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Share love with Valentine’s treats

Victory could stretch winning streak to three


Is Christianity really so different? VALENTINE’S DAY Create homemade crafts to celebrate the holiday

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Skydiving Club helps students overcome fears ByEmily.Hejlik @iowastatedaily.com


PROFESSOR EARNS ALUMNI AWARD iowastatedaily.com/news


Cyclones fall to Cowboys in final seconds By Jeremiah Davis Daily staff writer Chris Allen’s shot at the buzzer was blocked by Oklahoma State’s LeBryan Nash, and the ISU men’s basketball team was sent home with a 69-67 loss to the Cowboys. The Cyclones were led in the back-and-forth game by Allen, who had 22 points on 6-of-9 shooting from 3-point range, and Royce White, who finished with 15 points, 12 rebounds and seven assists. Oklahoma State took the lead for good with 4.7 seconds left when Nash hit a step-back, two-point shot over Allen. With the loss, Iowa State drops to 17-7 overall and 7-4 in the Big 12. The Cyclones next face Texas A&M at home Saturday.

There really isn’t anything like that moment before a skydiver makes the jump. That twinge of fear, the rush of adrenaline — it’s enough to make you pull back. But the Skydiving Club at ISU will push you to reach new limits. “Making a leap from an airplane at 9,000 feet in the air into complete nothingness is an experience like nothing else,” said Craig Brown, junior in biochemistry and vice president of the club. “The free-fall portion of the skydive is an exhilarating rush that is tough to beat, and the canopy ride under your parachute and safe return to the ground is a relaxing experience that gives you one of the most beautiful views possible.” Free flying is when jumpers fly in all orientations and can fly over, under and around each other. In canopy formation, jumpers open their parachutes immediately after exiting the airplane. They then fly their parachutes together and build formations by holding onto each other’s canopies. A common misconception affiliated with skydiving is that only “crazy” people would participate.

“Many people think that skydiving is just jumping from the plane and falling straight down, but its much more than that,” Brown said. “It’s possible to fly your body in three dimensions, an experience unique to skydiving. Learning how to fly your body and make minute adjustments to your body position to get to where you want to go is one of the toughest things I’ve done in my life. “I do it for the challenge.” The club jumps regularly at several drop zones around Iowa, but they typically jump out of Accelerated FreeFall Iowa, the drop zone located in Boone. Becoming a club member is as easy as requesting to join using the student organizations website. Currently, there are almost 250 registered members. Skydiving Club members typically make at least one skydive a year, with most of the experienced jumpers making anywhere between 50 to 200 skydives per year. Safety is paramount in skydiving, and club members said the high risks are misconstrued. “In the past, skydiving has been construed as a very dangerous sport, but the equipment and training has come a long way since skydiving’s beginnings,” Brown said. “There were 3 million skydives made last year; there were 21 fatalities. This translates to about a 0.0007 percent chance of fatality on your jump. There are obvious

dangers to jumping from an airplane two miles in the air, but they are greatly exaggerated in popular culture.” Skydiving isn’t the easiest thing to get involved with, but those who have given the sport a chance experience the benefits. “Getting into the sport was intimidating at first, but having the support of fellow jumpers, especially women jumpers, was extremely helpful and the push I needed” said Sara Garton, senior in biology. “I used to have anxiety toward everything and through skydiving, I have let most of that go. I also smile a lot more.” Camaraderie is another argument for joining the Skydiving Club. “Skydiving is such a community sport,” Garton said. “Skydiving is a great place to meet some of the most amazing people. You’ll meet life-

Photo courtesy of ISU Skydiving Club The ISU Skydiving Club accepts people of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced skydivers who make between 50 and 200 jumps per year. The club currently has almost 250 registered members.

College of Engineering

Career fair creates connections Students meet with potential employers

By Tiffany.Westrom @iowastatedaily.com


Leath set to appear at meeting By Charles O’Brien Daily staff writer ISU President Steven Leath will be make his first appearance before the Government of the Student Body at Wednesday’s meeting. Along with Leath’s presentation, the senate will seat four spots: the United Residents of Off Campus seat, the Graduate seat, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences seat and an Interfraternity Council seat. GSB will be voting on three different bills: Funding Sustainapalooza: Celebrating our Cardinal, Gold and Green; Hope 4 Africa Conference Travel Funding; and Supporting Student Counseling Services.

Inside: News ......................................... 3 Opinion......................................10 Sports........................................12 Flavors .......................................16 Classifieds ................................14 Games ......................................15


Photo: Lyn Bryant/Iowa State Daily ISU engineering students had a chance to jump-start their future careers at the Engineering Career Fair on Tuesday. Students could network with prospective employers and find internship opportunities.

For many at the College of Engineering career fair, the roles of the recruiter and the student were similar. Hundreds of employers came to find suitable employees and hundreds of students came to find suitable employers Tuesday at Hilton Coliseum. Many recruiters are ISU graduates themselves and are familiar with the process. “We come here to get our name out,” said Beth McLean, a recruiter for R.S. Stover. “We hope that even a few years down the road, they might remember that they saw us and look

us up when they’re looking for a job.” As a PepsiCo recruiter, Brandon Brinkman interviews prospective students. However, he also recalls how he got his internship and job offer from PepsiCo at the 2009 and 2010 College of Engineering career fairs when he was an industrial engineering undergraduate student at Iowa State. Whether a formal interview complete with elevator speeches or a casual conversation with an on-thespot offer, employers search for the best and brightest. With a mix of 200 companies, 700 recruiters and 3,000 students, employer-student matches occur frequently. “I have had five internships, and all but one were a result of the career fair,” said Emily Kuster, senior in


Department of Energy

Professor named to energy committee By Tiffany.Westrom @iowastatedaily.com In 2009, the state of Iowa outconsumed and outspent most of the United States by consuming 472 million British thermal units of energy per person and spending $4,355.09 on energy per person, according to the U.S. Department of Energy website. These figures and others like it are a function of the U.S. Department of Energy, whose mission is “to ensure

America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental Shanks and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.” On Dec. 14, ISU professor Jacqueline Shanks was appointed to the Department of Energy’s Biological and Environmental Research

Advisory Committee. Shanks, who graduated from Iowa State in 1983 with her undergraduate degree in chemical engineering, has taught at Iowa State for the last 13 years. “I’m excited but also a little intimidated because, you know, it really stretches you to think beyond your boundaries, and I look forward to meeting with all of the people on the committee and being able to use my skills as a part of a group, “ Shanks said. “It really pushes you.”

The committee, which consists of 25 professionals, will tackle the questions of what science and engineering is needed to meet the energy challenges that will face the United States in the next 20 years. Shanks has taught many courses where her task was to teach students how to model and make predictions, and now she must do the same thing her students do but on a much larger scale and complexity. Shanks has had a

prominent position in the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals and has worked with biorenewable fuels in the National Science Foundation Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation. “The committee’s role is to make recommendations on policy reform for future energy needs, climate change, etc.,” said Mark

ENERGY.p3 >>

Volume 207 | Number 97 | 40 cents | An independent student newspaper serving Iowa State since 1890. | A 2010-11 ACP Pacemaker Award winner

PAGE 2 | Iowa State Daily | Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Daily Snapshot

Weather | Provided by ISU Meteorology Club WED

13|29 THU

14|30 FRI


! fact

Celebrity News Notes and events.

The sun returns with winds out of the northwest at five to 10 mph.

Nick Carter: Why I missed my sister’s funeral

Sunny conditions prevail with winds out of the west-southwest at 10 to 15 mph. Cooling down to start the weekend with mostly sunny skies.

This day in 1990:

Unseasonably warm weather resulted in many stations setting daily record highs across Iowa. A number of stations across southern and eastern Iowa set daily records in the lower 60s.


Photos: Bryan Besler/Iowa State Daily

Find out what’s going on, and share your event with the rest of campus on our website, at iowastatedaily.com.

QUIET ZONE: Finding a place to study

Madonna announces 2012 world tour dates

Students study in the Periodical Room in Parks Library. The room is designated as a“quiet zone,” where users should refrain from eating, studying in groups or using cellphones.

