Stopping the streak Iowa State ends its six-game losing streak with a 78–74 win over Nebraska on Wednesday night. see SPORTS on PAGE 8
February 25, 2010, Volume 204 >> Number 108 >> 40 cents >> >> An independent newspaper serving Iowa State since 1890
Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2010
Negative inspiration Celebrity media images provoke increased stress
Results from a survey sent out last week about the Cyclone Cinema Project brought up mixed debate at the Government of the Student Body meeting Wednesday night. The results, presented by GSB President Jonathan Turk, showed that 57 percent of students do not think another movie theater in Ames is necessary, while 68 percent don’t believe funding a theater is a proper use of student fee money, and 75 percent are not in support of the reduction of regular allocation money. Sagar Chawla, an Inter-residence Hall Association senator, said the association found the survey confusing and biased, whether or not it was meant to be so. “I thought we talked to constituents and found proper support ... we went to clubs and councils. How do you fit all components in to a referendum? Isn’t it better to be gathering support and explaining details to people?” Chawla said in reference to Turk‘s request for a referendum question since January.“All
By Chelsea Davis Daily Staff Writer
see AMANDA on PAGE 4
see GSB on PAGE 4
Kayleigh Borowski, junior in kinesiology and health, helps collect donated jeans for the “Don’t fight your genes, change your jeans!” program as part of Eating Disorder Awareness Week on Wednesday in the Memorial Union. About 40 pairs that were collected will be donated to charity. The next event will be a Q&A community presentation hosted 2 p.m. Saturday in the Ames Public Library. Photo: Joseph Bauer/Iowa State Daily
Treatment involves many steps, assistance from various professionals for success By Jody Korthaus Daily Staff Writer Recognizing that one has an eating disorder and seeking treatment is the most critical step in getting healthy and overcoming an eating disorder. “The earlier people get good treatment, the better off their health,” said Erin Pederson, ISU student counseling services staff counselor. Since it is just a critical, difficult step for many suffering with an eating disorder to take, the support and understanding of friends and family can be especially important. If one has a friend who one may be concerned has an eating disorder, be prepared before confronting him or her. Think about who is the best person to approach them, and limit the conversation to one or two people so he or she does not feel overwhelmed. It is also important that one talks and presents the matter in a very caring way and give specific examples of behavior that are alarming. For
Survey shows theater plan lacks support By Paige Godden Daily Staff Writer
Editor’s note: This is the third in a threepart series about Amanda Hornsby, who has survived a battle with anorexia.
Going back to that first joke her dad made at the dinner table, Hornsby said she hasn’t talked about it directly with him in order to not make him feel bad. She knows it was a joke and she simply took it the wrong way. “We’ve talked about things before and he doesn’t really understand, and I think it’s hard to understand an eating disorder,” Hornsby said. Girls across the country look to celebrities and women in magazines for their “thinspiration.” Though the media were not involved in the onset of Hornsby’s eating disorder, it became a promoter in keeping it going. “The media absolutely influences the way girls feel about their body
Student Government
Graphic: Joshua Burhite/Iowa State Daily
example, “I noticed you quit coming down to eat with us at night.” Be as encouraging, supportive and understanding as possible — offer to be with him or her when they
make the phone call or walk with them to the counseling center. “Remember you can’t fix it. The best thing for a friend or family member is to model healthy behaviors
Presidential hopefuls offer potential ideas By Paige Godden Daily Staff Writer
themselves,” said Michelle Roling, ISU student counseling services staff counselor. Roling also said to model healthy behaviors — ask oneself if one is eating a balance meal, have a good relationship with the body and watch to see if one finds that conversation involving dieting and weight frequently occurs. There are different types of treatment depending on the seriousness of the condition. These treatments are outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment and residential treatment. An assessment is the best way to determine level of medical care, and “until the right tests are done, you don’t know how bad the disorder really is,” Roling said. Outpatient treatment is typically on a one-hour appointment basis with a therapist, nutritionist, doctor and psychiatrist. There is usually group counseling as well, but everything is done while the individual is
The final Government of the Student Body presidential debate will be held 8 p.m. Thursday in the Oak Room of the Memorial Union. During the last debate, the candidates — Luke Roling and Nate Dobbels, and Chandra Peterson and Jacob Wilson — were asked questions about the future of Campustown and student debt. Each ticket was asked what sets them apart from the other, and to identify their biggest weaknesses. Peterson’s answer focused on the relationships she has built around the community, while Roling’s answered that he and Dobbels are extremely well-rounded people. Since the last debate, some more issues and ideas have sprung up on both parties’ platforms. The Roling and Dobbels Web site, www., added a financial responsibility section to their blog. “The recent creation of the GSB Events Account allows GSB to fund any student group for events entertaining and open to all students. This is a strong first step toward using fees to benefit students in the best way
Police recognize citizens for apprehension assistance By Nathan Winters Daily Corespondent Six Ames citizens were recognized by the ISU Police Department on Wednesday morning during a new citizen appreciation program. They were awarded for their assistance in the apprehension of an individual who was involved in a criminal incident last fall. The ceremony, which took place at the Durham Center, recognized Drew Robinson, Amy Ward, Phil Sidles, Cheryl Langston, Maggie Denison and Julie Orris. The six were presented with certificates of appreciation for their roles in alerting the ISU Police Department about a man who was taking pictures of women with his iPhone in the first floor women’s restroom of the Durham Center last September. “Because you trusted your instincts and called immediately, the man was quickly apprehended,” said Jerry Stewart,
Director of Public Safety, in the opening address. “Your willingness to get involved clearly enhanced the safety of the entire ISU campus,” Stewart said the man was arrested and charged with criminal trespass. After the execution of a search warrant on the man’s iPhone, which yielded more evidence, he was served with an enhanced charge: invasion of privacy. Stewart said that the man’s iPhone was the first such phone in the state to be forensically examined. “We hold that honor,” Stewart said jokingly. Sgt. Elliott Florer, ISU Police Department, is the coordinator of the new program, which he hopes to continue in the future. “It’s a great opportunity to recognize citizens who help make the community a better place,” he said. Denison and Orris could not be present due to student teaching commitments. Their certificates will be mailed to them.
Elliot Flores, left, awards Amy Ward, right, a citizen certificate while Jerry Stewart, director of the Department of Public Safety, middle, looks on. A ceremony took place to recognize citizens who have enhanced safety in the Ames community took place Wednesday in room 116 of the Durham Center. Photo: Zunkai Zhao/Iowa State Daily