in food science and health nutrition. The number of men with eating disorders are quickly catching up with the number of women. Some factors contributing to this could be that men are beginning to be targeted and marketed to by the diet industry the way women always have, said Michelle Roling. The beauty industry is starting to target men by coming out with new beauty lines for men, such as skin and hair care products.

“The last time I went to get a pedicure, there were an equal number of men in the chairs as there were women. That just didn’t use to happen.” Roling said she has noticed the dominating presence of male athletes swarming television commercials and sports channels promoting diets, weight-loss supplements and fitness gear more than ever before. Anne E. Becker, director of research at the Harvard Eating Disorders Center of Harvard Medical School, conducted a study in Fiji on the effect of western culture and television influence on adolescent females. The study began in 1995, and a survey followed in 1998. The eating attitudes and behaviors were analyzed before and after the Fijian girls were exposed to prolonged television exposure relating to body image concerns. Psychologists concluded that disordered eating was much more prevalent after the exposure, and that the subjects’ weight loss was their way of trying to replicate the characters they saw on TV. One young Fijian girl quoted in the study claimed, “Most of the time when I watch TV, when I look at [the actresses], they look thin, and they do most of the things I can’t do, so I just want to lose my weight again.” Before 1995, diets were not commonly spoken of, and “the idea of calories were very foreign to them.” Girls who said they watched television three or more times per week in 1998 were 50 percent more likely to describe themselves as “too big or fat” and

30 percent more likely to diet than girls who watched television less frequently. After the 1998 survey, however, 69 percent had gone on a diet at some point. “Last year we had a man by the name of Darryl Roberts come to Iowa State to show his documentary of ‘America the Beautiful.’ It’s a wonderful documentary that I encourage people to check into,” said Erin Pederson, staff psychologist at Student Counseling Services. Roberts, a former director of commercials and music videos, set out on a two-year expedition to gain incite about America’s obsession with physical beauty. He reveals how the unattainable, fake images that we see in the media add to the low self-esteem issues and eating disorders in America. Eating disorders have also been deemed a psychological condition. In the ISU FSHN 466 class, senior lecturer Eunice Bassler goes over a model known as “competence eating” — a concept from licensed dietitian Ellyn Satter’s books. Bassler explained that competence eating is enjoyable, internally regulated, positive and dependable. They have a positive attitude toward eating and enjoy a wide variety of foods that they like. When they’re hungry, they eat, and when they feel satisfied — more than just full — they stop. Dependable means that because their eating is regular, the body knows it doesn’t have to store food, because it will be


A “small but mighty crowd” came together Tuesday night to screen the film “Do I Look Fat?” — a documentary on gay men, body image and eating disorders by Travis Mathews. The film was split into nine sections, ranging from “self esteem disorder,” and “bullying,” to “gender trouble,” “internalized homophobia” and “doing something about it.” It began with images of men vigorously working out, trying to sculpt perfect bodies. “I ran from having to think about how I looked,” said Stu, one of the men highlighted throughout the film. “The whole point had become to not look at myself. People perceived me as this fat monster. I didn’t want to hear what I thought they were thinking.” It went on to examine the traumatic situations and bullying in young boys’ childhoods

that could spur eating disorders. “The commonality of the eating disorder itself and how it attacks the mind and puts people in this shameful, guilty place,” said Michelle Roling, eating disorder treatment co-coordinator for Student Counseling Service. “It’s this consistent, powerful piece that controls people. Regardless of who you are or what you’re struggling with, the eating disorder comes in and shines like it’s the answer to whatever you’re dealing with at the moment.” Eight gay men’s lives were highlighted throughout the film, each explaining their personal connections to eating disorders and their effects in the gay community. Young boys who were called names, such as “sissy boy,” try to reclaim their masculinity since they lost it so early on, said David, one of the eight men, who spoke of an equation that many

see FILM on PAGE 3

Amanda Hornsby, left, and her fiance Terrance Mccauley pose for a photo together. Courtesy photo: Facebook

Student recovers in time with aid from family, faith, future fiance Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series about Amanda Hornsby, who has survived a battle with anorexia. By Chelsea Davis Daily Staff Writer Hornsby said three parts of her life motivated her to begin recovery: her fiancé, her recon-

nection with her faith and the church and a visit to the doctor. “One day I went to the doctor because I sprained my back opening a door — I didn’t have a lot of strength — and he talked to me about being very concerned about my loss of weight,” she said. “As with anyone who ever brought up the subject, I brushed him off and reassured him that I was perfectly fine and

see LIVING on PAGE 3


Government of the Student Body

Artists transform river trash

Senate to tackle bills’ second reads

By Sarah Gonzalez Daily Staff Writer

David Williamson, of Boone and one of the collaborating artists, explains a catfish made of various bike seats. Photo: Rebekka Brown/Iowa State Daily

Trash salvaged from Iowa’s rivers by hundreds of volunteers was transformed into artwork. An exhibit showcasing the results opened Tuesday at 7 p.m. and will remain on display throughout the day Wednesday in the Oak Room of the Memorial Union. The exhibit is part of Project AWARE — A Watershed Awareness River Expedition — the Department of Natural Resources’ annual river cleanup event. Hundreds of volunteers from Iowa and surrounding states spend one week canoeing down Iowa’s rivers fishing out recyclable materials. The art exhibit features three sculptures made from those materials. Artist David Williamson used the experiences of the project’s volunteers and the help of Iowa State Fair attendees to create the sculptures “Drop In,” “Fair Catch” and “Strongback.”

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Each piece of art represents a different series of rivers and a different set of volunteers. This artistic element of Project AWARE, called Riverse, began in 2004 to help generate more attention for the project that attempts to reverse the damage to Iowa’s rivers. Some of the things volunteers have removed from the rivers include dishwashers, carpets and computers. Merry Rankin, a Project AWARE participant and program manager of the office of sustainability, recalls digging through huge piles of salvaged trash to find recyclable material. However, the volunteers can recover more than metal and trash. Rankin said a Bible and other family heirlooms were returned to their owners after a tornado hit Iowa City in 2006. “You were so humbled when you saw how much work these guys have done,” she said, “A big part of the sculpture series is to really illustrate

see ART on PAGE 7

2010 Scion xB Pure Price $16,520

By Paige Godden Daily Staff Writer The Government of the Student Body Senate will take up three bills for their second reads at Wednesday night’s meeting. The first, authored by Michael Weber, speaker of the senate, asks GSB to allocate $4,500 from the capital projects account to Veishea, Inc. in order for the Veishea parade to be televised on Mediacom. According to the bill, the parade committee had no success in finding alternatives to televise the parade. The parade is broadcast annually to “reach a wide audience and promote the accomplishments and activities of Iowa State University students.” The ISU Archery Club is

looking for funding as well. The bill asks for $1,839.41 for capital Weber equipment and travel expenses. The capital items include a new recurve bow, three new PSE Compound Discover 2’s, and an American Whitetail Competition Velociore Matt. The competitions are the Iowa Deer Classic on March 7 in Des Moines. The second is the Iowa State Archery Association State Indoor competition March 12–14 in Cedar Rapids. The ISU Bhangra Club has a bill, authored by Sagar

see GSB on PAGE 7

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