WEDNESDAY ISU Symphony Orchestra When: 10 a.m. What: Jacob Harrison, ISU director of orchestral activities, and the 80-member ISU Symphony Orchestra perform the timeless classic “Peter and the Wolf” as part of a light-hearted, narrated program exploring the instruments and sounds of the orchestra. Where: Stephens Auditorium

ArtWalk – Memorial Union When: Noon What: ArtWalks focus on the Thousand Words Project, which asks members of the Iowa State community to re-interpret works of art in the Art on Campus Collection. Meet at the north entrance to the Memorial Union. Where: Memorial Union

Police Blotter: Feb. 5 Terry Williams, 54, 114 Campus Ave. unit 1, was arrested and charged with no driver’s license and operating while intoxicated (third) (reported at midnight). Laura Bennett, 47, 3227 Pheasant Place, was arrested and charged with theft (fifth) (reported at 12:30 a.m.). Zachary Miller, 28, of Omaha, Neb., was arrested and charged with theft (third) (reported at 12:30 a.m.). Officers assisted a 19-yearold male who was suffering from an alcohol overdose at Friley Hall. The individual was transported by ambulance to

General information: © Copyright 2011


Iowa State Daily Publication Board

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Ames, ISU Police Departments

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The Iowa State Daily is an independent student newspaper established in 1890 and written, edited, and sold by students.

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The information in the log comes from the ISU and City of Ames police departments’ records. All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Mary Greeley Medical Center for treatment (reported at 1:35 a.m.). Patrick Roe, 21, 407 Welch Ave., was arrested and charged with public intoxication and criminal mischief (fourth and fifth) (reported at 2:02 a.m.). Jeremy McCorley, 22, 420 E. Seventh St. unit 101, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct (reported at 2:06 a.m.). Levi Limmex, 21, 1401 North Dakota Ave. unit 103, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated (reported at 2:47 a.m.). Brittany Palmer, 22, 136 Campus Ave. unit 5, and

ISU students subscribe to the Iowa State Daily through activity fees paid to the Government of the Student Body. Paid subscriptions are

Raven Keller, 21, 3500 Grand Ave. unit 21, were arrested and charged with public intoxication at Hayward Avenue and Lincoln Way. Palmer was transported to the Story County Justice Center. Keller was subsequently cited and transported to Mary Greeley Medical Center for treatment (reported at 2:12 a.m.). Jacob Bishop, 22, 919 S. 16th St., was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated (first) (reported at 3:15 a.m.). A body specimen was requested from a driver who had refused a preliminary breath test in Lot 61A. The individual was subsequently released (reported at 3:52 a.m.).

40 cents per copy or $40, annually, for mailed subscriptions to ISU students, faculty and staff; subscriptions are $62, annually, for the general public. The Iowa State Daily is published Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year, except for university holidays, scheduled breaks and the finals week.

Singer Nick Carter did not attend the funeral for his sister Leslie over the weekend, but it wasn’t because he didn’t desire to. “I wanted to be at my sister’s funeral, but my family has always had a complicated dynamic,” said Carter, 32. “I love my family ... There are so many emotions for me surrounding the loss of my sister. I am trying to stay healthy, positive and focused.” Leslie passed away last Tuesday at the age of 25, leaving behind, among other loved ones, a 10-month-old daughter. A police report released Thursday indicated that she suffered an apparent overdose. Her stepmother told police that Leslie had struggled with “a long history of mental illness” and was taking medication to treat her depression.

If you thought Madonna was going to take off the heels and put her feet up after the Super Bowl halftime show, think again. (This is Madonna we’re talking about, after all.) Instead, the star is gearing up for a world tour that will launch in Tel Aviv, Israel, on May 29. Madge is taking her tour to “arenas, stadiums and special outdoor sights” around the globe, a statement says, including Australia, where she hasn’t held a concert in 20 years. According to Billboard, the tour should have close to 90 dates, which would be the most she’s ever performed. Her last tour, 2008’s “Sticky & Sweet,” had 85 dates and grossed $408 million, Billboard reports. The North American portion of her worldwide extravaganza includes 26 cities, with the first tour stop being in Philadelphia on Aug. 28.

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Editor: Kaleb Warnock | news@iowastatedaily.com | 515.294.2003

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | NEWS | 3

Board of Regents

Regents pass athletic training major proposal By Kaleb.Warnock @iowastatedaily.com The Iowa Board of Regents passed a motion to establish a Bachelor of Science degree in athletic training at its meeting Tuesday at the Memorial Union. Regents member Katie Mulholland presented the recommendation to the board. “The main reason we discussed the need for the program is based on the recommendation,” Mulholland said. “Iowa State needs to have this stand-alone program.” ISU President Steven Leath also issued a president’s report in which he stated that he and his wife are adjusting to their new life at Iowa State. He said he’s worked harder than ever but is enjoying the transition.

Regents universities recently identified children protection as a priority issue, given the Penn State incident in late 2011 dealing with accusations of child molestation on campus grounds. In light of the situation, Iowa State will continue to re-examine its policies, although it had already started before the incident. Leath feels that Iowa State’s policy is satisfactory in its child protection on campus and does not see any issues with the policy at this time. “There’s a long history at Iowa State in adopting the best practices for child protection,” Leath said. Leath said Iowa State was already in the process of reviewing the policy, but is establishing a new committee looking at all programs where

children could be at risk. The university also will be re-examining training for mandatory reporters and ensuring that they are performing their required duties. Doug Gruenewald, co-director of learning communities at Iowa State, gave a presentation on the success of learning communities. The presentation featured Jacob Schaefer, junior in construction engineering and a successful member of a learning community and a peer mentor. “Coming to Ames was one of the biggest changes my life has seen,” Schaefer said. He went on to say that he benefitted from the learning communities because he was able to find a smaller community within Iowa State. Iowa State is home to 75 learning communities that aim to give students an exceptional un-

dergraduate experience Gruenewald cited learning communities that led initiatives such as the Skunk River Navy that has removed 52 tons of trash from rivers and collaborated with the College of Design to turn trash into treasure. The report showed that three-fourths of the first-year, direct-from-high-school students are in a learning community and the population is approaching 5,000 people. Since 1995, more than 40,000 students have participated in a learning community. “After being fortunate to be involved in learning communities, I think it helped me stay on track for graduation,” Schaefer said. The regents also spoke about plans for legislation for the coming session and concluded with a report on distance education.


stantly with my progress,” Garton said. “It was a beautiful place to learn.” Clark Coffman, associate professor of biology and club adviser, has high hopes for the future. “The interest has always been there,” Coffman said. “The club’s goal is to help build awareness and facilitate and organize groups to jump. It is way more fun to jump with a group of people.” Whether you enjoy the rush, camaraderie or challenge of skydiving, there is no question that the sport can be life-changing. “Because of my experiences as a skydiver, I am a happier, stronger and braver person,” Garton said. “Not much scares me anymore and I refuse to let life pass me by because I was held back by fear.”

long friends and continue to develop skills for the rest of your life.” In order to become certified, jumpers must complete a course. First, jumpers need to go on a tandem skydive where you are attached to an instructor via a harness. Garton completed the Accelerated FreeFall program. AFF is a fast-track learn-to-skydive program to take the everyday person from never jumping to being a qualified skydiver in eight levels — each level being one skydive. This is the course geared for complete beginners who wish to learn to skydive in a few days of instruction. No previous experience is needed. “In Colorado, I did AFF and got my A license, keeping the guys back in Iowa updated con-

Photo: Lyn Bryant/Iowa State Daily Many different companies were represented at the Engineering Career Fair. The career fair helps students network with prospective employers and find internship opportunities.

>>ENGINEERING.p1 material engineering. “I had a few full-time offers, including the one I accepted from Boeing. I met Boeing at the career fair.” Kuster enjoyed the enhanced education that she received from her internships at Rolls Royce, the centuryold luxury car manufacturer, and Alcoa, the world’s leading producer of aluminum. The thousands of pairs of creased pants and ironed

shirts at the College of Engineering career fair encouraged companies such as Rockwell Collins and John Deere to come back for Iowa State’s engineering students. “We are so fortunate to have such a great career fair at Iowa State,” Kuster said. “I don’t know why students wouldn’t utilize it.” The career fair is not just for seniors; freshmen are encouraged to attend as well. “I came just to get my name out there, you know,

maybe at next year’s career fair when I’m looking for an internship, I’ll recognize someone, and that will help me get a start,” said Ryan Walker, freshman in materials engineering. The colleges of Business, Liberal Arts and Sciences and Human Sciences will continue the spring round of career fairs Wednesday at Hilton Coliseum from noon to 6 p.m. They will be followed by the Design Career Expo on March 1.

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>>ENERGY.p1 Brown, graduate assistant in chemical and biological engineering. “Her role in these projects gives her valuable experience and perspective to advise the Department of Energy on what the nation can do to overcome the challenges that we face in transitioning from a fossil fuel-powered economy to a sustainable, bio-based one.” BERAC works on topics that span a wide range of disciplines. Shanks will join professionals from all over the country that work in diverse fields ranging from physics and chemistry to meteorology or plant science. One role of the advisory committee is to write a report after investigating what new work will be needed to receive future funding. It is essential that the committee come up with the skill set, computations and research that would be necessary to understand the causes and ef-

fects of some of our country’s biggest environmental issues in order to leverage new technology to the United State’s advantage. “[Shanks’] biochemical engineering perspective on how the overall metabolism in these biological systems works nicely complements the perspective that will be provided by biochemists and biologists. I think Jackie also has the ability to see the big picture relative to research needs,” said Brent Shanks, her husband and professor of chemical and biological engineering. “She has developed a well-known reputation for her ability to work with interdisciplinary groups.” Shanks believes that Iowa State is becoming increasingly recognized for the research being done in labs on campus, and the fact that this nomination was based on her work and not any previous grants supports that notion.

