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With 10th celebration, Iowa State leads in First Amendment Day By Frances.Myers @iowastatedaily.com


BIBLE MORALS UP FOR DEBATING iowastatedaily.com/news


File photo: Iowa State Daily Ted Tedesco, perched upon a soap box, declares First Amendment Day for Ames during the debates by Parks Library, April 17, 2003. Tedesco spoke about better educating people about their rights.



Runners eat doughnuts through 5K By Randi Reeder Daily staff writer It’s the 5K (3.1 miles) where students can eat doughnuts during a race and still improve their finishing time. The 2012 “Doughnut Run” will start this Saturday at 10 a.m. with registration beginning at 8 a.m. This year, the route has been revised to trace across campus, with part of it following the infamous Curtiss to Beardshear Run challenge. Throughout the run there will be four doughnut stations. Along with the Krispy Crème doughnuts, the stations will also provide water. For each doughnut a person eats, time will be subtracted from the finishing time. Runners are encouraged to eat, but it is not required. Individuals and teams can still sign up early for the race and run for $20. On race day the fee to run will be $25. To register for the run go to active.com and search “doughnut run.” The first 600 participants who sign up will receive a custom 2012 Doughnut Run pint glass. Individuals as well as teams can sign up. Costumes for the run are encouraged. A team with the best costumes will be presented with the best costume award. For more information, go to the ISU Triathlon Club’s website or Facebook page.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Iowa State’s First Amendment Day, a celebration that serves as a reminder of the five freedoms granted to the American people in the Constitution. Iowa State’s initial First Amendment Day was celebrated in April 2003. According to “Creating Creative First Amendment Events,” a creative component for a master’s degree published by Mark Witherspoon, adviser to the Daily and leader in the formation of the initial First Amendment Day at Iowa State, “in the summer of 2002, three things happened that led to the beginning of First Amendment celebrations at Iowa State University.” Witherspoon wrote that the first occurred in July, when the First Amendment Center had published a 2002 State of the First Amendment Survey. This survey showed a severe increase in the “number of people in the United States who believed the First Amendment provided Americans



Marchers ‘Take Back the Night’ By Trevor.Werner @iowastatedaily.com April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which means discussions about issues that some consider uncomfortable, and most try to avoid thinking about. Take Back the Night is an event where anyone can come and bring these issues into the open. “Take Back the Night is about unifying students, staff and the community to create a community without gender based violence,” said Chris Fowler, Interim director of the Margaret Sloss Woman Center. “We know violence doesn’t only happen at night, but it can happen anytime and awareness is needed.” Here at Iowa State, the Take Back the Night march began at the West Terrace of the Memorial Union. They began by handing out T-shirts to people attending the march. Then, they handed a check for $5,293.20 to Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support for their fundraiser, the “Vagina Monologues.”

Photo: Huiling Wu/Iowa State Daily Abigail Barefoot, senior in journalism and mass communication, leads people shouting their Slogan for Take Back the Night’s march on Wednesday on Campus.

“Your gender, religion, race or sexual preference doesn’t matter,” said Jennifer Plagman, assistant dean of students and director of greek affairs. “Sexual misconduct doesn’t discriminate; it’s

a part of our culture. My hope is that my daughter won’t have to attend a Take Back the Night march because we would have solved these problems and removed the need for a cause.”


A long way to go for minorities in sports Editor’s note: As part of an ongoing series about identity and racism, the Daily delves into ethnicity in the world of athletics.


By Jeremiah.Davis @iowastatedaily.com

News ......................................... 5 Opinion ....................................... 6 Sports ....................................... 10 Ames247 .................................. 12 Classifieds ................................ 13 Games ..................................... 15

The days of Jesse Owen and Jackie Robinson are long gone. The days of athletes not being allowed into the restaurant or hotel with the rest of the team are history. Sports today are a far cry from what they were in the 1950s and ‘60s,

in terms of race relations and diversity among players, coaches and administrators. Rather than being a divider, sports has become a place for growth of understanding. “Sports still has the ability [to] and it is providing a venue for the voice of minority individuals,” said Vice President of Student Affairs Tom Hill, who was a standout track athlete at Arkansas State from 1967-72 and went on to win a bronze medal in the 1972 Olympics in Munich. “But it also provides an opportunity for the majority population

to interact in a significant way with the minority individuals. And it’s not always in a role where the person of color is in a less-than role, and so this has provided some opportunities to continue to promote understanding and familiarity with people of difference races and ethnicities.” Hill saw the days of intense discrimination and experienced racism first hand while at Arkansas State. He said he is very proud of how far the race relations have come in the sports world specifically. However, he cautioned against

viewing sports as a “silver bullet” that can fix everything with race relations — it is not the only solution. “[Sports] is [only] one of the equalizers; the ways we can help achieve the goals we set as far as race relations are concerned,” Hill said. Former ISU men’s basketball player Royce White said — and Hill agreed — a lot of what causes issues, especially in sports, is a lack of education for young minorities. White said going back to the grass-

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Volume 207 | Number 138 | 40 cents | An independent student newspaper serving Iowa State since 1890. | A 2010-11 ACP Pacemaker Award winner

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