Eat To Compete

What and when you eat can affect your workout. Food is your fuel. What you eat or don’t eat prior to and after a workout can keep you going and affect your performance.

Pre-Competition Planning Build your meal so that two-thirds of it consists of items that will provide carbohydrates for quick energy. Fill the remaining one-third of your pre-competition plate with low-fat protein. If there’s one hour or less before your workout, stay away from protein. Proteins slow our digestion and can cause indigestion. Here are some ideas for nutritious choices. Time Before Competition

Recommended Food Or Liquid

Pre-Game Meal Ideas

1/2 hour to 1 hour


Sports drink and water

1 to 2 hour

Small snacks & liquids

Cereal bar, grapes, apple juice, & water

2 to 3 hour

Small meal & liquids

1/2 turkey sandwich, banana, sports drink, & water

3 to 4 hour

Regular-size meal & liquids

Pasta with meat sauce, salad, bread, orange juice

Stay Energized & Hydrated During Competition Drink four to six ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise. Exercising longer than one hour? Maintain energy by drinking 5 to 10 ounces of a sports drink every 15 minutes.

Post-Competition Recovery

Help Wanted Publication Board Employing more than 200 students over the course of a year, the Iowa State Daily is an independent, student-run, non-profit organization. The Daily is owned and operated by students for the students, faculty, staff and alumni that make up the ISU community. Our Mission The Iowa State Daily is a student-run news organization that empowers students to inform, educate and engage their community by producing innovative media and building positive relationships while protecting the integrity of our profession and meeting the challenges of an ever-changing industry. RESPONSIBILITY INCLUDES: • Monthly meetings • Decisions pertaining to the business of the Daily • Budget decisions • Personell decisions • Choosing editor in chief

Rehydrate. Weigh yourself before and after you exercise. For every pound of weight lost post-event, drink two cups of fluid. Refuel 15 to 30 minutes after your workout and then again in two hours. While carbohydrates and water are the primary nutrients needed, adding some protein will help increase the amount of carbohydrate stored in the muscle. Eat or drink something with 4 grams of carbohydrate to 1 gram protein. Lincoln Center Dietitian Amy Clark, RD, LD 515.450.0508 aclark@hy-vee.com West Location Dietitian Laura Kimm, RD, LD 515.292.5543 lkimm@hy-vee.com


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Give loved ones lasting Valentine’s gifts Know what to look for when purchasing quality pieces

“We have a lot of custom pieces, with thousands of stones to choose from,” said Gary Youngberg of Ames Silversmithing. Gilger explained that some of their bestselling items for Valentine’s Day are their custom pieces, which include their I-State and Campanile symbols that can be used for pendants, cuff links, pins and more.

By Jolie Monroe Daily staff writer This Valentine’s Day, give your loved one a special gift that will last for years. Ames offers a wide variety of local options to find that perfect piece of bling. Gifts for women include necklaces, rings and earrings, while men’s gifts include watches, cuff links and money clips. With all of the different options, keep these tips in mind while shopping for that special someone.

Jewelry doesn’t have to break the bank Whether you’re looking to splurge or save, there are plenty of options that will satisfy your needs. Many jewelry stores have a wide range of products and prices to choose from, and they can help pinpoint exactly what will work with your budget and plans. “A quality piece doesn’t have to be big or expensive,” said Mike Gilger of Gilger Designs in Ames. Some stores even offer special discounts to help save even more. Riddle’s Jewelry General

Get the facts When making your purchase, don’t hesitate to ask questions about the piece you’re buying. “Shop for quality, she’s worth it,” Gilger said. Knowing the components and origin of the jewelry can help you decide which one has the quality you’re looking for. Photo: Katie Lovan/Iowa State Daily Brightly colored rings line display cases in Ames Silversmithing.

Manager Ryan McConnell explained that Riddle’s offers a 5 percent discount to ISU students, along with special sales throughout the Valentine’s Day season.

Consider unique pieces A few jewelry stores in Ames offer custom pieces that will be sure to stand out.

Feel safe in your selection Many people are hesitant to make a jewelry purchase without knowing an exact size or what gemstone their loved one would want. Don’t let that hold you back — check with stores to see what their policy is on sizings and warranties. Youngberg explained that he encourages gift buyers to give the gift, then bring it back to be resized if necessary. “We offer free warranties and have an onsite goldsmith to do sizings within one or two days,” McConnell said.

Photo: Katie Lovan/Iowa State Daily Ames Silversmithing offers many unique ring options for Valentine’s Day.

Photos: Katie Lovan/Iowa State Daily

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | VALENTINES | 5



Lovethemed MadGabs

Valentine’s Day Mad Lib Create a unique personal ad to by playing this word game by yourself or with a friend!

I enjoy long, ____________________(adjective) walks on the beach, getting ____________________(pasttense verb) in the rain and unexpected encounters with ____________________ (plural noun). I really

By Lindsey.Schwarck Daily staff writer

like ____________________ (favorite drink) mixed with ____________________ (liquid), and romantic

Find a creative way to tell that special someone how you feel this Valentine’s Day with our love-inspired MadGabs.

____________________ (plural noun). I love to travel, especially to ____________________ (place), when I am not

“Yule height dub mile I’ve”

especially ____________________ (present verb). I am looking for the whole package ­­— ____________________

You light up my life

(noun) and brains. My ideal date would have the physique of ____________________ (celebrity), face of

“Abe ox over she’s chalk lit”

____________________ (politician) and the personality of ____________________ (cartoon character). I would

busy working as a/an ____________________ (occupation). When I’m not busy traveling, I like being outdoors,

prefer if he/she knew how to cook, clean and wash my ____________________ (plural noun).

A box of Hershey’s chocolate

P.S. I’m more ____________________ (adjective) than my picture appears. Call me!

“Bay beak hot bach” Baby got back


“Europe lay soar mine”

What is the worst pickup line you have heard?

You’re place or mine?

“Hips uphill of”

Andrew Thiel Freshman Chemistry

It’s puppy love

“Loaf meat hen deer”

“I put the STD in stud, and all I need is U.”

Love me tender

“Mayor itch”

Ann Goodyear Junior Electrical engineering “I like your pants, but I’d like better to be in them.”


“Yore luke ink hood” “Wheel yum air ream he” Will you marry me?

“Aisle of view”

Jarrick Welterlen Sophomore Undeclared

Nathan Davis Sophomore Food science

Kaylee Weber Junior Advertising

“I’m going to do the same thing as I do any other day.”

“I don’t know yet because I’m romantic, but I leave it up to mystery.”

“I’m going to get drunk with my friends, go see ‘The Vow’ and throw popcorn.”


I love you




“You’re a lot like my little toe, because I’m going to be banging you on my coffee table tonight.”

What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?

You’re looking good


Kelsey Klaver Senior Advertising

Open Daily. Please call for an appointment.

M-F 11-7 Sat 9-5 Sun 12-5


6 | VALENTINES | Iowa State Daily | Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Make a unique valentine this year Try these inexpensive, color-changing projects that will impress your significant other

By Laura Bucklin Daily staff writer

Step 4

Step 8

Secret message valentine What you’ll need:

Baking soda, water, Valentine’s Day cardstock paper, white watercolor paper, a paintbrush, scissors, tape and a spray bottle


1. Mix equal parts water and baking soda. 2. Cut the cardstock and watercolor paper to the desired size. 3. Using the paintbrush, paint your “secret message” onto the watercolor paper and let it dry. 4. Tape the secret message watercolor paper to the Valentine’s Day cardstock paper. 5. Present the blank card to your valentine and spray it with the grape juice on a flat surface and see your secret message appear like magic. 6. Let the card dry on a flat surface.

Crea t matc e a h bouq ing uet!

Step 5

Get extra dirty

this Valentine’s

Day with our martinis!

Color-changing bouquet What you’ll need:

Baking soda, water white watercolor paper, a paintbrush, scissors, and green pipe cleaner 1. Fold two pieces of white water color paper like an accordion. 2. Mix equal parts water and baking soda. 3. Using the paintbrush, paint your sheets of watercolor paper separately with the mixture as desired. (Note: painted parts will show up blue, others will be purple from the grape juice.) 4. Rejoin the two pieces of watercolor paper and wrap the green pipe cleaner around the middle. Depending on the weight of the paper, you may need to use more than one pipe cleaner.

5. Cut on the folds of the paper. You can also cut a design at the end of “petals” to create a different look. 6. Fold and scrunch the “petals” until they look like a flower. 7. Create extra flowers for the bouquet repeating the steps above. 8. Present the bouquet to your valentine and spray it with the grape juice to reveal colorful blue and purple flowers. Now you have a unique gift for your valentine, and it even smells good!

Great Plains Sauce & Dough Company

Photos: Laura Bucklin/ Iowa State Daily

Shop locally this Valentine’s Day. We have jewelery made by local Artists!

Try one of



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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | VALENTINES | 7


Craft your own Valentine’s flower basket By Hanna Johansen Daily staff writer This basket is the perfect gift to give to loved ones this Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank.

Supplies needed: Small or medium-sized basket Floral foam Greenery, such as Israeli Ruscus Various flowers, such as roses, carnations, daisies, etc. Filler flower, such as baby’s breath Ribbon Step 1 Cut the floral foam to size to fill your basket. Soak the foam with water. Step 2 Begin placing greenery in the foam. Imagine making a triangle shape while extending greenery past the edge of the basket. Step 3 While still envisioning a triangle shape, begin cutting flowers to size and place in foam. Cut stems at an angle to increase surface area.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 4 Begin filling in the “triangle” with other flowers. Leave flowers you want to emphasize slightly taller to draw attention. Step 5 Add filler flowers to make the arrangement appear fuller. Step 6 Add flowers and filler to the backside of the basket to increase the dimension of the arrangement. Step 7 To make a bow, begin looping the desired ribbon, pinching it at the middle. Step 8 Continue adding loops until your bow reaches the desired thickness. Step 9 Attach your bow by simply tying it to a piece of ribbon placed around the handle of your basket. Photos: Hanna Johansen/ Iowa State Daily

Step 4

Step 7

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8 | VALENTINES | Iowa State Daily | Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Follow these hints for healthier sweets By Stephanie Rupp AmesEats Flavors writer

Valentine’s Day is about love and delicious treats. From cupcakes and cookies to brownies and candy, this day is truly sweet. Here are some tips for treats that are still sweet and healthier for your heart. Make a delicious frosting using Greek yogurt. Simply add a fruit-flavored Greek yogurt to powdered sugar instead of cream cheese to top cupcakes. Greek yogurt is high in protein and much lower in fat compared to cream cheese. Reach for the dark chocolate-covered fruit. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that pro-

mote health, and fruit is always a sweet gift from nature. A strawberry even looks like a heart. Add a rinsed and pureed can of black beans to a box of brownie mix in place of eggs and oil. These brownies are cholesterol free and higher in fiber. When making cookies, reduce the milk chocolate chips or candy pieces and instead add chopped walnuts and dried cranberries. Walnuts are a recommended source for omega-3 fats, and the color the cranberries add make the cookie look appealing. When it comes to the traditional Valentine’s candy such as the “Be Mine” hearts and lollipops, keep moderation in mind and enjoy every piece.


Choose beer over wine By Steven Briley AmesEats Flavors writer When it comes to special occasions, wine reigns as the libation of choice. There is nothing wrong with that, but it’s important that we not ignore the many splendid beers available to accompany our favorite Valentine’s Day meals this year. There are many ways to approach beer for Valentine’s Day, so feel free to be creative. Here are a few of our favorites. Blue Moon Spring Blonde Wheat Ale: Seasonal beers are always fun to sample for true beer lovers. Spring brews start to hit the shelves in

January and usually last into April or May. This light-bodied ale is brewed from white wheat and crafted with lemon and orange peel. It will pair nicely with seasonal salads. Bell’s Two Hearted Ale: Two hearts. Get it? Good. Corny jokes aside, this American-style India Pale Ale is for serious beer drinkers. You won’t find many beers that balance such an intense hop presence and malt body this well. Two Hearted pairs nicely with entrees of equally intense flavor, such as Thai cuisine. Nuts Over You Craft Beer Gift: The people of beeronthewall.com have made

Valentine’s Day easy for anyone who wants to give the gift of beer to their valentine. This gift set comes with twelve different microbrews, assorted confections, pistachios, peanuts and a personalized gift message. Finally, for those who prefer sticking with what they know best, there is nothing wrong with making pink or red beer at home. As with the ubiquitous green beer found for St. Patrick’s Day, red beer requires only your favorite pilsner and some food coloring. The only thing to remember is to put the drops of red food coloring into the glass before pouring the beer.

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum star in “The Vow” as a woman who lost her memory and her husband, who must convince her to fall in love with him all over again.

5 films for perfect Valentine’s date By Brett Adams Ames247 Writer

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and if simply walking around Lake LaVerne or Campaniling with your significant other just won’t be enough, here’s a rundown of five potentially good films that will be in theaters on that date.

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1. “The Vow” The plot of this drama appears to be reminiscent of the basic premise of “The Notebook,” only amnesia is used in place of Alzheimer’s. Channing Tatum (Haywire) instead of Ryan Gosling (Drive), and Rachel McAdams (The Time Traveler’s Wife) instead of Rachel McAdams (The Notebook). Wait, what?

2. “The Grey” From: ry


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As awesome as the prospect of Liam Neeson punching a wolf in the face is, the depressingly nihilistic tone of the film might be a bit of a turn-off. Or it could be a potential turnon, as being reminded of just how mortal we really are may — well, you get the idea.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Daniel Radcliffe stars as a lawyer handling the haunted estate of a deceased woman in “The Woman in Black.”

3. “The Woman in Black” This new horror film is a supposedly decent flick that relies on atmospheric scares instead of blood and gore. However, Daniel Radcliffe will not be able to avoid being typecast as a wizard for quite some time. A fun game that can be played by couples is counting how many times his character could have gotten out of bad situations by using magic.

4. “Chronicle” While the found footage

angle is wearing thin as of late, “Chronicle” is a refreshing take on the genre as well as an exciting action movie. Plus, it’s filled with superpowered teenage angst, and who doesn’t want to watch that?

5. “Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace” (in 3-D) I initially intended to add this to the list as a joke, but if you’re both Star Wars geeks, by all means go for it. Personally, I think Jar-Jar Binks in 3-D is bit much too handle…

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | VALENTINES | 9


Handmade crafts offer cute alternative gifts

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s time to show your Cupid spirit and sport some red and pink attire. These two crafts can help make your day a little more filled with love.

Valentine’s Day button ring and box

Heart-shaped garland

Step 1

Step 1


Step 6

This easy DIY project makes for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift.

Next, create the box: Step 1: Paint the box with red or pink acrylic paint.

Make your place look like it was struck by Cupid’s arrow with a festive garland!

down all the edges so it looks like a perfect triangle.


Step 2: Embellish the box with anything — use buttons, rhinestones or glitter. Scrunch up tulle ($2.99 at Hobby Lobby) into the box and set your ring inside.

Valentine scrapbook paper, $.59 at Hobby Lobby Ribbon, $1.99 at Hobby Lobby Mod Podge Rhinestones

Step 4: Push the long side of the triangle into the middle.

Materials: Plain ring, $1.47 at Hobby Lobby Heart buttons, $1.99 for an eight-pack at Hobby Lobby Small heart-shaped box, $.99 at Hobby Lobby Tulle, $2.99 at Hobby Lobby

Add perso a nal touc h!

Step 1: Pick out a button to put on the ring. A candy sweetheart or anything that is flat on the back also will work. Step 2: With a hot glue gun, attach the button to the ring.

Step 1: Cut out one inch strips of different colored scrapbook paper. Step 2: Take a strip and start folding the ends into triangles. Leave some extra at the end. Step 3: Tuck the extra paper into the flap. Fold

Step 5: Pinch the ends of the heart in. Step 6: Cut the ends of the heart to make them rounded. Step 7: Put a layer of Mod Podge on the hearts. Step 8: Add glitter, or rhinestones to your hearts. Step 9: With a hot glue gun attach ribbon to the back of the hearts. Hang from your windows or string across the wall.

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Editor in Chief: Jake Lovett editor@iowastatedaily.com Phone: (515) 294.5688


Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Editor: Michael Belding opinion@iowastatedaily.com



Iowa State Daily


Oklahoma law could weaken federal union For years, Oklahoma was the state where the wind came sweeping down the plain and where the wavin’ wheat sure could smell sweet. Now it is a debate that comes sweeping in, states’ “rights” that smell sweet and absolute sovereignty — seemingly ignoring the United States — that follows a rainstorm. Students may be unaware of Oklahoma Sen. Ralphy Shorkey’s proposed amendment to his state’s constitution. The amendment would effectively deny that the Supreme Court has the power to review Oklahoma’s laws. To students in Iowa, the amendment may seem distant and removed, but if passed, its influence on our country would be crippling. The cohesion of the United States depends on state and national governments sharing and often dividing power. In some areas, such as police powers, the states are the sole inheritor of power. However, other areas such as interstate trade and judicial review are critical powers the federal government needs. In areas of federal authority, it is important for states to capitulate. If one state exempts itself from review by the union, it is privileging itself beyond the other states. In issues that affect the other members of the federal union, a moderator is needed who can mitigate grievances. Oklahoma is questioning the federal powers of the Constitution. The United States depends on the ability to levy necessary taxes, declare war, negotiate foreign trade, regulate interstate trade and coin money between the states equally. Oklahoma and other states may not appreciate the ruling at times, but the federal government must have authority over the states in the powers granted to it by the Constitution. The issue was originally settled when the Supreme Court was granted the power of judicial review over the laws of the states in 1803 with Marbury v. Madison. However, even before Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court issued the highest laws of the land, reversible only by a constitutional amendment. It has always had the power to review state law in order to maintain the cohesion of the country. The Constitution grants “the judicial power of the United States ... in one Supreme Court.” This is important to ensure legal equality between the states. Within the union, no state has the right to disregard its commitments to the remaining states and the union as a whole. Distant issues such as Oklahoma’s proposed amendment could have considerable consequences for ISU students. If Oklahoma is successful, it could endanger the federally guaranteed rights of citizens and result in the weakening of the federal union. Editorial Board

Jake Lovett, editor in chief Michael Belding, opinion editor Ryan Peterson, assistant opinion editor Craig Long, daily columnist Claire Vriezen, daily columnist

Feedback policy:

The Daily encourages discussion but does not guarantee its publication. We reserve the right to edit or reject any letter or online feedback. Send your letters to letters@iowastatedaily. com. Letters must include the name(s), phone number(s), majors and/or group affiliation(s) and year in school of the author(s). Phone numbers and addresses will not be published. Online feedback may be used if first name and last name, major and year in school are included in the post. Feedback posted online is eligible for print in the Iowa State Daily.

Photo courtesy of Thinkstock

Keep greed out of it Economic issues can be attributed to government


rankly, all the complaining about greed recently is starting to bore the hell out of me. Yes, yes, we know: You greed haters are all riled up about the fact that a small percentage of people have the largest percentage of money in America. Ignoring the obvious element of jealousy and the fact that economics is not a zero-sum game, let’s examine the problem. Our current crop of economic woes began with the mortgage crisis, which dragged down Wall Street, which brought down the economy, in turn leading to ineffective bailouts, and so on. We all know the domino story by now. Essentially, Wall Street made a bunch of investments backed by crappy mortgages. Everyone is quick to blame the banks for issuing mortgages to high-risk folks, the usual excuse being that they were — here it comes — greedy. This finger-pointing is usually quickly followed up by cries for more government regulation to curtail and punish greed. But was greed really the cause of our economic failure, or something else? In 1977, during the Carter administration, the federal government gave us the Community Reinvestment Act. The CRA was aimed at promoting home ownership by providing mortgages for people who previously were considered ineligible for home loans. The act was greatly expanded during the Clinton administration. In short, the federal government told banks they had to dole out subprime mortgages to high-risk borrowers. People with low incomes got huge loans for houses beyond their means, and mortgages were issued with no down payments. And boy, how the money flowed! The market couldn’t keep up with the demand. Housing exploded, along with jobs, and life was good for awhile. Then the inevitable happened: People whose lifestyles outpaced their incomes stopped paying their bills. Jobs were lost.

By Barry.Snell @iowastatedaily.com Investments crashed. Money stopped moving. The house of cards finally collapsed. The irony is that the free-market advocates about whom the greed zealots constantly complain warned that this would be a problem someday. Chalk one up to the free marketeers. Naturally, blame falls on many shoulders and many causes. We cannot forget the massive growth in technology and markets during the same period, which was gas on the fire. The Soviet Union collapsed, new nations formed, global markets opened, computers crept into every aspect of society, the Internet as we know it now was born and personal credit boomed. The pace of life and business accelerated, setting us up for an even bigger fall. Fellow Daily columnist Michael Glawe said in the Monday edition that greed is a vice. He was right, and as a vice, greed is therefore a value judgment that makes this whole argument one of virtue. But this then begs a very important question: In a pluralistic society like America where everyone has individual ideas and beliefs, how do we figure out what virtues we ought to promote in civil society? This is an ancient problem, and one the founders were familiar with. This is why you won’t find police powers in the Constitution. Our federal government was not intended to make laws promoting virtue, as doing so is the antithesis of freedom. After all, who gets to decide what virtues? Certainly not a majority as the Constitution clearly creates a republic and not a democracy, in order to protect minorities — especially if they’re a minority of one. Further, the greed argument assumes that bankers and Wall Street types were somehow less greedy prior to the boom, bust and bailout.

Save a few radical left-wingers who think everyone should share everything, no one really worried about greed when life was roses. If greed wasn’t a national problem the day before the bubble burst, why is it suddenly a problem the day after? Did the vice change? No. So what happened? It wasn’t greed, it was failure. The banking system, Wall Street, the federal government — they all failed. Not on purpose of course, but failure is viewed negatively in American culture. What really burned us, though, were the bailouts, first with George Bush, then again with Barack Obama, making the matter even worse. The failure was bad enough, then we rewarded it. Twice! That hurt, and it still hurts. Somebody else screwed up and we got to pay for it. Our ideologies aside, I think that’s what we’re all truly upset about. The conversion of this argument from one of our failures to one of greed is harmful to the body politic. It is an inadvertent invitation for government to promote civic virtue. Our government was meant to be neutral on matters of vice such as greed, as within American society it would be impossible to arrive at any concrete definition of virtue, forcing us to fall back to majority rule at the expense of the minority. As Ghandi said, be the change you want to see. Individuals didn’t have to get upside-down in their mortgages, nor did they need to rack up credit card debt. Citizens didn’t have to consent to allowing the federal government to make banks issue bad mortgages; we could have voted the congressmen responsible out. But we didn’t. If there’s greed anywhere, it lies within us — our own vice — not the banks or anyone else. Our economic issues today are rooted in government creating trouble, then rewarding failure. Let’s keep greed out of the argument. It’s getting old and clearly we’re going nowhere with it.

Barry Snell is a senior in history from Muscatine, Iowa.


Student-athletes lack respectability ISU community calls for more class both on, off field


grew up revering athletes. As a kid in the 1990s, there were so many role models for a 5-year-old who wanted to be a professional football or basketball player. Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice or John Elway — we had some of the greatest sports figures ever. They were idols and we believed they lived life the way it was supposed to be lived. They were class acts, men and women whom parents supported and trusted. This aura of personal conduct and presumed classiness superseded any dark characteristics an athlete may have. It was not just professional athletes; it was the college and high school players. As a University of Michigan fan growing up, Charles Woodson was a god. Any kid who followed Iowa State wanted to be like the Davis brothers. However, as I have grown up and been exposed to the world of talented athletes, that facade has been washed away. I have been primarily disappointed in the reputation presented by our very own Cyclone athletes. Are there diamonds in the rough? Sure. But are there bad eggs? Of course. According to data

By Darrin.Cline @iowastatedaily.com from arrestnation.com, Iowa State was second among colleges with 12 citations, charges or arrests levied in 2011. This number was only one behind the University of Florida and four ahead of the University of Oklahoma. Arrestnation.com describes its website as “... a place where the arrests/citations of all people in sports are recorded.” However, it is not the lesserrevenue sports making headlines; it is the high-profile athletes. How often do we hear about swimmers or cross-country runners being problematic? Totaling all sports, college football topped the list nationally, as well as locally. Seven of the Cyclone arrests came via football players, but men’s basketball and wrestling also had team members represented. Some offenses were simple misdemeanors that are commonplace among college kids, but when assault and frequent OWIs occur, it tarnishes the reputation of the university as whole. With the recent dismissal of six football players, it further adds to

the black eye on the team and the university. In high school sports, we were often required to dress up on game days. Boys or girls, freshmen to seniors, all athletes were expected to be respectful and responsible, and that was reflected all the way down to our wardrobes. However,, when the NBA implemented its dress code a few years ago, I was perplexed. I did not understand why the wardrobes of grown men needed to be policed. I assumed they are wealthy, responsible adults who should be allowed to wear whatever they want. After a few years of adapting to the dress code, it now makes sense. The NBA wanted to portray a more positive image. It was a way to implement more class and give the players a more dignified look. When the players stopped wearing baggy sweats and T-shirts, they actually looked like professionals. Other than the home football games, I’m not sure how many of our esteemed athletes I’ve seen dressed in something more formal than sweatpants. While we as the student body shell out cash for overpriced bookstore clothing, the athletes are adorned with closets full of ISU gear. It is a hefty amount of free gear that gives these should-be reputable role models a slovenly appearance. Some people may just view them

This is not meant to chastise or belittle any single person or program, but rather to serve as a wake-up call for our college athletes.” as outfits, but they also typify the sense of entitlement to perks that athletes feel they are due. This is not meant to chastise or belittle any single person or program, but rather to serve as a wake-up call for our college athletes. No other students in the Cyclone community receive the same publicity or adulation. Athletes, you are put on a pedestal and are granted forgiveness that others would be denied. Most students would love to have the same praise and reverence. Students, boosters and ISU alumni fund the opportunities that come your way. In return, we just ask for more class, more discipline and better representation, not just on the field, but in every outlet where you represent the Cyclones.

Darrin Cline is a senior in agricultural communications from Decorah, Iowa.

Editor: Michael Belding | opinion@iowastatedaily.com

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | OPINION | 11


Campus police provide more than annoyance W hat are some things that you hear about university police? They aren’t real cops, they couldn’t make the regular force or they are just robot cops. They do so much more than that to help our campus. The combination of the parking division and police force do so much more than just annoy all students with parking tickets. If you get a flat tire, they will come help, free of charge. If you break down, they will come and take you to a service station, free of charge. If you lock your keys in your car, they will come and pick the lock to let you in, free of charge. If it is late out and you don’t feel comfortable walking home, then you can call for a safety escort and they will give you a ride home, free of charge. The police force does the exact same duties as normal police, just on a smaller scale. These are just a few small things that the university police do to help us out, not to mention they protect us and keep order on campus. It seems that, in today’s society, if the police are doing their job by enforcing the law in any way, it always turns into them abusing power. If you get arrested for public intoxication, it’s the police’s fault that they were singling you out. If you get a parking ticket, the parking police are jerks. If you

By Ian.Nichols @iowastatedaily.com get a speeding ticket, you think it is just the police meeting their quota. All people whose job it is to discipline have to walk a tightrope. Unfortunately, there are a few cases of police officers abusing their power. We’re all human, we all make mistakes. But how many of these “mistakes” are actually errors rather than just someone being upset that they got in trouble? Now, what if you’re stopped by the police? What’s the best way to handle a situation like this? The main thing is to remain calm and cooperate, especially when it comes to being stopped for suspicion of drinking. If you begin to get defensive in any way, police will get suspicious. Iowa Code section 123.46 prohibits an individual from being intoxicated, or simulating intoxication, in a public place. If you are suspected of this, you will be arrested for public intoxication. How do police determine if you are drunk just by appearance? Police use four basic observations to determine

File photo: Kelsey Kremer/Iowa State Daily A Wisconsin police officer stands outside a capitol building door on Feb. 21, 2011, to keep people from entering emergency-exit only doors as they march past. Police officers, including university police, play an important role in keeping order.

if you need to be questioned: first, if reason or mental ability has been affected; second, judgment is impaired; third, emotions are visibly excited; and fourth, has, to any extent, lost control of bodily actions or motions. Now, if you ever get

stopped and did nothing wrong, use your knowledge of the law and common sense to keep out of trouble. There are rights that everyone has. One of those rights are refusal of a breath test and to take an independent test instead. You have the right to say no to

anything when you believe a police officer is violating your rights. At the same time, it is best to always cooperate and remain calm. If you remain respectful and cooperative, even while exercising your rights, you can avoid major

trouble. Rights are there to keep government officials in check and to make sure they don’t abuse their power.

Ian Nichols is a junior in meteorology from Ames, Iowa.


Fundamentalists vying to use Bible to write our laws


ivilization has gone through a lot. Humans rose from the primordial ooze to create vast empires and had them come crashing down through cataclysmic wars and strife throughout the last many thousands of years. During the Stone Age and parts of the Bronze Age, humans knew little about the world because it was so difficult to survive. Hunting and gathering was the main source of perpetuating the species, so there was little time to discover knowledge about the natural world. However, once vast civilizations arose, humans started to learn things about the universe in which we live. Algebra was invented in the Middle East (from Arabic “aljabr” “the reunion of broken parts”), and geometry was being practiced the Middle East, the Far East and the Western world. The Greeks had even postulated a heliocentric solar system. The word itself comes from the Greek words “helios” — which means “sun” — and “kentron,” or “center.” In fact, do a Google search of the “Antikythera Mechanism” to be further amazed at how much the Greeks knew about astronomical positioning. This vast wealth of knowledge was not to last, however. Christianity, once it got to be the dominant religion of the Western world, saw any

By Jacob.Witte @iowastatedaily.com knowledge that was antithetical to the Bible as a threat to God, and therefore was scratched from any record; its thinker either threatened or killed. What followed was centuries of death, torture, wars and extreme fundamentalism. The Crusades, the Inquisition and myriad other programs designed to spread the religion to all corners of the earth. Many missionaries came to new lands with a Bible in one hand and a sword in the other. During this time, the religion of Islam was developing and went through what is known as the Islamic Golden Age, a time of incredible knowledge and philosophic advancement in the Middle East. Most of the writings and records kept throughout the Greek and Roman civilizations were housed in such places as the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, Iraq. Had these places not existed, little to no record of some of the greatest philosophic and scientific knowledge of the antiquities would exist today; we owe much of our current knowledge to Islam’s safe

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keeping of these treasures. After the Dark Ages, the West was finally able to branch away from the church’s stranglehold of power and discover (and sometimes rediscover) knowledge about the world and the mind. The Renaissance and the Enlightenment brought about paradigmatic shifts in science, math, philosophy and politics like never before. These new discoveries were done without threat of torture and death from the Catholic church and helped advance the world to where we are today. It seems, however, that both Christianity and Islam, as represented through the “leaders” of their religions, are heading back toward fundamentalism. Islam clearly has

the lead in the race to create theocracy, as many nations in the Middle East are clearly based on fundamentalist views of Islamic laws, with such harsh laws as little to no rights for women, strict laws on marriage and honor killing. Any rational person knows this fundamentalist view of Islam is not how the vast majority of Muslims think. The Arab Spring is certainly a demonstration of Muslims in authoritarian regimes rising up against the powers that be to create democracy and incorporate a more moderate and current view of Islam. Turning to America, the fundamentalists are vying to create a federal government that uses the Bible to make laws. Is this so different than

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what has been going on in the Middle East? The only difference is that the Middle East is already ahead in the game. Restricting women’s reproductive rights, demolishing the wall of separation between church and state and taking back decades of advancements in gay rights are just a few of the goals that this faction wants to see accomplished here in America. Public schools would be a bastion of Christianity, with prayer in school returning, teaching creationism (or “intelligent design,” if you will) in the science class, and don’t forget banning or even burning books that go against the mainstream religion. Now, I must also say that any rational person knows this

bent view of Christianity is not the mainstream view, but it is certainly growing. But the players in this game, as in the same fundamentalist view of Islam, are backed by powerful, moneyed interests that will stop at nothing to see their view implemented on all. Human civilization has been through a lot. The world has already seen the rise and fall of knowledge over a millennium ago that lasted for hundreds of years. As the old saying goes, “Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.” Are we doomed for a Second Dark Age?

Jacob Witte is a senior in political science from Callender, Iowa.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Editor: Jeremiah Davis sports@iowastatedaily.com | 515.294.2003




Iowa State Daily


‘PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENCE’ iowastatedaily.com

INJURY DOESN’T SLOW LOY IN NY iowastatedaily.com


File photo: Rebekka Brown/Iowa State Daily Jerome Ward attempts to flip over Arizona State opponent Luke Macchiaroli on Feb. 6, 2011, at Hilton Coliseum. After sustaining a lower-back injury, Ward has yet to suit up for the Cyclones this season. He will wrestle Sunday at the NWCA Midwest National Duals.

The Associated Press

30,000 fans welcome Giants home after victory By David Porter The Associated Press EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — It wasn’t the Canyon of Heroes and there wasn’t as much tickertape, but that didn’t seem to bother about 30,000 New York Giants fans who flocked to MetLife Stadium on Tuesday to celebrate the team’s rousing victory over the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLVI. Some of them even got to touch a piece of history when Giants running back Brandon Jacobs capped the boisterous celebration by taking the Vince Lombardi Trophy and walking it around the stadium to give delirious fans in the lower rows a chance to lean over and put their hands on it. It was an impromptu moment that fit the mood of the afternoon. “We just came from a great parade in the Canyon of Heroes” team co-owner John Mara told the cheering crowd.


Ward prepares return to mat

Back injury has kept senior out this season By Jake.Calhoun @iowastatedaily.com

Jerome Ward was in street clothes when he was honored on senior day two weeks ago. The redshirt senior, who sustained a serious lower-back injury through years of strenuous competition, has yet to suit up for the ISU wrestling team this season. However, coach Kevin Jackson said Ward will be competing Sunday at the NWCA Midwest National Duals. “Jerome’s back started feeling better, he started coming into the room and was able to make it through whole practices, live wrestling,” Jackson said. “He just started looking better physically.” Jackson said from there he started talking to Ward about possibly coming back to the mat with nothing but enthusiastic responses to the proposal. “It’s real tough, it’s like not even being a part of the team,” Ward said of not competing. “It’s like being a spectator just watching all the guys go out and wrestle.” Ward said he felt like his “time had passed,” lamenting the feeling of

Jerome Ward Redshirt senior Weight: 184/197 pounds Hometown: Evergreen Park, Ill. (Saint Rita High School) Ward Career record at Iowa State: 60-32 — Two-time Illinois state champion at 189 pounds — Three-time NCAA qualifier — Fell one win shy of attaining AllAmerican status last season at 197 pounds.

watching his team compete from the alumnus point of view. The return of Ward, who is 60-32 all-time as a Cyclone, would be beneficial to the team as it heads into the national duals. “That’s obviously a big asset to our team,” said 174-pounder Chris Spangler. “He’s got a lot of experience, we have a lot of young guys on the team. He can kind of help walk some of these younger guys through competing at national duals.” Two years ago, Ward went 4-0 in the national duals — which was then held in mid-January — with a 5-3 vic-

File photo: Tim Reuter/Iowa State Daily Jerome Ward takes down Northern Iowa’s Andy O’Loughlin last season. Ward is 60-32 all-time as a Cyclone, although a back injury has kept him off the mat this season. However, the senior will wrestle Sunday.

tory against Mike Pucillo, a former national champion for Ohio State. A return to the mat would be quite the feat for Ward, who was told by doctors he might not be able to return to wrestling with the injury he sustained. “It’s such an injury where things could be going good and then go bad,” Ward said. “My whole expectation from rehabbing was to compete this year and it hasn’t happened yet. So I’m a little disappointed there.” Ward said “nothing is set in stone”

in terms of him returning to the mat, which was contrary to Jackson’s assurance at his news conference Monday. However, Jackson said he told Ward he would not go the year without letting him compete for the Cyclones, eliciting the determined reaction that he got. “’Even if your back is hurt, we’re going to throw you out there to see what you’re able to do,’” Jackson said. “He said, ‘Fine, coach, I’m ready to go.’”

Women’s basketball The Associated Press

Big Ten takes another look at four-team playoffs By Larry Lage The Associated Press The Big Ten, which helped squash the notion of a four-team playoff to crown a national champion in college football several years ago, is now taking another look at that same notion. “All of the Big Ten athletic directors are comfortable exploring the possibility of a four-team playoff,” Michigan State athletic director Mark Hollis said Tuesday. “Four is better than two.”

Sports Jargon:

Technical fall SPORT: Wrestling DEFINITION: A victory by at least 15 points in a match, typically attained by scoring multiple near falls. USE: Andrew Sorenson notched six takedowns in the third period to notch a 21-6 technical fall victory in his last match at Hilton Coliseum.

Victory could stretch win streak to 3 Cyclones take to road to face winless Tigers

Iowa State

By Cory.Weaver @iowastatedaily.com


Through the first 10 games of the conference season, the ISU women’s basketball team has yet to put together a win streak of three or more games. That could change Wednesday when the Cyclones (13-8, 4-6 Big 12) head to Columbia, Mo., to face conferencewinless Missouri. Senior guard Lauren Mansfield said they have to take them just as serious as anyone else. “I just know we can’t back down and think, ‘Oh well, they haven’t won,’” Mansfield said. “We have to come ready to go and play our best to be able to win.” The Tigers (10-11, 0-10) have gotten off to a slow start this season, but, like every other team the Cyclones have faced this season, have some players who can be game changers. ISU coach Bill Fennelly said Missouri’s post play will be a good matchup for Iowa State. “We kind of went though a stretch where the other team’s best players were perimeter players,” Fennelly said. “I think now with Missouri, [Texas] Tech and then Kansas right after that, we’re going to see it’s the interior play that’s the strength of our opponents.” Last season, Iowa State and Missouri squared off in Columbia in the regular season finale and the Tigers won 49-48 behind 11 points from Christine Flores. This year, Flores leads the team with 17.8 points per game and will pose a threat

(13-8, 4-6)


(10-11, 0-10) Where: Mizzou Arena When: 7 p.m. Wednesday

in the paint for the Cyclones. On the offensive end, starting out slow with a big second half has become a common theme for the Cyclones Mansfield recently. In the past two games, the Cyclones have outscored opponents 87-49 in the second half. Chelsea Poppens said it all comes down to helping each other out. Fennelly “First half, we just start out slow because I think some people are nervous and we are all just getting our bodies warmed up,” Poppens said. “So when the second half comes, we come together, we talk to each other about what we have to improve on and it just fuels us to fix what we haven’t been doing first half.”


File photo: Jordan Maurice/Iowa State Daily Lauren Mansfield rushes down the lane toward the basket against Texas A&M on Jan. 14 at Hilton Coliseum. Coach Bill Fennelly said the senior guard has been doing the little things to help the Cyclones to a two-game winning streak.

Editor: Jeremiah Davis | sports@iowastatedaily.com | 515.294.2003

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 | Iowa State Daily | SPORTS | 13

Swimming and diving

‘Islanders’ prepare for Big 12 Championships Long-distance racers get set for conference meet By Travis.Cammon @iowastatedaily.com O f t e n overlooked because of the “sprinters” Iowa State possesses, the Kunkel long-distance swimmers are known as the “islanders” by their teammates. The reason for this Deis is because while coach Duane Sorenson conducts practice for most of the team, the “islanders” practice in two lanes with assistant coach Kelly Nordell and do a completely different workout. Fresh off the team’s 158142 win against Kansas last weekend, the long-distance racers practice hard in preparation for the upcoming event. “They have made tremendous progress,” Nordell said. “They have done it as a unit and as 29 individuals as well. Overall we have 12 new swimmers including 10 freshmen, but they are all very talented.” Some of the “talented” freshmen include Elizabeth Kleiner, Kristy Kunkel and Sarah Deis, who keep posting the top times for the Cyclones in their respective events. “Long distance chose me,” Kunkel said. “I just took swimming lessons and it kind of just stuck with me.” That thought was echoed by both Kliener and Deis, who felt that distance just seemed to be a good fit for them. With the majority of the group being freshmen, the trio has had to learn how to race on a collegiate level by experience. “Now I take one thing at a time,” Kliener said. “I used to try and think about every single thing I had to do, but it’s a lot easier now.”

Photo: Jordan Maurice/Iowa State Daily Freshman Elizabeth Kleiner finishes third in the 300-yard IM finals Saturday. Kleiner and the other long-distance swimmers are known as the “islanders” by their teammates.

I’m a lot more confident.” With the Big 12 Championships approaching, the distance swimmers vie to close out the season on a high note. All three Cyclones hope to place in the top eight of the conference meet. “In two weeks, they’re going to be put to the test,” Nordell said. “But I think we have a mentally tough team and I want them to race with heart. And I want them to realize that they can be as good as they want to be.”

I think we have a mentally tough team and I want them to race with heart.” Kelly Nordell Kunkel echoed Kleiner’s sentiment of comfort. “Before I was really nervous and didn’t know what to expect from college swimming,” Kunkel said. “But now

home games starting Feb. 15. “Especially road games, when we go out they’re all tough opponents, so if we can get some wins on the road, and then to have more games at Hilton,” Mansfield said. “We just need to take it one game at a time.” Tipoff is set for 7 p.m. at Mizzou Arena and will be broadcast locally on Mediacom.

>>FENNELLY.p12 The Cyclones have had improved guard play recently as well, which Fennelly was quick to commend after the win against Oklahoma State last Wednesday. He said Monday in his weekly news conference that Mansfield has been doing the little things to help that. “I think it was a good sign and a good thing for coaches to be able to say to a team, ‘There’s a kid who went 1-for-10 and really had a big part in the success of our game,’” Fennelly said. Mansfield recorded 11 assists in the come-frombehind victory against Texas on Saturday. Against a team that allows less than 12 assists per game, Mansfield’s passing ability could play a key role in Wednesday’s Missouri matchup as well. This week, the Cyclones have a pair of road games against Missouri and Texas Tech before heading back to Hilton Coliseum next week. If they can turn both those games into wins, it will put them at .500 in the conference at 6-6. Mansfield said staying focused will be very important, especially with three

“I just know we can’t back down and think, ‘Oh well, they haven’t won. We have to come ready to go and play our best to be able to win.” Lauren Mansfield

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1 Organic fuel 5 Beggar’s returns 9 Out-and-out 14 Soprano Gluck 15 Tree nursery? 16 Winnebagos’ kin 17 *Vaudeville headliner 19 Actress Kelly 20 Anaheim team, to fans 21 Splotch 23 Fishing gear 24 *Count Basie’s theme song 28 Garment border 29 Michael of “Caddyshack” 32 Marbles competition 36 Get out in the open 38 Singsong syllables 39 *Too-small quantity

43 Open mic performer, often 44 Bruins legend 45 “My love __ a fever, longing still”: Shakespeare 46 Deeply rooted 48 Gandalf portrayer McKellen 50 *1959 Monroe classic 57 “Go team!” 59 Well out of range 60 It may be captioned 61 Hoover rival 63 What many sports cars lack, and, in a way, what the ends of the starred answers are 66 Bench clearer 67 Pitcher Pettitte with a record 19 post-season wins 68 Out of the cage

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Word of the Day:

69 Less hardy-looking 70 Early Iranian 71 “America’s Next Top Model” host Banks DDownown 1 Logical start? 2 Online mortgage broker 3 More than enough 4 It’s not done 5 “State of Wonder” novelist Patchett 6 Country expanse 7 “A Fuller Spectrum of News” network 8 Bit of rhubarb 9 Middle of nowhere, metaphorically 10 Hugs, symbolically 11 Cult classic of 1990s TV 12 It passes between

Swiss banks 13 Would-be One L’s hurdle 18 Author Sholem 22 Eye of el tigre 25 Tilt 26 Fail to mention 27 Overseas thanks 30 Lab coat speck? 31 Chow 32 Year Elizabeth I delivered her “Golden Speech” 33 Caddie’s suggestion 34 Jaw-dropping news 35 Veep before Gerald 37 Letter after pi 40 Motel convenience 41 “Gymnopédies” composer Satie 42 Scot’s bluff 47 Dict. offering 49 Small bites 51 NFLer until 1994 52 Castle with many steps? 53 Museum concern 54 White with age 55 Weasel-like swimmer 56 Where captains go 57 Frolic 58 Field of expertise 62 GPA reducer, usually 64 Put in 65 Deli choice

ostensible \ah-STEN-suh-bul\ adjective;

Example: The ostensible reason for the meeting was to review the budget, but the whole thing was really just a ruse to get him to the surprise party.

1. intended for display : open to view 2. being such in appearance : plausible rather than demonstrably true or real

Random Facts: Morse Code was made for letters, not numbers. In fact, signaling the number “one” requires five dots and dashes.

LSD existed in the Middle Ages as “ergot,” a fungus that grew on rye bread. People in Europe referred to its effects “St. Anthony’s Fire.”

Despite its reputation being tied to the Old West, the Pony Express was only around for a handful of months before the much more efficient, reliable and cost effective Telegraph System ended it.

HBO didn’t like the title Curb Your Enthusiasm. They suggested Best Foot Backwards, Half Empty or Regrets Only.

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Romance is in the air. Celebrate with the one you love at Ge- Angelo’s! 823 Wheeler St. | 515-233-0959 Daily Horoscope : by Nancy Black

Don’t stress too much

Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is an 8 -- With Venus entering Aries, you’re even luckier in love. There’s more work coming in. Invest in your career. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is an 8 -- You’re a social butterfly for the next month. Have the party at your house! With that excuse, fix something that’s been bugging you.

1. What country was the first to celebrate Father’s Day?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- For the next four weeks, you’re exceptionally hot! Give yourself to love, if that’s what you’re after. Friends feed your heart. Tap another revenue source.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is an 8 -- You’ll find more relaxation at home, but you should attend an event with friends and/or family. A partner’s encouragement is welcome.

2. Madonna’s first child’s father was a member of her staff, what was his function?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Don’t stress too much, or at all, if things are not going right. They’re about to take a turn for the better. Listen to the wisdom of a good friend. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- It’s easier to compromise for the next month. Let others take care of you more than you usually do. Discipline at work leaves time for play.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 9 -- You’ve got the motivation to study with passion. Don’t worry if hopes get challenged now. Keep your eye on long-term goals, and persist. Love prevails. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 9 -- Find renewed energy in a surprising place. There’s so much to explore through every step. Go for your dreams, but beware of mirages. Test your steps for solid ground.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Work’s getting more fun so enjoy it. Your friends are the best. Practice listening to expand your relationships. Take care of a loved one’s dream.

3. When a tiger and a lion mate what are their offspring called?

4. In the 1994 film, The Lion King, who was the voice of Mufasa, Simba’s father? ANSWER:James Earl Jones

Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is an 8 -- Your charisma gets magnified. For the next three weeks, you’re in good company. The ball seems to be bouncing your way, too. Celebrate!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 7 -- You’re becoming more popular. Plan an activity night at home sometime soon. You can profit from a new partnership. Double-check your schedule, and keep it.

ANSWER: Ligres when the father is a lion; tigons or tiglons when the father is a tiger.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is an 8 -- Entering a creative phase. You can make long strides in your career for the foreseeable future. Consider advancing your knowledge by choosing a skilled teacher.

ANSWER: Personal Trainer

Today’s Birthday (02/08/12). Studies and research thrive this month and for the rest of 2012. Explore your subjects first hand, especially later in the year. Your treasures lie in your networks, relationships and partnerships. Nurture these, and watch your fortunes grow.



5. The father of Sioux Indian leader Sitting Bull was know by what name? ANSWER: Jumping Bull

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If I was a tree, I’d be really confused about whether or not I was supposed to be budding right now. Just sayin’. ••• Looking for an empty public bathroom to poop in on campus is like the ultimate scavenger hunt ••• They should definitely project some girl with a rockin’ bikini bod onto the screens of the new equipment in state gym, that’d motivate me to get my summer body....just sayin’ ••• you don’t need to make out before you leave each other for a 50 minute class, just sayin. ••• To the guy in front of me in music 304, I beg you to shower before next class, you stink. Just sayin... ••• “Homework is really getting in the way of my TV time ••• Guys and skinny jeans go together like... things that shouldn’t go together ••• Did anyone else see the dude on the bus with a banana in his pants? Easy guy... ••• I love me some Yoga pants

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editor: Devon.OBrien@flavors.ameseats.com

Share some Valentine’s Day love with treats By Devon O’Brien AmesEats Flavors Writer

What better way to share the love with your valentine than with a tasty treat?

Dress up your Valentine’s Day food gifts with these ideas that are quick and easy.

Red velvet brownie cupcakes 1 package of red velvet cake mix 3/4 cup butter, melted

1/2 cup water 1 egg

1. Preheat the oven for 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Mix all ingredients until fully incorporated. 3. Pour into greased cupcake tins, about 3/4 full. 4. Bake for about 30 minutes. Let cool. 5. Top with your favorite frosting.

Sweetheart candy bag Made-with-Love cookie jar 1 glass jar filled with treats 1 piece of decorative paper 1 piece of yarn

marker scissors tape

1. Using the lid to your jar, trace a circle onto the piece of paper. 2. Inside the circle write your valentine a message (we chose “Made with Love”). 3. Cut the circle out and tape it to the top of the lid. Secure the lid back on the jar. 4. Using the yarn, tie a bow around the neck of the jar, then deliver it to your special someone.

1 1 2 1

rubber stamp ink pad pieces of decorative paper piece of yarn

1 cellophane bag filled with candy scissors tape

1. Use the stamp and stamp it onto one of the pieces of decorative paper. 2. Cut a circle around the stamp and tape it to the other piece of paper. 3. Tape the paper medallion you have created about 3/4 of the way down the piece of yarn. 4. Tie off your bag of candy with the yarn, adjusting the medallion so it lays center. 5. Trim the ends of the yarn to the desired length and go find your valentine. Photos: Yue Wu/AmesEats Flavors

Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies Recipe by Caitlyn Diimig Need a good recipe to fill up your Made-with-Love cookie jar? Here’s a great variation of chocolate chip cookies that you can easily whip up and place in your jar. 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 cups regular oatmeal 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup butter or shortening, softened 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 large eggs 1. Preheat an oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. In a bowl, cream together the sugars and butter. 3. In another bowl, mix the eggs and vanilla together, then add the creamed sugar and butter. 4. Gradually beat in the rest of the dry ingredients. 5. Using a spoon, drop a spoonsful of the batter onto a greased baking sheet. 6. Bake in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown.

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